"The condition for entering my dance hall as a security guard is to be able to fight, I see that it is not easy for you Dragon Kingdom people to come here, if you can beat them, I will let you stay!" Chang Huanxi pointed to the two security guards beside him with a slight disgust!

It's like he really can't look at Xiaofu, but in fact, he already agrees with Xiaofu in his heart!

The two security guards listened to Chang Huanxi's words, and immediately stared at Xiaofu with a defiant face, not taking him seriously at all!

"Just these two?" Xiaofu's face became serious, and he walked towards the two security guards.

Xiao Fu, who has been a soldier in the Golden Triangle for many years and has been influenced by a rain of bullets, has become numb to this kind of thing as killing, how can he care about the provocative eyes of two security guards, if he wants to, there are a hundred ways to kill two security guards!

"Boy! Go back to your hometown and dig sweet potatoes! A security guard couldn't help but be the first to strike, raised his fist and rushed towards Xiaofu, vowing to beat this big circle boy fiercely!

"I haven't dug in a long time!" If Xiao Fu had not lacked money, he would not have come to Hong Kong Island to make money, if it were not for the money to build a house for his mother in his hometown, he is now digging sweet potatoes for his old mother at home!

Xiao Fu's eyes flashed a trace of fierceness, as if he returned to the environment of bullets, he rushed towards the security guard with steady steps, making the security guard think that he was coming to die, clenched his fist tightly in advance, and when he was about to approach Xiao Fu, he fiercely swung his fist towards Xiao Fu's head!

Unexpectedly, Xiaofu reacted very quickly, raised his hand and grabbed the security guard's fist, like pliers, even if the security guard used the strength to eat, he couldn't break free!

The security guard just wanted to make the next move, but the body was like a kite off the line, and he was pulled to the front by Xiaofu, and he didn't expect it and couldn't do anything, and Xiaofu punched the security guard's stomach!

"Ugh!" A mouthful of jaundice water erupted from the security guard's mouth, and he felt that the internal organs in his stomach were torn apart at this moment, and his face showed a painful expression, as if he was telling that he was dying!

Chang Huanxi showed a smile when he saw this, Xiaofu's performance made him very satisfied, put his arm around Su Axiao's little man's waist who had just walked next to him, and walked towards the door of the dance hall!

"You're a sweet potato guy!" Another security guard saw his brother being beaten, and also raised his fist and rushed towards Xiaofu, but his poor brother was casually pushed aside by Xiaofu in the next second, collapsed on the ground like mud and groaned in pain!

At the moment when the security guard approached, the little rich who was waiting in place was willing to give up his hand, and flew with a kick (360-degree roundhouse kick) to directly flip the security guard to the ground, and the dashing retraction was like a toothless thing!

The security guard did not find out that this was not a dream until his head hit the cement floor, this sweet potato guy's strength was really big and fierce, he felt that his head was "buzzing", the pain quickly dissipated in the injured part, and the mouth immediately emitted a pig-killing scream!

Xiao Fu looked left and right only to find that Chang Huanxi had walked to the door of the dance hall, frowned, and hurriedly ran towards Chang Huanxi, Chang Huanxi had promised him, why didn't he finish the fight and left? Let Xiaofu think that he has been tricked!

"Click!" Chang Huanxi listened to the footsteps behind him getting closer and closer, slowly stopped, Xiaofu also came behind Chang Huanxi at this time, and before Xiaofu spoke, Chang Huanxi's voice sounded first.

"10,000 yuan a month! There are dividends every month! Follow me inside!

Chang Huanxi's words made Xiaofu dispel his worries, followed Chang Huanxi to the dance hall, 10,000 yuan plus dividends are enough for him to send home to his old mother every month, and ask more than 20 people to help his mother grow sweet potatoes! It made him very happy!

In the dance hall, Chang Huanxi's shrimp hair, prawns, dashing, ghost king da, and more than ten younger brothers saw Chang Huanxi walk in, and all shouted "Brother Huanxi" towards Chang Huanxi!

The sound resounded throughout the ballroom.

Chang Huanxi nodded towards everyone, and put his arm around Su Ah Xie and came to the front of the Ghost King Da, Su Ah Xie felt his heart plopping at this moment, and for the first time he experienced the feeling of majesty!

"This is?" Ghost King Da was the first to discover Xiao Fu who was following behind Chang Huanxi and dressed like he had gone to pick up garbage before, and he was a little more curious about this person who could follow behind Chang Huanxi!

"You give him a month's salary upfront, don't you have two spare rooms upstairs?" Give him a room to live there! Let him be the security here! Chang Huanxi said lightly.

"No problem! Brother Huanxi! Ghost King Da immediately replied, he was even more curious about Xiaofu's ability!

Dashing, shrimp hair, and prawns are also interested in the man in front of them, and the person who can make Chang Huanxi arrange to live with Ghost King Da is enough to prove that Chang Huanxi attaches great importance to him!

"And the money to take first?" Is it cash or a transfer? I don't have a Hong Kong Island bank card yet, can you give me cash? Xiao Fu's full net worth was twenty yuan, and when he heard that there was money to take, he hurriedly stood up and couldn't wait to speak.

As soon as these words came out, the little brothers present showed expressions of disgust, they also came out to mix, and it was also the first time they encountered such a person who lacked money!

"I'll talk about the money later!" As soon as Chang Huanxi spoke, Xiaofu consciously closed his mouth, but he was still making up the picture of 10,000 yuan in his heart, just as the so-called penny stumped the hero, it was a person like him!

Chang Huanxi's face became serious and said, "Shrimp hair! You take ten little brothers to follow me to Ao Island, dashing and prawns two stay here, don't let the people of Dongxing step on the door!"

"Uncle Da has sent more people downstairs in Qingqing these days, and people must be arranged to guard the door, so as not to let Zhiwei find an opportunity to kidnap Qingqing!"

"And Zhu Wanfang, you let her stay in school temporarily, don't need her to come over!"

When Su Axiao heard a woman's name, her heart trembled, and she suddenly felt sour, and suddenly, she felt Chang Huanxi shake her body, as if she had something to say to her, and reflexively looked up at him!

"You stay here too! Follow Uncle Da to sort out the ledger for the time being! Chang Huanxi felt a headache when he thought of how many women he had already received, if he put these women together, he would not make a fuss!

When Ghost King Da heard the words of sorting out the account book, he immediately understood it, it seemed that he had to change his words and call the woman in front of him called his sister-in-law!

"No, don't!" Su Ah Xie quickly shook her head, except for Chang Huanxi, she didn't know anyone else, and hurriedly said: "I'm going to follow you to Ao Island, I... I want to go to the island too! Willing...... It won't hold you back! "

Stuttering girl too? Ghost King Da was surprised.

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