Zhu Wanfang felt that her clothes were lifted, and one hand was quickly reaching up!

In the next second, Zhu Wanfang felt discomfort and pain, and made a "um~" sound in her mouth, the restless hand made Zhu Wanfang very resistant, she grabbed Chang Huanxi's hand hard, stopping his five-finger grab action!

How could Zhu Wanfang's hand strength be Chang Huanxi, he felt Zhu Wanfang's resistance, and slowly withdrew his hand....

In the next second, Chang Huanxi's two hands grabbed the corners of Zhu Wanfang's clothes and lifted her white T-shirt, wanting to help her remove the excess restraints on her body!

It seems that the model is not large, the color is white, with the loss of T-shirt covering, straight exposed in front of the two, Zhu Wanfang's pupils instantly dilated, both hands tightly held Chang Huanxi's hand, not allowing him to take off his T-shirt!

"You won't be the first time, will you?" Chang Huanxi slowly put down the T-shirt, his face looked a little unhappy, but he was not happy, Chang Huanxi was not a rapist, and he couldn't do the kind of thing that the bully forced the bow!

Zhu Wanfang shook her head for the first time, but in her heart she replied, "Yes," how can this kind of thing be said....

"Are you ready?" Chang Huanxi's voice sounded in Zhu Wanfang's ears, and she just replied, "What are you going to do...?"

He was gagged by Chang Huanxi, and what Chang Huanxi said was echoing in his mind, "Are you ready?" "

, Zhu Wanfang is twenty years old, Chang Huanxi said it so bluntly, how could she not know what it meant, just...

Zhu Wanfang couldn't help but be a little scared.

Zhu Wanfang was passively kissed by Chang Huanxi all the way to the car, which added a touch of crimson to her shy face!

Coupled with Chang Huanxi's restless hand up and down, one will test the fabric of the T-shirt, and the other will rub the fabric of the jeans, making Zhu Wanfang's exhaled heat more and more hot, more and more urgent, and the restlessness in her heart is getting stronger and stronger!

Zhu Wanfang was gently put down on the soft rear seat by Chang Huanxi, Zhu Wanfang suddenly opened her eyes, saw Chang Huanxi who was about to take off her clothes, and hurriedly sat up and said: "Brother Huanxi... You don't want to be here, do you...? "

I want to go to the hotel!" Zhu Wanfang was so ashamed that she didn't dare to look Chang Huanxi's eyes directly, but she didn't want to be here...

"No problem!" Chang Huanxi, who has a dry mouth, presses the urge to resist adrenal hormones, in fact, he wants to say that no matter where he is, he has no problem ~

Chang Huanxi knows that he can't eat hot tofu in a hurry!

At the very least, you have to respect Zhu Wanfang!

Eight minutes and fifty-six seconds later, Chang Huanxi took Zhu Wanfang to the hotel and opened a presidential suite!

As soon as he entered the presidential suite, Chang Huanxi picked up Zhu Wanfang, kicked the door back into place with a casual kick, and walked towards the big round room step by step!

Compared with the previous life, the hotel safety factor in this era is still very high, at least there is no need to worry about others installing cameras in the room!

Zhu Wanfang's hands wrapped around Chang Huanxi's neck, seeing the big round room getting closer and closer, she became more and more uneasy, she knew that if she didn't ask at this time, it was very likely that the Huanxi brother in front of her would not recognize people tomorrow morning when she put on her pants!

"Brother Huanxi! Wait a minute! Zhu Wanfang suddenly shouted the moment Chang Huanxi came to the bedside.

Chang Huanxi's last dislike was being interrupted one after another, but he still forced himself to hold back his inner unhappiness, showed a smile, lowered his head, looked at Zhu Wanfang in his arms, and said, "What's wrong?" Regret it? Zhu

Wanfang and Chang Huanxi looked at each other, this man full of male charm, let her fall, she felt her heartbeat, at this moment beating very strongly, Zhu Wanfang was a little scared: "Brother Huanxi!" I can give it to you! I can also not be your woman! But can you help me get the loan shark that I owe a pot check?

"Little meaning! I promise you! Chang Huan smiled and said, such a request was not a problem for him at all, unexpectedly, Zhu Wanfang forced him to suspend urgently, it was actually for this matter!

I have to admit that Zhu Wanfang in front of her is still very smart, knows how to bargain at this time, and treats this kind of thing as a deal!

The moment Chang Huanxi's words fell, a smile surged on Zhu Wanfang's face, if she could get the usury done, her parents wouldn't have to work so hard!

However, when she thought of what she would experience later, Zhu Wanfang began to become afraid again!

"Brother Huanxi! I can write you an IOU! If you help me get the usury of the pot check, I will slowly work to pay you back in the future, but, can I pay it later, I am still a college student..."

Zhu Wanfang said in her mouth, but her body was slowly put on the bed by Chang Huanxi, she knew that even if she had a relationship with Chang Huanxi, the two would not have much to do with each other in the future, this kind of big brother of the rivers and lakes must be for fun!

Zhu Wanfang doesn't want to bargain, it's just, she feels that doing this kind of thing is your willingness, and Chang Huanxi is indeed attractive, and asking him for help is indeed a last resort~ Zhu Wanfang

offered to pay back, but she didn't want to owe Chang Huanxi's favor, she felt that Chang Huanxi agreed to help her is already rare, she doesn't have the luxury of asking Chang Huanxi to help her get the money all at once!

I only hope that through her own efforts, she can pay off the money she owes, treat tonight's incident as a one-night stand, and make her heart better, she doesn't want to make herself regret in the future because of selling her body~

"Too much nonsense!" Just when Zhu Wanfang wanted to enter the wrong place, Chang Huan's unhappy voice sounded in her ears!

In the next second, there was a "tear" sound in the room, followed by an "ah", and Chang Huanxi threw the white T-shirt rag on his hand casually!

Zhu Wanfang, who only had underwear on her upper body, was hugging her chest tightly, her face was a little panicked, she obviously didn't expect that Chang Huanxi would be so rude, and directly ripped off her T-shirt!

"I promise you all!" Chang Huanxi smiled slightly, since it was just a transaction, there was no need for him to pretend to be pure!

Chang Huanxi took off her clothes in front of Zhu Wanfang, revealing her strong muscles, like ancient Greek statues, with perfect lines and explosive power!

Zhu Wanfang was surprised when she saw this scene, and her face quickly flushed, and secretly said: "Such a figure is too good!" And there are no tattoos at all!

Chang Huanxi slowly climbed into bed, Zhu Wanfang was too shy to look, Chang Huanxi gently hooked Zhu Wanfang's chin with her fingers, looked at the red cheeks, and kissed it unceremoniously!

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