Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 485 Destruction

"Sir Kun, the car has been prepared downstairs. Please go to the Governor's Mansion." He Dingxian stood at the door of the Police Commissioner's Office, raising his hand solemnly and saying, "Only you can represent the police force. Protest to the Governor!”

Kunxian stood behind his desk, holding a pen and hesitating secretly.

Since the new Governor took office, the colonial faction of the police force has grown stronger day by day. Many middle-level ghosts who feel the crisis in the ICAC have privately accepted the olive branch from Skemin. It is impossible for the ghost guys not to be shaken. After all, the Chinese can build momentum and fight hard, but the ghost guys have no real foundation.

He was somewhat unsettled in his heart. He had already taken advantage of the situation and decided to resign to avoid the limelight because the Chinese were weak. Otherwise, he would not have turned a blind eye to the Governor's arrangements for Lei Luo in the early stage, and he probably had a tacit understanding with the Governor.

In fact, in the opinion of quite a few ghosts, the Chinese may not be able to defeat the Governor's Mansion this time, and it is true that the Independent Commission Against Corruption is menacing. Many senior officials have begun to transfer assets through Eastern Bank to prepare in advance.

He Dingxian knew this very well, and even pumped water in the middle, making a lot of private wealth from this move. The Chinese police only charge a little labor fee for transferring assets, and the people who come out to take care of the trouble don't charge a penny, but the ghost guy charges more than the market price.

Who said this is a one-off business?


Seeing that he was still hesitating, He Dingxian said in a solemn voice, no matter how rude his tone was: "No matter how dissatisfied the Governor is with you, he will never attack the Commissioner of Police. Now is the time when you must stand up and represent the police force! Otherwise, brothers, brothers Why should I recognize you as the police chief?"

Kun Xian suddenly woke up, hurriedly walked out of the desk, opened the closet, took out his hat and said, "I'm going now."

"Bite them to death, and don't let go." In his words, the Police Commissioner was like a dog, but the Police Commissioner nodded quickly and left the building without looking back.

He Dingxian looked at his retreating back and felt secretly unhappy: "Once the war starts, lives must be sacrificed. The two sides can only stand on one side, and there are no innocent people. And the people on duty have to stand for the sake of the police uniform they wear." This is the police force."

This is not a question of whether someone has been greedy for money or not, but an issue of law enforcement power. If the ICAC really steps on them, all Chinese policemen in the future will have no choice but to be used as dogs by the ghost guys! This is also the reason why the younger generation of police officers are still willing to serve the police force even though they have not made much money.

When individuals and groups share weal and woe, everyone will naturally unite as one.

trial room.

"How many rounds were fired in total?"

Li Ying was wearing casual clothes, holding a cigarette in his mouth, and wrote down his confession.

Yan Guoliang sat across from him, wearing handcuffs, and said seriously: "Twelve rounds."

"Did any criminals or innocent citizens be hit?" Li Ying looked up, with a sense of oppression in his tone.

Yan Guoliang said loudly: "Three criminals were hit."

"Are you sure all three are criminals?" Li Ying stopped recording with his fingers.


He Dingxian suddenly opened the door, and the person inside immediately stood up: "Sir!"


"Why are you being so polite to them? Treat him to lunch, all you can eat!" He Dingxian glanced at Yan Guoliang, who looked unhappy, and explained a little. Li Ying immediately understood, looked at Yan Guoliang with a cold face and said: "Sir Yan, Zhong Would you like to eat meal A or meal B?"

When Yan Guoliang saw the door of the interrogation room closed and a police officer stood up to cover the glass door, his heart immediately went crazy and he said in disbelief: "You dare to torture an ICAC employee to extract a confession?"


Li Ying smiled happily, threw the pen on the table, and said coldly: "On Hong Kong Island, only the Internal Investigation Division can investigate the police force. What is ICAC? Since I came to the police force today, I will open your eyes. .”

"If you want to sue me, you'd better investigate me and wait until you have evidence."

Yan Guoliang's eyes widened and he tried to stand up but was handcuffed: "You can't go far!"


However, Li Ying suddenly lifted up his clothes, covered his face, and pulled him hard behind the chair. A small police officer opened the lid of the kettle, handed the kettle to the officer, and allowed the officer to pour the water down. Yan Guoliang immediately let out a painful expression. He shouted and his breathing became very rapid.




Li Ying smiled and said, "Sir Yan said he has a big appetite and wants to try all the ABC meals."

In fact, after Yan Guoliang and others were taken to the mission station, they were destined to go through this journey. Because the police force must use cruel enough means to destroy the professionalism, or justice and ideals of ICAC staff. There is no way, there are too many idealists in ICAC, but those ideals are the ideals instilled by ghost guys.

Eating Western food and working in a Western job, it’s normal to be a little Westernized. It doesn't matter, let them truly experience what they have to pay for ideals and justice. Not only do He Dingxian, Lei Luo and others have to pay for these things, they also have to come through step by step, because politics is not about treating guests to dinner, let alone falling in love.

The ICAC senior officials must have foreseen the consequences of Yan Guoliang and others entering the mission, so they had already started running for rescue, but could Yan Guoliang and others have imagined it? Maybe in their eyes the law is everything, and now it's time for them to see something beyond the law.

