Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 479 Just a side story?

There were many citizens at the rally who had been oppressed by the police and had blood feuds under the order of the money empire. The world of cannibalism eats away the conscience of the top and the fate of the bottom. When many people saw the police taking action, they did not hesitate to pick up rocks and fight back.


A uniformed policeman had just chopped off his baton and knocked down a rioter. When he turned sideways, the gap in his left hand was revealed. He was hit in the head by a rioter with a rock. He hit the policeman hard and the policeman's head was broken and bleeding. He fell back and fainted. land.

"Yizai!" A police sergeant in uniform beside him shouted angrily when he saw his subordinate was injured. Two police officers took the injured man back to the police station and placed him there. The other police officers became more ruthless, often beating a thug to death after catching him.

Outside the Kowloon Tong Office, screams broke out all of a sudden, and the shouts of killing shook the countryside.

The police uniforms were at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers, but they were well-trained and maintained a front line at the entrance of the police station. They used a steady advance to decisively subdue the thugs who rushed forward. Although the number of thugs was large, far more than five times that of the uniformed police, they lacked organization and relied solely on brute force to charge.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

The mob soon became shaken, and many timid people began to retreat one after another, taking the lead in escaping back to the housing estate. Some people also took out machetes that had been buried on the roadside for a long time and organized them to be distributed to the thugs. As more thugs got weapons in their hands, they became more courageous.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Several bottles suddenly flew into the uniformed police team's front line. The uniformed team members who were hit by the bottles immediately burst into flames and rolled over on the sand screaming. Due to the dense formation of military uniforms, fire and water bottles splashed and caused great damage.

"Sir, there are fire and water bombs!" a police sergeant yelled anxiously when he saw thugs launching fire bombs in the distance.


"Disperse!" Military inspector Bao Shenglong had already heard the screams of his men. He used his shield to withstand the thugs' knife attacks, raised his neck, and roared at the top of his throat: "Disperse and attack, disperse the citizens!"

"Disperse the attack and disperse the citizens!"

Several police sergeants followed to deliver the order.

"Yes, sir!"

After receiving the order, the police officers responded one after another and divided into groups of five. They raised their shields to surround their brothers and turned into sharp arrows to thrust forward.

The police force often organizes citizens to cause trouble, but this is the first time that they have been plunged into the vast ocean of people's war. Even if they perform very bravely, they still have an awkward feeling of being unable to do things. They finally understood why the Hong Kong government was willing to make concessions and make peace every time it organized citizens' uprisings.

Because once you gain public support and mobilize the power of the masses, the terrifying feeling of roaring and landslides coming is something that no army can resist. The power of the people is the greatest power.

And the current police force will eventually bear the backlash for the negative influence of the evil order and money empire, and it's just the beginning!

But the police officers would never think that they were at fault. Huo Qilin led the criminal team and O Ji at the door of the police station. When he saw uniformed police officers being injured and falling down in front of them, he became violent and ordered loudly: "Open the door." gun!"

"Kill the ones throwing fire and water bombs and those who are rushing ahead!"

The plainclothes police officers responded one after another: "Yes, sir!"

More than 30 plainclothes members were divided into three teams. With guns in both hands, they hurried around the chaotic crowd and started shooting targeted citizens in the crowd.



"Bang!" As the plainclothes police officers pulled the trigger, citizens were soon shot, blood spurted out, and they fell to the ground screaming.

Some people who dared to step forward to stop them and fought back were all shot to death by the police using suppressive firepower.

"Someone is shooting!"

"They want to kill us all, come on!"


At this time, the citizens began to divide rapidly. The group of people who rushed in front became more and more courageous when they heard the sound of gunfire, almost putting their life and death at risk. The group of small citizens who had been working hard quickly broke up and fled in a hurry.

The uniformed members had just fought fiercely for a while, and were almost destroyed by the onslaught of thugs. After reorganizing, they pushed the citizens out of the police station gate again.

Lei Luo stood in Inspector Hua's office on the second floor. When he saw that the criminal team had retreated, he opened fire and cut off the fire support from the citizens. A look of pride immediately appeared on his expression: "Fuck, even a few idiots are worthy of following." Shall I fight?"

"Follow the ghost guys to attack us. If we hadn't guaranteed the interests of the Chinese, they would still be piggies at the dock! It's so hard to forget who gave them food!"

Several wildfires were burning on the lawn below the building, and civilian police officers carried buckets of water to put them out. When he saw this scene, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "It would be great if we could call in the fire department's water cannon truck to give these bastards a bath and wake them up!"

"Brother Luo."

"There are reporters." A plainclothes inspector following him suddenly pointed to a patch of grass in the southeast. Several reporters were setting up cameras, intending to take photos of the police force's suppression of citizens.

Lei Luo was not a political idiot. He immediately realized that it was a trap set up by the ghost guy. He might even have incited hundreds of citizens just for these photos. He was nailed to the pillar of shame with violence and continued to incite public opinion and rectify the police force.

