Isn't this a draw from the bottom of the cauldron?

Chang Huanxi immediately showed a scowl on his face, "Brother Yao! When Brother Kun used to be a speaker in Mong Kok, there was no such regulation! Why can Thirteenth Sister touch these things? Can't I just touch it?

Chen Yao smiled awkwardly, this was what Mr. Jiang meant, not what he meant, and he couldn't refute it on the spot!

"Do as you say! There are other venues in Balan Street to see mahjong halls and gambling stalls, I can also use them to make them? You don't let me touch the horse stall! Aren't you afraid of other people's jokes when it goes out? Chang Huanxi sneered.

At this time, Chen Yao, who expected Chang Huanxi's reaction like this, said, "Huanxi! You listen to me first! The horse bar let the thirteenth sister manage it uniformly, which is Mr. Jiang's meaning!

"Now the best person to do this business in Mong Kok is Thirteen Mei, she received nearly two hundred young ladies two days ago, if you give her the venue to manage, she will give you a monthly share as a dividend, and the venue does not need your help to take care of it!"

"I don't need you to be a person! And you don't have to pay for it! Is it bad to have an extra income every month? Besides, you have other farms in your hands, and it's not just the horse stall business!

Chang Huanxi shook his head expressionlessly, "Brother Yao! Handing over my own territory means that these territories have one more person to manage, do you think I am a fool?

"As long as I open this mouth! In the future, Brother Kigo will come and open a bar! Han Bin came to open a nightclub, do I also have to let me go? I don't have to do valet parking at that time!

Chen Yao immediately said, "Rejoice! This is the company's decision! Thirteenth Sister will only open a horse fence on these territories, and other businesses will definitely not touch you! We won't allow anyone else to step on your turf either, so you can rest assured!

"Oh~ the company decides!" Chang Huan stood up happily and walked towards the door, "Then everything is decided according to the company!" "

His mother's!

Chang Huanxi is not a fool.

Like this kind of business that clearly does not want him to touch the horse fence, Ba Cheng has negotiated an interest relationship with Thirteenth Sister, and it is better to sit on this Hongxing talker!

One second also said that the horse bar is the most profitable business, and the next second let Chen Yao tell him that he can't touch it, isn't this fucking trick?

"Also clear Mong Kok~"

This sentence, Chang Huanxi now thinks about it and feels disgusting!

Chang Huanxi now knows what it is called one mountain and cannot tolerate two tigers, he is ostensibly a speaker in Mong Kok, but in fact there are two people in Mong Kok!

If you don't get Thirteenth Sister right, you may be sure that she is really in Mong Kok, and where will he always be happy in the future!

Chang Huanxi thought in her mind how to get the two hundred young ladies of the thirteenth sister, instead of letting her do such a business alone, it was better to do it herself...

"Brother Huanxi!" As soon as Chang Huanxi came downstairs, several dashing people greeted him, compared with Chang Huanxi's worried appearance, the faces of dashing and others looked very anxious!

"How?" A trace of displeasure flashed on Chang Huanxi's face, and he looked up and saw that only Xiao Xiao and others were left on the originally crowded first floor!

"The Bone Dragon was captured by the people of United Huafu! Not long after you went into the meeting, I received a call from Chicken Essence saying that the Bone Dragon had been released from prison!

"Who knows... Just hung up! Lianhe Hua Fu called, saying let's spit out the territory of Shanghai Street, and compensate him for his losses, so he is willing to release people!

Dashing hurriedly said.

"Brother Huanxi! We are ready people! Now you can kill Hua Fu's territory and save the people!

Shrimp Mao pulled out a knife wrapped in newspaper from his waist.

Shout loudly!

Chang Huanxi only found out at this time that the dashing and others present except for Ghost Wang Da had all unbuttoned their suits, and the traces of knives could be faintly seen on their waist!

It's ready! Chang Huanxi sighed in his heart, and then slowly unfastened his blazer and rolled the sleeves of his shirt around his arms.

"Call Huaf! Tell him that I am willing to pay for the loss! Let him count it! I'll have it for him now! Chang Huanxi's face was unusually calm, but a trace of fierceness flashed under his eyes.

"Understood! Brother Huanxi! Xiao Dashing read Chang Huanxi's facial expression, which was the opposite of what he said, and then picked up the eldest brother and dialed Hua Fu.

"Hey! Flowers! My eldest brother said that he is willing to compensate you for the loss, as long as you are not difficult for his brother-in-law, everything is good to say! How much do you want? The dashing tone was full of disdain.

"How much?" Hua Fuke did not seriously think about this question, he was sitting on the sofa in an abandoned warehouse in Saigon, looking at the stripped bone dragon two meters away, and showed an evil smile.

The little brother Fat Tiger next to Hua Fu is the gold medal horseman under Hua Fu, seeing that Hua Fu actually showed an evil smile to the Bone Dragon, a reluctance burned in his heart, this is the man he fancy, the white and tender skin, can be more interesting than the training lady!

"Big brother... Do you want to go into battle yourself? Fat Tiger asked cautiously, in fact, the subtext in his heart was: "Otherwise, why did you let people strip this kid's clothes?"

Hua Fu frowned, and immediately became unhappy.

You can doubt his personal length, but you can't doubt his orientation, and he's not someone who wants to pounce when he sees a man!

"Do you want it or not?"

There was no reply on the phone, and Xiao Xiao shouted very irritably.

"I want your mother!" Hua Fu, who was full of anger, pointed at the bone dragon on the ground that had been beaten to death, turned his head and shouted at the fat tiger: "If no one comes to ransom this kid!" He'll leave it to you!

"Okay! Eldest brother! The fat tiger with more than two hundred pounds showed a lewd smile.

"Don't be arrogant when you step on a horse... Flowers! If you don't release my eldest brother's brother-in-law! I promise to take someone to sweep your entire territory!" Dashing roared.

"Do you think you have the right to bargain... Dashing, huh? Hehe! Hua Fu suddenly laughed maniacally...

"Get me five million cash by five! It is considered to compensate me for the loss of my field! Otherwise, I will let people rape this kid first and then kill!"

"You're scaring me! Flowers! If you dare to move him..." roared through gritted teeth.

It's just that before the ruthless words are finished, the phone on Huafu's side is hung up!

"Wang Baegg!" Dashing cursed angrily, and called Hua Fu again, but this time no one answered.


After doing this several times in a row, Dachi also gave up the idea of calling.

He angrily said to Chang Huanxi, "Brother Huanxi! Hua Fu let us prepare five million! Otherwise, it will make people stronger your brother-in-law! "

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