Chapter 108 Mary's Thoughts

"Brother Yan, Ah Luo sent me information that there seems to be changes in the Political Department. After sending Liu Jianming away, Yang Jinrong came back and reported a piece of news.

"In order to raise money to repay the loan, Richard seemed to have approached Babi of Dongxing."

Shen Yan's heart moved, and he knocked on the table lightly.

"This may not be what Richard meant.

Everyone looked over.

"Brother Yan, Richard is Sir Li's dog. Ah Luo asked him to pay back 20 million silver notes within a certain period of time, so he has to pay it back. Ah Bang analyzed.

"New Union Sheng is now reorganized, and Richard's previous layout is all broken. He will naturally look for another place to sell the stolen goods."

"Is there something fishy going on here?".

Ah Bang was really puzzled, and so were the people in Team C.

Ni Kun's case had already been solved, but they had not made it public in order to eradicate the Five Tigers drug trafficking group.

It seemed that Team C's police force was all in Tsim Sha Tsui, but in fact, this was just an appetizer before eradicating Sir Li.

"No, Sir Li is able to build such a large network, covering politics, business, police, corruption and gangs. He is not an easy person to deal with."

Shen Yan answered slowly.

"He invited Ah Luo three times but failed. What would you think if it were you?"

Everyone fell silent.

"If it were me……"Yang Jinrong pushed up his glasses, his eyes emitting a cold light.

"If I were Sir Lee, I would think, what the hell is New Union Sheng? How dare they compare themselves to me?"

"I am a high-ranking legislator, and New Liansheng is just a society in a different name."

"The society is just a bunch of dwarf mules. If you want them to die, let them die. If you want them to live, let them live."

"Even though the group is in trouble now, the dwarf mules can't get any further. Three visits to the thatched cottage is the limit."

"The group is in trouble, and Xinliansheng is a newly emerged upstart. This account will be settled later."

"If Xinliansheng doesn't cooperate, then find someone who can cooperate."

"Fortunately, there are several associations in Hong Kong"

"Without Xinliansheng, can we not eat meat?"

Yang Jinrong's voice was extremely cold and chilly. Everyone was an elite police officer and quickly followed his thinking. This was the criminal thinking of Sir Li.

"Ah Rong is right." Ah Bang agreed,"Xin Liansheng doesn't know what's good for him, so we'll just have to wait until the group calms down and teach him a lesson."

"The most important thing for the group is to recover its vitality"

"Apart from Xinliansheng, there are indeed many people who can cooperate with us."

"There are many big laojia restaurants in Hong Kong that sell noodles."

"Zhongyi Xin, Dongxing, Wang Bao, the Five Tigers of the Ni Family…any one of them will do!"


Chen Yongren clapped his hands fiercely.

"It seems that what Brother Yan said is right"

"This may not be what Richard meant."

"Richard certainly wanted to pay back the money, but he could also find another partner."

"We have to keep an eye on him."

"We must not let them cooperate successfully."

Everyone nodded.

Sir Li's criminal group has networked too many dignitaries and social elites. It would be impossible without pressure.

In order to deal with this criminal group, Shen Yan even created such a small organization as the God of Stock Fund.

And Xinliansheng is the knife to deal with these small organizations.

If Richard finds other people to cooperate, it will be difficult to get evidence of Sir Li's criminal group!

"I'll go see Ah Luo later and tell him about this change." Shen Yan was very calm,"Everyone must be alert. Sir Li's criminal group network has to be treated with caution even by the Secretary for Administration, so we must not be careless."

Everyone nodded.

"Ah Rong, keep an eye on Richard and see who he is in contact with. Shen Yan began to instruct everyone to do their work.

"Ah Ren, Ah Cheng, go and help Richard"

"Brother Bang and Brother Ji, please keep a close eye on the Five Tigers."

Everyone responded in unison.

"Brother Yan~. ,"Luo Ji stretched out his hand and said,"How about me and Brother Bang? Do you want to transfer Ah Cheng over?"

Ah Bang nodded repeatedly.

"The Five Tigers might fight each other, and if they are not controlled well, it will easily have a negative impact on society."

"How about transferring some more people?"

Shen Yan thought about it and nodded slightly:

"Do you two have any recommendations for candidates?"

Team C has always been short of police officers, and it is still a long way from the minimum staffing of twelve.

If there is a suitable candidate, Shen Yan doesn't mind filling it up.

