Chapter 68 Easy little task, Hong Xing bigwigs are addicted!!


“The system releases a temporary mission: Find the Gun of Goodness!”

“The host will be rewarded: agility +1.”

The expression of silence was rather subtle.

It was the least rewarding mission he’d ever seen! But if you think about it, it seems that it would be nice to give a little reward for this task.

Chief Superintendent Wong Ping-yiu’s kindness gun was lost after international school students visited the police station.

That gun has not been fired for thirty years and has long been unusable.

However, this gun has a special meaning for Wong Bingyao, it is a tool he specially uses to tickle – the status is equivalent to the tickle at home!

In other words, this gun is not dangerous to people at all.

That is, it is a ‘gun’, it is still the students who steal it, and it is because of the complex composition of the international school, which makes Zhou Xingxing go undercover to investigate.

A small task that can’t be smaller! Xingxing Zhou smoked and felt that his liver was broken!

He was a dignified captain of the Flying Tigers, and he fell to the point of being an undercover agent, which is really tragic.

What is even more tragic is that he went undercover in the international school, and was even recognized by the richest man in Hong Xing’s dragon Shen! Until this time, Zhou Xingxing felt afraid,

“Shen’s richest man won’t sink me in the pond, right?”

“Probably not, right?”

Silently asked, “What are the results of your investigation?” ”

Zhou Xingxing cried and laughed: “According to Mr. Huang’s instructions, I focused on investigating the students who participated in Hongxing in international schools. ”

“However, it took me a month to find out.”

“These students are serious about their studies.”

“I can’t wait to use all the rest time.”

“I don’t spend much time hanging out with people, and at most I participate in club activities organized by the school.”

“I see that their goal is all scholarships.”

“They didn’t do it!”

Shen Mo was very satisfied: “These brats are good.” ”

Zhou Xingxing was puzzled: “If they had worked so hard back then, they wouldn’t have mixed up with the community at all.” ”

“How did you go out and mix for a year or two, and it changed so much?”

Shen Mo said lightly: “It’s very simple!” ”

“If they don’t study well, they will be beaten!”

“Beat up in place.”

“Beat up with declining grades.”

“Not only did their parents beat them, but the boss who took them in also beat them.”

Zhou Xingxing was stunned: “This… This…”

Shen Mo said nonchalantly: “A beating will definitely not work,”

“These guys go back to class with tasks and get a fixed salary.”

“Grades are their performance.”

“Those who have improved, even a little, I will reward them.”

“They have fear, they have motivation, and natural progress is fast!”

Zhou Xingxing was stunned: “Shen Sheng, what are you drawing?” ”

Shen Mo said lightly: “Figure what?” ”

“Do you know how many companies I have now?”

Zhou Xingxing shook his head honestly: “I don’t know!” ”

Shen Mo chuckled, “As of yesterday, there were one hundred and thirty-one companies under my name!” ”

“There are fifty-four wholly controlled companies, and eleven wholly-owned companies,”

“The rest is controlled by the majority.”

“And there are my seats on the board, more!”

“There are three hundred and forty-eight!”

Zhou Xingxing suddenly had the urge to kneel to the ground.

Everyone knows that Shen Mo is the richest man in Xiangjiang, but how many people know the number of companies that are the richest in Shen? This is not called amazing, this is called scary!

“I have a lot of industry, but not many close talents.”

“Fortunately, in addition to my status as the richest man, I also have another dragon head with a flourishing body.”

“Hongxing disciples are my talent pool.”

“But the rotten boy who came out to mess with the society, where is there any culture?”

“If my property is to be taken care of, I need them to come back.”

“Actually, they’re working for me right now.”

“Once they graduate, some are assigned to them.”

“And among these people, once there is talent…”

“I’m going to get a tenfold, a hundredfold return.”

“It’s the best deal!”

“Do you agree?”

Zhou Xingxing nodded repeatedly: “That’s right!” ”

Although he agreed, Zhou Xingxing’s face was confused.

He said honestly,

“Shen Sheng, I took the police academy because I didn’t do my homework well when I was studying.”

“I feel very good about what you said, but I don’t understand.”

Shen Mo smiled: “If you do things with me, you can’t do it without a skill.” ”

“There is a high probability that it will be rebuilt!”

Zhou Xingxing immediately bit his finger, the school is too terrible!

The teachers’ dark kung fu is even better than the instructors of the Flying Tigers.

Chalk, chalk eraser…

It’s terrifying! Follow Shen Sheng to do things, the future is very good.

