Chapter 58 Mr. Huang: The goal is a bit big, let’s make it bigger!


Mr. Huang looked at Ana Shen in surprise,

"Is everything written in this report true? Ana

Shen shrugged:

"it is true"

"But boss, I have only shown this report to you and the senior sir, and cannot spread it outside."

Superintendent Chen was sweating on his forehead.

"Boss, what Ayan said is right, it must not be spread outside.".

"Maybe, all three of us are doomed!"

Ms. Huang is in a state of uncertainty.

"How do you want me to spread the word about this kind of thing?"

"This involves the Political Department"

"These guys are really bold. Even if the civet cat changed the bag and switched the drug bag, they actually dared to assassinate our brother! Ana

Shen said softly:

"Luo Zonglun’s wife used to work in the Political Department"

"Later, she didn't like the working atmosphere within the Political Department and took the initiative to transfer out."

"According to her, the Political Department is very targeted within the department, and anti-crime and anti-drug operations in various regions are the focus of their work. Mr.

Huang’s pupils shrank slightly:

"for example? Ana

Shen shrugged:

"for example……"

"They pay close attention to the Major Crime Unit. Wherever there is a case, they will pay attention."

"The trends they focus on are the commanders of each major crime team"

"Mrs. Luo told me that it was not surprising at all that Sir Luo passed away."

"She told me with certainty that Sir Luo was killed."

"And the murderer is most likely a ghost guy from the Political Department."

"Out of respect and protection for her, I did not write this paragraph in the report, but I will report it to you personally. Mr. Huang nodded:

"If you do a good job, you should do it. He frowned and said:

"In your opinion, does Sir Luo's death have anything to do with the Political Department?"

Ana Shen answered quite definitely:

"Mrs. Luo said, let me be careful about the Political Department."

Some things don't need to be said clearly at all.

Mr. Huang's face was hehe.

He walked around with his hands behind his back.

"The ghost guy in the political department is really annoying. Superintendent Chen was surprised:

"Boss, even you can't do anything to them? Mr.

Huang said helplessly:

"I have to have evidence to kill them."

"They said they were from the Political Department, but in fact they were from the National Telecommunications Bureau. Superintendent Chen gasped:


The Telecommunications Bureau of the Republic of China, as it is known to the outside world, is actually the Sixth Military Aircraft Branch, a foreign-related spy.

Mr. Huang looked very solemn:

"Countries the size of a palm like to do this kind of thing"

"This is also a sign of lack of confidence."

"If you want to capture them, you must have enough evidence. Superintendent Chen was surprised:

"The ice in the evidence room has been replaced with flour. Isn’t this evidence? Mr.

Huang said angrily:

"Catch people and get dirty, catch cheaters and get double"

"You only recorded that they visited that room. Tell yourselves, is that evidence?"

"Fortunately, you are still a veteran police officer!"

Superintendent Chen was dumbfounded. Ana

Shen nodded slightly. He thought Mr. Huang was right.

In the final analysis, the evidence was still insufficient.

Police officers cannot handle cases based on pure preference.

That would cause problems.

Mr. Huang's face It’s getting darker and darker:

"Luo Zonglun was killed, but we don’t have any evidence. This is a shame!"

"We can't let these guys get away with it"

"No matter what, they have to pay the price."

Superintendent Chen and Shen Yan nodded in unison.

Mr. Huang put his hands behind his back:

"This is a bit tricky."

He said frankly,

"Xiangjiang has not returned yet, the one who calls the shots here is Gui Lao"

"It's not an easy thing to get the ghost guy to kill him."

Superintendent Chen and Shen Yan looked at each other in silence.

They knew that Mr. Huang was telling the truth. Before Xiangjiang returned, anything else was a joke.

The people of Xiangjiang are not citizens of a corrupt country. They are the second generation. Waiting for citizens.

Commissioner Luo told the truth, the people of Xiangjiang are just tools for them to make money.

But now that they are very close to 97, their behavior is a little restrained.

Fifty years ago, they could have a special law for the people of Xiangjiang. Restrain the people of Xiangjiang

"Now there is a good opportunity¨¨ "

The two quickly raised their heads.

Superintendent Chen said puzzledly:

"Boss, didn't you say this case is difficult to handle?"

Ana Shen's expression changed,

"Could it be Commissioner Luo's case? Mr.

