Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 469 Sudden Hijacking

"It's easy for me to calm down, but it's even more difficult for the police force." Luo Wenjin took the tea cup, moistened his throat, and said: "Last month, the police force officially issued an order to promote Lei Luo to Kowloon Superintendent, and Zeng Shaoke to The position is New Territories Police Superintendent.”

"It's not easy to deal with these two people."

He Dingxian cut his cigar and said loudly: "The Hong Kong government saw that the police wanted to avoid the spotlight temporarily, and deliberately raised Lei Luo and Zeng Shaoke. The purpose was to instigate the police to fight for power."

"Do not forget."

"These two people have a lot of dirty information, and their actions have gone too far, which can easily cause trouble for the police force." Luo Wenjin put down the tea cup, and did not put the two district superintendents in his eyes at all in his words. He was particularly specific: "Get rid of it quickly."


"Send them to heaven and sea."

Ho Ting-yin sighed: "I will solve it. Now, in addition to Kowloon and the New Territories, a new generation of young police officers in Hong Kong Island and Tai Kwun have taken over. Even if the Community Relations Office uses the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance to make a fuss, it can no longer shake it. Big picture.”

"I know." Luo Wenjin nodded: "The place where you are personally in charge will naturally be handled beautifully and there will be no problems. But there are also a large number of factory, shop, and chamber of commerce bosses in Kowloon and the New Territories who still count on your care."

"The Prevention of Bribery Ordinance not only targets the police force, but also targets collective Chinese capital."

He Dingxian picked up the cigar, took out the lighter and lit it.


With a flick of his right hand, he closed the lid very gracefully and threw the man on the cabinet.


He exhaled and said in a deep voice: "Now the Hong Kong government can no longer be defeated by the Criminal Division, O records, and serious cases. In recent years, the Hong Kong government has received support from the public. As long as it is under the banner of anti-corruption, there is no need to worry about anything going wrong."

The police force was able to attack Taipingshan mainly because of the support of the public, and a large number of citizens harassed them on the streets. Now that there is a lack of public support, the Hong Kong government knows that the police force cannot carry out a coup, so it will naturally have the ability to attack and divide the police force.

You must know that all political threats from below must ultimately be backed by a coup.

In the past, either the North responded or public opinion approved it, and the Hong Kong government had to bow its head. If you lack the strength to cut the trachea, you will be hesitant internally, and the other party will forcefully resist. The police force has reached an awkward impasse.

"Do you have any idea?"

Luo Wenjin said.

"Establish a new army that is completely subordinate to me, is qualified to carry out beheading operations, and can let the governor see death!" He Dingxian smoked a cigar and was already preparing to fight back.

Luo Wenjin nodded: "Okay."

"The four major families will definitely fully support you, but you have to give an explanation to the four major families first."

He Dingxian turned around and walked away, leaving Luo Wenjin alone, obviously feeling a little unhappy. Luo Wenjin stood behind him, holding a tea cup and saying: "The police force can only have one talker!"

"that is you!"

"Big Brother!"


"Have you considered coming to Kowloon to help me?" Lei Luo was wearing a sports suit, holding a golf club, standing on the green lawn, and put his arm around Qian Weishan's shoulders in high spirits. Qian Weishan was holding the club in his hand, and with alarm bells ringing in his heart, he turned around and said, "Brother Luo."

"I did a good job in the General Affairs Department."

Although Lei Luo and Zeng Shaoke once thought about bowing their heads, they were pushed to the stage by the ghost guy.

The District 1 Superintendent came to our door. Unless it was obvious, it would be difficult for anyone to resist the temptation of power. And they don’t even have a flat choice, they can only choose up or down! Lei Luo and Zeng Shaoke ultimately chose to accept promotions to the police force.

During this period, I didn’t even make a single phone call to the boss.

Although Lei Luo, Zeng Shaoke, and He Dingxian did not openly disagree with each other, everyone in the police force knew that Lei Luo and Zeng Shaoke were no longer strangers to Sir He. In the past few months, Lei Luo and Zeng Shaoke have promoted a group of brothers in Kowloon and the New Territories. Some people say: Brother Yi has the final say on matters on the island, and Brother Luo has the final say on matters outside the island!

Lei Luo found Qian Weishan and made it clear that he wanted to win over the old brothers who had been relegated to the second line. When Qian Weishan refused, he smiled and said: "If you like washing clothes and shoes so much, why do you want to be a policeman? In the past, a district was in charge of hundreds of O records. , now in charge of the clothes and shoes of the entire police force."

"I told the director that I would transfer you to Kowloon District and let you continue to manage O. We will work together to defend the country we have conquered."

Qian Weishan smiled bitterly: "Sir Lu is in charge of Jiulong O Ji."

"Lu Qichang is nothing. He's not yours?" Lei Luo swung his arms and hit a ball. He stared at Qian Weishan and tore his face apart: "Sir Qian, you don't want to come back and help me?"


"It's not my decision."

Qian Weishan had cold sweat on his forehead, and he felt really scared.

Fortunately, Lei Luo did not smash the club down, but smiled and said: "Hahaha, I understand."

"Forget it, since you are going to sit in the position of the Ministry of General Affairs for the rest of your life, there is no need to come out to stir up trouble. The Kowloon District is indeed not peaceful, and the Community Relations Department investigates every day."

Qian Weishan sighed: "Thank you, Brother Luo."


