"Of course, Gangfu was chaotic before, but since Lin Jun, everything is much better!"



A press conference on the Governor's side was also prepared.

A large number of reporters sat around.

Flashing lights constantly illuminate the lobby.

A figure came out from behind the curtain.

Suddenly, the whole scene was ignited at once.

Because it's the Governor of Australia who came up!

The reporters asked one after another: "Mr. Governor, what do you think of Officer Lin Jun's cracking of this case in the afternoon?"

"Your Excellency Governor, may I ask if the Superintendent of Aocheng will frame Officer Lin Jun this time?"

"May I ask Mr. Governor, why was Lin Jun able to crack this case in such a short period of time, while the Aocheng superintendent's system behaved so badly in this case?

Does this mean that there are any deficiencies in our Aocheng superintendent's system?

I have to say that the following reporters' inquiries are extremely tricky, and the Governor of Aocheng's face sank slightly.

At this moment, he scolded those fools who framed Lin Jun in his heart.

The Governor put away his smile.

He had a serious face and bowed deeply to the camera: "First of all, on behalf of the Australian city authorities, I want to apologize to the people of Australia! Because there are some scum within us, and they have deceived everyone."

As the supreme governor of Aocheng, it is my fault for letting such scum appear in my subordinates! So I apologize to everyone!"

With that, he bowed to the camera again.


He continued: "Next, I have to apologize to Officer Lin Jun. The scum in our Australian city authorities has brought a bad impact on Lin Jun's reputation, and I apologize here for the authorities!"

That's the end of that.

There was a gasp of cold air.

No one expected that the Governor of Aocheng, the supreme ruler of Aocheng, would really bow to a policeman in Hong Kong and apologize!

And in front of the general public!

Although the news had come out before, at this moment, everyone still felt the shock.

Lin Jun! It really made the supreme ruler of Aocheng bow and apologize!

"Oh my God! The Governor of Aocheng actually apologized to Lin Jun! A regional magistrate apologized to a small policeman with a not very high position! It's unprecedented!"

"Lin Jun is not a little policeman, right! He is the light of our Hong Kong Fu, a well-known hero! But it's really cool to see this! The biggest official in Aocheng actually apologized to us Lin Sir!

Haha, our Lin sir's legendary experience has added a strong color!"


Lin Jun and the others were also watching TV.

I saw the scene of the Governor of Australia apologizing on TV.

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

Even if there is corresponding news from the Governor's Mansion of Aocheng, all this is true and shocking as what I said with my own eyes.

In the scene, the only person who did not move was Lin Jun.

Everyone looked at Lin Jun, whose face remained unchanged, and they all admired it in their hearts.

This is the strong man who has collapsed in front of Mount Tai and has not changed his color!

Song Zijie opened his mouth and said, "Boss, you have a big face this time. Brother Aocheng has apologized to you!"

Lin Jun did not respond.

In fact, Lin Jun was also surprised that the governor of Aocheng apologized to him, after all, this is the supreme ruler of Aocheng.

However, thinking that the Long Zhiqiang incident had also caused a tremendous impact on the Aocheng authorities, they did not handle their affairs in an unfavorable manner, and they also framed others! As a result of this wave of operations, the prestige of the Aocheng authorities has fallen to a record low.

Apologizing to Lin Jun can harvest a wave of sympathy points to a great extent.

So he realized in an instant, this can be regarded as a wave of political manipulation, so he doesn't know whether the sincerity is true or false, and how much water there is.

The next few days.

Lin Jun and others followed the Aocheng Police Superintendent to try Long Zhiqiang, and the evidence was conclusive, Long Zhiqiang couldn't struggle at all.

Soon, Long Zhiqiang was convicted.

Because the amount of kidnapping was too large, Long Zhiqiang was directly sentenced to life imprisonment!

Subsequently, the Hong Kong side carried out extradition, because Lin Jun had a huge contribution to the case, and the Aocheng authorities also wanted to restore their prestige, and it was very helpful for them to have a good relationship with Lin Jun, a star policeman who was deeply loved by the people.

So the extradition went very well.

A few days later.

Long Zhiqiang and others were extradited back to Hong Kongfu.

The plane landed at the airport.

Lin Jun and the others walked out of the airport directly.

Then Chen Jiaju and the others were taken aback by the scene in front of them.

In front of the plane, countless people wearing police uniforms or other judicial uniforms were neatly lined up.

That scene is still quite grand!

I saw Lin Jun come out.

In unison, the sound was so loud that the entire airport seemed to tremble.

"Welcome back with a great honor!"

"Welcome back with a great honor!"

"Welcome back with a great honor!"

At this moment, Rao is Lin Jun was hard-willed, and he also received a hint of impact.

"Welcome Chen Jiaju... Wait for the officers to come back with great honor!"

Again, it was repeated three times.

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