
On the street at this time,

Everywhere stood a lot of dwarf mules, holding beer bottles, wandering in groups of three or five in the streets.

There were dozens of dwarf mules, chasing a man who had been stripped of his shirt.

An old uniformed patrolman went up to stop him.

Surrounded by dozens of dwarf mules,

An arrogant guy who threw a beer bottle directly at the feet of the military uniform.

"What for!"

Chen Guozhong has been fighting with Wang Bao for many years, and he knows that these are Wang Bao's subordinates.

He took his papers, rushed over, and pressed the yellow t-shirt to the ground.

"You smashed the bottle, didn't you?"

Chen Guozhong directly searched for the cigarette case from the dwarf mule, which contained several white noodles.

"Take off your shoes!"

Chen Guozhong let the dwarf mule take off his shoes and took two steps back, just stepping on the glass of the wine bottle he had smashed himself.


The screams of the dwarf mules,

Let the hundreds of dwarf mules around instantly excited.

They all surrounded Chen Guozhong and the others.

Lin Qiang put on his ID and led people over, bursting into cheers,

"What are you doing?

"Stand back!"

As soon as Lin Qiang, the super policeman, came, he instantly suppressed the arrogance of the dwarf mule.

Many of these dwarf mules are mouth cannons, coaxing,

Lin Qiang, a fierce policeman who killed so many bandits, everyone is a little vain.

"Ding, ding, ding!"

The sound of beer bottles banging on steel pipes,

Everyone followed the prestige, it was Wang Bao, the boss of the righteous word pile, who walked slowly, and the momentum was very strong.

Wang Bao looked at Lin Qiang,

"Sir Lin, on the first day of work today, you want to give me a dismount?"

Ma Jun interjected,

"Fatty, I'll play with you tomorrow!"

He took over the work of Chen Guozhong, mainly to arrest Wang Bao and Yizidui.

"Play, I'll play with you slowly!"

Wang Bao just glanced at Ma Jun, and then looked at 633 Xiang Lin Qiang,

At the scene here, only Lin Qiang gave him a very dangerous feeling.

Wang Bao looked around, and he also wanted to give Lin Qiang a dismount.

He lifted the beer bottle high and slammed it to the ground!


Lin Qiang stepped out in one step, kicked the beer bottle back into the air with an instep kick, and hit Wang Bao's face.


Wang Bao's face was directly smashed by a beer bottle and bloodstained, and he was also splashed with beer.

Others are confused, there is still this operation!

Lin Qiang said lightly,

"Wang Bao, littering is not a good habit!"

Li Saifeng whispered,

"The head is the golden right foot of the police force, super powerful!"

Wang Bao almost died of anger, but he didn't dare to make a move.

If he hit Lin Qiang, it would be an attack on the police, and the crime would be very great.

He wiped the beer from his face,

"Sir Lin, you are so free, you might as well do more things to make Tsim Sha Tsui a little more secure!"

"Let's go!"

The dwarf mule followed Wang Bao and withdrew.

Ma Jun looked at Wang Bao's back,

"This fat man is so arrogant, I can't wait to beat him up now!"

Lin Qiang patted him on the shoulder,

"In that case, let's go back to the police station to discuss. "

The other police officers were stunned, Lin Sir had something, please eat and sing K, and after twelve o'clock, he actually went back to work overtime?

The super cop really doesn't play according to the routine!

Back at the police station,

Lin Qiang called several sheriffs into the office,

"Everyone, I got a tip, Wang Bao's barehead's den, there are a lot of K fans in it. "

"Go back and prepare, let's set off in ten minutes, don't reveal the purpose of the operation to the team members!"

Wang Bao has been in Tsim Sha Tsui for many years, and it is normal to have a few eyeliners at the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.


Lin Qiang led people to sweep the den of Wang Bao's bald boys,

It's fun here, it's smoky,

Pink man, ice girl, messy.

Lin Qiang kicked open the door,

The police rush in!

The bald boy pushed the woman with a lot of powder in his arms towards the police officer, and ran towards the back door himself.


Yang Lijing kicked her right foot, flew up with a kick, and kicked her bald head to the ground.


Ma Jun was secretly alarmed,

"This Yang Lijing is very powerful!"

Li Saifeng, who came in from the side door, grabbed the dwarf mule who wanted to pour flour into the toilet bowl and seized dozens of catties of flour.

Zhong Liwen, who was ambushed outside, led the team to arrest the dwarf mule who was carrying a money bag and wanted to run away.

In just a few minutes,

Wang Bao's secret powder file was swept away by Lin Qiang.

The loss of at least dozens of catties of flour, more than a dozen catties of ketamine, etc., plus 30 million funds, is also a pain in the muscles and bones for Wang Bao.

Everyone was very excited, and on the first day of following, a big case was solved.

"Eat and drink enough, come out for a circle, and actually solve the big case of powdering?!"

"I was supposed to be in the digestion process, but I didn't expect to really make a meritorious service. "

"It's worth it with Sir Lin!"

