After seeing that all the hall masters and uncles had arrived, Chen Heilong looked around at everyone and nodded to his uncles sitting next to him.

After receiving Chen Heilong's look, Chuanbao immediately cleared his throat and said loudly:"Since everyone in the club has arrived, I will announce that the new seat election of Heliansheng has officially begun."

"If you are interested in running, please raise your hand!"

After saying this, Chen Heilong raised his hand.

As he raised his hand, Big D also raised his hand without hesitation, with a stubborn look on his face. Even if he knew he was going to lose, he would still lose. No one loses the battle.

This scene of the tit-for-tat meeting made He Liansheng and several neutral faction leaders look sideways, but the two parties involved did not feel anything.

After Chen Heilong glanced around, he said with a smile:"It seems that Big D and I are the only two people running for election this time, let’s start voting. Those uncles who support me, Lian Zhuang, please raise your hands!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his uncle's brother-in-law was the first to raise his hand to express his support without hesitation.

Seeing the action of the gang-bang, Shuang Fandong said:"Lian Zhuang, this kind of thing, is not the same as Lian Sheng. But there has never been any precedent. In order to prevent one family from becoming dominant, the association explicitly prohibits anyone from joining the bank. Doing so will destroy the internal balance of the association."

Shuangfandong is the uncle of Big D, so he will naturally speak more towards Big D. It's not surprising that he would jump out to question him at this time.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, Chuanbao immediately retorted.

"You said destroying the balance means destroying the balance. Tell me what is balance?"

"In the past two years, we and Liansheng have developed rapidly under the leadership of Aaron. Everyone here has not reaped the dividends brought by the development of the society, so I think it is time for some rules to be changed!"

"In the past, when Dumbledore was here, he liked to strike a balance, even if he had to abandon his martial arts. Facts have proved that his idea was wrong. Compared with a dominant company, we should be more worried about doing nothing, otherwise the century-old Heliansheng brand will fall into our hands."

"Since Aaron can bring so many benefits to the association, why should he change? Who can guarantee that he will do better than Aaron after taking over? Since there is no guarantee, letting him continue to be the banker will be beneficial to the association and everyone. Why don't you stick to the old rules?"

"I don’t care what you think, anyway, I will definitely support Aaron’s re-election this time!"

Although these remarks are rude, they are not unreasonable. These hall masters and uncles actually have strong feelings in their hearts. They have seen the changes in the society in the two years since Chen Heilong came to power. If nothing else, just Chen Heilong's 920 private business pays a lot of fees to the society every year. The society's fees involve the settlement expenses, medical expenses of the brothers in the society, and the living expenses of the uncles. The society has more money, and when it needs to pay, He won't be stingy either. Only with He Liansheng's name will be bigger and his brand name will be louder and louder.

In the past, when I worked for the club, I needed to pay for my living expenses and travel expenses. The club always pushed back and offered discounts. Now Chen Heilong is sitting in the seat. , I have never skimped on this aspect.

Although the hall master cannot get the money, it actually increases the centripetal force of the younger brothers below, and brings countless invisible benefits, which are beneficial to everyone.

In addition, There are also various businesses that leaked out from Chen Heilong's fingers, such as smuggling some goods on a free ship, helping to contact customers or find sources of goods, introducing customers to Haojiang Casino, etc., which did not make the fathers of the hall less profitable.

When it comes to hanging out, not everyone is like Big D, who only wants to be a host. They focus more on the immediate interests. Whether their wallets are big enough is far more important to them than the rules of the club.

And even if it comes to Regarding the issue of balance, there is no such thing as balance in He Liansheng now. Most of the members of the association are basically from Chen Heilong's lineage, and most of them are developed by others themselves, such as Haojiang and Taiguo. And Jin Sanjiao and other places.

Those places are said to be the headquarters of He Liansheng, but in fact they have nothing to do with He Liansheng. They can even be said to be Chen Heilong's personal power. To put it bluntly, the association cannot mobilize them at all.

If Chen Heilong is really driven out of power, and Chen Heilong declares independence with the country he has created, He Lian Sheng will be instantly reduced from a super-first-class society to a second- or third-class society, and more than half of the territory will be divided.

In fact, this includes speaking out. The questioning Shuang Fandong also understands this truth, but he is from the Big D lineage. His butt determines his head and his own people have to choose. He has to stand up and stand up for anything he says, otherwise other big guys will think of him.

Under this trend of popular support, let alone Chen Heilong warned Long Gen and bought their votes. Even if they did not buy, Long Gen and the others would not really dare to vote for Big D in this situation.

After all, vote for Big D. It is difficult to determine whether there are any benefits to D, but if you don’t vote for Chen Heilong, it can be foreseen that it will definitely bring harm.

The result is naturally no surprise, except that the iron ticket warehouse of Big D did not vote due to feelings. , the rest of the uncles all voted for Chen Heilong, supporting his Zhuangzhuang. Except for the double fandong sentence at the beginning, no one else questioned whether the Zhuangzhuang was considered a bad rule.

