Chapter 173: Changes with Xingsheng, Luo Zhiming's new mission

Shen Yan came to the office with a refreshed look, and the expression on his face was peaceful.

Anyone who feeds his girlfriend two bags of chestnut milk in a row will have this image.

Like a Buddha or a winner.

Yang Jinrong knocked on the door and came in:

"Brother Yan, as expected of you, I just saw the police report"

"You are so awesome. The Doctor Gang has been hiding for ten years without being discovered, and yet you were able to wipe them all out."

Shen Yan doesn't take credit:

"It's just a coincidence"

"One of our former colleagues resigned because his wife and child died at the hands of a doctor, so he worked hard to investigate."

"If it hadn't been for his reminder, we wouldn't have known that the doctor actually wanted to take action on the Tsar's jewelry."

Ana Yan told what happened.

Yang Jinrong was still frightened:

"He was able to chase the murderer for five years with just one sentence. Li Jie paid too much."

"It's a good thing that I met you, Brother Yan, otherwise it would have been bad if the doctor had escaped."

"This has a great impact on the prestige of our police. Ana

Shen shook his head:

"Li Jie would not let the doctor escape, even if it cost him his life."

He is such a person.

No one can take away the credit that is his own, and there is no need to take the credit that is not his own.

Heroes must make distinctions.

Shen Yan said with a smile:

"You didn't come here just to tell me this, right? You're not such a boring person. Yang Jinrong smiled and said:

"Axiang contacted me last night. Ana

Shen immediately asked:

"Isn't He Xingsheng in the election?"

"What was the election result? Yang Jinrong smiled and said:

"Han Bin was the talker, and he also asked Huo Shi to be the deputy talker."


Shen Yanqi said:

"A double talker? Yang

Jinrong explained:

"It's not a double talk, it's a master and a master."

"Normally, Han Bin is the one who makes the decision. Once Han Bin has an accident or cannot contact him, Huo Shi will be the one to talk."

"Han Bin promised that Huo Shi will be the talker in two years, and he is very popular with Huo Shi."

"Ah B bears witness. Ana

Shen asked curiously:

"Ah B doesn’t want to be the talker himself? Yang

Jinrong said:

"Originally, Han Bin, Huo Shi and Ah B were running for the role of speaker this time."

"But Ah B took the initiative to withdraw."

"He made it clear that he did not want to fight after getting married, so he took the initiative to retreat."

"He supports Han Bin as the talker, and he also supports Huo Shi as the next talker. Ana

Shen nodded slightly:

"He can see clearly"

"I just don’t know if there will be a good ending. Yang

Jinrong said disdainfully:

"These short mules are already fifty years old."

"Most of them don't live past forty-five."

"I don’t know how many enemies there are who fight and kill all day long."

"In addition, there are also some people who want to gain power by killing these famous bosses."

"I'm not optimistic about their future"

"Now, the only one who can ensure everything is fine is Xinliansheng"

"Fifty thousand young and Dangerous boys have been cleansed and reborn. Brother Yan, your merits are immeasurable."

Everyone in the world thought that it was Luo Zhiming who led Xin Lian Sheng's whitewash.

However, if Luo Zhiming had no background, how could he win such a large company?

If there were not enough companies to place 50,000 young and Dangerous people, how could they have washed their hands?

Only those from the Crime Division of the West Kowloon General Administration knew how much role Shen Yan played in this matter.

Shen Yan said softly:

"Ah Luo is our brother, do you think he will have an easy time?"

"A large enterprise group with 50,000 people, he is too busy to keep his feet off the ground"

"In addition, it is estimated that he and Ka Kui will not be able to regain their identities and return to the police force for decades."

"I can only live by hiding my identity. Yang

Jinrong smiled bitterly and said:

"So what if A Luo's identity is made public?"

"Who in Xinliansheng doesn’t regard him as a treasure?"

"If A Luo's identity were made public, I don't know how many police officers would be envious of him. Ana

Shen asked curiously:

"Do you envy A Luo? Yang

Jinrong immediately said:

"I'm just saying it. Ana

Shen took out a Marlboro and threw one to Yang Jinrong, and said strangely,

"Who on Jinghu Lake doesn’t know that Hexingsheng belongs to his god’s family? 「"

"He just let Han Bin and Huo Shi be chosen?"

"Based on the information we collected"

"He Xingsheng's election has always been controlled by Shen Ye, Bai Tou Weng and Gao Lao Zhong."