Chen Guozhong shook his head secretly, although he solved the big fan case, it had no effect on catching Wang Bao.

It is impossible for these dwarf mules to bear witness to Wang Bao, and there is no other evidence.

Of course, Lin Qiang didn't expect it, so he arrested Wang Bao based on this matter.

On the first day, you have to make some credit.

"Search this place carefully and don't miss a thing!"

Wang Bao's home,

"What?!" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Lin Qiang leads the team to be less bald boys?!"

"Dozens of catties of powder and 30 million cash have been confiscated?!"

Wang Bao was furious and kicked the chair,

"Lin Qiang, I'm not done with you!"

Wang Bao is dying of anger,

He got the news that Lin Qiang invited the group members to dinner and sang K on the first day.

Unexpectedly, after twelve o'clock, this guy actually led the team to sweep his field.

This bend almost flashed Wang Bao's fat waist.

"Lin Qiang, you wait for me!"

The next morning,

The Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station held a press conference.

The corners of Fang Jiexia's mouth were almost uncontrollable.

She didn't expect that the two of them would hold a press conference to announce the results of the battle the day after they arrived at the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

"Everyone, let our Lin Sir introduce the situation last night. "[]

Lin Qiang introduced the results of yesterday's battle to the reporters.

Many reporters exclaimed,

"Sir Lin, on your first day of work yesterday, you solved such a big case!"

"What a natural cop!"

"Sir Lin, do you want to rectify the chaotic law and order in Tsim Sha Tsui?"

Lin Qiang glanced at Fang Jiexia and nodded,

"Tsim Sha Tsui is one of the most important business districts on Hong Kong Island, and we at Madam are interested in improving law and order, fighting crime and protecting the lives and property of the public. "

Fang Jiexia's face was full of bright smiles, and her heart blossomed,

"Hee-hee, with Ah Qiang, I can count myself as lying down and winning. "

She suddenly remembered the scene of Lin Qiang tossing herself, and her legs couldn't help but tighten.

"Lying down may not be able to say win, he works so hard, he must be rewarded. "

Rhythm master Gao Jie has begun to bring rhythm,

"Sir Lin, since you left the West Kowloon Serious Crime Team, there have been two vicious ticket kidnapping cases, and there has been no progress so far, but you broke the 400 million ticket kidnapping case on the same day. "

The others then said,

"Yes, Wan Xihua can't do it!"

"Lin Sir was targeted, so able to solve the case, he was actually transferred out of the serious crime team. "

"I don't know what Sir Guan wants to do. "

"Now the Guo family and the Xu family are asking Sir to shut down and let Sir Lin participate in solving the case. "

Lin Qiang smiled,

"Ladies and gentlemen, Madam is a very experienced superintendent and I think she will solve the case as soon as possible. "

"As for whether or not I should participate in the investigation, it is not for me to decide. "

Wan Xihua was on the computer in the office, watching the interview at the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, and almost exploded.

"Solve the drug case on the first day, this guy did it on purpose!"

"Just to embarrass me!"

Wan Xihua felt that he was roasted on the fire by Lin Qiang,

In two cases of kidnapping tickets, if the case was not solved for a day, her face was pressed to the ground and rubbed.

She guessed correctly, in addition to arresting Wang Bao, Lin Qiang really embarrassed her!

"Ah Wu, let your subordinates solve the case as soon as possible!"

"I haven't slept for 36 hours, and I continue to work overtime!"


Chen Guozhong's side is not comfortable either,

The undercover police officer he sent to Wang Bao three years ago was found dead in the grass today and had been killed for more than three days.

Chen Guozhong's heart completely collapsed, and he couldn't wait to shoot Wang Bao to death now.

At this moment,

His subordinate Brother Hua brought over a videotape, which was taken by a fool.

It was Wang Bao who hit the undercover police officer with a golf club, and finally Wang Bao's men shot the undercover officer.

Chen Guozhong directly asked his subordinates to wash off the back part, and this time he wanted to arrest Wang Bao for homicide.

Although Ma Jun joined this group, he is still being excluded.

Lin Qiang knew what was going on, and he could only say that Chen Guozhong was crazy,

This kind of framing is full of loopholes, and the fool will be threatened by them for a few words, and he will say that Wang Bao killed someone?

The tape did not shoot Wang Bao shooting, which is the biggest loophole.

He led Ma Jun to Chen Guozhong's office,

Several people were about to wash away the clips of Wang Bao's men shooting and killing.

Lin Qiang directly took out the tape and looked at a few people coldly,

"I know you want to arrest Wang Bao and condemn him. "

"But if there is any information, it must be reported to me immediately!"

Chen Guozhong's mouth is bitter,

"Sir Lin, I have been fighting with Wang Bao for many years, and his cunning is far beyond your imagination. "

Lin Qiang hasn't spoken yet,

Ma Jun interjected,

"Sir Chen, Sir Lin is far more powerful than you imagined, I believe that Sir Lin can lead us to convict Wang Bao!"

Lin Qiang glanced at Ma Jun unexpectedly, when did this thing worship himself, I really didn't expect it.

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