"Yes, we are police officers and it is our mission to protect citizens."

"Now I am in charge here, and I will bear all the consequences. Jiaju, you go and ring the alarm bell."

Wu Xiaozu looked serious. Now they have to buy time, so he immediately gave the order:

"You guys call headquarters immediately and evacuate the crowd."

Afterwards, Wu Xiaozu said directly to Ah Hui, Ah Xin and the others.


The eyes of several uniformed policemen lit up and they saluted immediately.

The pressure they had just now was indeed very great, and no matter what it was, they could not bear it.

But it is different now. This Wu Xiaozu has the highest police rank here.

Now As long as he stood up, they wouldn't have to take the blame. They immediately received the order and ran downstairs.

"Azu, I will carry it with you."

Chen Jiaju looked at Wu Xiaozu and said very loyally.

"No, in the end, no matter whether there is a bomb or not, we have to deal with it seriously. You go and ring the alarm bell now. Wu

Xiaozu waved his hand and said, urging him to ring the alarm bell.


Chen Jiaju also knew that the situation was urgent and ran out quickly.

Now they are all inseparable from this matter, so Chen Jiaju also admired Wu Xiaozu at this time. He actually carried it down by himself. If there was no bomb, then this The whole blame will be placed on Wu Xiaozu's head.

After Chen Jiaju left, Wu Xiaozu immediately walked towards the broadcast station on the first floor.

When he came to the broadcast station, Chen Jiaju had also sounded the alarm bell. Broken.

Soon, the alarm bell rang throughout the Galaxy Center Mall.

Crowds in the mall immediately gathered to see what happened.

Not even a single person ran out. Everyone was there. As if nothing had happened

"Attention everyone in the shopping mall, I am trainee inspector Wu Xiaozu of West Kowloon."

"We now suspect that there is a bomb in the mall. Please leave the mall immediately."

"Whether you are a customer or a salesperson, please leave the mall immediately."

When Wu Xiaozu's words were played from the radio, the citizens in the Galaxy Center Mall, who were originally stupid and stood there to see what was going on, suddenly panicked.

Countless people began to run towards the entrance of the mall.

There was no way. The trainee inspector in the broadcast just now said that there was a bomb in the shopping mall.

After Wu Xiaozu finished the broadcast, he also walked out and began to loudly direct the crowd.

After Ah Hui and the other uniformed policemen notified the headquarters, they also hurriedly Run over and help

"Hey, what are you doing? Who told you to evacuate the crowd? 080"

"Do you know how much impact this will have on our shopping mall?"

"Who of you is in charge?"

At this time, the person in charge of the shopping mall also came over.

Seeing Wu Xiaozu and others standing at the entrance of the shopping mall to evacuate the crowd, he asked

"I'm the person in charge here, and we got a call saying there was a bomb here, so we evacuated the crowd."

Wu Xiaozu stood up directly and said to this old guy

"What bomb? Bullshit bomb"

"Didn’t I tell you? It was just a crazy prank. Do you take it seriously?"

"Do you know how much your behavior will cost us?"

The old guy pointed at Wu Xiaozu's nose and yelled.



"I'm showing off your old ways, so don't point fingers at me."

Wu Xiaozu knocked the old guy to the ground with one punch, pointed at him and said.

Then he turned to the uniformed policeman and said:"Put this guy on the street and handcuff him. If there is no bomb, I will carry it."

"If there is a bomb, then I will torture this guy severely. I suspect that he is with the person who put the bomb."

Seeing that everyone in the mall has been evacuated, he doesn't want to stay here any longer.

After someone handcuffed the old guy, he waved his hand and led them out of the mall.

"Bastard, I will definitely file a complaint against you...."

After being handcuffed by Ah Hui, the mall manager was dragged outside the mall. His face turned pale with anger and he kept shouting that he wanted to file a complaint against Wu Xiaozu.

"Azu, is there really a bomb?"

Salena and Xiaomei had been waiting nervously outside the mall. When they saw Wu Xiaozu and the others finally came out, they quickly walked up and asked worriedly.

"Not sure yet, but I would rather believe that it exists than not."

Wu Xiaozu nodded and waved for everyone to move back further.

It didn't take long before the mall exploded, but the police cars arrived first.

Director Raymond and Uncle Biao both walked over with serious faces.

"Who said there was a bomb?"

The director looked at Chen Jiaju and Wu Xiaozu in the dark, and said in a bad tone.

"Director, someone called and said there was a bomb in the mall and it was about to explode."

Wu Xiaozu stood up directly and said

"you?"Director Raymond was also a little surprised. He thought it was Chen Jiaju who did such a careless thing.

"Yes, I also rang the alarm bell. I am a police officer, and protecting the safety of Hong Kong Island citizens is my first principle."Wu Xiaozu continued

"Now what about the bomb? Everyone has been evacuated, and bomb experts are on their way over."

