Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 434 Customized death method

"Sir Jian, at ten o'clock, the annual goal planning meeting."

The next day, morning, nine o'clock.

Jian Baoning was wearing a suit and standing in the office. As soon as he took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, his assistant knocked on the door and stood at the door and preached. There was a hint of helplessness on the corner of his mouth, and he turned around and said: "Aqing, make me a drink and bring it in."

"no problem."

The female assistant smiled and agreed, and stepped forward to put a document on the table: "There are areas that need to be corrected in the list of participants and the speech draft. There is still half an hour."

"There are a lot of things to do in the new year."

Jian Baoning sat on the chair, folded the cuffs of his white shirt, shook his head with emotion, and opened the document to review.

The Security Bureau has the right to put forward requirements for the development of the disciplined forces in the new year. Although it cannot interfere with specific cases, it can put forward tasks, such as crime detection rate, fire-fighting rate, and strict inspection of contraband.

And based on the performance of the previous year, the troop funding will be increased as appropriate.

ten minutes later.

The assistant brought the coffee on a tray and put down a pack of candy bars with skillful movements.

Jian Baoning said: "The parts of the manuscript that need to be revised have been annotated and asked to be revised as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir!"

The assistant took the documents away.

Jian Baoning picked up the coffee, put in the sugar, and stirred it quietly with a spoon.

Most officers like to ask their subordinates to put away the candy, but he prefers to do it himself.

Half an hour later.

Jian Baoning took one last puff from the cigar in his hand, slowly exhaled the smoke, stood up, put on his coat, buttoned it up slowly, then picked up the documents and walked to the conference room downstairs. When I arrived at the door of the conference room, I happened to meet the security chief "Ou Weixin". He nodded and greeted the officer politely: "Sir Ou, good morning."


"Sir." Ou Weixin smiled broadly.

Jian Baoning is the Security Bureau's best contact channel with the Police Department. Coupled with his status as the former Commissioner of Police, he is quite prestigious in the Security Bureau. He ranks first among the Deputy Directors. The Director must also be polite. However, Jian Baoning always respected Ou Weixin and deliberately slowed down and followed behind Ou Weixin.

When the two officers arrived at the conference room, more than thirty main officials of the Security Bureau were already wearing suits, holding documents, and sitting on chairs. Jian Baoning does not deliberately control the time. The sense of time he has developed over the years allows him to always come to the meeting room at the right time, neither too fast nor too slow.

"Hello, sir!"

All the subordinate officers in the conference room stood up and shouted to the two officers.

Ou Weixin nodded, and naturally came to the main seat and sat down. Jian Baoning had a calm expression and did not overwhelm the guests. Instead, he quietly came to the first seat on the left and sat down. Later, Ou Weixin opened the file and presided over the meeting as the director.

Those present were all middle- and senior-level members of the Security Bureau, who were organized into different teams and were responsible for supervising the six disciplinary forces.

Police Department, Customs, Correctional Services Department, Fire Department.

Auxiliary Medical Corps, Aircraft Auxiliary Corps.

Au spent half an hour making a speech, stating that he would vigorously develop the two auxiliary teams in the new year, and then gave the time to Jian Baoning, asking Sir Jian to put forward his opinions on the police force and give the police force's "pricing power" "Leave it to Sir Jian.

This is a very good reciprocity in politics and a blending of interests. Jian Baoning also did his part and took out the manuscript he had prepared: "Last year, the police force's crime detection rate remained at one percent. We will resolutely implement it. If there are cases, they will be solved and if there are guilty, they will be arrested." standards, and at the same time, through severe crackdowns on triad organizations, the crime rate will be reduced by ten percentage points."

"In the new year, the police force will focus on developing the intelligence department to cope with changes in the world situation. As the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States intensified, unrest has occurred in many places, and terrorist attacks in particular require special attention! "

"In the future, the police force will become the main force in urban anti-terrorism. First of all, it must deepen its intelligence work. Secondly, it needs to form a professional urban anti-terrorism force. Otherwise, in response to small-scale terrorist attacks, it will be necessary to frequently call in garrison troops. Not only will the procedures be slow, but the response will also be slow. Rigidity will also cause panic among citizens and cause the Hong Kong government to lose public confidence."

In terms of policing, Sir is professional, forward-looking and well-organized.

Many of the terms in it have become obsolete in later generations, but they are very trendy now.

The participating officials listened very attentively, took notes with pens, and had excellent attitudes.

After Mr. Jian lost the real power of the police force, he could only relieve his boredom through some articles on international forums, which were based on experience plus academic, practical and theoretical conclusions. I felt a sense of accomplishment when I saw the officials looking serious about being taught, and they talked a lot about their views on urban anti-terrorism.

It has to be said that Mr. Jian's concept is very cutting-edge. Ou Weixin glanced at his watch and found that the expected speech time had passed, but he had no intention of interrupting him. But the Security Bureau officials were listening intently in the conference room. A man with a mustache, a suit, and a famous watch came to the door of the conference room and gently knocked on the door with his hand raised.

"Da da da."

Jian Baoning looked at the door, a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes, but he recognized who the person was, lowered his head and gave Ou Weixin a look. Ou Weixin nodded to the subordinate officer closest to the door. The official immediately stood up and opened the door: "In the internal conference room of the Security Bureau, we will discuss anything after the meeting."

"Sorry for interrupting the meeting, Sir. The Anti-Corruption Office has some issues that I would like to discuss with Sir Jian." Xie Faxin looked at the very attentive Security Bureau official, but he didn't care about the other person's attitude at all.

