Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 481 The Empire Will Never Destroy

Zeng Shaoke and Cai Zhaoguang came to the Tai Kwun detention room together. Standing in the corridor, they saw the boss talking to A Luo across the fence. They felt slightly cold. They walked forward carrying something and said, "Sir."


He Dingxian held a cigarette, turned to look at the two of them and said with a smile: "Sir Zeng, Sir Cai, do you still have something on your hand?"

"It's for A Luo." Zeng Shaoke looked bitter, stuffed a box of wife cakes into the railing, and said loudly: "A Luo, you like these snacks to kill time when you are bored."

"My sister-in-law asked me to bring the soup." Cai Zhaoguang picked up the thermos box in his hand and sighed: "She asked you to pay attention to your health. There are some mistakes. You should admit it when you should, and don't hold on any longer."

Lei Luo was deeply moved when he took the thermos box. He recalled Axia's ten years of staying together, and felt a pang of guilt.

After his rapid rise over the years, he was indeed a little carried away and did not care enough about his wife at home. When disaster strikes, feeling guilty is a traditional skill for men. He Dingxian, who was standing by but couldn't stand it, blew out: "What?"

"Send me off!"

"It's my wife's cake, my wife's soup, my wife's meal again."

Zeng Shaoke sighed and said, "Sir, it's just a matter of brotherhood."

Cai Zhaoguang reacted immediately, opened his eyes wide, and said in surprise: "Boss, can A Luo be saved?"

They really came to see Lei Luo for the last time. Even Axia had given up running around and planned to take her children to study abroad when Lei Luo was sentenced. After all, after the article "500 Million Detective Thunder Tiger" was published, everyone knew that the Hong Kong government was serious about it, and those involved would definitely not be able to escape punishment.

As the first Chinese superintendent to be arrested, Lei Luo is also the first superintendent in Hong Kong to be investigated for corruption. He clearly wants to set an example and build a brand. If Sir He were not still sitting safely in his position, I am afraid that the entire Chinese community in the police force would have begun to waver.

"Huh." He Dingxian blew out the breath smoke and said in a deep voice: "Superintendent Lei is definitely doomed, but A Luo still has a chance. You all know how to show some brotherhood. I, He Dingxian, ignore brotherhood and only focus on fighting for power. Bad person?"

Zeng Shaoke and Cai Zhaoguang may not necessarily think that he is a bad person, but they definitely think that he is taking the opportunity to seize power. After Lei Luo was arrested, a group of people in Kowloon were like headless flies. Many people were already working together in private to win over the New Territories. Inspector Zonghua has the support of Sir Zeng.

Sir Zeng has ignored them so far, but that doesn't mean his heart has not been shaken. He was shocked when he heard He Dingxian's answer, feeling that he couldn't understand the confusing situation in front of him.

Lei Luo put the soup away, opened the box of wife cakes, and started eating the cakes one bite at a time. He laughed while eating: "Brother Zeng, Brother Cai, and A Luo look like greedy, arrogant idiots?"

"Gui Lao has supported me in the past two years because he wants to use my hand to fight Brother Xian in the ring. Do you think I don't know it in my heart?"

Zeng Shaoke moved his mouth, wanting to say that everyone knew it, but you didn't seem to be willing to let it go, right?

Lei Luo shook his head: "After Brother Xian established the special mission company, I knew that only Brother Xian could save the Hong Kong police. I once personally came to Brother Xian to ask for his resignation, hoping to retire and enjoy his old age."

Lei Luo glanced at He Dingxian and saw that He Dingxian was smiling and did not express his position, so he continued: "But the situation is already on the line. It is useless even if I retire. I might as well come out and take the blame for the Hong Kong government's security."

Ho Dingxian said: "MacLehose is a new officer who has taken office and is determined to establish prestige for the police force. It is no longer the case in the Bailiji era that retirement can hide from the limelight."

"As for the Hong Kong government, the personnel, people's support, and laws are all in place. Once an attack occurs, it will be unstoppable. There is no way to avoid it. There is only one trick, and that is to be greedy for the power of nature!"

Cai Zhaoguang's eyes widened and he couldn't help but blurt out: "Or is it that the golden cicada escaped from its shell?"

"Yes, I can see that the ghost guy will liquidate the police force sooner or later. When the Chinese capital wins the financial war, when everyone is making a fortune. The cake on Hong Kong Island is so big, everyone wants to Hold the knife and give yourself the biggest piece." He Dingxian said sadly: "So, I have arranged for all brothers to retreat to the second line, or for older police officers to retire directly."

"It's not that I abandon my brothers and ignore them, but I want to try my best to preserve the lives and property of my brothers."

"After all, my brothers and I have single-handedly conquered the country and built what outsiders call a money empire. There is too much blood on our hands and black mud on our dirty shoes. It is too difficult to survive peacefully." He Dingxian sighed a little helplessly. Tone: "Don't even think about escaping unscathed when something happens. You should always explain something."

"It's not fame, it's profit, or it's fate."

Zeng Shaoke and Cai Zhaoguang suddenly felt solemn in their hearts, and their emotions were complicated and difficult to describe.

"If we put a younger generation of police officers in charge, they will be cleaner and more confident, and they will be more willing to make trouble."

In fact, Sir He had told them these words two years before the incident, but predicting it in advance and seeing it happen before it happened sounded completely different.

