Chapter 6 Goodbye Chen Yongren

The police force established the position of psychiatrist because of the many emergency response illnesses that emerged after the world war.

This has made police forces in various countries realize the need to protect the mental health of law enforcement officers, especially those who have killed people.

The Xiangjiang Police Force has been aware of this problem very early, so it has made it mandatory that once a police officer shoots someone, they must see a psychiatrist regardless of the reason.

What they worry about is that once law enforcement officers cannot control their emotions, the harm to citizens will be much greater than that of criminals.

Ana Shen was not entangled in this - it was just a mandatory rule of the police force, not directed at herself.

He walked into the building and was suddenly stunned.

The person who walked in was an acquaintance. The man was dressed in flashy clothes and had a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Ana Shen pulled the other party over, not allowing the other party to distinguish, and forcefully pulled him into the corner:

"How did you get here?"

The man struggled and said:

"You got the wrong person! Ana

Shen cursed in a low voice:


"I know you turned into ashes"

"Ren, how did you end up like this?"

The man stopped struggling immediately.

Chen Yongren smiled bitterly and said:

"Sir, I have become like this, can you still recognize me? Ana

Shen looked around and gestured:

"Come on, go to my car."

Without any explanation, he pulled Chen Yongren and left.

Chen Yongren let him pull him.

In the car, Ana Shen handed Chen Yongren a cigarette:

"How did it happen?"

Chen Yongren kept his head silent and kept smoking.

Ana Shen frowned:

"Didn't I tell you?"

"If you have any questions, please contact me"

"If Ah Rong hadn't told me that he had seen you a few days ago, I really couldn't believe that Chen Yongren, who was so high-spirited in the police academy, would have turned into this."

Chen Yongren was full of pain.

Shen Yan was furious:

"how? Is your boss really nothing?"

Chen Yongren ejected the cigarette butt out of the car and then said:

"You tried to persuade me in the police academy, but to be honest, I didn't listen."

"I naively thought that with my abilities, I could return to the police force in the shortest possible time."

"Who knew, that was not the case at all!"

"The life of the club is simply not for human beings. Either you bully others or you are bullied by others."

"All day long you either beat someone or get beaten"

"People from the club are chasing me, and so are our colleagues!"

"I can't stay any longer. Ana

Shen frowned:

"I told you before, being an undercover agent is not that easy."

Chen Yongren suddenly shouted:

"Do you think I am willing to be this undercover agent?"

"My mother taught me to be a good person since childhood"

"I just want to be a good person"

"If I didn't go undercover, I wouldn't be able to be a police officer! Ana

Shen was shocked:

"How is this going?"

Chen Yongren was silent for a long time and then said:

"That day I had dinner with Officer Lu and others, and then someone came to tell me that my biological father had died."

Ana Shen's brows furrowed even more tightly.

"Your father passed away and arranged for you to be an undercover agent?"

Chen Yongren stared closely into Ana Shen's eyes and said word by word:

"My damn dad is Ni Kun."

Ana Shen said oh.

Chen Yongren looked left and right but didn't notice anything strange about Ana Shen. He asked:

"Don't you think it's strange? Ana

Shen asked in confusion:

"Why is it strange?"

Chen Yongren said loudly:

"My damn dad is Ni Kun, the big drug lord in Tsim Sha Tsui! Shen

Yanqi said:

"Then what?"

Chen Yongren looked excited:

"My dad is Ni Kun!"

"I am the seed of the club!"

"Shouldn't it be strange that I got into the police academy?"

Ana Shen disagreed,

"You are you, your father is your father"

"What era are we in, and we still pay attention to bloodline theory?"

"Are you proud to have such a father? Chen

Yongren said angrily:

"My surname is Chen! Shen

Yan spread his hands:

"Isn’t this enough?"

Chen Yongren suddenly laughed,

"You are indeed still the same Ayan."

Ana Shen disagreed,

"Has Ajie ever told you about his life experience?"

Chen Yongren was confused:

"Ajie? Song Zijie? Ana

Shen sighed:

"Ajie's brother is the boss of the club. When Ajie went to the police academy, his brother was in jail."

Chen Yongren was stunned.

Shen Yan said again:

"Do you know why Ajie went to the police academy?"

"His brother's enemies had his father killed."

Chen Yongren was silent for a moment.

Shen Yan said to Chen Yongren:

"Family background doesn't matter much."

"You are you, and your family is family. There is no necessary correlation between the two."

"Big deal, just don’t be a police officer"

"Do you have to be a police officer to be a good person?"

"If this is the case, there are only more than 30,000 police officers in Hong Kong with a population of 6 million."

"Could it be said that all these six million people are bad guys?"

Chen Yongren was stunned.

Ana Shen frowned:

"I know you are friendly with Inspector Lu Qichang"

"Could it be that Inspector Lu Qichang sent you to work as an undercover agent?"

"In that case, Lu Qichang is really nothing."

Chen Yongren quickly concluded:

"It wasn't Officer Lu, it was his partner, Officer Huang Zhicheng."

Ana Yan's expression suddenly turned serious,

"Huang Zhicheng was the one who had dinner with you and Inspector Lu at that time?"

Chen Yongren nodded:

"Yes, my life experience is exposed and I can no longer stay in the police academy."

"Officer Huang gave me an idea and asked me to go back to Ni's house undercover! Ana

Shen was furious:

"How unreasonable!"

"Is Huang Zhicheng afraid that he is sick?"

"You are Ni Kun's son, why did he let you return to Ni's family?"

Chen Yongren is a young man after all, he said,

"Officer Huang is doing it for my own good. Ana

Shen sneered:

"You've been sold and you're still giving people money!"

"Let me ask you, have you returned to the Ni family undercover now?"

Chen Yongren shook his head:


"What Officer Huang meant was, don't go up the pole and go back to the Ni family. This will arouse the Ni family's suspicion. It's best to let the Ni family take the initiative to call me back. Ana

Shen was shocked:

"You left the police academy for more than a year and you haven't returned to the Ni family yet?"

Chen Yongren nodded with a grimace and said:

"yes! Ana

Shen asked:

"Didn't Huang Zhicheng provide you with any help?"

Chen Yongren was silent for a long time, and he said,

"What Officer Huang meant was that I must rely on myself to stand firm in the club. Ana

Shen said coldly:

"If you can stand firm in the club by your own strength, you can run rampant in the club."

"You are already a big boss, do you still want to listen to him?"

Chen Yongren was completely stunned.

Ana Shen took his mobile phone and punched in a series of numbers.

"This is my mobile number"

"Just call me when there's something urgent"

"You don't need to pay attention to Huang Zhicheng, I will find a way to transfer you back. Chen

Yongren said in surprise:

"Is this possible? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"You believe me!"

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