Two :15 a.m.

Prepare their things, eat supper for four people, drove by prawns around Huahu Street, and put down the dashing downstairs of Xingye Building!

Xiao dashing drank half a bottle of white wine in order to bolster his courage, took a cigarette and walked to the door of 3A on the third floor, and heard the noisy gambling money coming from inside, which made Xiao dashing have a feeling of rapid heartbeat, as if the money in the casino was waving to him!

"Bell! Bell! Bell! Hearing

the doorbell ringing, inside the casino, a tall and thin man used a cat's eye to check the dashing of ringing the doorbell outside, and saw that it was a strange face, the man immediately became vigilant and asked loudly: "What is the matter?" "

Like this kind of building gambling bell, if there is no acquaintance to bring in, you need a code to enter their casino, if dashing can't match their code, the man will definitely not let him in!"

"Seventh Uncle asked me to come here to get glasses!" Dashing said excitedly.

When the man heard the code, he slowly opened the door!

Dashing is not polite, took a cigarette and walked in, saw that there were several packs of cigarettes in handout, and saw that it was the staff of the casino, in line with the principle of cheap and not occupying the mallet, dashing walked directly over, took a pack of cigarettes and put it in his pocket!

The staff was stunned, just entered the casino to take a cigarette, plus the dashing top also broke a few holes, it is difficult not to suspect that he came to find benefits!

Dashing didn't care about the eyes of others, took out thousands of pieces from his pocket and dangled them on his face, worried that the staff would not see the general!

Xiao dashing looked around, there are two baccarat tables, one table each for the size of the bet, the fan stall, and the sky nine!

There are many gamblers shouting loudly around!

Dashing and secretly jotting down how much money each table has..........

What surprised Xiao Dashing was that there were no gamblers in the audience who took hundreds of thousands to gamble, and there were very few with tens of thousands of yuan in hand!

However, the dealer of each table has a lot of money in it, at least two or three hundred thousand at each table....

In addition to the dealers at each table, there were four or five staff members around, but their faces looked like they were sleepy, and they obviously did not become vigilant because of the fight in Tsim Tsui Dong!

This made dashing aware of the opportunity! Secretly said: "Just those of you who watch the scene, you still want to sleep, how can Laozi be worthy of your eldest brother if he doesn't snatch you to the bottom!" Immediately

stood around the big and small tables to gamble money, and lost the money in less than ten minutes!

Back to the dashing in the car, the three of them talked to Chang Huanxi about the situation in the casino with an excited face, and changed into other clothes while undressing!

After listening to the dashing words, the prawns and shrimp hair were very excited, and they stared at Chang Huanxi with longing eyes, as if to say, they can't wait!

"Dashing! You'll be picked up downstairs later! Prawns, shrimp hairs and me go up together! Chang Huanxi ordered.

"Yes! Brother Huanxi! The three agreed in unison.

The three put on black hoods, a black stocking on their heads, and a baseball bat in each hand!

There are also two black bags in the pockets of shrimp hair and prawns, which were originally used to hold dogs, and I didn't think they could come in handy!

"Bell!" The van door opens.

Chang Huanxi rushed out as a pawn, shrimp hair, prawns followed closely behind, the three rushed to the door of 3A on the third floor in one breath, as Chang Huanxi kicked the door hard, the door flew out a meter away on the spot, making shrimp hair and prawns shocked!

The first reaction of the staff in the casino was that someone came to do something, and the guys had not yet got their hands on everything, Chang Huanxi had already walked in and shot at the ceiling!

"Bang"! Startled all the people inside!

"All lying down! Whoever dares to stir up, I will send him to the king of Hades!" "Chang Huanxi deliberately uses plastic Cantonese to pretend to be a big circle boy!

The big circle gang and the provincial and Hong Kong flag soldiers have always had a fierce name on Hong Kong Island, especially now they are often happy and have guns in hand, whether it is Liangkun's little brother or gamblers who come to gamble money, all of them consciously lie on the ground, and no one dares to move!

"Bell!" The two baseball bats were casually thrown on the ground by prawns and shrimp hair, seeing the people on the field so cooperative, what sticks do you want!

The two quickly took out the bags and came to the gambling table to load the money!

"Brother! We are here the field of Brother Liangkun Kun, and we also have friendships with your big circle gang, who are you with? We leave you tea money, you guys go well! The little brother who was guarding the door plucked up the courage to shout.

"Take people's money! Eliminate disasters for others! If you want to blame, blame Liang Kun for messing with the wrong people! Chang Huanxi looked at the two who were excited to pack money, and did not linger on the money left by the gambler at the table, which made him feel some relief!

"What kind of man?" The little brother asked in fear.

Chang Huanxi did not answer this question on the street, time passed second by second, shrimp hair and prawns moved quickly, and in less than a minute they looted all the money of the bankers on the table, and also picked up the baseball bat on the ground and rushed out!

"Everyone stands where they are, if you dare to move, I will kill you!" Chang Huanxi slowly stepped back, and finally exited the room!

Hearing the "click" footsteps getting farther and farther away, gamblers who could feel their heartbeats were relieved!

Chang Huanxi came downstairs, quickly got into the van, the prawns closed the car tightly, and there was a "bell"!

At this moment, shrimp hair looked back and saw that there were two uniformed patrol policemen on the street, who heard the gunshots and were running towards this side, hurriedly shouting: "There is a stripe!" Drive fast!

"Don't be nervous!" Dashingly step on the accelerator and the car drives towards the end of the street!

When the patrol police came to the location of the van just now, the gamblers upstairs and the little brothers of Liang Kun all ran down!

The reason why they ran is very simple, that is, they are afraid of the police coming, gamblers are afraid of being caught in the police station and fined, and the Liangkun brothers are afraid that they can't explain clearly, after all, it is illegal to open a casino on Hong Kong Island!

"What happened? Mr! Why are you running? Did someone shoot? The patrol officer asked loudly.

No one wanted to muddy the waters, and ran away without looking back, and the beautiful little brothers mixed in the crowd and left with the gamblers!

The screen turns.

On the van, the prawns and shrimp feathers counted the money in their respective bags with an excited face, dashing in the rearview mirror to see this scene, and smiled and said: "Brother Huanxi!" Where do we go to divide the money now?

"Find a place! Dispose of the car first! Don't leave your hand tail! Chang Huanxi had already taken off his stockings and hood, took out a cigarette, lit a fire, and smoked it!

"That's not easy! Burn the car! Let's buy a new one for a few thousand king dogs! "Shrimp hair doesn't care.

"No need!" Xiao Dashing shook his head and said, "I have a brother who works the night shift at the scrapyard in Yuen Long, and he patrols around with a torch when he has nothing to do, worried that a rotten boy will come in and steal the car!" Send the car over and smash it, there is absolutely no hand tail! "

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