"Bring over a few bags of clothes in the car." Lei Luo suddenly waved to Ma Zai next to him. Ma Zai immediately opened the car door, took out two bags of clothes and trotted up and handed them to Qian Weishan. Qian Weishan took the clothes at a loss and looked at Lei Luo. Lei Luo smiled and said, "Since you like washing clothes so much, help me wash some clothes at home."

"Thank you."

Lei Luo patted him on the shoulder and stopped looking at him.

Qian Weishan smiled and said: "It should be."

After Qian Weishan took the clothes and walked away, Lei Luo cursed: "Fuck, you dare to look down on me, Lei Luo, and I don't even think about who you are!"

Tai Kwun.

Lan Gang knocked on the door and pushed open the office. He quickly walked to the desk and whispered: "Sir He, at noon, Sir Lei invited Sir Qian to play ball in Happy Valley. Before leaving, Sir Qian gave two bags of dirty clothes."


He Dingxian stood up while holding on to the table: "It's fair and aboveboard. I didn't send Sir two large packages of Hong Kong dollars. It's just a nostalgia for old friendship."

"Uh" Lan Gang looked embarrassed and continued: "It is said that a colleague from the General Affairs Department opened his clothes and found women's underwear inside. Sir Qian may not be in a good mood."


He Dingxian's face turned cold: "I really thought that Gui Lao gave him the promotion because of him, but little did he know that it doesn't matter how many games the Community Relations Department loses."

The premise for Gui Lao to promote Lei Luo is that Lei Luo calmed down a riot in Kowloon District. On the surface, it is exactly the same as Sir He used public opinion to rise to power. But there is a slight difference. Gui Lao is taking advantage of Lei Luo. .

It gave Lei Luo the illusion that he could win and win.

"Forget it, New Territories and Kowloon don't need to interfere for the time being. Once the new troops are established, the two regions will naturally hand over power." If he was eager to launch a liquidation against Lei Luo and Zeng Shaoke, it would be as Governor Gui Lao wanted.

Now we can break away from the calculations of the Hong Kong government and settle our own accounts. The first thing to do is to establish a special force.

As long as he can set up a special force, he will have the ability to decapitate Taipingshan!

While Gui Lao uses the anti-corruption trend to initiate the reshaping of social order, he will use the increasingly severe KBist activities under the Cold War pattern to strengthen the guns in his hands. In politics, the barrel of a gun is as important as the barrel of a pen.

In fact, both the police force and the Hong Kong government have pens and guns. Now that the Hong Kong government is using pens heavily, the police force must expand its guns.

See if the barrel of the gun is stronger or the barrel of the pen is stronger.

As for the movements of Lei Luo and Zeng Shaoke, they look quite majestic, but in fact they are a bit childish. They can kill two people with a handful of grass after setting the overall situation.

Is it really a waste to be the first brother?

"Have the arrangements for West Kowloon been arranged?" He Dingxian asked solemnly.

Lan Gang nodded: "The manpower has been arranged. They are all veterans who participated in the Peninsular War. The arms are also produced by northern factories."

If you want to use KBist activities as an excuse to strengthen the barrel of your gun and wait for the reason to come to your door, it is better to create one. To this end, he has made arrangements for two months to get through all levels of the police force and the business community. At that time, Lei Luo can be transferred to Tai Kwun on the grounds of improper handling of the matter in Kowloon District and have him go to the Ministry of General Affairs to help Qian Weishan.

He Dingxian took a puff of cigarette and put it out in the ashtray: "Let's start at nine o'clock in the evening."

"Yes, sir!"

Lan Gang stood at attention and saluted.


Five o'clock.

Kai Tak Airport.

A supervisor hurriedly ran into the terminal building with more than 20 security guards, shouting loudly along the way: "The airport is out of service, the airport is out of service, passengers should immediately take action and exit through exits A, B, and C!" The tri-services headquarters announced Block the airport!"

"Let's go!"

More than a hundred passengers were resting in the terminal building. They heard the airport announcement and fled the airport in a hurry.

A Boeing aircraft painted with Philippine National Airlines graffiti is hovering over Hong Kong Island.

Wan Chai Department.

"Beep beep beep."

As the emergency whistle sounded, there was chaos among the Criminal Division, Military Uniform Division, O and Explosion Response Team. More than 200 police officers quickly stood up and went to the weapons depot to collect guns and ammunition. The sound of footsteps echoed through the building and gathered on the training ground. Line up.

"Da da da."

The director wore a uniform and held a police hat. He walked to the police car, put on his hat and said solemnly: "Let's go!"

"Kai Tak Airport."

"Yes, sir!"

The police officers shouted in unison.

"He, sir." Lan Gang ran to the door of the office in a panic and said breathlessly: "There was a hijacking incident at Kai Tak Airport. A Filipino hijacked a Philippine National Airlines passenger plane and was about to land on Hong Kong Island."

He Dingxian hung up the call from the Commissioner of Police in his office, opened the door in uniform, glanced at Lan Gang, and whispered: "The operation at 9pm is cancelled."


Lan Gang didn't come back to his senses. He stood at attention and saluted. However, Sir He had already gone to the crime team's office area. He saw Chen Zichao with a rifle hanging on his shoulder and a hurried expression. He immediately saluted: "Sir, the crime team has assembled." Finished, get ready to go!”

"Destination Kai Tak Airport."


He Dingxian ordered solemnly.



Happy Valley.

golf club.

Lei Luo was enjoying the massage girl's plump back push package when he suddenly heard Ma Zai's report. He immediately got up on the bed, grabbed the IDs and gun bag on the counter and shouted: "Let's go!"

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