"First of all, the first point is that except for stumbling, there were almost no other wounds on the deceased's body."

"But only the legs of the deceased were sawed off alive."

"Therefore, since we can't find any useful clues from the people around the deceased, the murderer cannot even be someone the murderer knew."

"Then consider other situations."

Wu Xiaozu rummaged through a stack of photos of giants watching the deceased and found a photo of the deceased's amputated limb.

Then he held the photo frame containing the photo of the deceased in his other hand.

He did not hold up the two photos at the same time, but He just raised the photo frame, then looked at everyone and asked

"Aren’t this women’s feet pretty?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment when they heard Wu Xiaozu's sudden question.

Then they began to look carefully. When they looked at the photo frame before, all their attention was focused on the woman's face and figure. There was no mention of the lower body of the deceased. How to pay attention.

At this time, after Wu Xiaozu specifically reminded them, they focused all their attention on the woman's feet.

The woman in the photo was wearing a white floral dress that reached her knees and a pair of high heels.

Her entire calf and toes were exposed. Come out.

The snow-white skin and ten crystal-clear toes are indeed very beautiful.

"Now, take a look at this photo again."

Wu Xiaozu held up another photo of his legs that had been sawed off at this time.

"Then...You can find the key clues from the piece of paper I wrote before."Wu Xiaozu's voice suddenly became a little deeper.


"this...Foot fetish?"

Everyone quickly picked up the paper in their hands and started searching. In an instant, everyone's attention was focused on foot fetish.

"Yes, since we have now ruled out the possibility of conflict between the deceased and the murderer"

"So let's start investigating now from the deceased himself."

"so...Why would the murderer saw off the legs of the deceased? Since there is no hatred or love or hate"

"Then there are only two possibilities left, as well as the decisive nature of the murderer."

After Wu Xiaozu finished speaking, everyone in the conference room was stunned.

They looked at the photo of the deceased before his death, and then looked at the keywords on the paper in their hands.

Thinking of what Wu Xiaozu just said, a addict A figure with bloody cruelty, psychological distortion, and a deep foot fetish appeared in their minds.

Although the word foot fetish did not exist in this era, Wu Xiaozu wrote it.

Anyone who sees this word can know what it means. Think about this case again, the deceased had his legs amputated.....

Hu Huizhong and Li Wenfeng shuddered at the same time. This was really terrifying.

At the same time, they couldn't help but look down at their jade feet, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

They were not wearing high heels or slippers, but at this time both of them couldn't help but become even more angry at the murderer.

It doesn't matter if your hobby has become too much, but you still kill people because of this kind of thing?

"What a change."

Hu Huizhong and Li Wenfeng spat at the same time.

Everyone else in the conference room looked at them.

"Ahem..."Wu Xiaozu suddenly looked a little embarrassed and coughed twice, then continued:"So now we have temporarily found the possibility that the murderer committed an attack on the deceased."

Yes, it is a possibility. After all, they still have no clear evidence that the murderer is a murderer. Extreme foot fetish.

However, Wu Xiaozu still felt that he had been offended just now. He often played with Huixiang and Meako's feet at home.

But he just appreciates it and likes to play with it, instead of becoming too much like the murderer in this case, or even killing someone for it.

"The next step is to find the murderer."

"Let me tell you my personal opinion first, and then if you think there is anything wrong, please mention it later."

Next, Wu Xiaozu directly stated all his current thoughts.

That is, he suspected that the murderer might not know the deceased at all.

Wu Xiaozu did not think that the murderer would be a prostitute. After all, the deceased was a Sister Feng.

If you really like it, then Wouldn't it be enough to just go to her directly? Why not just play whatever you want? Why does it need to go to the point of killing people?

Of course, it is not ruled out that the murderer is extremely possessive, so Wu Xiaozu also made a note of this first.

In Wu Xiaozu's view Come on, the murderer probably saw the deceased for the first time on a certain day, and the deceased may have been wearing cooler clothes at the time.

Or he was wearing high heels, and then he was spotted by an extreme foot fetishist, and then the murderer attacked the deceased.

First The crime scene should be a closed place with water.

Otherwise, the deceased would have had his legs cut off and it would be impossible not to scream. And if you want to achieve this situation, it must be a remote place with no one nearby. , or it can only be completed in a very closed space.

Wu Xiaozu said all his thoughts in one breath, and then looked at the other people in the conference room

"Azu, I really saw you right. It was really right to hand this case over to you."

Uncle Biao suddenly clapped his hands and said, without any clues.

Wu Xiaozu was able to come up with so many clues at once based on a pair of legs that were sawed off on the female corpse.

He began to admire him, and the more he became more and more The more I listened, the more likely it seemed.

This was much more accurate than the previous guesses of other people in Group A. He was truly worthy of being his favorite.

He was half as charming as he was when he was young.

"Azu, do you have any other ideas now?"

Director Raymond also had his eyes opened, and he looked at Wu Xiaozu with a smile and said

"not yet."

Wu Xiaozu shook his head. These were just his guesses, without any clues at all.

After all, unless the forensic doctors used DNA technology to identify the murderer, no matter how many they guessed, they would still be just guesses.

But Wu Xiaozu still had some clues, so he Said to Director Raymond:"Someone is already recording the surveillance near Zuizui Bay."

"Now it is all surveillance from the place where the deceased works to the way home. I want the surveillance records on the night she disappeared and the two days after her disappearance."

"Director, wait a moment and ask someone to check the surveillance videos in the areas I just mentioned to see if there are any suspicious clues."

After listening to Wu Xiaozu's words, the director nodded with satisfaction. He is not afraid of trouble. What he is most afraid of is not having a clue and making it difficult for people to start.

Now that Wu Xiaozu has given clear instructions, he only needs one sentence to make it happen. Even the people below who work overtime must be counted.

"Anything else?"

The director saw that Wu Xiaozu was still thinking about things after he finished speaking, so he couldn't help but asked.

Others also looked at Wu Xiaozu for a moment. The impact of today's meeting on them was really too great.

No matter it was Whether it was the murderer's transformation or Wu Xiaozu's unrestrained way of searching for clues that day, they were deeply shocked.

Now they also wanted to see if Wu Xiaozu had any new ideas.

Especially the five people in Group A, Everyone looked at Wu Xiaozu with admiration in their eyes.

If they asked themselves, if any of them were responsible for this case alone, they would never be able to make it this far.

That's why they especially admire Wu Xiaozu now. Their team leader really It's amazing.

Not only has strong combat ability, but also has such a flexible mind. Even his appearance is much more handsome than that of celebrities. He deserves to be promoted so quickly.

Of course, the last point is for Hu Huizhong and Li Wenfeng.

This is At that time, the two of them looked at Wu Xiaozu with other special emotions besides admiration................

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