The thug sitting in the driver's seat didn't dare to look up.

just blindly lowered his head, for fear of being shot by Lin Jun.

Go after your companions.

However, he didn't know that his little trick was the same in Lin Jun's eyes.

The universal data system was quickly activated.

All his data was fed back into Lin Jun's mind.

Distance from each other: 23.5 m, wind speed 0.5, enemy height 1.70 m......

Before that gangster started the car, he was directly shot in the head by Lin Jun and penetrated through the top of his head.

After killing Han Chen's subordinate, Lin Jun did not hesitate, and pointed his gun at the other car, the two drug dealers.

They cowered behind the car door, but they couldn't hide the powerful system.

Two more gunshots rang out, and the two drug dealers died directly under Lin Jun's marksmanship.

In the blink of an eye, out of the twelve, only four were left.

This made Han Chen's soul tremble.

He has been out for so long, and he has experienced a lot of big and small things.

However, I have never experienced such a dangerous situation.

The other party, one person actually beat them to the ground.

The time that made Han Chen feel aggrieved the most.

Now, they can't even guess where the other party is.

Even if you want to fight back, you can't do it.

"Ah Ren, you go to drive, let's get out of here quickly. "

Han Chen commanded in horror.

Chen Yongren was immediately stunned for a moment, and when the enemy did not appear, he drove.

Isn't this sending him to death?

How could he possibly agree.

"Brother Chen, my hands can't drive a car. "

Chen Yongren lifted his hand, which was still in a plaster.

"Damn, at the critical moment, you don't need any of them. You go for a car. "

Han Chen scolded and asked the other subordinate to drive.

The other subordinate was very reluctant, but there was nothing he could do.

When I just stood up, I didn't make any movements.

was directly shot in the head by Lin Jun.

fell in front of Chen Yongren and Han Chen.

Now, there are only three of them left.

Chen Yongren is fine, but he is a little apprehensive.

Han Chen and the other gangsters were all trembling.

The other thug was even soaking wet.

The pants are even more of a mess.

This strange situation of the god of death asking for his life made him extremely afraid.

"Damn, who the hell is it?"

Han Chen said hatefully.

The other party can track down the secret passage that he has never used, and forget it.

Now, one person directly killed nine of them in the shadows.

This is also an exaggeration!

"Could it be that the person is here?"

Han Chen suddenly thought of a possibility.

The person he thought of was none other than Lin Jun.

Lin Jun's brave performance made the underworld characters frightened.

This is also the reason why he never goes to West Kowloon, and even a few districts near West Kowloon.

I'm afraid of being targeted by Lin Jun.

However, he never expected that he would already be so careful.

In the end, it didn't escape.

Chen Yongren also thought of it, that person was likely to be Lin Jun.

Otherwise, apart from Lin Jun, the police have no second person who can do it.

Just when they were secretly guessing, Lin Jun actually walked out of the darkness.

The light that shines against the headlights!

Step by step, he walked towards them.

The footsteps of "Kick, Kick!" were like the murmur of death.

Han Chen's only remaining subordinate, although he was terrified.

But he still trembled his hands, intending to catch Lin Jun off guard.

Just when his body was about to move.

Suddenly, a blood flower directly bloomed from the center of his eyebrows.

Blood even splashed on Han Chen and Chen Yongren's faces.

Eventually, he fell to the ground without looking at himself.

He estimated that until he died, he couldn't figure out how he could have been shot.

"Okay, Han Chen, Chen Yongren come out. "

Walking more than ten meters away, Lin Jun stopped his steps.

shouted to Han Chen fearlessly.

Han Chen didn't move, but quietly took out a pistol and kept taking deep breaths.

He was waiting, waiting for an opportunity, to shoot Lin Jun to death.

"Han Chen, do you have to ask me to invite you out? When the time comes, I'm afraid my means of inviting you will not be willing to accept it. "

Lin Jun continued to laugh.

"Okay, I'll come out now. "

Han Chen deceived Lin Jundao, in fact, he was ready to deal a fatal blow to Lin Jun.

There was even a Chen Yongren who made a look and asked Chen Yongren to assist him.

How could Chen Yongren put Lin Jun in danger, just when he was about to make a move on Han Chen.

Han Chen had already suddenly slipped out of the car and shot Lin Jun repeatedly.

The bullets in the gun have been emptied.

However, a scene that shocked him appeared.

Although he suddenly cast cold arrows.

However, Lin Jun seemed to have expected it.

All the bullets were dodged by Lin Jun one by one.

It's like making a movie, it's incredible!

Seeing this scene, Han Chen was suddenly dumbfounded.

He kept muttering, "Are you really human?"

Lin Jun looked at Han Chen with a faint smile and said, "No, I'm a god!

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