"Nowadays, the bank account is not worth eight million at all. Once the acquired party knows about it, the asset price will be greatly reduced. The money borrowed from loan sharks will not be liquidated due to bankruptcy. Who among us can afford it? The only way is to first Ask the Chamber of Commerce to lend us two million for tonight."

Although the money from the chamber of commerce also requires interest, it is only two percent more expensive than bank interest.

Zhou Weimin stood up hurriedly and said: "You guys stay at the bank for now, I will drive to the Chamber of Commerce to find Chairman He now."

This year, it is the turn of the Guangdong Joint Chamber of Commerce, He Shanheng, the boss of Hang Seng Bank, to serve as the rotating chairman.

the next day.

Early in the morning.

He Dingxian just got up, washed up, and sat at the dining table to have breakfast. Chu Yunnan put a newspaper on the table, sat down and said: "Yesterday evening, Mingde Bank encountered a run on the bank, and five million Hong Kong dollars were withdrawn in 16 hours."

"This morning, I was unable to afford the 1.3 million Hong Kong dollars to be redeemed. Now the Mingde Bank has been surrounded by more than a thousand depositors."

He Dingxian took over the Business Daily, and the article only contained news about the stock price falling in the morning market, and there was no news about the bankruptcy of Mingde Bank. It seemed that public opinion was still within control.

"What kind of trouble did this small bank encounter?" He said calmly, eating bread: "I remember it is also a registered company of the Guangdong Chamber of Commerce. Didn't Chairman He help?"

"Hang Seng Bank urgently transferred 2.5 million to Mingde Bank, and it was all redeemed in one night." Chu Yunnan said: "The owner of the bank, Zhou Weimin, has already planned to apply for bankruptcy to the court and liquidate his assets. He has no courage to borrow any more money." ”

Go to the Chamber of Commerce to borrow money. After bankruptcy, the Chamber of Commerce will not rush you.

The tent is still hanging.

If a bankrupt boss has the ability to make a comeback, he can rejoin the Chamber of Commerce after paying off his debts.

There is a way out.

In fact, Zhou Weimin could risk the lives of his whole family and go to Haojiang to find Gao Kening. However, if the crisis is not overcome, the whole family will have to jump into the sea. Otherwise, the women will be sold and the men will be forced to do hard labor, and they will have no peace day and night.

It seems that Zhou Weimin still cares about the lives of his family.

"Those who risk their lives in business are all young people. Boss Zhou has been running a bank for more than 30 years. He is already in his fifties and his grandson is about to graduate from college."

"This time I sold off several buildings and paid back the money from the Chamber of Commerce. How can I live my life? How else can I live?"

He Dingxian is very clear about boss Mingde’s plan: “In the end, it will be insolvent, and the losses will be borne by the depositors.”

"From squeeze to bankruptcy, it only took 24 hours. There must be someone behind the scenes."

Chu Yunnan nodded: "It's Wharf."

"Wharf first banned cargo owners from using checks to settle rents, and then spread the news that Mingde Bank was losing money. Although Mingde Bank did have floating losses on its books, it could have survived for another two years without encountering a run on the bank."

"The housing market cannot continue to fall."

He Dingxian frowned: "I have advised them to give less to the real estate industry, but no one listened. They all started to chase the increase. At least two-thirds of the cash in the Chinese banking industry was invested in the real estate industry. How did the real estate market rise? "

"They chased me with money."

Although incentives such as off-plan properties, installment plans, and public housing have not yet been introduced, all the hot money is pouring into real estate. The wealthy class took the initiative first. Later, those incentives did not stimulate the rich to buy properties, but squeezed the lower class citizens. Let citizens buy properties.

Therefore, the real estate industry does still have potential.

However, the crisis in the financial industry was the first to break out. Once the Chinese-owned finance in Hong Kong collapsed, a large number of Chinese-owned factories and companies would be severely harvested. The assets taken away would be directly borne by the depositors. In all aspects, two hundred people were involved. Wanhua people.

“The craze for squeezing is not easy to stop.”

He Dingxian felt a little uneasy. Although he did not know that there had been a run on Hong Kong's banking industry, he did know that there was a stock market crash in Hong Kong in the 1960s. The stock market crash resulted in the suspension of trading of more than 100 Chinese-owned listed companies, the bankruptcy of hundreds of shops and companies, and a sharp decline in the property market.

Hang Seng Bank, the best Chinese bank, was forced to sell 51% of its shares and was acquired by HSBC Bank, becoming a subsidiary bank of HSBC.

Gui Lao controlled the financial industry for a long time until the 1980s and 1990s, and only became slightly weaker after the return.

Combined with the history of the 1967 storm and the integrity crisis, the mid-1960s to the early 1970s were truly a period of troubled times, with misfortunes never coming alone. As a politician, he cannot look at one event in isolation, but connects a series of events and thinks about them carefully.

He had to admit that the past few years were crucial for the survival of British-funded foreign banks. If, as in history, the British-owned foreign banks had won, Chinese investors would have been overjoyed to acquire a foreign bank in the 1980s and 1990s. As everyone knows, British capital is still the most profitable investor on Hong Kong Island.

If history can be changed and the British-funded foreign firms are defeated, then in the mid-1980s, Chinese capital will most likely develop into a strong party, occupy a dominant position, influence Hong Kong government policies and legislation, and leave British capital to eat the leftovers.

