Chapter 60: Xinliansheng Rebellion.

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju both opened their eyes:

"Is Xin Liansheng going to be in chaos? Shen

Yanqi said:

"Can't you feel it?"

You two look at me, I look at you, and they both shook their heads.

Why don't they think that the Xinlian-Shenghe is a mess?

He Jiaju couldn't help but said:

"Sir Shen, did you get the information?"

Ana Shen was speechless,

"If I knew the information, would I not tell you?"

Luo Zhiming couldn't help it anymore:

"Ayan, what on earth is going on? Shen

Yan said frankly:

"Have you forgotten?"

"Lin Yaochang is about to retire, and New Liansheng is about to elect a new leader."

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju were speechless:

"Did you already know this? Ana

Shen smiled:

"Is it?"

"That's not the case in my opinion"

"Once Lin Yaochang retreats, there will be chaos after the new leader takes over."

The two of them were surprised at the same time.

He Jiaju quickly asked for advice:

"Sir Shen, how did you analyze it? Ana

Shen said lightly:

"Don't call him Sir Shen outside, call him either Ayan or Brother Yan. He

Jiaju immediately said:

"Brother Yan. Ana

Shen chuckled and said:

"It's not that hard to guess"

"Let me ask you first"

"What kind of person is Lin Yaochang?"

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju were stunned.

They frowned and thought for a while, and Luo Zhiming said:

"Brother Chang, although he has done a lot of bad things, I want to say... he is not a bad person, he is loyal and values brotherhood."

He Jiaju nodded solemnly:

"Brother Luo is right. Shen

Yan said again:

"Xinliansheng sells fans, what is Lin Yaochang’s attitude towards this matter?"

He Jiaju said:

"Brother Chang mentioned that Xin Liansheng will no longer sell fans in the future."

"He and Tim even had a quarrel over this matter. Ana

Shen nodded slightly:

"Then Xinliansheng will be in chaos."

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju, look at me and I look at you. Neither of them can keep up with Ana Shen's thoughts?

Ana Shen slowly explained:

"Lin Yaochang is a person who values friendship, and the new leader he chose is similar."

"Who is the one?"

He Jiaju pointed at Luo Zhiming:

"Brother Luo."

He explained,

"If Brother Luo runs for election, no one will be dissatisfied."

"Even if they are not convinced, they can only hold it in"

"Brother Luo once jailed Brother Chang for three years, and the brothers in Xin Liansheng were convinced from top to bottom. Ana

Shen waved his hand:

"If Ah Luo goes for the election, there will be no civil strife in Xin Liansheng."

The implication is that Luo Zhiming will not run for election.

Luo Zhiming said:

"Brother Chang confirmed Zhao Guowo and asked me to be the leader of Xin Liansheng"

"I declined"

"Brother Chang never mentioned it again."

He Jiaju was shocked:

"Brother Luo, what a great opportunity this is, why don’t you agree?"

"If you become the leader, why would the two of us bother?"

"We have the undersea roster in our hands. Isn’t it easy to find evidence of Xin Liansheng? Ana

Shen shook his head slightly:

"Alo did the right thing by not running."

He Jiaju looked at him in disbelief:

"Brother Yan! Shen

Yan looked serious:

"Jiaju, you have to remember that you are in a mixed society now, and the first thing you need to do is to protect yourself."

"Those little mules don't follow the same rules as we do."

"Once you let them know your identity, it will be troublesome."

He Jiaju frowned and said,

"But what does this have to do with Brother Luo being the leader?"

Previously, He Jiaju was firmly opposed to Luo Zhiming's candidacy. He knew that once Luo Zhiming ran for the election, there would be nothing explosive.

But now Luo Zhiming's identity has become clear. He is a policeman.

Naturally at this time, it is We must try our best to get Luo Zhiming to participate in the election.

As long as Luo Zhiming takes the lead, the whole Xinliansheng will be in the hands of the police. Luo Zhiming doesn't understand how Shen Yan can handle this.

Do you agree?

Shen Yan said seriously:

"Everyone has their own personality"

"When you are in the arena, you must set up your own personality and avoid arousing suspicion."

He Jiaju was startled.


Ana Shen pointed at Luo Zhiming and said:

"A Luo's character is that of a happy-go-lucky guy"

"He is tired of the battles in the world and is still in Xinliansheng purely because a few brothers are"

"Your persona is that of the top horse boy who is expected to explode."

