Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 497 Muddy Waters

"Sir Yan, the police are here!"

After receiving the urgent report, Yan Guoliang quickly put down what he was doing, took his gun, and rushed to the corridor on the third floor with his people. He blocked the corridor and stopped Hao Defu and his party. He said solemnly: "Hao Sir, the anti-corruption office should not come. ICAC arrests people.”

"Get out of the way!"

Hao Defu will only give face to real Chinese people, but he doesn't bother to give face to fake ghost guys, because he is a ghost guy! I saw him push Yan Guoliang away unceremoniously with his hand, and lead the people out of the conference room.

Yan Guoliang was pushed to the corner, and he chased after him angrily. He could see that the group of people who turned back to stare at him were all ghosts, and he felt a little guilty. Except for Li Junxia and two or three other Chinese police officers present at the Anti-Corruption Office, the rest were all Guilao police officers. Just a group of white-skinned men standing together in suits was already three times more powerful than them.

"What should I do, Sir Yan?" a team member asked in a low voice.

Yan Guoliang gritted his teeth: "Follow me."

"Yes, sir!"

More than 20 members of the enforcement team were seen following the anti-corruption office officers with guns, watching as the anti-corruption office personnel pushed open the conference room door. The anti-corruption commissioner was holding a regular meeting with senior directors and above when he suddenly saw the door of the conference room being pushed open. He looked at the door with surprise.

Hao Defu also took out the investigation order very simply, walked around the long oval table and came to Ou Liangxian. He raised the investigation order in full view of the ICAC senior officials and said politely: "Sir Ou, the anti-corruption office of the police force has received a report. There is a commercial crime case that requires your cooperation in the investigation, so please come with us."

Ou Liangxian was in a suit and leather tie, sitting elegantly on an office chair, wearing glasses and looking incredulous.

"Pfft!" Ji Da, the Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, was furious. He slapped the table and stood up, pointing at Hao Defu and shouting: "Did you make a mistake? You came to the ICAC building to arrest the Chief Investigation Director. Who gave you the courage?"

"Business matters must be dealt with. I hope Sir Ji Da will not hinder the work of the police force." Hao Defu looked at Ji Da and said very forcefully: "Otherwise, even if you are the anti-corruption commissioner, I will protest to the Governor for obstructing justice!"

"This is the ICAC!"

Ji Da stood up and pointed at the floor and shouted: "This is not the police force, let alone a place where you act recklessly!"

"You are here at the highest level of the Office. Every sentence and every plan is top secret. Just breaking in and breaking in is enough to accuse you!"

Seeing Ji Da's aggressive attitude, Hao Defu no longer looked good on him, slapped the investigation order on the table, clicked it, quickly took out the gun from his waist, turned on the safety, and shouted at Ou Liangxian: "Now you have only one choice, cooperate with the investigation , or be shot to death by me for resisting law enforcement!"


All the ICAC staff present took out their guns and surrounded the officers of the Anti-Corruption Office in their desks. The officers of the Anti-Corruption Office were even tougher to the end and all took out their weapons and pointed them at the ICAC senior officials. More than fifty guns were ready to go, and the conference room was filled with the smell of gunpowder. Even the ICAC senior officials standing at the long table could not help but feel their hearts throbbing, and their expressions were even more angry and nervous.

Ou Liangxian immediately knew that the anti-corruption office was deliberately retaliating. That was right. The ICAC had already targeted the former superintendent of the anti-corruption office. How could the anti-corruption office sit still and wait for death? A complete rift between the two sides was inevitable, but the ICAC underestimated the bravery of the police force.

After Ou Liangxian understood the situation, he stood up, pushed up his glasses, and said politely: "Sir Hao, there is no need to draw your gun, I will go with you."

"The investigation takes place 24 hours a day, right?"

Ou Liangxian looked down at the watch, pointed at the dial and said to Hao Defu, "I'll give you enough for twenty-four hours!"

Ji Da stood aside without saying a word, knowing that Sir Ou was counterattacked by the police force. However, the more intense the police force's counterattack on Chen Li's case, the more attention and strength it invested in the case. In fact, it would not affect the follow-up. There are benefits to handling the Gebai case.

This move proves that the police force has fallen into the ICAC's rhythm.

Upon seeing this, Hao Defu put away his gun and sneered: "I wish Sir Ou had cooperated earlier."


Li Junxia took out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed Ou Liangxian, which could be said to save face for the ICAC. Then an officer pressed his hands, and the ICAC staff put away their guns and made way for the police. leave.

Before Ji Da watched the police team leave, he did not forget to threaten: "If nothing is found, each of you will be responsible for this!"


Hao Defu smiled calmly.

In the interrogation room.

Chen Li heard the commotion of war and chaos outside, shook the cigarette in his hand, squinted his eyes and said coldly: "Sir, do you want to go out and see what's going on? You have been locked in the room to interrogate me. If the ICAC Building If it explodes, you may not have time to run!"

"Will not."

Jiang Yichong sat across from the chair, holding a pen in both hands, and said with a stern smile: "Where you are is the safest place. Brother Yi will not explode with Master."


When Chen Li saw this, he sneered: "Young boy, you have quite a bright mind, but it's a pity that you hang out with a gangster. Otherwise, if you resign and take the police exam, I guarantee you will earn more than you would in the ICAC."