"If you can't even find a firecracker by then, do you know how serious this matter is?"

The director was also a little angry at this time. He really thought highly of Wu Xiaozu.

But he didn't expect that Wu Xiaozu, who had always performed very well, would be so reckless in handling the matter this time.

You must know that he is still just a trainee inspector. , still in the inspection period.

If the bomb disposal expert does not find the bomb in the mall this time, then Wu Xiaozu, let alone the trainee inspector, will be enough to just lower him down and wear a military uniform.

"Director, we were in an emergency situation at that time....." boom....Boom boom boom....

Just when Chen Jiaju saw Wu Xiaozu carrying the director's firepower alone, he wanted to come out and take some of the responsibility.

Suddenly, a violent explosion occurred in the Galaxy Mall not far away, and a huge heat wave hit us.

Everyone was suddenly startled and quickly turned their heads to look.

At this time, the Galaxy Shopping Mall was already in flames......

Director Raymond looked at Wu Xiaozu and the others with disbelief on his face, and then looked at the Galaxy Mall not far away.

At this time, his heart was beating violently.

"Fortunately, Azu evacuated the crowd, otherwise...."

Director Raymond couldn't help but secretly feel lucky if the citizens in Galaxy Shopping Mall had not been evacuated.

The consequences were simply unimaginable. It was definitely the largest terrorist attack in the history of Hong Kong Island.

At this time, the administrator of the Galaxy Mall was also stunned as he looked at the blazing fire in the Galaxy Mall, with no trace of blood on his face.

Just now, he had been clamoring to complain to Wu Xiaozu, but in the end....

If he hadn't been forcibly taken out, he himself would have died inside.

At this time, he didn't dare to say anything to complain. Instead, he felt a little lucky. Fortunately, he was suppressed.

"Quick, put out the fire."

Director Raymond didn't care to say anything more to Wu Xiaozu and the others at this time.

He took a loudspeaker and began to order the police officers on the scene to take action, and the scene suddenly became busy.

"I didn't expect there was really a bomb."

After arranging all the follow-up matters, everyone left.

Salena sat in the passenger seat, patted her small chest with her little hands, and said with a lingering fear on her face.

"Well, I will be very busy during the next period of time."

Wu Xiaozu nodded and said while driving the car.

Just before he came back, director Raymond had decided on the spot to let the two groups AB of the serious crime team work together at the same time, with him as the temporary team leader to solve the case as soon as possible.

They were originally assigned I went out to cooperate with the investigation of King's news.

However, there was a big explosion in the Galaxy Center Mall, and the impact was too great, so Director Raymond directly recalled everyone and fully investigated the case.

"Azu, then you must be careful."

Salena looked at Wu Xiaozu with some worry. After all, the gangsters this time dared to blow up even the center of the Milky Way.

They are definitely a group of desperadoes, and Wu Xiaozu, as the top person in charge of the explosion, might encounter someone by then. What's the danger?

"Don't worry, I'll pay attention."

Wu Xiaozu shook Salena's little hand, nodded and said.

After sending Salena back to her home, Wu Xiaozu didn't intend to leave, and just followed her in.

Now, whether it's Salena or Everyone in Yazi's house has Wu Xiaozu's clothes at home.

So Wu Xiaozu usually looks through the brands like the ancient emperors, and sleeps with whichever one comes to mind. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

Meiko, Huixiang and Salina (aheb) think this is not bad.

Otherwise, if Wu Xiaozu stays with a woman, let’s not talk about whether other women will be jealous.

The most important thing is whether that woman can Tiantian can withstand Wu Xiaozu's conquest.

Just look at Huixiang. They have already taken the initiative to call Salena and Meako for help.

The next morning, after eating the good morning bites made by Salena.

Wu Xiaozu He drove back to the police station feeling refreshed. He came earlier than ever today.

After all, he is now the temporary leader of the AB team of the major crime team.

This explosion was also reported by Director Raymond yesterday. Later, they were told by thousands of people to solve the case as soon as possible, so Wu Xiaozu became serious now.

"Brother Zu..."

"Brother Zu, good morning."

In the temporarily established task force, as soon as Wu Xiaozu arrived, the members of the AB team of the original serious crime team immediately stood up and said

"Well," Wu Xiaozu nodded and looked at the familiar faces below. These are all his old friends.

"The director has already spoken. Our two groups, AB, will work together to solve this case as quickly as possible."

"So I will keep the story short."

Wu Xiaozu looked at the people below and directly made arrangements one by one that he had already considered.

The first step was to investigate those people in Hong Kong who were trying to get away with things. They were the ones who were unscrupulous.

They were only responsible for selling explosives and nothing else. No matter.

