
In the Zhangji Hotel, Wu Xiaozu, Cheng Silin, Yuan Haoyun and Li Ying opened a private room for dinner.

After the food was served, the four of them had a drink together.

"Let me explain first, if you can’t drink, don’t force it."

After Wu Xiaozu clinked the glasses, he said to several people with a smile.

This is his rule. He never persuades you to drink. He will drink as much as he can with you.

If you can't drink, don't force it. In this regard, he will never blame others for being disrespectful.

"Oh, don't worry, boss."

Li Ying drank a glass of wine in one gulp and said with a laugh.

Although Yuan Haoyun didn't say anything, he drank the glass of wine in his hand.

This was the first drink Wu Xiaozu had with them after he came to the crime team, whether he could or not To drink, you have to do it.

What's more, although they are not very good drinkers, they are not abstaining from alcohol.

Wu Xiaozu didn't pay much attention to Li Ying and Yuan Haoyun having a drink directly.

But even his secretary Cheng Silin did it without saying anything, which surprised him a little.

"Wow, madman, a hero among girls."

Li Ying looked at her in surprise when he saw that Cheng Silin actually did it directly like them.

"No, I will toast Sir Wu for this cup, and I won’t drink any more."

Cheng Silin said with a smile. At this time, her cheeks were already blooming and a little red. 230 is really the kind of person who blushes when she touches wine.

"Okay, then I would like to thank everyone for giving me face."

Wu Xiaozu smiled and drank his own glass in one gulp.

After drinking the first glass of wine, the people slowly relaxed and started chatting.、

"Boss, can you tell us about the female corpse amputation case? How did you come up with that way to solve the case?"

After a few more glasses of wine, Li Ying and Yuan Haoyun also completely relaxed. They began to be curious about the female corpse amputation case that Wu Xiaozu had handled before.

There were all their own people in this private room, so naturally they were not afraid to tell anyone..

And Li Ying is indeed very curious as to how Wu Xiaozu came up with the labeling method of solving crimes.

Now the report Wu Xiaozu wrote has been used by the police force as a teaching material for the trainees in the police academy.

There is no way. , compared with their previous methods of solving cases.

Wu Xiaozu's method of solving the case of amputation of female corpses is simply unheard of. This is one of the reasons why although he never accepts media interviews or takes photos, he is still very famous throughout the Hong Kong Island Police Force. As soon as Li Ying mentioned this, Yuan Haoyun and Cheng Silin immediately looked at Wu Xiaozu curiously. (bhce)

Although they had already read the report, how could Wu Xiaozu himself say it carefully?

So they all raised their eyebrows I have lost my ears and want to hear what Wu Xiaozu’s client thinks.


Wu Xiaozu coughed twice and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

He has already written all the rewrites in the report. If he has not rewritten them, he is too embarrassed to say them out.

He can't say that he actually has similar hobbies to that perverted Wang Dazhao.

It's just that he doesn't have the perverted behavior that others do because they can't get it.

As long as he wants it, he can have it

"Actually, if you read the report I wrote carefully, you don’t need to ask me this question."

Wu Xiaozu looked at these curious babies and continued after taking two bites of the food.

"In ordinary murder cases, the four words love, hate, and hatred cannot be escaped."

"In Buddhist terms, it is greed, anger and ignorance."

"To be more specific, they are pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony, and....Lust."

Wu Xiaozu said calmly while eating some food from time to time. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He labeled all kinds of complicated cases and even mentioned a few casually. case.

Then he directly labeled and explained it to them at the scene.

Yuan Haoyun and others were stunned for a while.

"That's why I said when I first wrote that report, sometimes when we don't have the slightest clue when handling a case, it often means the emergence of another clue."

At the end of his speech, Wu Xiaozu tapped the table lightly, looked at several people with bright eyes and said

"For example, why did I go out to investigate when I didn’t have any clues, but I immediately suspected that I was hooked on Wang Dazhao?"

"It's because after I found out about his life experience, I felt that it completely fit the growth experience of a murderer."

"Many people are not born bad, and the influence of bad circumstances is also very important."

Next, Wu Xiaozu told Yuan Haoyun and others some of his unique views on villains.

Cheng Silin, a good boy, was shocked beyond measure.

Yuan Haoyun and Li Ying were okay, after all, they are all people who have been fighting on the front line all year round.

For The understanding of bad guys is wider, but for well-behaved babies like Cheng Silin, it is more difficult to understand why others become perverted murderers after being beaten by their parents.

"Boss, I'm convinced. Come on, let me toast you."

Yuan Haoyun and Li Ying felt that their world view had been refreshed, and they immediately raised their glasses with admiration and said to Wu Xiaozu[]

Because in this era of Hong Kong Island, people like Wang Dazhao have too many growing up experiences.

In this era where dwarf mules are everywhere, it can be said that most people have been bullied since childhood and have become so normal that they can no longer be normal.

So Wu Xiaozu’s remarks about the villain’s growth experience just now are really amazing to them.

"Of course, this is just my personal opinion. In the future, if you go out and see someone with a similar growth experience, don’t directly suspect that they are murderers."

Wu Xiaozu smiled and joked.


Several people burst into laughter immediately, after getting off to a good start.

The atmosphere that followed was also very good. Wu Xiaozu, Yuan Haoyun and Li Ying had a drink from time to time.

After saying a few words to this one and a few words to that one, they became quite familiar with each other.

It wasn't until after nine o'clock in the evening that several people walked out of the hotel and prepared to go home.

"Be careful on the road. If it doesn't work, call your family and ask them to pick you up."

Outside the hotel entrance, Wu Xiaozu looked at Yuan Haoyun and Li Ying, who were staggering when walking, and said to them

"Don't worry, boss, I'm fine."

Although Li Ying felt a little dizzy, his thinking was still very clear.

"Yes, boss, we are fine, just feel free to send Secretary Wu back."

Yuan Haoyun put his hand on Li Ying's shoulder, waved to Wu Xiaozu and Cheng Silin and said loudly

"Okay, then be careful."

Wu Xiaozu smiled and nodded. After watching them get into the taxi, he turned back to look at Cheng Silin who had been staying quietly beside him.

"Let's go, I'll take you back."

Wu Xiaozu smiled slightly and made a gesture of invitation to Cheng Silin.


Cheng Silin nodded with a smile and followed Wu Xiaozu towards the hotel parking lot.

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