He Dingxian said: "Although there were some setbacks along the way and the plan was spotted by the ghost guy, we were still able to save many people. Now we only need to sacrifice Alo."

"I asked Arlo to deliberately fight with me, just to let the Hong Kong government make a misjudgment, and at the same time, to eliminate the grievances of the citizens, and to let the police anti-corruption office use Arlo's name to take the lead. Now. Citizens are very supportive of the Anti-Corruption Office and feel that the Anti-Corruption Office is a department that does practical things."

"Li Junxia will be promoted to superintendent soon and become a hero. When the public's popularity gathers in the Anti-Corruption Office, no one will remember the Community Relations Office. After all, the Anti-Corruption Office is still a department of the police force." He pinched his finger. Cigarette holder, took a deep breath, eyes dim.

Zeng Shaoke also immediately understood the boss's overall plan. The first was to temporarily paralyze the enemy, and the second was to engage in tit-for-tat, allowing a new generation of police officers to take over power, and appropriately sacrificing the political future of the old brothers. And when the political future is already hopeless, it is easy to sacrifice.

As long as the Community Relations Office investigates every case and the Anti-Corruption Office of the Police Force takes action in advance, even if the Anti-Corruption Office is established in the future, how powerful will it be? In short, all the damage is superficial, but the backbone of the money empire is still there!

Although the future may not be the same as before, it can definitely continue to control the entire territory of Hong Kong to ensure that the property, connections, and influence of the participants in the money empire can be passed down. In the future, their descendants will not only have food and clothing to worry about, but they will also be able to prosper in Hong Kong Island.

First, we must seize power, and secondly, we can protect our interests. The empire of money will never die!

It will only exist in another way!

As for why Lei Luo agreed to cooperate with the boss to be the first person to be knocked down, and to bear all the charges for the boss, Zeng Shaoke's current state of mind is quite understandable. He has friendship, knowledge of current affairs, and even was transferred to the general affairs department. If you know you can't do something, just give up

If he falls into the trap of Gui Lao and joins the people in Kowloon to compete with Sir He, it will be wrong for himself, the public, love and justice, but it will only satisfy his ambition. But even ambition can't stop the fierce momentum. Once the momentum is resolved, any ambitious person can easily capture it.

The boss did an amazing job in this regard, and he is blameless for the brothers.

Today, He Dingxian called the brothers together to win people's hearts, but Zeng Shaoke and Cai Zhaoguang felt that the boss was heartbroken and said with guilty faces: "I'm sorry, boss, the brothers didn't even think that you had already planned it."

"No need to talk about this." He Dingxian waved his hand and chuckled: "Aluo's case will be closed within half a month. By then, we will arrest whoever the community relations want to arrest. We will arrest five, six, seven or eight. It’s time for the citizens’ anger to dissipate.”

"The so-called money empire has also been defeated in the eyes of the public."

"If we launch another rectification campaign within the police force, even if the Anti-Corruption Office is established, it will have to stand by and watch. How can we attack the police force without public opinion? If we insist on doing so, two thousand Chinese policemen will naturally teach him how to behave. "

Zeng Shaoke was the first to express his stance: "Since the bosses have already made plans, brothers can only give their full support!"


"We don't have to give up our positions, and we can still stay in Stanley, but the police force must not become the lackeys of ghost guys." Cai Zhaoguang made a strong statement.

The Chinese influence in the Hong Kong police was once very strong. When did it become a place where ghosts talk about things again? It was when ICAC was established and put a leash on the Hong Kong police.

He Dingxian nodded: "As for Aluo."

"He will be sentenced to life imprisonment. Two months later, he will be assassinated in prison."

Lei Luo's expression did not change at all when he heard this, with a smile: "You can come to Stanley to visit me in these two months. In two months, you will get Canada."

Since it is impossible to be greedy for God's merit, it is impossible to impose a heavy thunder and a small raindrop. It is definitely necessary to impose a heavy sentence, but it is impossible to impose the death penalty.

If he goes to Nanyang and other places where ghosts have influence, he will easily be exposed and get into trouble. The best way is to go to Canada first, then transfer to Taiwan, and wait five or six years to invest in the mainland. Brand new documents and identities have also been obtained.

As for the more than 20 million Hong Kong dollars that were confiscated, it was just floating wealth.

Although his wealth is far from the HK$500 million reported in the newspaper, it is more than just HK$50 million. The least valuable of which is cash. The remaining securities, stocks, and time deposits will really be worth HK$500 million in the future!

"Don't worry, I will definitely serve you well these two months." Cai Zhaoguang said with a smile on his face, "Finally, I will let you enjoy the customs and customs of Hong Kong Island."


Zeng Shaoke grinned and said exaggeratedly: "I will send ten female prison guards to have a party for you so that you will never forget this place until you die."



Lei Luo twisted his waist and danced in the prison very loudly: "If I die like this, it won't be unjust even if Brother Xian sentences me to death."

"Don't be ridiculous, the detention room is a serious place."

He Dingxian reminded him, but he couldn't help laughing when he saw Lei Luo's enchanting dancing: "Ha, but after the police force, we really can't make money through corruption anymore."

I recommend a new book to my friends, "Once Upon a Time in Hong Kong 1983". Everyone is welcome to read it.

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