Huang looked at Superintendent Chen steadily:

"Lao Chen, you have to learn from Ayan"

"Although he is young, his outlook on the overall situation is extraordinary.

Superintendent Chen said in surprise :

"Is this really Commissioner Luo’s case? Mr. Huang said softly:

"Commissioner Luo's case is no longer in the hands of the police department.

Superintendent Chen was furious :

"The ghost guy wants to treat you lightly? Mr.

Huang sneered:

"Do they dare?"

"After all, Hong Kong will return in a few years. If the corrupt country is not afraid of causing an international scandal, they can operate in secret as much as they like."

"If this is the case, do you think our local boss in Xiangjiang will look good on them?"

"After all, how many ghosts are there?"

"After all, we have to do things. Mr.

Huang explained,

"Commissioner Luo's case involves many people"

"Even people from the Security Bureau are involved."

"The governor is particularly angry"

"There is suspicion that he is behind this case. Superintendent Chen sneered:

"I asked why the ghost guy was so interested, it turns out they were involved."

He rolled his eyes,

"Can we use this matter to investigate the case carefully? Mr.

Huang nodded slightly:


"Because of Commissioner Luo's case, those ghost guys who got wind of it naturally calmed down. Ana

Shen’s eyes flashed:

"You mean, the ghost guys who are still jumping around now either have a great background, or they don’t even know that such a thing exists?"

"Are they marginalized?"

Mr. Huang was particularly angry.

"You are right"


"What's hateful is that even their fringe characters"

"They can still dominate us. Ana

Shen shook his head slightly:

"No, the people at Xin Liansheng are not fools"

"I do think this group of people is unusual. Mr.

Huang showed a wry smile:

"It's not normal, it's more troublesome."

Ana Shen smiled.

Mr. Huang looked puzzled at his smile, and then he patted his head,

"I forgot, you are the guy who dared to break into the ICAC building and arrest all their commissioners."

"Do you have an idea? Ana

Shen said softly:

"You also said that it will only be a few years before you return."

"Even if these guys don't restrain themselves, they still have to consider the international impact."

"As long as they catch the thief and steal the stolen goods, it's impossible for them to deny it. Mr.

Huang thought for a moment and said simply:

"I authorize you to investigate this matter."

Shen Yan Wei Xiaodong:

"Boss, you won't be disappointed. Mr. Huang smiled and said:

"I can rest assured that you will do the work."

He thought for a while and said softly,

"Make things bigger if you can"

"The bigger the better!"

Shen Yan understood deeply.


Superintendent Chen was in a daze. Why was he so awkward with this operation?

"Ayan, Mr. Huang is worried that Gui Lao will not deal with it impartially, so let us be careful."

"But why do you need to make things worse? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"Sir, believe it or not, if we go back twenty years, even if we make things big, the ghosts won't be afraid."

Superintendent Chen was stunned.

Ana Shen had already given the answer.

"At that time, they were not afraid of anything. After all, Xiangjiang was under their rule and there was a generation gap between Hong Kong and Hong Kong. What did the international community say?"

"The rotten country is a famous shit stirrer in Europe, a typical example of being both responsible and established."

"They are coming back soon and they want to create a good international image."

Superintendent Chen curled his lips,

"What international image do the corrupt people have? Ana

Shen clapped his hands and said:

"you are awake"

"Indeed, for those of us who know them well, the rotten country has a shitty international image."

"But some people really think that the corrupt country has a good international image. Do you think that makes them angry?"

Superintendent Chen was stunned.

Looking back, Ana Shen's words were particularly right.

Those who knew about the international image of the country would curl their lips, but if they didn't understand it, they would really give a thumbs up.

In fact, it is very straightforward. After all, Xiangjiang has been under the rule of Fuguo for a long time. To put it bluntly, it has become servile, just like Bangzi and Okamoto. Superintendent Chen suddenly realized that these enslaved guys had to apologize for committing murder and arson.

"I see"

"If you want to do this well, you have to make a big fuss."

"Otherwise, the rotten countrymen may handle it internally. Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"Yes, otherwise, they would really handle it internally"

"The only way is to make the matter bigger and let everyone in Xiangjiang know that even for the sake of international influence, the corrupt country has to pretend to enforce the law impartially."