"Thank you for your hard work, Sir Chen. If Sir Chen has something to say, it's best to explain it clearly in the interrogation room." Jiang Yichong put down his pen, knocked on the table, and threatened: "You are old, the ICAC's air conditioner You can easily get sick if you blow too much!”

"Speak clearly, and I will help you apply to be a prosecutor's witness. I will ensure that you can continue to go back to your house to fish."

Chen Li was seen wearing sportswear and his body was still trembling slightly. On the opposite side, Jiang Yichong was wearing a jacket and had a cup of hot coffee at hand, taking a sip from time to time. There are four air-conditioning outlets on both sides of the roof, and the cold air from each outlet blows towards the interrogation position.

Not to mention that it’s not summer yet, even in the middle of summer, you can’t blow air in front of the air conditioner for a day! What's more, Chen Li is no longer a young man and cannot withstand the cold. As a disciplinary force, ICAC must use some means during interrogations. Due to the special mission of clean government, it is impossible to extract confessions by torture, threats and inducements, but they use air-conditioning, lights, and fatigue interrogation methods. I really can't say who is more noble than the other. .

Chen Li rubbed his hands and said angrily: "Is there anyone alive so far who is willing to be a prosecution witness for you? Haha, with a 100% witness mortality rate, do you still have the nerve to ask someone to be a prosecution witness?"


An interrogation officer slapped the table and shouted: "Old Bones, what the hell are you talking about!"

Jiang Yichong stood up, sat down on his colleague's shoulders, and said, "I'll go out and make him a cup of coffee for dinner, and we'll continue the trial tonight."


"Don't add sugar to him." The colleague still had an unhappy look on his face.

Jiang Yichong nodded: "Don't worry, it still has to be the bag of shit-flavored coffee left by Sir Lu."

My colleagues looked much more relieved.


More than 500 police colleagues in the New Territories took advantage of their vacation to hold a protest. More than 200 of them took a boat to the door of the Lim Kee Building in Hong Kong Island, and more than 300 people were distributed outside the offices of various community relations offices in the New Territories. .

Large-scale gatherings actually need to be coordinated in terms of time, transportation, food and water. The reason why spontaneous gatherings and demonstrations by ordinary citizens are difficult to achieve is largely due to the fact that there is no organization to handle the logistics work for the citizens.

This leads to a normal spontaneous demonstration with more than a hundred people at most. If there are more than a hundred people, chaos will inevitably occur. If a rally of more than a hundred people can be carried out in an orderly and step-by-step manner, then there is no doubt that there must be a political organization behind the rally. It has political objectives.

Han Zhibang led his team members to set up a cordon at the entrance of the ICAC building and maintained a 20-hour vigil with guns. Hearing the protest slogans of the New Territories police officers, from seeking justice for Inspector Zhang to joining in the release of former police superintendent Chen Li, he ordered all The police officer prepared to shoot.

Passing vehicles and citizens are no longer surprised by the conflict between police and integrity. The conflict between the two disciplinary forces proves that Hong Kong Island is continuing to develop upwards. Although society seems to be more turbulent, major associations and chambers of commerce are becoming more cautious in doing things, and the living environment of the lower class citizens is actually improving.

Tai Kwun.

"Sir He, I have issued an order with the various departments of the Operations Division and the Criminal Division. While I am not on Hong Kong Island, you can directly command the major operations departments." Ge Bai was wearing a suit, standing next to a bus on the parking lot, and was about to set off. Head to the airport.

He Dingxian came to see him off in person. Hearing Ge Bai's promise, he patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "Thank you very much. Your local goods have been sent out. Call me as soon as you get there. I'll wait for your news."

"Don't worry, let's go." Ge Bai looked relaxed, opened the door and got into the car, and immediately drove out of the hotel.

"Commissioner, the New Territories police at the door broke into the ICAC gate again." Seeing that the cordon was crumbling, Yan Guoliang rushed to the office of the ICAC Commissioner to report. In fact, the ICAC Commissioner was upstairs keeping an eye on the commotion outside the door. If the ICAC's door number was smashed off for the second time, I'm afraid the ICAC would no longer need to open its doors.

At this time, he lowered his head and glanced at his watch, calculated the time in his mind for a while, and felt that the time was about the same. He solemnly replied: "Fire a warning shot. If anyone dares to break in, shoot as soon as possible!"



Yan Guoliang's heart skipped a beat, and he could smell blood in the order. As far as Jida was concerned, Ge Bai's plane to his ancestral home had already left Hong Kong. It was time to muddy the water and make the gathering incident bigger and worse. Well, let the governor order the garrison to mediate when the time comes.

He has no way out politically. Even if the ICAC is really smashed, he still has to be bloody. It doesn't matter how many subordinates die, the key is to capture Ge Bai!

"Release Superintendent Chen Li!"

"Justice to Sir Zhang!"

"The ICAC is attacking the police force, and the ghosts are fighting for power!" More than 200 New Territories police officers held up banners and big-character posters at the gate of the ICAC. There was even a portrait of ICAC Commissioner Ji Da, which not only painted Ji Da as a vampire. It's ugly, and it has a big cross drawn with red paint. It's very ironic and extremely offensive.

At this time, Yan Guoliang rushed to the scene with more than fifty members of the execution team armed with guns. Seeing that Han Zhibang's troops could no longer hold on, he raised his gun without hesitation and pulled the trigger: "Bang, bang, bang!"

"Back off!"

"Everyone stand back!"

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