"There is one person." A Bang said excitedly,"But he is a bit violent."

Shen Yan was very curious:

"How violent is it?"

Abang was embarrassed:

"The kind of violence that can damage a criminal suspect's brain with one punch."

"Ma Jun!"Shen Yan suddenly realized, he didn't take it seriously,"What kind of violence is this?"

"Listen, we are the police, not the parents of the suspects. They are all vicious criminals. When fighting them, the first thing we should do is to protect ourselves!"

He curled his lips.

"All of them have attended police academy."

"The instructors taught us that when shooting, we should shoot at the limbs and not the head."

"This is nonsense!"

Shen Yan looked at each member of Group C.

"Listen carefully, if you are facing a criminal suspect, do not think of showing mercy."

"That is irresponsible for your safety."

"You can hit the vital points but never the limbs."

"I said it!"

Everyone said yes.

They could see that Shen Yan was not joking.

""Get to work!" Shen Yan waved his hand, and everyone started to work.

""Brother Yan," Yang Jinrong came up,"Should we give Liu Jianming some help?"

"What kind of help?" Shen Yan said with a smile,"You want to put some pressure on him, right?"

""I can't hide it from Brother Yan." Yang Jinrong nodded in agreement.

Liu Jianming was an undercover sent by Han Chen, and it was no secret in Group C.

Yang Jinrong didn't think that Liu Jianming was one of his own, so how could he support him?

"Believe it or not, after the gun came out, Liu Jianming was so scared that he almost lost his soul."Shen Yan was in a very good mood

"No? Liu Jianming acted very calm."Yang Jinrong frowned. He had been staring at Liu Jianming carefully before, not missing a single micro-expression.

"Liu Jianming has come this far in such a short time, he is a talent. Normally he would not be so flustered."Shen Yan saw it clearly,

"Liu Jianming panicked!"

"He killed Ni Kun"

"Mary should have dealt with the gun for him."

"Logically speaking, this gun should have sunk into the sea long ago, but it turned up now... That's very problematic."

Shen Yan asked with great interest.

"What do you think was Mary's purpose in sending this gun?"

Yang Jinrong's eyes widened.

"Wasn't this gun used by Huang Zhicheng to frame Liu Jianming?"

Shen Yan smiled and shook his head.

"of course not!"

"I have a feeling the fight between the Five Tigers is about to end!"


"It turned out to be this gun. What does Sister Mary mean?"Liu Jianming couldn't calm down for a long time.

He never thought that Mary would send him this gun.

Even though Liu Jianming was smart, he couldn't figure out what Mary meant.

Liu Jianming was an undercover agent. He had to hide his original emotions and live with a mask.

This mask was a policeman!

Liu Jianming thought and acted like a real policeman.

The identity hidden in the deepest part forced him to do better than ordinary policemen.

So, he got the occupational disease of suspecting everyone.

Huang Zhicheng's surveillance made him feel deeply dangerous. It's not that he didn't think about it. Mary They teamed up with Huang Zhicheng to get rid of him.

This is also the reason why he was willing to take the risk to seek help from Shen Yan and others.

However, who would have thought that this gun was the one that killed Ni Kun?!

Liu Jianming's suspicion of Mary completely dissipated.

If Huang Zhicheng and Mary really wanted to get rid of him, then wouldn't it be better to throw the gun to the police?

He can't escape.

Liu Jianming looked at the Black Star, which he hadn't used for two years.

The gun was well maintained, and the best oil was used where it should be oiled. It was a pity that the gun was broken.

He did not regret identifying the gun.

If it weren't for the firm result of the Forensic Department, he would not know the cause and effect here.

"Fortunately, it was Shen Yan who identified the gun, otherwise, I really couldn't bring it back."

Shen Yan is the leader of the serious crime team, a senior inspector, and a big shot in the West Kowloon Police Department. He is responsible for investigating Ni Kun's case, so he can naturally bring the gun back.

Otherwise, the gun must be kept in the evidence room.

"I have to contact Sister Mary."

""We need to have an intuitive judgment of what Huang Zhicheng is thinking."

Liu Jianming was particularly anxious.

He had a feeling that a great danger was approaching him.

If he wanted to continue to be a policeman safely, he needed to get through this hurdle safely.

Otherwise, what awaited him was not a good thing.

So half an hour later, Liu Jianming met Mary at the beach.