Wu Xiaozu directly asked Dazui to take several people from Group A to investigate.

Then he went to investigate the video of Galaxy Mall and asked the security guards to see if he had seen anyone suspicious with packages recently.

Following Wu Xiaozu's instructions one by one After the order was issued, everyone took the order and started to investigate.

After everyone left, Uncle Biao, who had been waiting for a long time, also knocked on the door from outside and walked in.

"Azu, come here, the director is looking for you."

"OK, I'll be there soon."

Wu Xiaozu nodded, put the information in his hand aside, and left behind Uncle Biao.

"The higher-ups are taking the explosion at the Galaxy Center very seriously and strongly urge us to solve the case as soon as possible."

In the director's office, Raymond frowned and looked at Wu Xiaozu and said,"So the superiors decided to send a team of paparazzi to assist you....."

"Therefore, Azu, we must solve the case as soon as possible. When this happens, you will be the inspector."

"Moreover, you will also be remembered for your great achievements."

After the director finished speaking, he stood up and came to Wu Xiaozu, patted his shoulder and said.

He even drew a big cake for him by the way.


Wu Xiaozu couldn't help but smile. After all, who would dislike his promotion?

"Okay, you go out and do things first."

Director Raymond nodded with satisfaction. This time the two aces of their serious crime team worked together.

He also very much hoped that the case could be solved as soon as possible.


Wu Xiaozu finished speaking again, turned around, opened the door of the office and walked out.

This time, people from both groups went out to investigate the case, so the speed was very fast. As soon as the afternoon arrived, there were already some clues.

Dazui returned to the office and said to Wu Xiaozu as soon as he came in:"Sir Wu, you asked me to check the news."

"Recently, there is only one person selling gunpowder in Hong Kong Island who has shipped a large quantity of goods."

Dazui quickly introduced the target person discovered this time to Wu Xiaozu.

Finally, he continued:"His name is Sanghui. Now I have asked someone to ask him out. Today at nine o'clock in the evening, Neptune Bar."

Da Zui finished speaking in one breath, and then looked at Wu Xiaozu nervously.

"Well, good job."Wu Xiaozu patted Dazui's shoulder and continued:"Tonight, you and Jiaju will come with me to meet this funeral director."


Dazui immediately said excitedly.

Since Wu Xiaozu left Group B and became the leader of Group A, his reputation has become more and more famous.

Now the two groups of people have finally worked together, with Wu Xiaozu taking the lead.

Dazui also wants to learn from him. How did he handle the case?

After waving Dazui to see if any of his colleagues needed help, Wu Xiaozu returned to his desk.

As soon as he sat down, his cell phone rang.


"Hello, Azu? Zhu Tao was released from prison, and Xiaomei just called me to tell me that John Gao had brought someone to intimidate her."

As soon as the call was connected, Chen Jiaju's anxious voice came over.

It turned out that Zhu Tao, who was arrested by Wu Xiaozu before, was recently released from prison.

Because several hospitals determined that he would not live for three months now, he was left to wait for death.

The result As soon as Zhu Tao came out, he found someone to harass Chen Jiaju's girlfriend Xiaomei.

Chen Jiaju also called Wu Xiaozu to remind him to be careful.

"okay, I get it."

Wu Xiaozu hung up the phone with a sullen expression. He had been busy during this period.

He had almost forgotten about Zhu Tao. He didn't expect that this guy would be the same as the original plot. He came out of prison and waited to die. , and even sent people to harass Chen Jiaju’s girlfriend Xiaomei.

Moreover, now even Xiaomei has been harassed, but what about Salina?

Didi Didi...

At this moment, Wu Xiaozu's cell phone rang again, and he answered the call without any hesitation.

"Azu, Zhu Tao is out. Just now he asked John Gao to come to me."

Salena's voice came from the phone.

"Well, they didn't do anything to you, right?"

Wu Xiaozu frowned, thinking that John Gao is really fast. He just went to find Xiaomei, and now he immediately went to find Salena.

"No, Ah Jie beat them all away"

"Well, no, that's fine. In this case, give the phone to Ah Jie. I have something to tell him."

Hearing that Salena was fine, Wu Xiaozu was relieved.

"Hello, Brother Zu."

At this time, Li Jie's voice also sounded on the phone.

"Ah Jie, I want to eat fish..."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Xiaozu's eyes flashed with a cold light, if Zhu Tao didn't come to provoke him.

Then he just ignored it, and now he dared to provoke him after he came out.

Does Zhu Tao think that Wu Xiaozu is just an ordinary policeman?

Wu Xiaozu's motto in life is, forget it if I don't look for you, if you dare to provoke me, you will be killed.

Especially when it comes to women, that is his opposite.

Whoever touches him will die, no explanation will be accepted...

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