"Big boss, the money has been withdrawn to the Bank of East Asia, but the Hong Kong Monetary Authority has issued an order to freeze all assets of Jian Baoning." At around nine o'clock in Tai Kwun, Qiu Degen opened the phone with an anxious tone. Ho Dingxian's tone remained unchanged: "Just follow the orders of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority."


Qiu Degeng replied solemnly.

He Dingxian hung up the phone and calmed down. The target of the Governor's Office was Oriental Bank, and Sir Cha Jian was just a means. In the end, he must be here for money. By defining deposits as black money, the Governor's Office can freeze and seize them, and confiscate them if the charges are proven.

Although Jian Baoning has not been legally convicted, unidentified assets can be frozen during the investigation. Of course, the Governor did not intend to start a big business and absorb all the black money from the beginning, but if the panic caused Gui Lao's senior management to transfer assets, wouldn't it be a virtual run?

If He Dingxian does not allow Gui Lao's senior management to withdraw their deposits, Oriental Bank's reputation will go bankrupt, and there will immediately be a conflict between the Chinese police and Gui Lao's senior management.

Let Gui Lao's senior management withdraw their deposits, and Oriental Bank's cash flow will bottom out immediately.

Chinese capital cannot hold on.

If He Dingxian simply does not freeze the funds, then the Governor-General has the right to revoke the license of Oriental Bank. At the critical juncture of the struggle between Chinese banks and foreign banks, Oriental Bank, the richest among the three major Chinese banks, has its license revoked, and its current influence will be extremely huge.

Even if Oriental Bank can go public via backdoor or reapply for a license, the current crisis is irreversible.

He Dingxian did not panic at all, because he had already guessed the plan of the Governor's Mansion. After the strong attack, the Governor's Mansion did not come up with a new counterattack and was still using the same old tactics. This meant that the Governor's Mansion had no power to make a comeback and gave up this time. Fight and do your part.

"If you don't dare to risk your life against others, how can you win in the end?"

ten o'clock.

Ge Bai came to the door of the assistant director's office, raised his hand and knocked lightly on the door: "Sir He, do you have time?"

"Sir Ge."

He Dingxian put down the documents in his hands, walked out of the desk, and waved: "Come in."

"Sir, Chief Jian submitted his resignation to the Security Bureau, which has a great influence among the police officers below." Ge Bai was wearing a suit, took the coffee handed to him, took a sip and said: "The Security Bureau did not retain him, and the Governor's Office immediately approved it. , Sir Jian will officially retire at the end of the month."

"The speed is a bit too fast."

There was a bit of sadness in his tone.

He Dingxian chuckled and said: "Why, you killed the commissioner appointed by the superiors in the street, and you still want to retain the superiors, apply for a medal, and send you off in glory? Being able to approve the retirement application is actually sending a signal."

"As long as the senior police officers who have been investigated for corruption are willing to resign, the police force can forget about it."

"We used Xie Faxin as a model to let the people in the Governor's Third Department see clearly what would happen if we offended us. The Governor also used Sir Jian to show us the political standards. But retirement is a big deal, and the Governor did not want to help Sir Jian handle it. I mean, the police force will help Sir Jian handle it."

Ge Bai nodded and said: "Okay, I will book the golf course, and then the brothers will play together."

No matter in which era or culture, it is very important to retire to one's hometown and take care of one's old age, because it means that one's social life has come to an end, and all that is left is the personal life of eating, sleeping, fishing and playing basketball.

All power, status, and fame based on social organizational relationships will disappear. Friends, honors, and achievements in life will be displayed for the last time at the honorary dinner, and the next time will be at the funeral.

Therefore, retirement is often a gradual process, and people's emotions must be taken care of. The clean and tidy treatment of Jian Baoning by the Governor's Office reveals a cold flavor.

He Dingxian nodded: "OK, Sir Qian prefers to play ball. In the last game, please don't steal Sir Qian's limelight."

"how come."

Ge Bai's mouth showed a narrow smile: "Who doesn't know that the Commissioner of Police is the best golfer in Hong Kong? Even the world champion can't beat him."


He Dingxian laughed loudly.

Ge Bai took the opportunity to test carefully: "Sir He, I heard that the Governor's Palace has frozen Sir Jian's assets?"

"Need to hear it?"

He Dingxian asked: "This matter itself is to create news. People from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority will definitely spread the news and let people in the police force know. The police officer below thought, the former police commissioner dared to investigate, they are nothing. ah."

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Everyone is frightened and will rush to transfer assets overseas. Oriental Bank went bankrupt in the financial war. Bang!" He held a cigar between his fingers, clapped his hands, crossed his legs, and spoke in an exaggerated tone. Ge Bai smiled and said: "If the governor really had the ability to check Sir Jian's assets, he would not have approved Sir Jian's resignation, let alone make a fuss about it, and the whole world would know about it."

"But we have confidence, but the people below don't."

"Are you going to give your brothers some fresh air?"

As a shareholder of Oriental Bank, Ge Bai helped Oriental Bank grow all the way. He could not accept the absurd ending of the bank's bankruptcy. He came to Sir He just to help Sir He get through it smoothly. He Dingxian flicked the cigarette ashes with his fingers, nodded and said: "Let Sir Kunxian hold the foundation meeting as the chairman of the Police Union Fund, and I will let the people hold the meeting as the chairman of the Chinese Police Union Fund. The venue will be together. I will tell the brothers sentence."

