It's just a pity that Liangkun is not the only one with a temper.

The Vietnamese boss opposite him didn't like him at all, and said coldly:"It's hard to get goods recently, so it's normal for the price to be a little higher. Do you think we are a charity?"

"Of course, if you think it's expensive, you don't have to, but you have to pay us some hard work."

After saying that, the two Yue people behind him slightly opened their clothes, revealing the dark, slightly pierced muzzles of their guns.

"Want to be black and white? I'm scared to death."Liangkun showed no fear in the face of several guns. Behind him, the three younger brothers also pointed their guns at each other.

His eyes glanced at the three pistols. The Yue boss's eyes flickered slightly and he said hoarsely:"We are doing business. Always honest and will not engage in illegal business."

"But like I said, if you don’t want the goods, you have to give us one-tenth of the travel expenses. This is our rule. Liangkun shrugged and spread his hands:"Yes, of course I want the goods. Although it is a bit expensive, for me, Liangkun, two million is just a drop of water.""

At this moment, the reeds in the distance swayed and made a loud splash, like a beast rushing towards them crazily, which shocked everyone.

"who!"Liangkun yelled.

No one responded in the darkness. Some reeds exploded with a bang, and several piercing screams were heard. It was the sound caused by the friction between objects and air.

Bang bang bang!!

Just as the harsh sound exploded At that moment, Liangkun's two men and the two Yue people holding flashlights screamed.

Their palms exploded and their flesh was bloody. The flashlights in their hands were also smashed, and the surroundings suddenly became dark.

The sudden change shocked everyone, but neither Liangkun's men nor those Yue people were ordinary people who dared to trade guns. Therefore, when the lights dimmed, they squatted down to take cover.

, while firing at the reeds in the direction of the sound, there was a sudden burst of gunfire. It was a pity that except for the flash of fire and breaking some reeds, there was a gray movement in another direction more than ten meters away.

Chen Hua, who was convinced, had a serious look on his face. He looked through the gap between the reeds and looked at Liangkun and others indifferently.

The darkness for ordinary people was like daylight in his eyes. At the same time, he was holding a table tennis ball in his hand. , irregular-shaped iron blocks.

Under the terrifying power of Chen Hua's tens of tons of grip, these pieces of iron can explode with a terrifying muzzle velocity comparable to that of a bullet, killing the light source in an instant, which is a hundred times the physical strength of ordinary people. Chen Hua's terrifying power also made him superior to ordinary people in all aspects.

After buying some scrap metal in the afternoon, he smashed it into pieces, and then practiced delivering it for an hour.

This was him. Thinking of long-range attacks.

Against Liang Kun and others with guns, they must not attack by force in open terrain.

The cautious Chen Hua did not want to try whether his body is stronger or the slightly shot bullet is more powerful.

, unless the body of steel is awakened.

At this time, Chen Hua glared, and the iron block in his hand burst out, and the reeds in front of him exploded with a loud roar!

Continuous screams, two Yue people holding guns, and a handsome boy's arm seemed to have been hit by a cannonball, his flesh and blood exploded, and his bones were broken.

"over there!"Jiangkun just shouted.

The three remaining gunmen were already screaming in agony. Their arm bones were broken by the terrifying force, their clothes were torn, and their flesh and blood were bloody.

Suddenly the gunfire stopped, and all the gunmen were eliminated by Chen Hua.

Liangkun, who was lying on the ground, was a little panicked. With the help of the faint moonlight, he saw the duffel bag a few steps away. He looked sharp and rushed over to get the gun.

But at this moment, another piece of iron flew towards him, like a gun. It hit his shoulder like a cannonball.


Under the terrible force, Liangkun was knocked over, and there was a sound of bone cracking in his shoulder. He couldn't help but scream, and he lay on the ground with a pale face.

, the remaining people didn't dare to move, squatting on the ground, looking around in horror.

Those reeds looked like the claws of a ghost.

What's going on? Is this place more than just haunted

? It was Liangkun, including the injured Yue people, who were in a panic. They couldn't see anyone, they could only hear shaking sounds. Every time the roar sounded, someone was seriously injured, but they didn't even know what they were being attacked by.

What is it if it's not a ghost?

Just when these people were at a loss, the reeds not far away exploded, and a black shadow separated the reeds with terrifying power.


A young man was kicked in the chest by Chen Hua. All the ribs were shattered, and a section of the heel suddenly bulged out from behind. The banner was more than ten meters away.


Bang bang bang!!

As soon as the frightened screams came out, they stopped in astonishment.

In front of the unrestrained Chen Xiang, in just a few seconds, everyone was killed, and each of them died miserably within a dozen meters..

As everyone died, only Chen Hua was left standing in the darkness, and a prompt sounded in his mind.

"Kill the plot characters, break the original trajectory, plunder 10 points of origin, and increase the integration level by 1%"

"really."The corners of Chen Hua's mouth raised slightly, and his eyes showed a faint look of indifference.

When he heard Liang Kun's conversation yesterday, he originally planned to secretly injure these people, force them to retreat, and then snatch away the money and firearms.

But this morning, when he encountered After arriving at JOJO, he changed his mind temporarily, and as he thought, after killing the main character of the Young and Dangerous plot like Liangkun, he really plundered a lot of his origins and increased his integration level by one percent..

As for the feeling of killing for the first time, it seemed like nothing. Chen Hua looked around coldly, then bent down to pick up the cash box and luggage bag, put them into the storage space, and disappeared into the night.

Although the weather was still a bit cold and the vegetation was sprouting, the branches that had dried up all autumn and winter still caused the fire to spread quickly. With the gasoline prepared by Chen Hua, the place was ignited by the fire in a short time, and the raging fire spread. Wipe everything away.

Outside the reeds, the boy who stayed behind was a little confused when he saw the sudden fire.

"Sure enough, a horse will not be fat without night grass, and a man will not be rich without windfall."

In the room, Chen Hua looked at the pile of red banknotes on the bed, and couldn't help but smile.

Although he has been a man for two generations, this was the first time he saw two million in cash, but compared to the harvest of this little money, The improved fusion progress made him even more satisfied.

At this time, he could clearly feel that even at night, the cells in his body were evolving faster.

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