Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 503 Artist of Change

When Yan Xiong led a total of 130 police officers from the Hong Kong Island District Criminal Division and Group O arrived at the gate of the ICAC, the ICAC officers were already on guard with guns drawn and were ready. A total of 50 members of the enforcement team armed with guns guarded the main entrance of the ICAC, and more staff with guns guarded the building.

Because the community relations offices in various districts have been attacked by the police, many relations offices have been smashed, and the ICAC's signboards, flags, and documents were all burned by the rioting police officers. The ICAC has no way to contact the military directly, but it can receive alarm calls from the relations office below.

Ji Da, Wei Liqin, Yan Guoliang and others were already prepared, but when the ICAC staff saw more than a hundred police officers holding long guns arrayed at the entrance of the ICAC, their expressions could not help but be nervous, and their hearts were filled with excitement. I was deeply shocked by the courage of the police force.

You know, hundreds of uniformed police officers armed with weapons, holding banners and big-character posters, and more than a hundred well-trained and fully armed police officers dispatched are two different things, and they look like two different scenes.

Many civilian staff in the building were frightened and began to regret enrolling in ICAC, and even more regretted being involved in the storm of police integrity conflicts.

Yan Xiong led the main force to the Integrity Building as planned, and ordered the troops composed of military uniforms, logistics and other civilian personnel to disperse and sweep through the social relations offices on Hong Kong Island, and block the main roads, cutting off the opportunity for military reinforcements.

These action plans sound complicated, but after repeated discussions within the top management, every aspect has actually been considered clearly, and their step-by-step implementation can sweep across Hong Kong. After all, the police force has more than 3,000 people. Even if there are 1,000 people in each district, it is still a paramilitary organization equivalent to a regiment level. How many divisions are needed to launch a purge operation with internal advantages?

"Sir Ji Da, the police team has surrounded the main entrance, but the road outside the back entrance is not blocked and remains open for the time being." Senior Investigation Director Wei Liqin came to the door of the Integrity Commissioner and saw the Integrity Commissioner wearing a suit with a worried face. Standing in front of the window, my heart sank, and I asked, "Do you want to take a car to the Victoria Barracks for emergency evacuation first?"

"Are there any emergency evacuation rules in the Independent Commission Against Corruption Ordinance? Why didn't I know?"

Ji Da turned around and glanced at Wei Liqin, and said with murderous intent: "The reason why the Chinese in the police force did not seal the back door is to force the ICAC staff to escape. Send me an order to change the special service team to a supervisory team. Any ICAC staff member who flees without a fight will be shot on the spot!"

"If someone locks the back door again, no one will be allowed to escape. We are stationed on Hong Kong Island by the emperor's order to clean up the social atmosphere. There is no option to escape at any time!"

"Yes, sir!"

Wei Liqin stood at attention and saluted, not daring to meet Ji Da's eyes. He quickly lowered his head and hurried forward to dispatch people and convey the order. In fact, Britain has never had a tradition of sacrificing its life in the line of duty or the country. A group of big drug lords who made their fortune by doing business come and make money when they have money, and run away when they don't. In a world war, economic accounts must be settled first, so how can they be so fearless? with application? Even the gangster spirit of being a pirate has been worn down in the capital society. The reason why Ji Da is determined not to retreat is because the ICAC has long been equated with his political career. He is fighting for his own Make the final push for your political life!

For an ambitious politician like him, no matter how many people die or the price paid, political gains and losses come first. If he can continue to contain the ICAC before military support arrives, and prevent the ICAC from falling into the hands of the police before the Hong Kong government bows its head, it will be a huge benefit to his personal political reputation, and all political debts will be eliminated. It will be the responsibility of the Governor. On the other hand, if he abandons the ICAC before the Governor bows his head, he will become a scapegoat used by the Governor to calm public opinion.

"This is no longer a political confrontation, let alone a protest march, but a naked military coup!" Jida knows very well that when encountering the most dangerous situation, no one can be relied on but herself!

Historically, the official decisive battle in the conflict over police integrity was for all Hong Kong police officers to take to the streets, but without carrying weapons. They mainly relied on strikes to demonstrate their influence, and finally forced Hong Kong Island to issue an amnesty order to pardon the police force's previous corruption behaviors. , reports made before that day are not allowed to be investigated.

This result was actually a victory for the management of the police force, but it was a complete loss for the lower levels of the police force. Since then, the grassroots police officers have been living under the threat of the ICAC for decades, and they are often personally A Chinese police officer was given a knife to establish his authority. Even if he is clean and not greedy for a penny, a reprimand and hearing are enough to ruin a police officer's future.

Nowadays, the police force is out on the streets with guns, venting their anger wantonly. Many community relations offices and even the office areas of the affairs offices have been looted. Documents and documents are piled up like mountains on the streets, and raging fires are burning.

The impact and lethality it will cause will be several levels higher than in history, and the results will not be the same.

