Chapter 161 Journey to the end of the world.

Bai Xinmei patted her chest, and after calming down her breath, she summoned the strength of her whole body, and her nine tails danced wildly in the air, sending out waves that could distort the surrounding space.

After trying several times, he said with some hesitation:"There seems to be a strange power in you that prevents me from sending you to that space."···"

Chen Hua clapped his palms and forgot about it.

Chen Hua dispersed the power of truth wrapped around him and said to Bai Xinmei calmly:"Okay, let's get started."

From Chen Hua's perspective, the sky was spinning, the light and shadow were upside down, and the collapsing torrent was the reflection of time along the way, everywhere. It's his shadow, layer by layer superimposed on the twisted space.

As time passed, Chen Hua's eyes gradually became clearer, and the surrounding space was no longer distorted. The spatial fluctuations dissipated, and Chen Hua still stood where he was, but the surrounding environment had changed drastically.

The sky was full of wind and sand, and the sky was dark. The whole world seemed to be shrouded in sand and dust, and the familiar place in front of me turned into a hell on earth.

There was no sun, moon or starlight in the sky, and bleak and gloomy clouds piled up on the horizon in layers.

The black sky shrouded these lifeless streets like a huge shroud covering this huge tomb. Chen Hua looked far into the distance and found that this was not only true of Hong Kong Island, but also of the whole world!

"so cold···"

Mimi slowly woke up, and Kuang Tianyou beside her also woke up at the same time. The two helped each other get up and found that Chen Hua had also been tricked and entered this world.

"I didn't expect you to fall for the nine-tailed fox's trick.···"

Mimi said in shock

"That's not true. She said that Ma Xiaoling was also in this world, so I asked her to send me in to take a look."

Chen Hua said with a relaxed expression. At this time, the two of them began to take stock of the familiar yet unfamiliar environment in front of them. They were both shocked by the changes in the world. The two of them cast inquiring glances at Chen Hua.

"The nine-tailed fox is good at traveling through time and space. It was she who sent the three of us to the post-apocalyptic world, and Xiaoling is also in this world."

Kang Tianyou and Mimi couldn't help but feel shocked when they looked at the scene in front of them.

The river stopped flowing, the strong wind stopped roaring, and the canals dried up.

There was chaos between heaven and earth, with dust, waste paper, and plastic bags flying all over the sky. Small trees on both sides of the road. The tree was blown to and fro, struggling feebly.

The few rays of light that shone there were swallowed up by the boundless darkness and wind, and there was no ripple on the broken mud wall. It looked like a coffin sitting there. This remote corner is short and full of depression. This Tianchi is like a prison that no one pays attention to.

It is a barren land with ruins everywhere and bareness in the distance. Seeing this scene, Er Everyone became taciturn, how helpless human beings are in the face of natural disasters.

After listening to this, the two understood their current situation, but the top priority was to find Ma Xiaoling first. The three of them slowly walked down the stairs in the Jiajia Building. Searching for Ma Xiaoling, the large amount of smoke and dust floating around made Mimi feel very uncomfortable.

When she arrived at the Lingling Hall, she was about to get a glass of water, but she found a handful of sand flowing out from the faucet. Not finding Ma Xiaoling here, the three of them stopped looking for Ma Xiaoling along the road. At this time, the sharp-eyed Kuang Tianyou found an old BB machine lying on the ground and picked it up. Get up and try to turn on the phone.

The screen flashed with snowflakes, and after a while, the signal was actually received. The words on the screen made Kuang Tianyou feel nervous and asked:"What's wrong?"

Kuang Tianyou did not speak, but handed the BB phone to Chen Hua and asked him to check it by himself.

Chen Hua took the BB phone and took a closer look: The final announcement from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to all citizens of Hong Kong Island: If you are lucky enough to survive Upon seeing this announcement, all members of the SAR government would like to express their deepest congratulations and blessings to you, and express our regret for not being able to protect the lives and property of all Hong Kong Island residents.

I wish you peace.

It turns out that this was issued by the Hong Kong Island government before the end of the world. At this moment

, Chen Hua sensed Ma Xiaoling’s breath, put down the BB camera, and shouted:"Xiaoling!"

The powerful sound wave shattered the glass of the surrounding buildings, and the sound spread out in ripples. Kuang Tianyou and others also smelled Ma Xiaoling's breath and shouted loudly.

Chen Hua felt that there were more than one eyes behind him monitoring him..

Then she looked back at the sky, and looked at Nuwa and the general across time and space. Nuwa waved her hand and closed the energy projection screen, and looked at each other.

Nuwa did not expect that Chen Hua's perception was like this. She was so keen that she could look at them across time even through layers of barriers, and the general had an expression worthy of him, which made Nuwa suddenly lose her desire to talk to the general. What the three of them didn't know was that. All this is actually a bet between Nuwa and the general.

Nuwa believes that when people are in desperate situations, their selfishness is revealed, and Chen Hua and Kuang Tianyou are the people chosen by the general to gamble.

Nuwa knows Kuang Tianyou through her previous understanding. Chen Hua was indecisive when it came to relationships, so she wanted to gamble on love.

Jiangchen smiled and said that he liked this gamble very much, and turned around and asked Bai Xinmei if he could guarantee that they would be sent back safely. Speaking of whether 417 could bring them back, there would probably be no next gamble.

Bai Xinmei assured the general that since she could bring them to the end of January 4, 2001, she could also bring them back..

As long as the outcome of the bet is one point, Bai Xinmei will do what Nuwa asked. After hearing this, Nuwa couldn't help but praise Bai Xinmei for doing a good job this time. Bai Xinmei took the opportunity to plead with Nuwa.

���For the sake of good performance, I am willing to listen to Bai Xinmei's request.

"If the master really decides to destroy it, can he leave the three people alive?"

Nu Wa looked at Bai Xinmei with doubtful eyes.

Bai Xinmei continued:"It's a man, a child and an old man."

After hearing what Bai Xinmei said, Nuwa realized that the people Bai Xinmei wanted to save were the three people in the family she was living in now. Zhu Yongfu, Mary and Zhu Yongfu's mother.

Nuwa couldn't help but sigh:"Back then, with her lustful appearance, The nine-tailed fox that deceived all living beings and caused King Zhou to lose his country and captivate the city is actually willing to wash away all the beauty today."

"Or is it a cocoon?"

When Bai Xinmei heard this, a trace of anger flashed in her heart. She told Nuwa that she felt that Zhu Yongfu really loved her.

Nuwa used the example of King Zhou to retort: "Why didn't King Zhou really love her back then? I love you, what’s the result?"

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