"You are in military uniform, you shouldn't meet me here, it's easy to be exposed."Mary's mature face was full of anger.

Liu Jianming was a little dazed.

Mary was his white moonlight, for her, he was willing to kill Ni Kun, just because she wanted Ni Kun to die

"Don't look at me like that, I'm your boss's woman."Mary knew what Liu Jianming was thinking. This bastard had once wanted to sleep with her, and I'm afraid he still had this idea.

Mary didn't dare to look at Liu Jianming for too long. In any case, Liu Jianming liked her.

Women usually don't dislike people who like them too much.

"` 々"How am I inferior to Han Chen?" Liu Jianming suddenly growled. He really didn't understand. He was more handsome and younger than Han Chen, and he was also a policeman. How could he win?

"Little boy, your hair hasn't even grown out yet, do you know what love is?" Mary felt amused, and she straightened her expression.

"If that's why you asked me out, that's really stupid."

"Brother Chen is fighting with Gandhi and the others for the position of leader, I want to go back to help him."

Mary said and was about to leave.

Liu Jianming took a deep breath, with a crazy murderous look in his eyes.

This murderous intent was not directed at Mary, but at Han Chen!

"Did you know that Ni Yongxiao has a brother who is a policeman?

Mary turned back in astonishment:

"Isn't Ni Yongxiao's eldest brother a doctor? Where did his brother come from?"

"Hehe." Liu Jianming smiled very gloomily, which was completely different from his usual appearance.

"Don't show that expression in front of me."Mary was disgusted. Liu Jianming kept saying he hated Han Chen, but the way he smiled just now was just like Han Chen.

Liu Jianming shrugged with a fake smile on his face.

"Ni Kun has an illegitimate son named Chen Yongren, who is now a plainclothes officer in the West Kowloon Police Station."

"Chen Yongren and Ni Kun did not have much affection, but even if there was no affection, Ni Kun was still Chen Yongren's father."

"If we kill Ni Kun, do you think Chen Yongren will let us go?"

"How much does he know? Mary was very nervous.

"It’s hard to say!"Liu Jianming also had a headache,"This guy took over Huang Zhicheng"

"Why did he target Huang Zhicheng? Mary was amazed.

Liu Jianming sighed.

"That's why I asked you out."

"Chen Yongren was kicked out of the police academy by Huang Zhicheng and became an undercover agent. Do you know what Chen Yongren's goal as an undercover agent is?"

Mary suddenly had a bad premonition and looked at Liu Jianming in surprise.

"The Ni family!" Liu Jianming revealed the answer,"The police officer who is investigating the Ni family in the serious crime squad is my classmate, and they did not hide anything from me."

"Huang Zhicheng is really not a good guy."


Mary gasped!

She suddenly felt a sense of fear.

Liu Jianming thought she was worried about Han Chen, and he couldn't help but feel jealous:

"Brother Chen is really with you���Is it so important?"

"I am just a little woman." Mary replied,"The meaning of my life is to hope that my man is well."

"As long as he lives well, I don't care what he does."

As long as Han Chen lives well, Mary is willing to do anything.

Selling her body or losing her life is worth it.

Mary thought so and did so.

Liu Jianming became even more jealous.

He clenched his fists tightly, wishing he could use a gun to blow Han Chen's head off, just like he did Ni Kun's head off.

"Liu Jianming, you need to calm down. Han Chen deserves to die, but not now."Liu Jianming took a deep breath.

"Sister Mary, why is Huang Zhicheng staring at me?

Mary's face turned pale, her mind raced, and she soon came up with an idea. Her eyes were cold, and she used her woman's natural skills.

"Achen asked Huang Zhicheng to find the murderer who killed Ni Kun"

"He's got his eyes on you."


Liu Jianming never expected this answer.

"Ni Yongxiao handed over all the underground business to Achen. In order to report to Ni Yongxiao, Achen asked Huang Zhicheng to investigate the matter. After all, he was a policeman before."

"Huang Zhicheng didn't know that this case was done by the two of us"

"I covered it for you, but it was no use"

"Didn't you recognize the gun I gave you?"

Liu Jianming was relieved.

Sure enough, his white moonlight did not betray him.

It was exactly as he thought.

Mary's face was very cold:

"Since the police are also keeping an eye on Huang Zhicheng, Ah Ming, please give him your regards on behalf of Brother Chen.

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