I don’t know how many citizens have regretted going out to work, and I don’t know how many shops and businesses have urgently suspended operations. The entire Hong Kong Island has become obviously lifeless as the police force is out on the streets. In the streets and lanes, in houses and shops, there are frightened and panic-stricken faces, telling everyone how precious peace is!

Who can Hong Kong Island not live without?

Yan Xiong was behind the police officers arrayed with guns, with one hand on his hip and a police whistle in his mouth, staring eagerly at the gate of the ICAC.

Although the boss gave an order to capture the anti-corruption commissioner alive half an hour later, he couldn't just rush after the order without any rules. Who would be responsible for the death caused by that? Still according to the action plan, the ICAC was given five minutes to consider. On the one hand, they formed a formation to intimidate the police station, and on the other hand, they had people shouting through loudspeakers.

Although he was anxious, and every minute that passed made him more anxious, in the final analysis, the goal of the police force was not how many people to kill, how many people to beat, nor every Chinese who joined the police station, but the brand name of the Independent Commission Against Corruption!

When an ICAC officer chooses to stand with that signboard, he is an enemy who must be killed. When an ICAC officer decides to leave that signboard, there is no need to pull the trigger on his compatriots. Things that come quickly to the haters.

But when the special task force appeared at the bottom of the building with guns to supervise the battle, some Chinese police officers who were wavered in the shouting also put their minds aside and did not dare to think too much. After all, the Chinese police officers outside may be merciful, but the ghost gunmen behind the scenes definitely will not!

Yan Xiong saw that five minutes had passed and no one had escaped from the back door. He also received news from his subordinates that someone had locked the back door. He understood and raised his hands and said: "Everyone is here, ready to shoot." !”

"Ready to shoot!"

"Yes, sir!"

Commanders at all levels passed down the orders one by one. The police officers who had been on guard with guns became serious, held the guns with both hands, and pulled the bolts. Suddenly there was a crisp sound of springs on the street, and the ICAC staff just Listening to the neat and clean sound of springs, many people's soles began to feel full, their calves and calves became stiff, and their whole bodies broke into cold sweats.

Yan Xiong raised his gun with a stern expression and pulled the trigger: "Bang!"

The gunshot sounded like an order, and all the police officers pulled the triggers and fired towards the Lian Kee Building.

"Da da da."

"Da da da."

Time seems to have returned to World War II, with continuous gunfire on the streets, bullets raining down, gunpowder smoke rising like a curtain, and thousands of bullets fired in a single salvo. Although the bullet did not directly target the ICAC staff in the front gate, it was shot towards the wall and window of the ICAC building.

The ICAC officers in the building were shocked when they saw the police team aiming their guns high, squatting down with their heads in their hands, and fled in a hurry, hiding under the table in the corner.

"Puff puff puff."


In an instant, countless windows exploded and fragments flew everywhere. Some people were scared, scratched by the fragments, or even hit by stray bullets. There were screams and panic in the ICAC. Everyone thought that the police would break through immediately, but they did not expect that they would use a demonstration method to shoot volleys at the building.

Ji Da sent all the most loyal and experienced enforcement officers and special service teams to the front line of the gate to fortify the building. Unexpectedly, the police team used a trick to focus on the heart, leaping over the subordinates at the gate and directly attacking the building.

This kind of attack will not cause much damage, but it can very effectively intimidate the ICAC and cause internal turmoil within the ICAC.

You know, most of the people in the building are employees. Even if they have guns, they actually have no combat capabilities, let alone the will to fight.


After a ten-second pause, Yan Xiong pulled the trigger again and yelled, "Shoot again!"

"Cum again!"

"Cum again!"

There was a burst of gunshots, another hail of bullets, and hundreds of people fired in volley.

The enforcement staff in front of the ICAC gate all looked panicked and fearful. The civilian police officers in the building were even more frightened and did not dare to say anything. They hid with their heads in their hands.

Ji Da knew that he should order the staff at the door to fight back to build momentum. Otherwise, the police team would not have to attack the building at all, and the ICAC might collapse. But the people in the enforcement department could barely defend, so how could they follow the order and fight back?

"Cum again!"

Yan Xiong pulled the trigger for the third time.


"Da da da."

"Da da da."

The ICAC Building was baptized again.

At this time, even Jida turned into an ant on a hot pot, pacing back and forth, restless.

Judging from the offensive and rhythm displayed by the police force, it does not look like a temporary decision made in a hurry. Rather, it looks like it has been repeated hundreds of times on the map of Hong Kong Island, taking into account every detail and every human heart. Extreme.

He Dingxian is an artist of change. Everyone, including Yan Xiong, the conductor downstairs, is just an understatement on the picture.

Just as Yan Xiong had completed three shooting threats in accordance with the order, he was content to see a group of fake devils in the ICAC gate peeing in fear, put his gun in his waist, and was ready to order a formal attack. Inside the ICAC building, people who were isolated from the front line Han Zhibang and Jiang Yichong looked quietly at each other, bowed their heads and walked out of the office, shouting: "Colleagues, you have a gun in your hand, why are you lowering your head and acting like a dog?"

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