This time, the squeeze wave does not require any prophetic ability, as he is the chairman of Oriental Bank and the permanent director of the Guangdong Chamber of Commerce. If you can't see the connection with stocks and bonds, your ten years in Hong Kong Island will be in vain.

The brain cannot only grow in the previous life.

I have to grow a head in this life!

"This time things are not easy. You should contact me right away to talk to your uncles and prepare to help the market. I will file a leave with the police and drive to the Chamber of Commerce to ask everyone to sit down and have a chat, so that everyone can work together to tide over the difficulties. "

"Tell Qiu Degeng to come to the Chamber of Commerce to find me."

He Dingxian wiped his mouth with a towel, stood up and said: "The ghost wants to cut our flesh, so I have to let him break two teeth and pay back with blood."

"You can go ahead with peace of mind."

"I'll take care of daddy's side." Chu Yunnan cleared the plates with a gentle and calm expression.

He Dingxian put on his tie, walked out of the house, got into the car with several bodyguards and left.

"Go to Ruihe Hall."

His tone was urgent, but there was no panic at all, because he owned an Oriental Bank under his control. The savings pool exceeded one billion five years ago, and the vault was full of hard currencies such as Hong Kong dollars, pounds, US dollars, and gold. Investment projects are also relatively diversified, including real estate, shipping, ferries, electrical appliances, etc.

Every industry is making money, and he is not afraid of the coming wave of bank runs. To be honest, he doesn't even know how much money he has in the bank! Can the opponent know? Is the calculation accurate?

Moreover, he established the Guangdong Provincial United Chamber of Commerce, which is a large and recognized organization that can concentrate its efforts on big things. The conditions are much better than those of Chinese capital in history. He didn't have any cards to play, so he certainly wouldn't panic. In my heart, I feel more of the same hatred and hatred towards the colonial plunder.

Of course, once stocks and bonds occur, the value of his assets will also shrink significantly. The power of Chinese capital has deteriorated, the size of the Guangdong Chamber of Commerce has been reduced, and the middle and lower-level small bosses are heavily in debt and complaining, which is also very detrimental to his future development.

"While enjoying the majesty of Hong Kong paper in the left hand and police gun in the right hand, I also have to take care of the business world and the troubles of the police world." He Dingxian knew that he would not be able to relax in the next few years, and he felt that things were a little tricky, but he had no choice but to enjoy it. If you have rights, you should be responsible.

"I can carry it all!"

Half an hour later.

He Shanheng, Li Guanchun, Zheng Yutong, Chen Lanfang, Feng Jinxi, Huo Guantai, Xu Shifen, a total of seven chamber of commerce directors received the call and dropped what they were doing and rushed to the clubhouse.

Among them, in addition to Li Guanchun, Zheng Yutong, Chen Lanfang and Feng Jinxi who are permanent directors, Huo Guantai, Xu Shifen and He Shanheng are all non-permanent directors.

Huo Guantai served as a non-permanent director for the second time, and He Shanheng was also elected as the rotating chairman as a non-permanent director.

In the Guangdong Provincial Chamber of Commerce, the non-permanent directors and the rotating chairman are replaced together every two years, and the replacement speed is very fast. It has given many big bosses and new members the opportunity to serve. For example, Xu Shifen, as the second son of Mr. Xu Aizhou, had only been in charge of the family business for two years and already had the opportunity to sit on the board of directors.

This has undoubtedly greatly increased the vitality of the Guangdong Chamber of Commerce, preventing it from becoming lifeless and becoming a platform for a group of big bosses to pursue their own interests.

In the past two years, He Shanheng has done a good job as the rotating chairman of the Chamber of Commerce. It can be said that the rotating system has been recognized by more than 7,000 members. The power of the permanent directors has also increased accordingly. During internal discussions, the right to speak is no weaker than that of the rotating chairperson.

At this time, He Dingxian was sitting at a round table in the middle hall, handing cups of brewed tea to the directors present.

"Mr. Xu."

"Thank you for your hard work." He saw that Xu Shifen was still sweating on his forehead and looked anxious, so he specially expressed his condolences.

Xu Shifen shook his head: "Thank you Changli He for the tea."

"The reason I called you here today is actually because Mingde Bank encountered a run on the bank and applied for bankruptcy to the court." He Dingxian looked at the people sitting and said: "Simple internal communication first, discuss and reach a consensus. , which can be used as the next implementation guideline.”


"What do you mean, the squeeze trend will not stop?" Huo Guantai did not control the bank's operations, but he was very vigilant. He Dingxian said straightforwardly: "The bankruptcy of Mingde Bank is not an accident!"

"Some people see Chinese-owned banks blindly chasing the real estate market and want to take advantage of the real estate correction to launch a financial heist."

As the boss of Bank of East Asia, Li Guanchun immediately frowned and said: "This method of creating bank runs and trampling on banks is a common method used by foreign banks."

He Shanheng said: "I urgently transferred money to Mingde Bank yesterday, but Mingde still failed to hold on. The squeeze trend is like a domino. The first one falls, and a series of squeeze events follow."

He Dingxian nodded: "Chairman He, Changli Feng, Changli Li, you are all giants in the financial industry. You should have seen the methods of foreign banks in Shanghai. The four of us sitting here can decide the fate of the three largest Chinese banks in Hong Kong Island." plan."


"How to save?"

He Shanheng, Li Guanchun, and Feng Jinxi all fell silent.

"Mr. He."

"Do we have to start saving now?"

Feng Jinxi asked aloud.

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