"Don’t forget, the Flower Club has a branch in Xiangjiang. Only then did Superintendent Chen finally understand.

He sighed:

"Previously, I often told Achang that in Group C���You are the brain, I want Achang to listen to you carefully"

"Now, I really have to learn from you. Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"The boss is joking, I have to learn from you.

Superintendent Chen said seriously :

"I'm just a few years younger than you. When it comes to the overall situation, I'm not as good as you."

"Please try your best to remind me in the future."

He patted Ana Shen's shoulder affectionately,

"I will tell Achang so that he can take the exam with peace of mind."

"He will not be involved in this operation. Ana

Shen waved his hand:

"Brother Chang is always the leader of Group C, and I have to communicate with him.

Superintendent Chen said seriously :

"` 々No way"

"I know Achang’s character"

"If he knew about this, he would risk his life no matter what he said."

"It is simply impossible to prepare for the exam with peace of mind"

"He is the leader of Group C, and his contribution is indispensable."

"I'll tell him. Ana

Shen thought for a while and finally said,

"I'd better tell him"

"Otherwise, he would think we were hiding something from him.

Superintendent Chen was helpless :

"That’s it!"

"It's okay to talk to him, but you must make the powerful relationship clear."

"You two have been partners for long enough, and he will still listen to you."

Ana Shen nodded slightly.

"It should."

Superintendent Chen is now satisfied.

"Just do it with confidence and boldness"

"Whatever support you need, I'll give it to you."

He remembered something,

"The law enforcement instruments you made during Commissioner Luo's case were quite good."

"Prepare for comprehensive promotion"

"You, Group C, are the initiators"

"No one can take away this credit. Ana

Shen laughed and said:

"This is good news."

He doesn't care about this credit, but it is quite good to let the superiors know his ability.

The most important thing is that this is the result of collective efforts.

He does not appreciate this credit, but the team members need it.

Shen Yan His goal is to be Lei Luo in the new era and a hero in the police world.

The most direct way is to let more people recognize his power.

He is a member of Group C. His direct descendants are only in a corner of West Kowloon.

When these people grow up and spread to various places, Shen Yan is young and he has enough time to do this.

It is possible to reach the position of First Brother, or even higher!

Superintendent Chen went back with satisfaction. Ana Shen rushed back to Team C and ordered everyone:

"Inspector Luo Zonglun's case, as well as Xin Liansheng's, are our only next cases"

"Everyone cheered up and worked hard (Nuo Ma Zhao) to detect the case."

Luo Ji, Abang, Yang Jinrong, and Chen Yongren said in unison:


Shen Yan ordered:

"Ah Bang Ah Rong, you two work together to find out the ghost guy behind Xin Liansheng"

"I want to know which department those ghost guys belong to."

The two of them nodded in unison.

Ana Shen warned again:

"Pay attention, try to keep yourselves secret and don’t expose yourself"

"thousand���Pay attention to your own safety"

"I would rather know the identity of the ghost man later than lose you."

The two looked at each other and smiled:

"Brother Yan, don’t worry, we will definitely pay attention to our own safety."

Shen Yan said to Luo Ji and Chen Yongren again:

"Stepbrother Aren, you two are investigating from the rivers and lakes,"

"I want to know the business activities of the big guys in Xinlian Sheng, and I also want to know what the relationship is between them."


"I also need to know the relationship between Xinlian Sheng and various companies. Luo

Ji raised his hand and said:

"Don't worry, leave this matter to me. Ana

Shen nodded slightly:

"I can trust you to do things"

"You should pay attention to safety"

"If there are any short mules in the club who don't give me face, write them down and tell me, and we will deal with them slowly later. Chen

Yongren smiled heartily and said:

"Don't worry, Ayan, we still have some experience with the activities on the road."

"Anyway, I have been on the road for a year and a half."

Ana Shen laughed.

He clapped his hands and said,

"If anything happens, call me as soon as possible"

"Okay, let’s do it!"

The four of them said hello and went out one after another.

Ana Shen organized himself and drove straight to Wong Tai Sin Police Station. All the members of Group C had to do something, and he was no exception.

After arriving at the Crime Unit, he Knocked on the door:

"Is Inspector Cheng Guobin here?"

A middle-aged handsome guy stood up:

"I am Cheng Guobin from the anti-crime team, who are you?".

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