
The people who got the order immediately set off to search for the suspicious location.

"Come on, follow me to this last area."

Wu Xiaozu picked up the coat he had put aside, put it on, and left the police station with Hu Huizhong.

Just now he noticed on the map that there was a village enclosed in the big circle he drew on the map. Inside.

So he planned to go over and have a look. After all, this village was relatively remote and was a type of self-built shanty houses. When he came to Xiantou Village, which did not exist in the original world, Wu Xiaozu asked Hu Huizhong to drive around for a few times. He wanted to see if there was any place that matched his imagination.

But just after the car circled the village, Wu Xiaozu noticed a strange house. He had just come all the way, and the houses in the village were basically close together. Yes, only one house on the hillside in front is dozens of meters away from other houses in the village.

And there is no block between this house and other houses in the village that prevents the construction of houses. In Wu Xiaozu It seems that there is no need to be so far away


"What's wrong, Brother Zu?"

Hu Huizhong was a little confused and quickly parked the car on the side of the road.

"Let's go down and find out what's going on."

Wu Xiaozu opened the car door and randomly found an old man walking on the roadside and asked:

"Hello grandma, we are a viewing team sent by the TV station. We are going to shoot a documentary about Hong Kong Island recently."

Wu Xiaozu started chatting with the old lady with a smile on his face.

After finding a random reason, he pointed to the separate house in front and asked her what the situation was.

"There, alas, that is also a poor child."

After listening to Wu Xiaozu's explanation, grandma looked at the house he pointed at and sighed.

Then she told the situation of the poor child in her mouth. The owner of this house is called Wang Dazhao, and he is a pig butcher..

Originally his family's house was not here, but a year ago his family suddenly left the village and went to other places, leaving him alone.

Then not long after that, he left his original home and went to his own place. On the other side, he found someone to build a small house and lived there.

What interested Wu Xiaozu was that this man named Wang Dazhao had been very withdrawn since he was a child. He was often beaten and insulted by his parents, who disliked him as a son.

Moreover, Wu Xiaozu asked Wang Dazhao who he was. When the family moved to where, this grandma didn’t know.

In the eyes of the people in Xiantou Village, Wang Dazhao, who had been a bit withdrawn since childhood, became more and more withdrawn after the whole family left him.

Even once At first, he was unwilling to talk to the villagers, but later he built a wooden house nearby, and his contact with the villagers was almost completely lost. When

Wu Xiaozu heard this, he became more and more suspicious of this person named Wang Dazhao.

If other police officers learned about these things, they might say something about the poor child in their hearts and forget about it.

But Wu Xiaozu was different. He had all kinds of murderer's motives in his mind.

In his mind It seems that this person named Wang Dazhao has been beaten, abused and even disliked by his parents since he was a child.

Coupled with his withdrawn character and the fact that the whole family suddenly left him and moved away alone. Then he bought another house to live in and was completely cut off. Contact people in the village.

For Wu Xiaozu, these signs are completely consistent with the experience of a perverted murderer.

It is difficult for him not to doubt this person named Wang Dazhao

"Okay, thank you, grandma."

Finally, Wu Xiaozu asked Wang Dazhao who was in his family before, and then he thanked his grandmother and said

"Brother Zu, what should we do next?"

Hu Huizhong, who was listening to a lot of miserable stories, looked at Wu Xiaozu and said

"Let's go to the house of this man named Wang Dazhao."

"Brother Zu, do you suspect that he is the murderer?"

Hu Huizhong reacted immediately and said in surprise.

The two of them just came here, right? Why did they suddenly go to someone else's house to check the situation?

And what the grandma just said, in Hu Huizhong's view, this is normal.

In this era Aren't there many people at the bottom of Hong Kong Island whose family situation is like this? Why are you so suspicious?

Just like those short mules, the family situation of many people is not much better than that of Wang Dazhao.

"Just go and see and you will find out."

Wu Xiaozu smiled and didn't explain that much.

He couldn't say that these were all the thoughts in his head, right?

Hu Huizhong didn't know why, but she didn't say much. Wu Xiaozu was her boss, so just follow his orders.

The two of them drove the car forward and parked directly next to a dilapidated van outside the door of Wang Dazhao's house. After Wu Xiaozu got out of the car

, he looked at the dilapidated van. He was now becoming more and more suspicious of the murderer. Wang Dazhao fits the point of having a car again.

"The car is here, it seems he is at home."

Wang Dazhao and Wu Xiaozu were also a little speechless. It doesn't matter if they live in such a remote place. Do you have to close the door when you are alone at home? You don't even open the windows.

Dong Dong

Dong Wu Xiaozu stood in front of the door and started knocking.

One minute... two minutes... dong dong dong...

After waiting for two minutes, no one came out to open the door. Wu Xiaozu continued to knock, but this time he knocked harder.

Just when Wu Xiaozu knocked on the door several times in a row and was about to be unable to resist kicking the door open.

The door suddenly opened a crack with a creak, and a gray eyeball suddenly stared at Wu Xiaozu and the two.

Hu Huizhong next to him was startled. He took a step back involuntarily and looked nervously at the person in the crack of the door.

"Wang Dazhao?"

Wu Xiaozu frowned and looked at the man who was pretending to be a ghost, and asked aloud

"who are you?"Wang Dazhao's somewhat hoarse voice sounded.

"I'm a police officer and I'm here to do a census. Please open the door."

"I'm the only one at home, you can go."

Although he didn't know why the police wanted to suddenly investigate what population, Wang Dazhao still didn't open the door, but said through a crack.

"No family? What, did you pop out of the stone?"

"Stop talking nonsense and open the door quickly, otherwise I will arrest you immediately for obstructing official business."

Wu Xiaozu stared at Wang Dazhao and continued to say

"I told you that I am the only one at home, and I don’t know where the others are."

Wang Dazhao's tone became a little urgent at this time, as if he was very angry.

"The last thing I want to say is, if you don't open the door, you will be responsible for the consequences."

Wu Xiaozu was too lazy to continue talking nonsense. He took out his gun and pointed it at Wang Dazhao.

Zhi acridine...

In the end, Wang Dazhao surrendered and opened the door, but when he opened the door, a pair of eyes stared at Wu Xiaozu.

As soon as the door opened, a disgusting smell came out, and Wu Xiaozu immediately frowned.

Although the smell is not very strong, it is very uncomfortable to smell it.

"Sir, I am a pig butcher, and the smell in my body and home is not very good, so I didn’t want to open the door just now."

As soon as the door opened, after Wang Dazhao saw Wu Xiaozu and Hu Huizhong clearly, he suddenly no longer looked as angry as before............

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