Chapter 4 The first shot in actual combat! red!

Bright red!

A big red dot actually appeared on the map.

The red color was as thick as blood.

Ana Shen turned around and looked, and at the location on the map, there was a man with glasses and a beard standing.

The man was smoking and staring at the gold shop on the roadside.

Rough bandit?!

Such thoughts immediately came to Ana Shen's mind.

He glanced at the map in his mind again.

The red seemed a bit brighter.

A gangster who robbed a gold shop?

Are you here to patrol at a fixed location or are you preparing for action?

Ana Shen's brain was running at high speed.

The street was crowded with people, and the guy with the map warning was leaning against a telephone pole and smoking.

Jindian Street is very famous.

Countless people come here every day, and it can be said to be one of the most famous streets in the area.

Ana Shen was sent to patrol here because his boss valued him.

The security situation in Xiangjiang has not been very good in recent years.

Robbery happens from time to time.

Fighting on the street is not uncommon.

Such"dangerous" streets must be patrolled by capable forces. what to do?

Ana Shen's brain was spinning rapidly, and soon, he came up with a plan!

Taking advantage of a break from patrol, he gathered the team together

"Everyone, calm down, don't look around, and listen to me."

The four of them were all startled.

There are usually five people in a uniformed patrol team. In addition to Shen Yan, the inspector, there are four more people.

Xu Shan, the police chief in the team, asked:

"Sir Shen, do you have any questions?"

Ana Yan solemnly ordered:

"I found a suspect"

"There may be a gun in hand."

Everyone was surprised.

Chen Sanyuan, the only policewoman in the team, almost jumped up.

She couldn't help but touch the gun:

"Where? Shen

Yan scolded:


"What I need is a calm helper, not a reckless personal hero"

"If I wanted to be a hero, I wouldn't call you into a meeting. Xu

Shan praised:

"What Sir Shen said is half right."

"Our police force is a united force, and we are most disciplined."

"Of course we should talk about individual heroes, but we should talk about them in a team way"

"Sanyuan, if you don't abide by this rule, you will suffer big losses sooner or later."

Chen Sanyuan lowered his head.

Ana Shen ordered:

"Brother Shan, take them to evacuate the crowd as quietly as possible"

"It's better to find a reason"

"I went up to get a feel for the suspect."

Xu Shan was a little worried,

"Sir Shen, let me go with you."

Chen Sanyuan is eager to try.

"Sir Shen, I will go with you too. Ana

Shen shook his head:

"No, you evacuate the crowd first"

"This is the most important work."

His voice gradually became stern.

"Look at this street, there are just passers-by coming and going"

"Do you know what this means to the suspect?"

The four of them shook their heads in unison.

Ana Shen said in a deep voice,

"These are all the suspect’s hostages!"

The four of them were shocked

"Think about it, if you can't distance yourself from the crowd, once the gunshots are fired, nothing else needs to be said——"

"What to do if a stray bullet hits a person?"

"What to do if it causes a stampede?"

"What should you do if a suspect takes a passerby hostage?"

His voice was low and stern. From Xu Shan on down, all four people broke out in cold sweat.

Xu Shan said quickly:

"Don't worry, Sir Shen, I will definitely evacuate the crowd."

Chen Sanyuan also said,

"Sir Shen, I will definitely evacuate the crowd as soon as possible and give you enough time. Ana

Shen nodded:


"I'm going to meet this guy. Xu

Shan said quickly:

"Sir Shen, you must be careful."

Ana Yan nodded solemnly.

He put the milk tea aside, clapped his hands and said loudly:

"It's patrol time, get on with it."

The four of them said in unison:

"yes, sir!"

Ana Shen walked towards the bearded man with firm steps.

The bearded man threw away the cigarette and saw Ana Shen walking to his side:

"Sir, please show me your ID card."

After meeting each other, Ana Shen could see the other person's face clearly.

He was shocked, why does this bearded man look so much like a Dongguan boy?

The bearded man was very calm, and he quickly took out his ID card and handed it over.

Shen Yan frowned.

Could it be that he was so happy? He couldn't help but look at the small map in his mind.

Shen Yan took the identity.

When he glanced at the certificate, he saw three words on it - Ji Zhengxiong!

It turned out to be this guy!

Shen Yan looked up and saw that there was a gun in the bag that Ji Zhengxiong was carrying!

In an instant, Ana Shen pulled out the gun and pulled the trigger - Bang!

A big hole opened in the middle of Ji Zhengxiong's forehead.


Another gunshot sounded.

Shen Yan's heart was pounding.

If he had been any slower, it would have been him instead of Ji Zhengxiong!

Cold sweat had wet his back.

Ana Shen looked at his mind again, and the red spot had disappeared!

It had turned into an ordinary white spot.

The danger was gone!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully conducting a life and death battle"

"With incredible understanding, the host gained a glimmer of vitality calmly and successfully understood the trait of calmness."

"The more dangerous the host is, the more calm it becomes."

Two gunshots were fired in succession, and the street suddenly became chaotic.

Fortunately, Xu Shan and the others evacuated the crowd. Maybe there would be a stampede.

Xu Shan, Chen Sanyuan and others ran over quickly.

He raised his hand and Looking at Ji Zhengxiong with the gun in hand, he breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but said to Ana Shen:

"Sir Shen, what a great shot! Ana

Shen smiled and reminded:

"This is called Ji Zhengxiong"

"There were guns in his canvas bag, probably more than one."

Xu Shan was stunned, and immediately took off Ji Zhengxiong's canvas bag, and surprisingly found two big black stars!

The old police chief was startled.

He admired Ana Shen quite a lot.

Chen Sanyuan said in surprise:

"Sir Shen, how dare you shoot? Ana

Shen sighed:

"The guy who died was called Ji Zhengxiong."

Chen Sanyuan was stunned:

"Ji Zhengxiong?"

"I seem to have heard it somewhere? Xu

Shan said bitterly:

"Three months ago, a small group of brothers in the neighborhood next to us were shot dead while patrolling."

"The criminal suspect left no clues. Apart from knowing that his name was Ji Zhengxiong, nothing else was known."

Chen Sanyuan's eyes suddenly widened:

"Uncle Shan, don't tell me, this guy is that Ji Zhengxiong! Xu

Shan smiled and said:

"Isn't it him?"

He stepped forward and said sincerely,

"Sir Shen, you have avenged our four dead brothers!"

"Congratulations on your meritorious service. Ana

Shen corrected:

"No, we made the merit together."

Xu Shan was stunned.

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