The news that Tianhong led the team to kill Feihong

in Ciyun Mountain slowly spread throughout the rivers and lakes, and many Ciyun Mountain rotten boys even regarded Feihong as an idol, eager to recognize Tianhong as a big brother!

On the way back, Tianhong did not have time to share the joy with his brothers, but told Chang Huanxi about this matter for the first time!

Chang Huanxi, who was supported by Wen Li in the living room, answered the call from Tianhong to him.

After drinking Wen Li's medicine tonight, Chang Huanxi had a feeling of blood tension!

Especially now that he is supported by Wen Li, the softness of the clothes fabric that he inadvertently touched makes Chang Huanxi feel happy, his heart moves again and again, and his mind can't stop thinking!

He really doubted at the moment that that medicine was really a complete tonic soup, and it was also the kind of giant supplement!

"Brother Huanxi? I've already killed Fei Hong tonight! And his little brothers, who also cut a lot, we won a big victory tonight!

As soon as the other end of the phone was connected, Tianhong said urgently.

In addition to Xiaowei who was driving in the car, there were also prawns and Dawei present, and the Xiaowei brothers were the most trusted people in Tianhong, and naturally they already knew that the big brother behind them was Chang Huanxi!

It's just that the Xiaowei brothers have not served anyone else except for Tianhong, and when they heard that Tianhong followed Chang Huanxi, they didn't believe it for the first time....

Even if Tianhong said that Chang Huanxi was too strong at that time, the Xiaowei brothers were also skeptical, they rarely went out to the city, and they did not try the prince's combat effectiveness, naturally they did not put Chang Huanxi in their eyes, let alone respect it very much!

Now seeing Tianhong excitedly and Chang Huanxi saying this, the faces of the Xiaowei brothers showed a disdainful expression, and they did not hide it!

In addition to being very happy to win them, Xiaowei will truly identify with this happy brother, otherwise, they will only identify with Tianhong, the big brother!

"Very good! Didn't the others on Changle's side show up? Chang Huanxi was already a little dry mouth, and he had to admit that the wound was much better after taking the medicine, but it was all a problem with his own physique!

But now, with a beauty around, it's really hard not to let him think about it!

"Nope! Brother Huanxi! I wish their entire Changle people were there, and I still want to cut people now!" Who knew that they actually ran away, I have never liked the kind of escape, so I didn't follow..." When

Tianhong spoke, he inadvertently looked at the prawn when the word "seed" was spoken, which immediately caused the prawn's dissatisfaction!

The prawn hacked a few people tonight, how could it be a seed, but he just can't talk nonsense everywhere, otherwise, he now wants to take a horn and show off in Ciyun Mountain!

"Don't rush to celebrate now, always pay attention to the news from Changle, if there is any emergency, you can react immediately, you know?" Chang Huanxi instructed.

"Yes! Brother Huanxi! Tianhong originally thought that Chang Huanxi would praise him a few words, but he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Seeing this scene, the prawns on the side showed a happy expression!

Chang Huanxi doesn't want to make a long story short, it's just...

"Rainbow! Well done tonight's thing! Be careful, if you kill Changle's Feihong, Changle's people will definitely not let you go so easily!

"But! After tonight, your fame will definitely be even greater than before, take this opportunity, you have to collect more little brothers, or that sentence, you have to be refined or not!

"I know! Brother Huanxi! "Tianhong has taken these things to heart, and only Chang Huanxi's words can make him take them seriously!

"Okay! I won't tell you now! I still have business..." Chang Huanxi said and hung up the phone.

Tianhong didn't have any preparation at all, and hung up the phone on the other end of the phone, as if he had been poured cold water, but he could only accept this fact, took out a cigarette and lit it!

In the living room, Chang Huanxi's feeling of dry mouth became stronger and stronger, and Wen Li, who was holding him, could also feel it, Chang Huanxi was swallowing saliva, and her heart was beating very fast, which made her a little worried....

"Rejoice! Are you okay? Is it thirst? I'll pour you a glass of water! Wen Li poked her head out, looked at Chang Huanxi and looked ugly and a little depressed, and said.

It's just that after Wen Li finished speaking, the curious little eyes were very close to Chang Huanxi, in addition to feeling the heat exhaled by Chang Huanxi, Chang Huanxi could also smell the faint fragrance emitted by her!

"It's thirst!" Chang Huanxi's heart beat very fast at once, holding Wen Li's little face in both hands, and kissed her little mouth!

The four lip flaps were tightly pressed together, the softness made Chang Huanxi a little loved, under Wen Li's wide-eyed gaze, Chang Huanxi rudely opened the lip flap, crossed the teeth, looking for the sweetness in the theme of the Saliva Association!

The moment the tip of the tongue touched the sweetness, the dry tongue stimulated Chang Huan's taste buds, and had to greedily suck the sweetness in Wenli's mouth!

The sudden rogue behavior made Wen Li suddenly stunned, where would she have thought that Chang Huanxi would actually blatantly take advantage of her, and was so bold, so that Wen Li turned red in the face after a while!

"Rejoice!" Wen Li pushed Chang Huanxi away hard, and the feeling of being absent for a long time made Wen Li feel that her heart was beating faster!

"What are you doing! I'm talking about drinking water! How can you?" Wen Li turned her face aside, she could feel that her face was very hot, and it would turn red when it was hot, and the girl's shyness made her dare not look directly into Chang Huanxi's eyes!

Chang Huanxi's adrenal hormones were bursting at this time, where there was still time to explain this matter to Wen Li, and he forgot the gunshot wound on his back to cloud nine, and immediately hugged Wen Li, which really startled Wen Li!

"What do you want to do! Don't mess around! Wen Li could feel Chang Huanxi's heartbeat very fast, and the heat exhaled was also very hot, she knew that Chang Huanxi was thinking about that kind of thing, desperately struggling in Chang Huanxi's arms, wanting to escape from this villain!

Chang Huanxi now uses ten percent of the power of hard qigong, not to mention Wen Li, even if Qingqing, Zhu Wanfang, and Paline Polin are called over together, they will definitely not be Chang Huanxi's opponent, how can Wen Li a weak woman break free from Chang Huanxi's embrace!

Chang Huanxi hugged Wen Li and quickly sprinted towards the room for 100 meters, and closed the door with a kick when he entered the room, he didn't want to be seen by unrelated people, what if someone learned his moves!

"Rejoice! Will you let me go? I'm not the kind of casual woman, neither Ah Lang nor I ... Can you give me a little time to prepare? Wen Li begged for mercy, she had already felt Chang Huanxi's state at this moment, it was the kind of state that did not die without the Yellow River, she was very afraid!

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