Long Zhiqiang was so cautious, it was definitely impossible for He Tian to know the specific location. So He Tian should have been knocked unconscious, and then he was sent to a secret place to prepare for kidnapping.

So asking the other person for more is just a waste of effort.

So he asked for an approximate location, and he told him a little bit of what he knew.

The words he spoke could make He Tian a little easier, and at the same time, he could also use the gap between the doctor and Long Zhiqiang to get a more advantageous position.

At present, He Tian is the only undercover agent, and the only contact between them and Long Zhiqiang's side.

Therefore, the more favorable He Tian is, the more beneficial it will be for them to solve the case.

Of course, Lin Jun didn't say everything he knew and speculated.

One is that there is not enough time, and the other is that he doesn't want to say it, because it is not suitable.

In addition to knowing that the doctor could be used, he also knew that He Tian was very likely to be exposed.

Because he investigated and found that there were not a few people on the police side who knew that He Tian was undercover.

On Li Qiang's side, a group of people knew that He Tian was undercover, and on the Yangcheng Police Department, the same group of people knew He Tian's details.

In addition, He Tian has been a policeman on the surface for a long time, so there are many people who know him.

Therefore, the chance of He Tian being exposed is still very large.

But the reason why He Tian, who has a high chance of being exposed, is because He Tian himself has excellent psychological quality and has veteran undercover experience.

Even if you are in an enemy nest with an extremely treacherous environment, you will not drop the chain.

The most important bomb is very strong, and the entire bomb disposal team is one of the best experts.

Long Zhiqiang lacks a bomb expert, only He Tian can do it, and on the whole, He Tian is the only candidate.

In addition, he also heard from Song Zihao that Long Zhiqiang had recently bought a truth potion.

It's a potion that makes people tell the truth. Even if He Tian's heart is hard enough to resist the powerful medicinal power of the truth potion.

But that can also create huge mood swings.

Just test it with a lie detector and know if you are lying.

After he investigated the news of the truth potion, he remembered something.

Long Zhiqiang seems to have really used this potion, and there is a lie detector by his side.

Therefore, there is a high probability that He Tian has been exposed.

The reason why he is still alive should be that Long Zhiqiang still needs He Tian and He Tian's bomb ability.

If it weren't for He Tian's bomb, Long Zhiqiang would have a lot less deterrent power, which would have a huge impact on his kidnapping plan.

So it was impossible for Long Zhiqiang to kill He Tian before he got the bomb.

Although he knows this.

But he can't tell He Tian at the moment.

Because after he said it, there would be no other benefit except for making He Tian fall into endless panic.

If a person is haunted by the moment of death, it is easy to break down.

If He Tian collapsed, it would be difficult for them to find evidence to arrest Long Zhiqiang.

Now the only way out is for He Tian to continue performing while allowing him to collect evidence.

When Long Zhiqiang implemented the kidnapping plan, he was arrested.

A hint of danger flashed in Lin Jun's eyes.

Long Zhiqiang is bound to win.

He wants to pick up the judicial face that was knocked down by Long Zhiqiang.

With him Lin Jun here, the police station cannot be humiliated!



Lin Jun went to the General Bureau.

Office of the Commissioner of Police.

Located above the General Headquarters Building, it overlooks the most prosperous core area of Hong Kong Fu.

This office is also very magnificent, with a huge space and a huge desk made entirely of solid wood, which is worth a lot of money.

Raymond sat in it, majestic.

Compared with the previous tenure as the Director, it is not the same.

Location can raise people's momentum, and sure enough.

He is reprimanding several police station officials because of the recent poor law and order environment in Central.

In the face of the reprimand of the first brother, these high-ranking police officers could only bear it.

After all, the official level crushes people to death!

The first brother is their direct boss! In the face of the reprimand of the superiors, just bury your head and listen!

Knock knock!

There was a knock on the door.

The first brother's face was not good, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Who is it?

"Lei sir, it's me. "

A familiar and clear voice rang out.

Raymond's face suddenly changed, and his joy was revealed.

He smiled: "Ah Jun, come in quickly." "

See this scene.

The corners of these police station executives twitched at the corners of their mouths.

Good guy, this change of face is also fast!

But when they heard that it was Lin Jun, everyone understood.

After all, everyone knows that Lin Jun is Raymond's heart.

A tall and handsome young man strode in.

Raymond got up and pulled Lin Jun to sit on the sofa.

The high-level police station on the side was left dry.

These few people who were originally in high positions burst into tears at this time, and they were not as good as a Lin Jun!

The first brother is too eccentric! This eccentricity is too obvious!

If Raymond knew, he would only sneer.

Lin Jun was the one who helped him successfully promote from director to first brother! Can he not be partial to Lin Jun?

Lin Jun saw the others and coughed.

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