But to go back to school by himself, Zhou Xingxing felt that it was better to forget it!

He carefully asked the question: “Shen Sheng, I’m undercover in the international school, you won’t sink me in the pond, right?” ”

Shen Mo was quite speechless: “I Hongxing also have many disciples who study in international schools,”

“According to your logic, you are going to pull them all?”

Zhou Xingxing shook his head vigorously.

Why didn’t Mr. Huang directly set up a car and horse to search the international school? Isn’t it still that the students inside are either rich or expensive?

That’s right!

The families from which Hong Xing’s cubs come from are also either rich or expensive! Otherwise, they wouldn’t be studying in an international school!

Silent asked, “What other clues are there?” ”

Zhou Xingxing was very frustrated: “I originally thought that Sister Fang Min was the leader of the biggest force in the international school,”

“I thought she did it.”

“When I mixed into the circle, I found out that her man turned out to be you!”

“That’s definitely not either!”

This guy deserved to be nonsensical, and he suddenly thought: “Shen Sheng, help me!” ”

“You are the richest man, you are very powerful, you can definitely find out who stole the gun.”

“Besides, Sister Fang Min is also in the school.”

“There is a police gun in the hands of the student, which is also a threat to the eldest sister!”

Zhou Xingxing shook his hands and almost fell to his knees.

Shen Mo thought for a while: “You are also right! ”

“We have to find out who did it as soon as possible.”

“Let me give you a hint.”

Zhou Xingxing was stunned: “Didn’t you order your subordinates to help me find it?” ”

Shen Mo looked at him strangely: “It’s such a small case, do you still need my help?” ”


Zhou Xingxing’s eyes widened: “Shen Sheng, you are the leader of Hongxing, you may not know how difficult it is to solve the case… Shen Mo reached out and interrupted him,”

“Solve the case, what’s so difficult.”

“First of all, this gun is a gun of kindness, even if it falls into the hands of bad people, it will not harm people.”

“So, your mind needs to be flat.”

“Second, you should target the playful guy.”

“Dare to steal a gun in the police station, ordinary people can’t do it.”

“Third, check the gangs around Yiyi International School.”

“See who has the periphery inside the international school.”

“What can students ask for guns?”

“It will eventually fall into the community.”

“One last point…”

“The people who visited the school that day were recorded.”

“It should be Xiaomin’s class.”

“Combine these points, who stole the gun, do you still need to think?!”

Zhou Xingxing was stunned!

In such a small case, the reward has only one attribute point, and it is not worth the effort at all.

Looking at Zhou Xingxing’s stunned appearance, Shen Mo was speechless.

Zhou Xingxing came back to his senses for a long time, and looked at Shen Mo’s eyes full of stars, which were full of worship: “Shen Sheng, if you are not a Hong Xing dragon head, you want to be a policeman, then you are also a first-class policeman.” ”

This case, which left everyone at a loss, was placed in the hands of silence, and it was analyzed in a few words.

Zhou Xingxing couldn’t wait to kneel to Shen Mo! That’s awesome!

Shen Moxin said, “If my upper line hadn’t been hung up earlier, I would have returned to the police force a long time ago.” ”

“With the various anti-heaven skills given by the system,”

“I have long become the most famous detective in Xiangjiang!”

“However, it’s not bad now!”

Shen Mo ordered: “Give you a week to end this case early.” ”

“Otherwise, I’ll strike.”

“You know, if I shoot and find Mr. Huang’s lost police gun,”

“The face of your police force is not good-looking.”

Zhou Xingxing only then remembered the trick in it, and he didn’t dare to mention the matter of letting Shen Mo help.

Although Shen Mo is the richest man in Xiangjiang, he is also the leading boss of Hongxing!

The police chief’s gun was finally picked up by the boss of the society, what is that like?

Zhou Xingxing immediately assured: “Shen Sheng rest assured, I will definitely find the gun within seven days!” ”

Shen Mo looked at him indifferently: “I only give you seven days, after time, my people will do things!” ”

Zhou Xingxing nodded heavily.

After the two finished speaking, they returned to the courtyard and joined the joyful crowd.

What made Shen Mo feel strange was that Fang Min’s class leader He Min, as well as her best friend Xanti, looked at their eyes and wanted to eat themselves.

It feels abrupt, but it’s clear.

The cheerful day passed quickly.

The Rolls-Royce extended courtesy car saw off the students, and Fang Min threw himself into the silent arms: “Brother Mo, thank you for holding a party for me!” ”

Silent smiled and touched her head,

“Am I your man?”