Lei Luo would not give the ghost guy a chance. He held his cigar and exhaled, with murderous intent in his eyes: "Send a few people out, smash all the cameras, and bring the people in."

"Yes, sir!" Most of the available soldiers in the Kowloon Tong Police Station are already on the battlefield outside. But to deal with a few helpless reporters, two police officers armed with guns were enough. If it weren't for the lack of manpower, the best way would be to block the road ahead.

If the 20 people from the execution team directly entered the battlefield and forced their way into the police station to arrest people, Lei Luo might really have no choice but to jump off the building and run away. It can be seen that Gui Lao has a good grasp of the layout of every step. In fact, the execution team's convoy has already entered the Kowloon Tong area and can arrive at the scene in no more than ten minutes.

But Lei Luo did not see the motorcade of the execution team, but he was the first to see a car with a police license plate approaching the police station. The first car was a Mercedes Benz with a "1" license plate.

Lei Luo narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the car, his expression was somewhat touched, but he quickly stabilized his position and stood in the office smoking a cigar. There were some things that brothers had to face sooner or later.


Special car No. 1 stopped on the roadside, and then more than 20 police cars stopped. The police officers opened the door and got out of the car, lined up with guns, and looked at the scene ahead where there was a fierce fight and the injured were everywhere, their expressions were full of vigilance.

He Dingxian stepped out of the car wearing a suit. He saw that the uniformed police and the criminal team were cooperating to gather the last group of recalcitrant citizens, and said softly to the driver: "Let them disperse."

"Understood, Big Boss." Although Ni Kun does not have a police force, the No. 1 car is the boss's private car. He often travels with the boss as a private driver. When he saw this, he pressed the horn twice hard: "Beep! "


The horn sounded, and the police officers all turned their heads. When they saw Brother Yi standing next to the car, looking at them with a stern expression, many police officers suddenly started to beat their hearts. He Dingxian didn't talk nonsense to them, and walked over with hundreds of police officers in a mighty manner.


When He Dingxian approached the citizens, Chen Zichao made a gesture, and seventy heavily armed police officers from the crime squad raised their rifles and rushed forward to surround the citizens in uniform and plainclothes. Military uniforms, plainclothes, and citizens were greatly changed when they saw the long rifle raised and its barrel like a forest.

He Dingxian came to Huo Qilin slowly and said, "What are you doing?"


"Brother One." Huo Qilin was frightened by the dense gunfire. He stepped forward and said tremblingly: "I am ordered to disperse the illegal assembly."

"Call me sir!"

He Dingxian said unhappily.


"Sir!" Huo Qilin immediately stood up and saluted loudly. The uniformed police officers had just fought a bloody battle and injured many brothers. Many of them were still injured. They all looked at He Dingxian with an extremely complicated and fearful expression. .

Of course, He Dingxian would not embarrass his young police officers. He looked sideways at Chen Zichao and said, "Come and take over the scene, properly arrange the wounded, and remember to call the medical team."

"Understood!" Chen Zichao nodded solemnly. When he saw the superior and thirty anti-corruption officers walking into the Kowloon Tong Department, he made a gesture to his subordinates to lower their guns and began to take over the scene. Huo Qilin chased the officer all the way into the police station, bowed humbly, and said with a flattering look on his face: "Sir, sir, who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for whoever gave you the order." He Dingxian strode into the office building. There were civil servants and ghost guys saluting along the way. Huo Qilin swallowed and said, "Brother Luo is in the Inspector's Office in China." .”

"I know."

He Dingxian sneered: "I ordered no violent suppression, what are you doing? Detective Hua's position is too comfortable, isn't it?"

"Sir," Huo Qilin almost cried. He slapped his hands repeatedly and begged: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't receive the order. Brother Luo, no, Sir Lei is the superintendent! He gave I cannot disobey the orders I give.”


"I understand you." There was a sneer on He Dingxian's face. He stood in front of Inspector Hua's office with the door open. He turned to look at Huo Qilin and said, "I am willing to give my office to others. I don't seem to like being Inspector very much. I will arrive tomorrow." Let the Reservoir and Reservoir Department report it!”

"There happens to be a shortage of a guy on the night shift."

Huo Qilin stood on the spot, dazed for a moment.

He Dingxian strode into the office, leading a group of anti-corruption office police officers. However, before the anti-corruption office officers could take action, he took out his belt from his waist and grasped it with his hands. He stood in front of Lei Luo, who was wearing a suit and smoking a cigar, and waved. He picked up the whip and whipped it towards Lei Luo's cheek.




Lei Luo whipped three times in succession and stood still. Only when the whip fell, he closed his eyes in advance and didn't even lose the cigar in his hand. But after three whips, Lei Luo saw that the boss wanted to crack the whip, and immediately shouted: "That's enough!"

He Dingxian pointed his belt at Lei Luo's chest and asked: "It's just a matter of the Hong Kong Island Police!!!"

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