(cjeb) After Chen Heilong glanced at the crowd, he smiled and said:"Since everyone supports me so much, I will continue to serve as the seat for the next term!"

When he announced the results, Big D with a dark face sat below. He didn't say a word, just sat there quietly, as if everything happening around him had nothing to do with him.

After the meeting, everyone got up and dispersed in twos and threes. Due to the low-pressure aura that Big D exuded at the moment, everyone would avoid talking to him or making eye contact when they left, lest they didn't know what to say. Embarrassing everyone.

However, Big D didn't intend to say hello to others at the moment. As the other big guys left, he walked out of the main hall teahouse with a gloomy face and got into the business car that came to pick him up.

Big D got on the car and looked at the restaurant in the main hall, took out a cigar from his pocket, turned his seat to face Chang Mao who was sitting opposite him, and immediately took out a lighter to light the cigar for Big D.

Changmao didn't need to ask. He already knew the result just by looking at the boss. The boss must have lost.

In order to avoid getting into trouble with the boss, Changmao neither let his younger brother drive nor spoke, but quietly waited for Big D to speak.

Big D, who was full of grievance, smoked half a cigar in one breath and looked at Changmao with red bloodshot eyes.

"Changmao, if you were asked to choose between the club and me, which one would you choose?"

"Boss, I came out to follow you when I was seventeen. I don’t care what kind of club you are in or not. You are the only boss in my heart. I don’t care about anything else. I only recognize you. I will do whatever you ask me to do!"Lang Mao is decisive.

"Well, your words are enough!"

Big D patted Shaggy's shoulder, with a sinister look on his face,"Since they don't support me as a host, then I'll do it myself! You immediately spread the word and say that I am planning to set up a new club and Shenghe. There is no point in staying here anyway. It is better to set up a new club and be the seat of the club yourself! Changmao has been with Big D for so many years, so he naturally knows what Big D thinks, and with his loyalty to Big D, he won't say anything more,"Yes, boss, I'll let the news out right now!""

This news spread throughout Hong Kong's underground society in less than an hour, and all forces were shocked after receiving the news.

Before this, no one would have thought that Big D would do something like this again. The last time he and Lian Sheng were elected , Big D had already split once, and that time it was with Chen Heilong.

But that time it was because Uncle Deng was unfair in handling things, but this time there was no such problem. He lost head-on at the hands of Chen Heilong.

If you do this now, it’s obvious that you can’t beat Chen Heilong, and he wants to set up a new branch to be the seat of his own.

Splits in societies are never a trivial matter. If it is not done well, the vitality of the society will be seriously damaged. How many societies have fallen apart due to internal strife. , the Ni family in Tsim Sha Tsui is a living example. If it were not for the internal strife among the Ni family, Tsim Sha Tsui might still be in their hands. As for now, they don’t even have their own territory, and they have taken refuge in other societies.

With the Ni family The opposite example is Haojiang's 14K. Mo Luobing and Beng Yaju had already had a dispute to the point where they wanted to send gunmen to kill each other, but they didn't even think about splitting 14k. To a certain extent, it was considered Internal friction was avoided. After Mo Luobing provoked Chen Heilong's downfall, many of his subordinates switched to Bengyaju, so 14k did not suffer much loss.

Although Big D's strength is far inferior to that of Chen Heilong, this guy After all, he is also the veteran leader of He Lian Sheng, and his strength cannot be underestimated. If the two sides really fight, although Big D may not win, there is no guarantee that he will not tear a piece of flesh from Chen Heilong.

All the forces in Hong Kong Island are paying attention They concentrated on He Liansheng's side, waiting to watch the excitement. At the same time, they were also always prepared to see if they could take advantage of the opportunity or something.

"Thump thump thump!"

With the sound of footsteps, Zhan Mizi appeared in the main hall teahouse.

Chen Heilong, who was drinking tea in the main hall teahouse, saw him coming up, poured him a cup of tea, and asked aloud:"What's going on in such a hurry? ?"

"Boss, there has just been news from Big D that they are planning to set up Xinhe Liansheng, and they want to establish a new club, and you will be the seat of it!"Zhan Mizi said

"Xinhe Liansheng?"Chen Heilong shook his head and smiled.

Speaking of which, he has a pretty good impression of Big D, and whatever the guy does is obvious, unlike Lin Huaile who only plays dirty tricks.

But the impression is good, and the impression is good. But it doesn't mean that he can allow Big D to start any new societies, or to be more precise, he won't care whether Big D wants to start a new society or quit and win, but the premise is that the society cannot be harmed. Interests.

If it harms the interests of He Liansheng, then he will never allow it.

After thinking about it for a moment, Chen Heilong picked up the phone and called Big D.

When he received the call from Chen Heilong, Big D had already returned to his home in Tsuen Wan. In the villa

"Boss Black Dragon, I’m calling you so late. Do you have any advice?"Big D said with a thorn in his words. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I heard that you are planning to launch a new Helianshenghe, Heshenghe?"