“Why are you polite with me?”

“By the way, has Fang Ting been sleeping?”

Fang Min’s face turned crimson,

“yes, she played basketball for too long last night.”

“The body can’t eat it.”

“After all, she is practicing for the first time.”

Shen Mo sighed: “Blame me, I thought she was a veteran.” ”

Fang Min kissed him with a smile,

“Brother Mo, I said, I will serve you well.”

Silence is quite satisfied.

When the atmosphere was right, Big Brother rang.

Shen Mo helplessly picked up the phone, and it turned out to be Binny: “Shen Sheng, today is the regular meeting of Hongxing Group, do you have time?” ”

Silently slapped his forehead,

“I’ll be right there!”

There have been so many things in the past two days that I forgot all the company’s regular meetings.

Hang up the phone, silently apologize and say to Fang Min,

“The company has regular meetings, but I can’t accompany you.”

Fang Min is very sensible: “Business is important.” ”

“Then I won’t wait for you to eat.”

Silently nodded, “Don’t wait for me,”

“You talk to Fang Ting more.”

“She survived last night and needs comfort.”

Fang Min nodded heavily: “I know!” ”

Coming to Hung Hing Building in Central, all the hall masters arrived.

Silent gently knocked on the table: “Let’s start!” ”

Binny picked up the document and said,

“The “Chainsaw” over there in the beautiful country is drawn.”

“In the end, it received 45 million knife music box office.”

“Because the chairman had a gambling agreement with the other party before,”

“As long as the box office exceeds five million knife music,”

“The split will be divided in half.”

“According to this agreement, we Hongxing Film and Television will be able to get 11 million Dao Le.”

“Change to Hong Kong paper, that’s nearly 100 million Hong Kong paper!”

There was an uproar!

The crowd couldn’t help but applaud.

Thirteenth Sister really admired: “Shen Sheng really does things one after another. ”

“It’s amazing to earn 100 million Hong Kong paper so easily!”

“Shen Sheng, you are the number one in the world in business!”

“Two films, let’s make a big profit!”

Binny’s face was particularly strange: “Little sister, you are wrong.” ”

Thirteenth Sister was stunned: “Where did I say something wrong?” ”

Binney said seriously: “Our two films didn’t make money at all, and we barely managed to break even.” ”

The parishioners looked at Binny speechlessly.

How thick a skin and a black heart can say such a thing?

Binny quickly nodded the file bag: “That’s right, that’s what is written on the document.” ”

“Our salary is 100 million Hong Kong paper.”

“Director’s fees, crew fees, set costs… In total, it adds up to nearly 100 million Hong Kong paper…”

Binny can’t read it anymore!

Liang Kun complained frantically: “The thanks to this is that I participated in the filming of two movies throughout the process. ”

“The hearts of you readers are black!”

“Obviously, a movie made 300 million Hong Kong paper.”

“As a result…”

“You guys are stunned to make a report of support.”

Everyone nodded in unison.

However, Liang Kun changed his tone, slammed the table, and extended his thumbs with both hands,

“Zhan Mi is very beautiful!”

“This has to be it!”

“Proper readers make money!”

The hall masters were stunned, and suddenly laughed! Everyone here is rich, but to be honest, who cares about more money? Of course, the more money, the better!

Binny glanced at everyone’s expressions and immediately knew what to do: “Chairman, directors, please rest assured, in the future, our financial reports will definitely not be half profitable!” ”

Pat Snap! The crowd applauded in unison.

Binney looked at Liang Kun’s eyes very inexplicably, “The partner of the beautiful country has called.” ”

“They said the male one from ‘Chainsaw’ was nominated for the Oscar for Best Actor and nominated for a clam?!”

Liang Kun is silly! All the big guys are stupid! Just beautiful? Oscar male lead nomination?! Beautiful Country is crazy, right?

Silently asked: “Lion City (the partner of the beautiful country) do they want to operate and release the videotape?” ”

Binny nodded heavily.

“The chairman is so right!”

“In any case, once an actor is selected for the Oscar, it will drive the sales of videotapes.”

“Actually, it’s a big head!”

Liang Kun broke his mouth and cursed: “I thought my acting skills were recognized.” ”

The hall masters laughed.

Thirteenth Sister looked at Shen Mo expectantly: “Shen Sheng, it’s time for our new drama to be filmed, right?” ”

Everyone echoed: “Shen Sheng, we have also rested for too long!” ”

Silent and dumb, are these people addicted to filming?

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