"In the past ten years, there have been three people"

"Han Bin was brave enough to throw these three people aside."

"Han Bin designated Huo Shiming as the next leader, which is equivalent to depriving the three gods of their right to vote."

"This is the most fundamental provocation"

"Does God agree? Yang

Jinrong replied:

"At the beginning, I really thought there was going to be a fight."

"But in the end God gave up. Shen

Yan asked:

"The reason?"

Yang Jinrong showed a confused expression on his face:

"Han Bin said that he would hold a family temple meeting and take this matter to the elders meeting."

"He wants the big guys to comment and check the accounts."

Shen Yan suddenly realized:

"Han Bin is so cruel! Yang

Jinrong was stunned:

"ruthless? Ana

Shen chuckled and said:

"He Xingsheng looks powerful, but in fact he is not."

"Just look at who has been doing the talking in the past ten years and you will know their status."

"God, Gao Laozhong, and Baitouweng are these three people"

"Gao Laozhong, the youngest among the three, is also in his fifties."

"What does this mean?"

"He Xingsheng has solidified"

"Their interest groups are completely wired"

"The position above is firmly controlled by the old man, and he will not move in the fight for power."

"A carrot and a pit"

"The younger brothers below can’t get into the position and are full of resentment."

"Is Hexing Sheng without talents?"

"It's just that those three old guys don't want to lose their rights."

"If Han Bin brought this matter to the conference, God and the other three would be spitted to death. Yang

Jinrong hesitated and said,

"The god has controlled and prospered for nearly twenty years...can the blast shake his position? Ana

Shen sneered:

"In twenty years, I don’t know how many big brothers have changed in the world."

"I don’t know how much resentment I have accumulated with Xingsheng."

"If no one comes forward, nothing will happen"

"But as long as someone steps forward, like a flash flood or a dam bursting, God can't even stop it."

"Unfortunately, Han Bin, Huo Shi, and Ah B are the three most outstanding ones."

"God dare not stop"

"Moreover, you overlooked one thing"

"Han Bin threatened to check the club’s account books"

"This is the most terrible thing"

"What are those short mules doing out here?"


"Hexingsheng is a big society"

"They have many disciples"

"The monthly payment is not a small amount"

"In the past ten years, Qian and Xingsheng seem to have another wave of twilight."

"If the three gods were not corrupt, even the ghosts would not believe it!"


Luo Zhiming looked at the surrounding scenery curiously

"What, how long has it been since you returned to the police station?"

"Don’t you recognize me?"

Ana Shen made Luo Zhiming a cup of Longjing.

Luo Zhiming thanked him and sighed:

"I really want to return to the police station."

"But you also know that after I went undercover, I went to jail and then went to the police academy for further training."

"Police station, I have never been here before."

There are two ways to recruit informants in the police force. One is from the trainee police officers at Wong Chuk Hang Police School, and the other is from the society.

People from the society are not necessarily short mules who join the society.

There are also people like Luo Zhiming who are related to An ordinary person with close connections in the community.

Ana Shen also sighed when he heard this:

"Ah Luo, your wish may not come true."

"If you want to return to the police force, it will take another few decades."

"Even if your identity is exposed, Xinliansheng will not let you go"

"If the top brass of the police force knew your identity, they wouldn't let you return."

Luo Zhiming led Xin Liansheng to clear his name, and his merits are immeasurable.

Fifty thousand dwarf mules were brought back to enlightenment by him, what a credit.

Because of Luo Zhiming's existence, Xin Liansheng's top and bottom received huge benefits. Benefit.

Your presence as Luo Zhiming has reduced Xiangjiang's 50,000 time bombs. No matter from which aspect, Luo Zhiming has no way to return to the police force!

"I just want to take a look. Under normal circumstances, I don’t know how many years of working I would be able to sit in an office like this."

"Maybe I won’t be able to sit down for a lifetime"

"People are always greedy"

"I always feel that the unobtainable things are the best"

"My life now is ten times better than I imagined before"

"Now I'm in and out of the upper class society"

"In my free time, I either box and keep fit with Hui Hui, drink tea and listen to music with Lin Yaochang, or study metaphysics with Jin Ye."

"I don’t know how good my little life was. Ana

Shen felt relieved:

"Seeing you like this makes me feel relieved"

"We are old classmates, and I don’t want to trick you. Luo

Zhiming shook his head in astonishment:

"Trick me?"

"No no no!"