"For your boss, risk your life"

"Once you violate your personality, it will cause big trouble."

He Jiaju was stunned for a moment.

Ana Shen reminded:

"A Luo brought you here today with Suan Bao's permission."

"Otherwise, do you think he would take you home?"

He Jiaju broke into a cold sweat involuntarily and said in a panic:

"Brother Yan, thank you for your advice."

He understood.

In layman's terms, personality is your external performance to others.

What kind of character and style you are.

Why do some undercover agents arouse others' suspicion?

That's because they do things that go against their own character.

For example, in daily life If a particularly cautious person suddenly did something unexpected, everyone would think there was something wrong. He Jiaju looked at Shen Yan with admiration. He felt that he would have benefited a lot from what he said just now, if he had worked under Shen Yan.

That's good.

The success rate will be much higher. It

's really extraordinary for Brother Yan to be a stable inspector at such an age.

"Sir Shen, you speak clearly. Ana

Shen smiled softly:

"Human character is deeply ingrained and will not change easily unless it encounters a huge change."

"Lin Yaochang is a person who values friendship, so the successor he chooses must value friendship."

"Besides Arlo, who would he choose?"

He Jiaju couldn't help but asked:

"Who will Brother Chang choose? Ana

Shen spread his hands:

"The answer is obvious."

He Jiaju swallowed and spit, he said to Luo Zhiming:

"Brother Luo, why do I feel so stupid in front of Brother Yan? Luo

Zhiming sighed:

"I've felt it a long time ago"

"Ayan, stop playing and tell us."

Shen Yan followed the good advice:

"The succession of Lin Yaochang cannot escape Aluo, Huihuang, Suanbao and Ah Tian"

"If Ah Luo doesn't run for the election, then the only ones left are Hui Hui, Suan Bao and Ah Tian."

"Huihuang is a man who values friendship, but he is a brainless and reckless man."

"It is impossible for Lin Yaochang to hand over Xin Liansheng to him"

"Otherwise, there is no need to wait for the opponent to fight, Xin Liansheng will be finished first"

"The only people left were A Tian and Suan Bao."

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju looked at each other and both felt that it made sense.

"Both of them are very shrewd."

"One is called Suan Bao, and the other is responsible for the flour business."

"No one with less qualifications can afford this."

"However, there are differences between the two"

"The biggest difference is that one is making flour and the other is doing traditional gang business."


Luo Zhiming immediately said:

"It’s a good bet that he will be elected!"

He Jiaju's eyes widened!


He Jiaju couldn't figure it out for a long time:

"Brother Yan, my boss can make a scary faucet, I like it very much"

"But the question is, how can he become the leader?"

"Ah Tian is in charge of the white powder business in the club. He is the richest and has a strong army."

"My boss is no match for him."

Ana Shen waved his hand,

"That's not how the account is calculated"

"If we simply calculate based on the strength of our troops and horses, no one can compare with Ah Tim."

"What Lin Yaochang is looking for is his successor, someone who can catch his eye."

"Unfortunately, Tim was eliminated early."

He Jiaju was even more puzzled:


Ana Shen spread his hands,

"Didn't you say before that Lin Yaochang didn't want Ah Tian to do drugs business, but he didn't listen"

"No matter how generous Lin Yaochang is, he will never let a disobedient person come to power."

"This is not in line with human nature"

"Therefore, there is only one left, and that is to count the explosion. Ana

Shen asked,

"Do you have different opinions?"

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju looked at each other and shook their heads together.

They have made it so clear. If you don't understand it anymore, you will be a fool.

Luo Zhiming thought deeply:

"This really seems like something Brother Chang can do."

He Jiaju was shocked,

"Am I about to become the next leader?"

"Hiss, this mission has unexpected twists and turns."

Ana Shen poured cold water on him,

"Don't be happy too early"

"Chaos in Xinliansheng is imminent."

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju were stunned at the same time. They couldn't understand why Xinliansheng was in chaos?

Shen Yan asked:

"Don’t you understand?"

The two shook their heads at the same time.

Ana Shen said to them:

"Choose between Ah Tian and Suan Bao. Anyone with a little bit of conscience will choose Suan Bao."

"But don't forget,"

"Being the leader of a society is not just a matter of becoming one."

"If you can't convince the crowd, you can't hold the crowd in check.���, chaos will occur"


"It's not A Luo, he can't control everyone. Luo

Zhiming had a flash of inspiration and lost his voice:

"Are you saying that Tim will rebel? Ana

Shen asked back:

"Won't he rebel?"

