But before leaving, Ma You remembered that the other party still needed a briefcase, and the briefcase was in the hands of the person who received it.

The person who took it?

Lin Jun swept around and found a car parked aside.

When I went up to check it, I suddenly found that there was really a briefcase inside.

It's just that the people in the car have long been empty.

Grabbing the briefcase, a group of people rushed towards the shipyard.


On the road.

Lin Jun also received some information about the prisoners from the police station.

The other party is a larger community leader.

There are hundreds of people under his command, and they are all ruthless characters, extremely vicious, and each of them has a few lives in his hands.

The combat power is still quite strong, so no one dares to mess with it around here.

The leader was sentenced to life imprisonment for homicide, so he planned such a carjacking incident.

And that briefcase is full of laundry detergent, which is extremely pure and worth tens of millions.

Originally, after the leader came out, he was going to sell this box of laundry detergent and run away.

As a result, I didn't expect that Lin Jun's appearance disrupted the other party's plan.

After reading the relevant information, Lin Jun narrowed his eyes.

is another drug dealer who sells laundry detergent, and since he has fallen into his hands, there is no future.


He won't give the other person a chance.

Subsequently, he sent the relevant information to Chen Jiaju and others.


Soon after.

A group of people came to the shipyard not far away.

At the same time, after receiving the news that his brother was in trouble, he also rushed over and joined everyone.

Of course, out of prudence.

There are not many people on Lin Jun's side who choose to make a move, and those who do it are all elites.

That is, the protagonist-level character.

After all, once the grass is startled, the hostage may die.

And the other party is some extremely vicious existence, ordinary police officers go up, and it is easy to die.

Lin Jun looked at the person in front of him and said, "Play with your life, you go up head-on." Attract the attention of your enemies. "

Listening to it, he nodded solemnly: "Understood!"

Lin Jun said to Zhou Xingxing, Chen Jiaju and the others: "You guys sneak in slowly from the surroundings, don't startle the snake." Finally, you go in and take down the enemy leader!"

Everyone nodded.

Lin Jun looked at Zhou Xingxing: "This is a test for you, if this mission is completed well." You're going to follow me. "

Zhou Xingxing nodded: "Okay, Sir Lin! "

Lin Jun continued: "And my mission is to sneak in and rescue the hostages. "

After talking about the plan.

A group of people acted according to the plan.

Desperately drove the car to the shipyard.

He got out of the car and walked inside, a briefcase in his hand.

After walking for a while, community members came out from behind the container, guns in their hands.

At a cursory glance, there are quite a few enemies.

See this scene.

I couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

One grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him to a shipping container.

He subconsciously wanted to fight back, but when he thought that his purpose was to attract the enemy's attention, and the enemy was holding a gun, he did it at this time, and he suffered a lot.

He then squeezed out a smile and turned to a man who looked like a small leader: "Hello." "

The little leader smoked a cigarette and glanced at his life: "Wear such a Sven to a banquet!"

After saying that, turn around and leave.

Playing with life is also pushed and pulled forward.


The other side.

Lin Jun and the others also cautiously lurked towards the shipyard from all directions.

Lin Jun walked among the dense containers.

The containers are piled up high like hills.

Lin Jun walked on the edge of the container and looked at the shipyard, and he could take most of the shipyards into view.

There are still many community members here, maybe hundreds of people, but Lin Jun didn't pay attention to them.

After all, he has an elite team of protagonists in his hands.

And he is the strongest existence on the surface.

Lin Jun looked down at those community members, the corners of his mouth smirked, and he muttered, "You are surrounded. "

A few people, surrounded by hundreds of people.

Only Lin Jun dared to say this.

He looked up quickly.

I saw that Mount Tai was hanging high at one end of a crane, which may be hundreds of meters above the ground.

At that end of the crane is a giant magnet.

And Tarzan has a piece of iron hanging from him.

This is also the reason why Taishan can be hoisted on the crane.

After observing, Lin Jun continued to hide in the container and ran towards the crane.

He now needs to dive onto the crane and then slowly lower one end of the crane or move it over the sea.

In this way, if the other party lets go of the magnet, Tarzan will not have a fatal problem.


Zhou Xingxing and others sneaked in the water.

Zhou Xingxing sneaked to the side of the boat.

Climb straight down the rope next to the boat towards the boat.

As soon as I got on the boat, there were several people who watched the wind.

Zhou Xingxing immediately hid to avoid being discovered, and then cautiously sneaked in.

He came to a man.

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