Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 453 The police force collectively takes leave

May 15th.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Beijing protested to the British Charge d'Affaires, spoke out for the New Territories incident, and mobilized the masses to demonstrate at the British Charge d'Affaires' gate. That night, hundreds of people rushed into the British charge d'affaires' residence and put up big-character posters "Support compatriots, anti-British and anti-riot" in the office of the British charge d'affaires.

The strength of the hometown officially came on stage, giving the New Territories citizens who suffered heavy injuries a shot in the arm.

As a result, the riots in the New Territories developed into an international incident, and many parties suspected that there was a game between great powers behind the scenes. Through this incident, my hometown once again declared its determination to take back Hong Kong Island and supported the courage of our compatriots. People's Daily, Ta Kung Pao, Wen Wei Po and other newspapers published the news, and students from patriotic schools took to the streets to distribute newspapers to citizens. The National Bank Central Headquarters installed loudspeakers on the roof to encourage publicity.

On the 17th, more than 300 members of the Zuo faction gathered in Central and began to march to the Government House in Victoria Peak. They posted big-character posters outside the Government House door, demanding that the Governor respect the sovereignty of the people of the New Territories. The Governor became the main target of citizens' demonstrations.

Bai Liji temporarily moved his office address to Taipingshan Police Station and sent 300 uniformed police officers to maintain order. That night, an explosives throwing incident occurred at the Government House, killing two public officials. For the first time, Hong Kong Island announced that Kowloon and Hong Kong Island would jointly Curfew imposed.

However, the Governor did not raise the level of emergency, and still maintained the "alert" state, using force cautiously.

Oriental Bank.

Sima Xiang, wearing a gray suit and glasses, stood in front of an electronic screen and turned around and said: "Wharf's stock price plummeted, British capital fled, and they began to buy gradually."

"Buy Wharf."

Huang Shitong roared fiercely.

More than fifty stockbrokers were sitting at their workstations. As if robots had received instructions, they all picked up the phone, dialed out, and shouted: "Help me buy Wharf."

"I want it all."

"Are there any Wharf stocks?"

"Ding ding ding."

"Someone just listed two thousand shares for sale?"

In the office.

The phone calls were noisy, like a sales company. In fact, the stock market in its earliest days was just a noisy market for buying vegetables. After the "Hang Seng Index" is released, each securities company will have a recognized "public price".

According to the rise and fall of the Hang Seng Index, Hong Kong stocks will rise and fall at a certain proportion. However, individual companies with excellent businesses and strong market value will occasionally rise against the trend. Thousands of people gathered in the securities company. Some people put up stocks to sell, and some paid to buy them. The scene was extremely lively.

Now Hong Kong stocks have certain regulations, and a telephone trading system can be adopted, but someone still needs to receive news from the securities company and go to the counter to carry out the buying and selling procedures. Don't look at the fifty or so people sitting in Oriental Bank, there are more than sixty people in the securities company helping.

"Buy five thousand shares."

"Buy thirty thousand shares."

"An Italian seller just listed 20,000 shares!"

a salesman yelled.

"Take them all!"

Sima Xiang waved his hand.

Chen Zhan looked nervous and stepped forward to persuade: "Brother Xiang, if you close too quickly, be careful of hitting the bottom. Do you want to slow down?"

"The big boss took out 500 million in cash and took over a Wharf, which was just an appetizer. He was grumbling to eat the appetizer. How could he have the appetite for the big meal?" Sima Xiang was not tall, but he was extremely courageous in the financial market. He said decisively: "purchase!"

Chen Zhan was so anxious that he was sweating profusely. It was his first time trading hundreds of millions in cash. He was inevitably a little nervous. He was afraid that he would suffer losses and be killed by the big boss. However, facing Brother Xiang's decision, he still turned around and said to the stunned salesman: "purchase!"

"Buy!" the salesman yelled into the phone: "As long as it's Wharf stock, don't let go of any share!"

In the hot atmosphere, Huang Shitong lowered his head and lit a cigarette. His trembling fingers could not hide his excitement. He stepped forward and said: "Wharf has not many individual stocks outside, and the terminal warehousing business is an iron rice bowl."

Sima Xiang nodded: "You will receive as much as you want. Even if someone maliciously smashes the market, the big boss will not blame you. Anyway, the rise and fall are controlled by the big boss. We are only responsible for the buying and selling."

The more top-level financial warfare is, the more it is influenced by politics, and the more skillful the trader, the less need for data analysis. High-end business wars are often unpretentious and involve British capital, but Chinese capital will not be lenient.

Since the outbreak of the June 7th incident, Hong Kong's market economy has been in decline, and the financial industry has been in a slump.

The Hang Seng Index has fallen for seven consecutive trading days. The Chinese bosses have been gearing up and eager to try. The British bosses have tried to hold on for a few days in the hope that the Hong Kong government can quickly resolve this incident. However, the Hong Kong government solved it militarily, but not politically. not solved.

With the official announcement of the North, the flight of foreign capital finally broke out. First of all, the first to flee were the shareholding parties from Italy, Canada, Europe and the United States. They hold stocks of many British-owned foreign companies, but they do not live on Hong Kong Island. Their information about Hong Kong Island only comes from international news.

Afraid of escalating the dispute on Hong Kong Island and igniting a war, the company's assets were burned to the ground and a large sum of money began to be cut. You know, war is unpredictable, and once a war breaks out, hundreds of millions of assets will be wiped out.

In the rebuilt Hong Kong Island, the economic market will never be dominated by British capital. Coupled with the north's always strong policies, no foreign boss would dare to gamble. Youdao says "surrender and lose half". Between losing half and losing everything, they know how to choose.