This is also an attack to destroy ICAC from within. It will destroy the lower-level staff. It will not only reduce ICAC's manpower and fighting spirit, but also pave the way for corrupting them and dragging them into trouble. As for threatening their families, blowing up gas tanks, releasing snakes and other intimidation methods, these are just small tricks. They can be used when they are at a disadvantage to vent their anger. However, when the police force has an advantage in the situation, it is too childish to use these despicable methods. If they want to be evil, they will be extremely evil and severely break their psychological defense line.

Newspapers such as Oriental Daily, Sing Tao Daily, and Ta Kung Pao also immediately published news about the shooting in Central. After the article "Inspector Lei Luo of 500 Million", Oriental Daily once again led the trend of public opinion and became the first newspaper for citizens to pay attention to current affairs. The highest sales volume of a single issue has exceeded 20,000, breaking the Hong Kong newspaper industry record.

After Lei Luo was arrested and killed, the citizens were looking forward to and prepared, knowing that Lei Luo was just the beginning. The Hong Kong government's anti-corruption campaign will never end here, because Lei Luo alone cannot create such a huge money empire. The Hong Kong government's move to become ICAC also indicates that the anti-corruption campaign will continue to the end.

However, judging from the process of Dong Cheng's case, the newly established ICAC did go too far and was suspected of interfering with the police force's handling of the case. This point is actually the conflict between the responsibilities of the Anti-Corruption Office and the Independent Commission Against Corruption. In later generations, the two departments had a "father-son relationship."

With the establishment of ICAC, the anti-corruption office of the police force was immediately disbanded, leaving only the Internal Investigation Division responsible for internal complaints in the police force. Many officers of the anti-corruption office can also work in the ICAC. But the anti-corruption offices of later generations did not have the power to investigate commercial crimes or disciplined forces.

It can only be said that when Ho Dingxian was seeking legislative support for the Anti-Corruption Office, he stole the power of ICAC and laid the groundwork for today's confrontation.

The citizens overwhelmingly supported the police in this case. After all, everything must come first, first served. ICAC intervened midway, causing injuries to many citizens. It is a fact that some hostages were forced to leave the port. All mistakes that failed to catch criminals and resulted in innocent casualties must be blamed on the ICAC.

Weakness in the disciplined forces is the original sin!

Citizens only look at results, not ideals.

The next day.


ICAC Commissioner Ji Da held a press conference and personally apologized to all sectors of society, admitting that the ICAC had shortcomings and would strictly implement training to continue to serve the social environment. Although society is relatively tolerant of a newly established department, negative public opinion incidents occurred less than a month after its official establishment.

Not only did ICAC lose face, but its momentum of sweeping Hong Kong was completely cut off.



Peninsula Hotel.

Kunxian, Ge Bai, He Dingxian, Yan Xiong and others gathered together. Everyone was in suits and leather shoes, and they were elegant. Ge Bai held up a red wine glass and took the lead in toasting to He Dingxian: "The ICAC suffered a big loss as soon as I made the move. It seems that the ICAC is not a big deal."

"It's just a small victory."

He Dingxian held up a champagne glass and smiled modestly.

"Can the monthly fee be re-instated?"

Ge Bai glanced at the others and asked on behalf of the ghost guys.

Sir, if you have nothing to do, you won't ask the ghost guys to come out and hold a cocktail party. When is it, and you are still doing all the bells and whistles? The ghost guys definitely had a purpose in asking him out.

"It's not impossible for the time being."

He Dingxian frowned when he heard this. After the ICAC was officially listed, in order to avoid the limelight, major associations indeed stopped a lot of business, mainly focusing on protection fees, smuggling, gambling stalls, horse stables and other livelihood industries that can boost GDP. It cannot be turned off.

It’s not that he is brave, the main reason is that hundreds of stores across Hong Kong have closed down, and the Governor has to call and ask what will happen if the citizens have nowhere to spend their money and the Hong Kong government cannot collect taxes. The fee for the ghost guy has naturally shrunk significantly. After all, you have to trick the ghost guy first.


"Okay, let's check the direction of the wind." Ge Bai chuckled twice and didn't force it. Today he was here to test his style. So the dinner continued happily. He Dingxian did not expect that the ghosts were so greedy. They had only been hungry for two months.

As far as Gui Lao is concerned, the police force cannot be changed without ICAC.

"Wait for my news."

He Dingxian took a sip of champagne, but he already acquiesced in his heart that he would not give any more money, because sooner or later, ICAC's knife would fall on the ghost guy, and then the ghost guy would only think about saving his life, so what money would he need.

He clearly said within the Chinese community that corruption was no longer the way of life in the police force, but he never said similar words to Gui Lao from the beginning to the end.

The ghost guys won't accept it.


Kunxian smiled and agreed.

A week later.

Yan Guoliang, Zeng Guozhi and other ICAC members were allowed to be released, but they were sent to the hospital as soon as they left the police station. One female investigator even went crazy with fear, and the ICAC had no choice but to approve her mental tracking.

"A Liang."

Han Zhibang came to Caritas Hospital in Central, knocked on the door of the ward, and put a fruit basket on the table.

Yan Guoliang had just finished the operation and his right arm was still wrapped in a bandage. When he saw Han Zhibang's head was still wrapped with gauze, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Sir Han, is your head okay?"

"Better than you."

Han Zhibang said proudly: "I crashed and fainted, and when I woke up, I was in the hospital. Unlike some people, who first sit in the hospital room and then lie in the hospital bed, my life is really complete."

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