"Yes, sir."

Ge Bai looked happy and stood up quickly: "I'll make arrangements now."

He Dingxian nodded. After Ge Bai left, he picked up the phone and dialed a series of numbers: "Sir Jian, could you please have someone come to Oriental Bank to withdraw money?"

Before noon, the news that the Governor had frozen Jian Baoning's HK$70 million in deposits, as well as various assets and securities totaling HK$150 million, had already spread throughout the police force. In addition to the deposits in Oriental Bank, the property rights of many other properties and shops have also been frozen.

Although the Government House does not have the courage to eat up the former Commissioner of Police, it is still easy to investigate how many assets Jianbaoning has on Hong Kong Island.

In the afternoon, a piece of gossip began to circulate in the police force.

Jian Baoning asked Oriental Bank to fulfill its promise and safely transfer 70 million Hong Kong dollars overseas.

At four o'clock, senior police officers at the constitutional committee level came to the auditorium to sit down one after another. Many Chinese inspectors also came to the auditorium to participate in the meeting. Since the two unions were meeting together, there were a large number of people present, more than 300 people in total, which almost summed up everything in one fell swoop. Police officers above the rank of inspector.

Ho Ting-yin took the stage to speak as the chairman of the Chinese Association Fund, publicly guaranteeing the safety of police members' funds in Oriental Bank, and said: "Whether it is the Hong Kong Monetary Authority that wants to freeze assets, or the Governor's Office wants to investigate the source of assets."

"I will always ensure the safety of the assets of police force members and the legitimate income of police force members."

These words undoubtedly stand at the pinnacle of the money empire and make a promise to all members of the empire. I protect this empire. As long as you listen to my words, no one can touch it. If he shrinks back when the anti-corruption commissioner takes action, his words will obviously have no impact. But all police officers in Hong Kong know that Anti-Corruption Commissioner Tse Fa-sin has died, and the credibility of these words is beyond doubt.

He also said: "In addition, the Police Force Fund and the Chinese Fund are both partners of Oriental Bank. They will supervise Oriental Bank to fulfill its commitments at all times. Oriental Bank is fully responsible for the funds of police force members."

“Withdraw cash at any time without any conditions!”

"Don't say 70 million is fine even if it's 700 million!"

The police officers present were shocked, with disbelief written on their faces. Although every official at the superintendent level or above has assets worth hundreds or tens of millions, police officers at or above the sergeant level also have at least tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Inspector Hua and Chief Inspector Hua only do a little, hundreds of millions. Tens of millions is possible. But when the array of 700 million was shouted out, the police officers felt dizzy. Is the police force so rich? In fact, the police force's deposits are more than 700 million, but to say that Oriental Bank is now able to cash out 700 million is somewhat exaggerated.

But public speaking, without exaggeration, is not enough to inspire people.

This is not even the most exaggerated.

He Dingxian said: "An hour ago, Oriental Bank has accepted 70 million Hong Kong dollars. As for the authenticity, you can verify it in person. If you want to withdraw your deposit, there is no problem. You can go to the Oriental Bank office at any time."

"Of course, this is limited to cash withdrawals and redemptions within Hong Kong Island. If you want to redeem it overseas, a certain percentage of handling fees will be charged."

"Today's meeting is just to tell you that you are responsible for the social security of Hong Kong Island, and I am responsible for your financial security!"

He Dingxian bowed on the stage to thank him, packed up his documents and left. The audience burst into warm applause. The police officers were confident and their sense of crisis was gone. Because public speaking carries a huge political responsibility. If Oriental Bank cannot guarantee the safety of the police officers' funds, He Dingxian's political foundation will collapse in the future. It can be regarded as using political reputation as collateral to stabilize the confidence of the police force members.

After the meeting.

He Dingxian, Kunxian, Ge Bai and other officers walked out of the auditorium and happened to see Jian Baoning wearing a suit and standing in the garden outside the door smoking. Several people rushed forward to greet him with a smile, took the cigarette from Sir Jian and chatted with him.

The police officers who appeared later saw several senior officers at the director level chatting happily with the former police commissioner, and they believed in Sir He's words even more. If he hadn't really withstood the pressure from the Governor's Mansion and helped pay out Sir Jian's funds, how could Sir Jian chat with them with a smile on his face.

Lei Luo, Jiang Zuhui, Cai Zhaoguang and others also secretly admired the big brother's method. He managed the ghost man obediently and settled things without having to do anything internally.

There is no doubt that this public speech will spread and become another source of fire to inflame the confrontation between the Governor's Mansion and Bai Liji, but he didn't care at all. He returned to the office, asked Jian Baoning to sit down, and handed him a cup of coffee: "Thank you, sir."

"It helped me a lot."

If the top executives get together to put on a show, the people below will be deceived miserably.

I had a long sleep today and woke up too late. There were only two updates before twelve o'clock. But after twelve o'clock until early morning, we will try to do two more updates. Because I have to catch a flight to Yuewen for a meeting tomorrow, I may not have time to update. Then I can just stop sleeping tonight. Junzai is working slowly. You can just get up tomorrow morning and take a look. Don’t worry about tomorrow night. It’s important to save yourself.

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