"Did you tell her the truth?"

Lin Jun asked.

"Not yet, just that our police will look for it. "

The officer hurriedly said.

"Well done, go down. "

Lin Jun nodded and ordered.

Waiting for Lin Jun's praise, the police officer was excited.

As Lin Jun, there is no need to praise people for other reasons.

Since he did that, it means that he really did a good job.

The officer was overjoyed and immediately left Lin Jun's office.

Lin Jun naturally didn't know that he casually complimented him.

It made the police officer so happy.

Still, think about it.

With Lin Jun's current identity and ability.

It's normal for them to feel happy.

After the police officer left, in the office, Lin Jun fell into deep thought.

After thinking about it for a while, he had a plan in his heart.

Immediately ordered the human: "Call Zhou Xingxing to me." "

"Yes. "

After a while, Zhou Xingxing appeared in front of him.

"Judy Tong just called the police and said that her husband was missing. "

Lin Jun looked at Zhou Xingxing and said.

Zhou Xingxing's first reaction was to say directly: "The thief shouted to catch the thief?"

Lin Jun nodded and said, "I don't rule out this possibility." Now this Wang Million has complicated social relations around him, so I need you to do something. "

"What's the matter, boss, just say it. "

Zhou Xingxing looked obliged.

"I want you to go undercover to Wang Million's house to see who killed him. "

Lin Jun stared at Zhou Xingxing and said.

After the murderer killed Wang Million, he must have been very surprised.

There will definitely be flaws.

As long as the slightest flaw is revealed, Lin Jun can quickly find out the murderer and bring him to justice.

Zhou Xingxing was a little hesitant at first.

However, he soon understood that this was indeed a good idea, and he agreed, "Understood, boss." "

"Very well, you should know how to fool them. "

Lin Jun asked.

No matter how long Zhou Xingxing looks, he looks like Wang Million.

Some things are not known, and they will still be suspected.

Zhou Xingxing smiled smartly and said, "I know, amnesia." "

"Very good, whether this case can be solved or not is up to you. "

Lin Jun looked at Zhou Xingxing with a smile and said.


Zhou Xingxing "snapped" and saluted Lin Jun with a handsome salute.

"Alright, let's go down. I'll call tomorrow and say, Judy Tong, get ready. "

Lin Jun said to Zhou Xingxing.

"Yes. "

Zhou Xingxing quickly left.

The plans have been set, and Lin Jun doesn't plan to sit in the office.

It happened that Yang Qian'er called and said that she wanted to have dinner with Lin Jun, and the places had already been booked.

A famous restaurant in Port City.

Listening to Yang Qian'er's charming and moving voice on the phone.

These days, Lin Jun, who has been busy investigating the case, can't help but feel some charming colors in his heart.

"Good. "

Lin Jun readily agreed.

"Then it's decided, we'll see you for a while. "

Yang Qian'er on the other end of the phone, after finishing speaking, hung up the phone.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lin Jun left the police station.

Go to the place agreed between Yang Qian'er and herself.

"You're here. "

Yang Qian'er had already arrived, and when she saw Lin Jun getting out of the car, she immediately showed a sweet smile.

Lin Jun's fatigue over the past day today has been eliminated a lot.

Lin Jun opened his arms and warmed the jade into his arms.

Yang Qian'er was full of shyness, but she also knew that this was in public.

Instead, he complained about Lin Junlai, and said coquettishly: "Look at you, everyone else is looking at us?"

Lin Jun said indifferently: "Just look at it, what is there to be afraid of." "

"You're not afraid of being recognized?"

Yang Qian'er thought about Lin Jun.

"Don't worry, it's already dark, and the lights here are so dim, we just go one step further, and they won't recognize it. "

Lin Jun smiled at Yang Qian'er's urging.

was teased by Lin Jun like this, Yang Qian'er's face turned red all of a sudden.

She quickly understood what was going on with the further step in Lin Jun's mouth.

The tender fist hit Lin Jun and said, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Where am I talking nonsense, don't you want it tonight?"

Lin Jun continued to tease Yang Qian'er.

What he likes to see the most is Yang Qian'er's delicate appearance like a freshly blooming water lotus.

"Ignore you. "

Yang Qian'er blushed and took the lead in turning around and leaving.

Lin Jun smiled and chased after him.

The two soon arrived at the restaurant that had already been booked.

"You two, do you have a reservation?"

The waiter asked the two of them.

"Yes, I called to make a reservation, Yang Qian'er. "

Yang Qian'er said.

The waiter quickly checked the reservation, but told Lin Jun and Yang Qian'er apologetically: "Sorry, your reservation has been cancelled." "

"Cancelled, when?"

Yang Qian'er's face changed.

"Just now. "

Hearing this, Lin Jun's gaze suddenly froze.

Yang Qian'er has been with him just now, how can she cancel the reservation?

Who's doing what?

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