0 ···Asking for flowers···· ·····

Ana Shen said coldly,

"Lin Yaochang is his boss, and Tim doesn't even listen to what he says, let alone someone who is considered explosive?"

"When Lin Yaochang was on stage,"

"At least I can suppress Tim."

"When he retreats, who will hold Tim down?"

"You have also said that he has the most money and the largest territory, so how can he listen to the calculation?"

"Don’t you know the virtues of the people in the community? Luo

Zhiming was stunned for a moment.

Ana Shen said calmly:

"Go back and prepare, Xin Liansheng is going to be in chaos."

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju looked at me and I looked at you. They didn't know what to say for a moment.

The two of them followed Ana Shen's words and did their jobs.

Ana Shen didn't give them a task at all. The only task was They were asked to hide it well.

They were still a little suspicious.

"Will there really be civil strife in Xin Liansheng?"

Looking around, the internal atmosphere of Xin Lian Sheng is quite harmonious.

Time flies by.

Lin Yaochang announced his resignation from the leading position, and the leading position was taken over by Suan Bao.

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju have a pretty good relationship with Suan Bao. Both of them were happy.

But they suddenly remembered what Ana Shen said at that time.

If Tian was determined to be elected, there would be trouble.

They looked at each other, feeling uneasy for some reason.

Suanbao became the leader and held a big banquet in his own place.

If there is a peak in the club, Suanbao can be said to be at the peak of his life. What makes him especially happy is that his wife is pregnant and he is about to do it. Dad


It can be said to be a double happiness.

It was night, and I was quite drunk.

Luo Zhiming was worried, but he just made some remarks and didn't drink much.

I was so happy that I had to force Luo Zhiming to drink.

He said to Luo Zhiming:

"Arlo, you are different from the rest of our club"

"Do you remember?"

"Five years ago, we went to sea together and I accidentally fell into the water."

"I really thought I was going to die at that time"

"People in mixed societies are all looking out for each other, who will care about you?"

"I didn't expect that you caught me in a hurry and didn't let me fall into the sea."

"Even if your arm is injured, don’t let me go"

"In this way, I saved my life"

"No, it should be said that I owe you a life. Luo

Zhiming waved his hand and said:

"Isn't it right to be brothers?"

Suan Bao shook his head seriously,

"That's not what they said"

"Everyone is just here to hang out, who doesn’t know who is who?"

"I know you are different from others, you can pay"

"Four years ago, we demolished and killed many people."

"Everyone knows that someone has to take the blame."

"No one else came out, but you did."

"You took the blame on Brother Chang abruptly and spent three months in jail."

"Is this the case for Mr. Guan Er? Luo

Zhiming said quickly:

"Damn it, you drank too much."

Suan Bao shook his head vigorously:

"It's true that I drank too much, but I told the truth"

"Let me tell you something secretly. Luo

Zhiming said curiously:

"What can't be said openly and openly, but must be done secretly?"

He said hilariously:

"It has to be done secretly"

"Brother Chang ordered me to sit on the leader's seat. If nothing happens in five years,"

"Then I will give you several units in the community."

Luo Zhiming was really surprised:

"What Brother Chang said?"

He said hilariously:

"We all know that if it hadn't been for you, Brother Chang would have been doomed"

"In the same way, if it weren’t for you, I would be doomed"

"This is what you deserve."

Luo Zhiming was silent for a while, not knowing what to say.

He waved, and He Jiaju came over immediately.

"Brother Luo. Luo

Zhiming ordered:

"Keep an eye on your boss, he's drunk too much"

"Remember to send him back later"

"My sister-in-law is still pregnant."

He Jiaju agreed.

Luo Zhiming felt very depressed, walked out of the bar, took out the Marlboro, took two hard puffs, and actually felt a little dizzy.

He is a policeman, or an undercover.

He wants to catch all Xinliansheng.

However, no matter Lin Yaochang still had true feelings for him. This complicated feeling lingered in his heart, and he felt very awkward.

Luo Zhiming just took a few puffs, pushed He Jiaju away and staggered out. He said crookedly:

"Ah Luo, have a drink with me."

Just as Luo Zhiming was about to dissuade him, a car suddenly rushed over.

He turned around and looked around, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

He saw two gunmen jumping out of the car and opened fire. The explosion was directly hit by Beat it into a sieve! Billions.

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