"I have to thank you for letting me live this life"

"If it weren't for you, my wish to become a rich man would not have come true. Ana

Shen raised his eyebrows:

"Do you still have such a wish?"

Luo Zhiming was very calm:

"Ask people in Xiangjiang, who doesn’t have such a wish?"

Ana Shen thought about it.

The people in Xiangjiang are very philistine, fast-paced, and can hardly afford to go early.

It's not that they are not good.

Every place has its own local customs.

They are all the result of social conditions.

The general environment In this way, no one can say anything wrong.

Luo Zhiming smiled and said:

"You are a busy man, come to me and ask me something, right? Ana

Shen didn’t hide it either:

"I do have something to tell you"

"Zhongqing Society was stupid before and ruined my stock fund."

"Brother Yi was furious and didn't want to see the Zhongqing Society continue to exist, so I used a little trick to make the Zhongqing Society perish."

Luo Zhiming extended his thumb:

"` 「I knew you couldn't help it"

"I knew when I was in school that you are not the kind of person who can endure a loss. Ana

Shen sneered:

"Master Confucius has long said that repay kindness with kindness and repay grievance with kindness."

"If he dared to smash my stock fund, I would dare to smash the Zhongqing Society."

"Don't talk about this"

"Later, due to some chain reactions,"

"I need you to take action. Luo

Zhiming was shocked:

"Is there another mission for me? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"Are you looking forward to the task I give you? Luo

Zhiming nodded solemnly:

"No matter what, I am a policeman! Shen

Yan then said:

"It was four forces that swallowed up the Zhongqing Society."

"He Liansheng, He Xingsheng, Hongxing and Dongxingshe"

"One of the drugs was given to Dongxing Club"

"They are our next target. Luo

Zhiming immediately said:

"destroy?! Ana

Shen nodded:


"How to do it without destroying it?"

"This must be destroyed"

"Drugs are absolutely unforgivable. Luo

Zhiming clapped his hands and said:

"Just as I thought."

Luo Zhiming hates drugs. Officially because of drugs, there are only three people left in the original New Liansheng Five Tigers.

Ana Shen waved his hand:

"Dongxing Club is still useful now, I will let Ah Rong keep an eye on them"

"What I want to say is He Xingsheng"

"He Xingsheng took away a little of the Chung Ching Society's power in Kowloon. In addition, they got several hotels."

"It is Han Bin and Huoshi who preside over swallowing and prosperity."

"The two of them had just overthrown the god and taken the leadership position. Luo

Zhiming frowned and said:

"If this happens, life will be difficult for the two of them."

He explained,

"The club has its own rules. No matter how small the boss is, he cannot be overthrown by violent means."

"This violates trust"

"Never mind how many of those short mules are genuine envelopes?"

"Morality is the flag of the dwarf mule"

"Han Bin and Huo Shi had committed a taboo. Ana

Shen shook his head:

"No, the two of them (Zhao Qianzhao) have violated their faith."

As soon as he explained the matter,

Luo Zhiming immediately said:

"I see!"

"He Xingsheng couldn't stand the god anymore. Shen

Yan agreed:

"You can say that"

"In Xiangjiang’s communities, this kind of bottom-up resistance is still rare."

"Rules are rules"

"Han Bin, Huo Shi, and Ah B made things clear, and they just talked about it openly."

"No matter how angry God and the others are, it will not help."

Luo Zhiming nodded solemnly.

Originally, there were only three people running for the leading position, and Ah B withdrew.

If the fire didn't break out, and if Han Bin didn't keep up, then the leading position would still be between the two of them.

If The two of them must check the accounts of the consortium afterwards. He

Xing Sheng must be torn apart.

Han Bin and Huo Shi will definitely remember their good deeds.

What's the use of resisting?

He alone, no, the power of the three of them can be compared to the whole He Xingsheng?

How many people will listen to him if the god is so stingy to others


"It’s true that Han Bin is a short mule, but he is a businessman"

"Axiang told me that you are the one he admires most. Luo

Zhiming was stunned:

"He worships me? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"Yes, he adores you"

"What he admires most is that you bleached the landing paper of Xin Liansheng. Luo

Zhiming had a vague understanding:

"Brother Yan, do you mean to let me get in touch with Han Bin? Ana

Shen clapped his hands and said:

"Catching the ringleaders of the society is certainly our job, but it is not our primary job."

"Don't forget, our main goal is to eliminate the community"

"Now, your mission is to examine Han Bin carefully!"

"If conditions permit, it would also be a good idea to let He Xingsheng clear his name.".

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