A few people dare to bet that Hong Kong Island will not go to war and follow up to buy the bottom. That is because they have a small amount of funds and a mentality of taking a chance, but they still cannot affect the market. Big assets never gamble and prefer to be safe.

And foreign capital began to flee, causing panic and decline. British capital couldn't help it, and began to cut off its flesh one after another.

The property market has already plummeted by one-third.

Sima Xiang set several goals: "The first is to acquire the stocks of Wharf retail investors and win the terminal warehousing business for the big boss. The second is to acquire the Star Ferry Company and help the big boss monopolize the Hong Kong Island ferry market. The third is to acquire Swire and Cathay Pacific, and the fourth is to acquire the supermarket business of Jardine Matheson.”

Among them, shorting Wharf's scattered stocks can lay the foundation for future acquisitions of Wharf. Not to mention the acquisition of Star Ferry, the acquisition of Cathay Pacific Airways is because Sima Xiang is personally very optimistic about the aviation business. In addition, Swire \u0026 Co. only bid for the Coca-Cola franchise last year. It has just invested in building a super factory in Asia and has insufficient cash flow. It is a good opportunity to make a big impact. Jardine Matheson's "Wellcome Supermarket" is currently the largest snack market on Hong Kong Island, with annual cash revenue of over RMB 50 million.

If these four businesses can be the best with a scale of 300 million, the remaining 200 million can be used to acquire some "favorable" stocks to prepare for obtaining the right to print money in the future. If you have enough money, you can also purchase some real estate projects when the real estate market hits bottom.

This plan was completely approved by the big boss. As for who other Chinese-owned companies want to attack, that is the business of other companies. After all, just because the bosses of the Chamber of Commerce agreed to spend money to hunt for British capital, it did not mean that they would hand over all the money to Oriental Bank for manipulation.

Oriental Bank is just a chess player blowing the trumpet. Each boss has his own direction. However, the Chinese bosses are very united. Once a Chinese company acquires a British company, other Chinese companies will not enter the market to raise prices.

There is meat everywhere, enough for the Chinese bosses to eat all they want!

HSBC, Standard Chartered, Benefit, Swire, Wheelock and other major foreign banks all wanted to meet with the Governor, asking him to calm down the situation as soon as possible and reduce the losses to British capital. They fully foresee the plan for Chinese capital to take advantage of the opportunity to counterattack and acquire, but capital flight is beyond personal control. Even if the four major foreign banks unite together, they can at most barely control the speed of their own company's decline.

The governor, who has always been concerned about the economy, is no longer able to manage the capital market amid the chaos.


The Governor met with the Chairman of the Struggle Committee "Yang Guang", the member "Lu Hanming" and others. After a stalemate, the two sides entered the negotiation stage. Yang Guang proposed the autonomy of the New Territories. All development terms must be voted by the New Territories members. The Governor agreed to establish the "New Territories District", and Hong Kong Island and Kowloon are on the same level, and members are selected in the New Territories to decide on New Territories affairs. Awarding Luk Hanming, Szeto Ying and others the Justice of the Peace Medal is equivalent to agreeing to the New Territories to enter a semi-autonomous model.

He disagreed with the "Ding rights" clause proposed by Lu Hanming and insisted on not giving up the land rights in the New Territories. After all, as long as the Hong Kong government has jurisdiction over the New Territories in name only, it has always had an indifferent attitude towards the internal autonomy of the New Territories. However, the Hong Kong government needs the coastline around Tsuen Wan to revitalize the economy. If it agrees to the Ding rights clause, the Hong Kong government will pay a huge price to develop the Tsuen Wan Pier. The tariffs during the year are all contributing to the people of the New Territories.

The negotiations between the two parties broke up unhappily. In fact, Yang Guang had no intention of negotiating peace with the Hong Kong government. Because to him, the interests of the Hong Kong government and the New Territories are not important. What is important is to increase the momentum and seize political autonomy so that he can claim credit and reward from his boss.

The Governor saw that the New Territories villagers were struggling externally and internally, and judged that the New Territories villagers could not sustain it for long, so he decided to put more pressure on the New Territories. After all, the economic foundation of small farmers in the New Territories is weak. If their farmland is not plowed for a week, it will become overgrown with weeds. If Chinese businessmen transport rice and noodles to them, they can't have someone plowing the land for them for free, right? The longer the incident is delayed, the more beneficial it will be to the Hong Kong government. People in the New Territories have relief food to eat this month, but they won’t get it next year.

Twenty-one days.

There was another demonstration in Central. Due to the shortage of manpower in the anti-explosion emergency response unit, many police officers have been working overtime for more than a week, and many can only sleep two or three hours a day. As a result, the Hong Kong government had to order the Hong Kong Island District Crime Squad to disperse the citizens.

Bai Liji probably felt that the matter was coming to an end. Using a Chinese police officer, he would only be awarded a medal and promoted to a higher rank. What a huge price he had to pay. Unexpectedly, as soon as the order was issued to the police station, the Commissioner of Police rushed to the Government House in person, handed over a stack of documents, and said bitterly: "Sir, Assistant Commissioner of Hong Kong Island, He Dingxian, Superintendent of Operations Department Yan Xiong, Chong Chief Inspector Chen Zichao of the case team, and Lei Luo of the Kowloon District Criminal Division. A total of fifty-six Chinese police officers above the supervisory level submitted applications for leave, claiming that they were ill and unable to perform their duties."

The incident of middle- and high-level police officers collectively requesting leave is unprecedented and can be described as a political thunderstorm.

Bai Liji felt a sudden change in his heart and swept a stack of leave forms to the ground. He couldn't accept it at all and shouted sternly: "Let them take up their duties immediately and lead their troops to Central to disperse the citizens gathering, otherwise they will never come again!"

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