The words were not even addressed to the other party, but to the deputy director on the stage.

How could Jian Baoning not know that Xie Faxin was appointed as a commissioner by the Governor and was re-investigating the Patton case? But he didn't want to reopen the Barton case for investigation. If he lost the fight in the nest, it would be impossible to lure the wolf into the house.

He immediately showed a solemn expression and said: "Commissioner Xie, the Security Bureau is in a meeting, please leave!"


Jian Baoning stood on the stage, raised his arms and shouted to chase people away.

Several Security Bureau officials stood up immediately, as if they were going to step forward. The security personnel beside the corridor drew their batons and showed a gesture of taking action.

However, Xie Faxin didn't care about Jian Baoning's identity. He squeezed into the conference room with his two subordinates, bypassed the officials in front of the door, and asked his subordinates to separate the others. He held up an investigation order and shouted loudly: "Sir Jian , the investigation letter signed by the Governor, please cooperate."

"The Anti-Corruption Office suspects that you were involved in accepting bribes when you were the Commissioner of Police and are related to the corruption case of former Deputy Commissioner Patton. If you refuse to accept the hearing, I have the right to forcibly take you away."


The officials participating in the meeting seemed to be electrified and all turned pale. Many people could not sit still and stood up immediately, looking at Xie Faxin in disbelief. Ou Weixin stood up instinctively without any interest and said: "Commissioner Xie, is there any misunderstanding?"

The Governor has never signed an investigation into senior officials in the 12th Bureau of the 3rd Department. Now, for the first time, it is the first time that it has happened, and it is indeed easy to cause everyone to feel uneasy. But the case is very clear, so there is no need to worry about expanding the scope. Xie Faxin also changed his attitude towards Ou Weixin and said with a smile: "Sir Ou, I also hope it is a misunderstanding."

"But the process has to be followed. Sir, do you need some time to pack your things?"

Jian Baoning's brows jumped wildly, and he said almost ferociously: "No need."

"Let's go."

Xie Faxin turned and left the conference room.

Jian Baoning closed the document with a livid expression and left the office building without anyone saying hello.

The former Commissioner of Police and current Undersecretary of the Security Bureau was taken away by the Anti-Corruption Commissioner in front of all the top brass of the Security Bureau. The news was like a thunder, which immediately spread throughout the disciplinary forces in Hong Kong, setting off a political storm. The first one to bear the brunt was the police. Team.

Tai Kwun.

Kunxian was wearing the uniform of the director, sitting on the sofa in the office, looking at the Chinese police officer in front of him and said: "The news is true, but the security chief Sir Ou will not let people who know the incident disclose the information for the time being due to reputation."

"But this incident was seen by so many people that it was impossible to hide it. Everyone said that the Governor wanted to liquidate the British top brass in the police force. The first one to be attacked was Sir Jian."

He Dingxian sat next to him, holding a cigarette with his head lowered, frowning, and constantly reviewing in his mind: "The Governor appointed Xie Faxin to investigate Patton. The target of the attack was originally directed at Sir Jian. As long as he does not directly attack the police force, there is no real intention to liquidate the police force. .”

"Sir Dongjian, the essence of a former police commissioner is to leave a way out for conflicts between the two parties." Jianbaoning may have become a soft persimmon for the Governor because of the elimination of direct lineage members such as Patton. He is somewhat responsible. .

"The previous investigation was suspended not out of fear of being set on fire, but because we were waiting for an opportunity to exploit the issue."

For two months, Xie Faxin did not take any action, causing the top brass of the police force to forget about him. Unexpectedly, he was waiting here!


Under the watchful eyes of Ge Bai, Si Keming and Kun Xian, He Dingxian said: "The Governor dare not take action against the top brass of the police force. If something happens to the police force, I will be the first to lead my brothers to fight with the Governor. Now the Governor just wants to create The purpose of panic is to cooperate with the four major foreign banks to absorb Chinese capital."

"If we are afraid and want to escape one by one, we will really give the governor a chance."

Ge Bai was astute and immediately said: "Sir, do you think the governor wants to use the strong sir to create an abnormal run on the Oriental Bank? Let the British police officers be afraid that something will happen to their property, and the black money will be found out, and they will transfer the money stored in the Oriental Bank. Transfer all the money?"

He also holds shares in Oriental Bank, so he will naturally pay attention to business news.

He Dingxian nodded: "This is a secret move of the four foreign trades. The governor saw that it was profitable and easy to cut, so he agreed to take action. I believe that the investigation against Sir Jian is just a hearing process and may not necessarily confirm Sir Jian. crime."

"They don't have enough evidence to convict Sir."

Kunxian breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that with Sir Jian's character, he would not confess easily. It would be easy to solve the problem if the Governor would just scare them.

Ge Bai said: "But now the governor's goal has been achieved. Taking away the former police chief for investigation in full view of the public will make the middle and high-level police officers afraid."

"Then I can only embolden the brothers and send Sir Xie back to his ancestral home to honor the Queen. Anyway, it's useless what I say, so I'll put Sir Xie out there for you to see." He Dingxian is in the police force, so he uses the police force way to do things.

And it must be done before the ghost guy makes his next move.

"In this way, sirs should always support me, right?" He took a puff of cigarette, spread his hands, and said very frankly: "Sirs, do you have any special customized requirements for people who destroy the unity of Yinghua, such as how to Demolition, how to die, in one sentence, I will take care of everything for you."

"I will not disappoint you."

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