"That’s right! Big D said firmly:"So what!""

"This time I am the banker, so don’t fight!"

"Why shouldn't I fight? Big D's voice immediately rose an octave higher,"It has always been my wish and dream to be a seated official. When I first came out for the selection, those old guys said that I was not qualified enough. I waited for two and two years, and it was not easy. After enough qualifications, Lin Huaile comes out to compete with you and me!"

"In that competition, I was not as strong as you, so I deserved to lose, I admit it!"

"But this time is different. If it is according to the rules of the club, I will naturally have nothing to say if I lose. No matter who takes the seat, I will continue to be my hall leader with peace of mind and wait for the next competition."

"But according to the rules, He Liansheng's appointment is once every two years, and he cannot be re-elected after expiration. Why can you break the rules and become the banker? I don't accept it! If you continue to be a banker, I will never be a banker in this life."

"Since you don't even abide by the rules of the club, and I have no hope of sitting in the seat, then what's the point of me staying in Heliansheng!"

Hearing Big D's venting, Chen Heilong just said quietly:"So you are still doing the same thing and are preparing to establish a new alliance?"

"This time I am not taking this matter as a threat, I am also serious about it. I am going to set up a new club and be the seat of my own club, fulfilling my long-cherished wish for so many years!"

Perhaps it was because of the venting just now that it allowed Big D to express the resentment he had accumulated over the years. At this time, Big D's tone was much calmer.

"As long as you are willing to let me leave the club, let me become a new club, and be the boss of myself, I promise that I will never fight with you about being in Liansheng. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Chen Heilong said in a deep voice:"Tsuen Wan is the territory of He Lian Sheng. As the seat of He Lian Sheng, I will not allow anyone to take away the club's territory. There is no need to discuss this matter!"

After saying that, Chen Heilong hung up the phone.

After hanging up, Chen Heilong rushed to Mi Tsai and said:"Tsuen Wan is He Liansheng's territory, but after being screwed by Big D over the years, he seems to have become him It is absolutely impossible for him to build Xinhe Liansheng in his own private land, and to take away the territory from Heliansheng. If you take the younger brother below to do things, Tsuen Wan must be with Lian Sheng!"

"clear!"Zhan Mizai nodded.

After leaving the main hall teahouse, Zhan Mizai immediately called Awu.

"Ah Wu, summon your men immediately and prepare to do something. Big D wants to be independent. Brother Heilong wants us to go to Tsuen Wan!"

"Okay, Brother Zhanmi, I'll gather some help right now!"Awu said.

After Awu learned the news released by Big D, he was already gearing up and getting ready. This guy is a famous mad dog in Helian Sheng. He will never miss anything as long as it is beneficial.

Chen Heilong has always treated his subordinates very well. Generous, if he can seize the Tsuen Wan site this time, his strength will be expanded a lot.

After talking to Jimmy Zai on the phone, he immediately asked his men to leave and prepare to go to Tsuen Wan.

Jimmy Zai finished fighting A Wu After the phone call, I called Tony again.

"Tony, immediately summon his men to Tsuen Wan. The boss is calling for trouble!"


When Tony received the call, he didn't say anything at all. The three brothers are now attached to Chen Heilong and earn a lot of money every month. When they need to contribute, they will naturally not have any shirk. The reason why

Zhan Mizai informed them , because their territory is Tsuen Wan to the north, and these two gangs are ruthless, so it is more convenient for them to recruit people to go there. After hanging up the phone, Tony immediately called Ah Hu and Ah Zha to inform them Working for Brother Heilong.

After receiving the notice, Ah Zha and Ah Hu immediately put down what they were doing and began to gather people. In less than two hours, a team of more than 2,000 people was assembled to go to Tsuen Wan.

After they took people to Tsuen Wan At the same time, A Wu also summoned a similar number of younger brothers. A total of three to four thousand dwarf mules from both sides were marched into Tsuen Wan.

Big D was in the core area of ​​Tsuen Wan, located on Mei Wan Street, and A Wu and Tony took them with them. The younger brother came straight here.

Changmao received feedback from the younger brother below and responded very quickly. Because of the convenient location, he gathered manpower very quickly. Even though he learned the news relatively late, Awu and Tony led When the people arrived, two to three thousand dwarf mules had already been gathered, and as time passed, more dwarf mules continued to arrive.

"Changmao, tell your boss, Brother Heilong has already spoken. The territory in Tsuen Wan belongs to He Lian Sheng, and no one can take it away!"Tony said

"I can't control this. I only listen to my boss. Tsuen Wan belongs to us. No matter who comes, it won't be useful!" Changmao choked.

Although the two gangs confronting each other on Mei Wan Street in Tsuen Wan, although they were quarreling, they did not take action.

Because Chen Heilong and Big D have not spoken yet, both sides still maintain this restraint and are just confronting each other. , it is impossible to start the fight until there is an order from above...

PS: The new book is about to start, I beg you to send some flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly votes!...........

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