Chapter 66 Mr. Huang: Let’s do something big.

West Kowloon General Administration, inside Huang Bingyao’s office.

Ana Shen reported the details of the case.

He's not stupid.

Asking him, a small deputy captain of Team C of the Serious Crime Unit, to take on this case is something only a madman would do.

Not to mention others, the Police Political Department alone was enough for him to drink, not to mention Qian Mu, the deputy director of the Security Bureau, and Su Jingwen, the deputy commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption. The latter two were big shots who could kill people.

In addition to Huang Bingyao, Superintendent Chen is also there. He is the direct supervisor of the serious crime team, so he naturally needs to know the work of his subordinates.

Superintendent Chen is very confident about Shen Yan's team.

Since Ana Shen arrived in Group C, he has made outstanding achievements one after another, which makes his face even brighter.

Even Ana Shen was rewarded for his outstanding work.

He was originally the superintendent, and his boss had already revealed to him that when Commissioner Luo's case was completed, he would be either the senior superintendent or the chief superintendent.

Superintendent Chen originally thought it was just a small association case.

There are not even 10,000 but 8,000 clubs in Xiangjiang. There are seven or eight clubs on a street the size of a palm. It’s ridiculous to think about it.

Any ice room can actually set up a flag!

Superintendent Chen was not sad about this case at first. In his opinion, it was just a small community case. How could it be any bigger than that?

Who would have expected that they would give him a shock!

Superintendent Chen was sweating profusely:

"Ayan, didn’t you say Xin Liansheng? How come so many big shots are involved?"

My family knows their own affairs.

In the one-third of an acre of the police station, as the superintendent in charge of the serious crime team, he still has some prestige.

But in society, who does he count?

Take a look at Ana Shen's compilation The information that came out is full of big shots, including old knights who have served the Hong Kong Parliament for twenty years.


Qian Mu, deputy director of the Security Bureau.

Su Jingwen, deputy commissioner of the ICAC.

More than two dozen members of the Legislative Council. Executives of multinational banks. Famous stock traders.

Rich entrepreneurs...

This list is on He couldn't afford to offend anyone! It would be strange if he didn't sweat.

"I originally thought that Xin Liansheng's case was just a small case with special circumstances. Who would have expected that there would be such a thing in it."

He said deliberately with an excited expression,

"Sir, we caught a big fish!

Superintendent Chen said with a bitter smile :

"This is not just a big fish, this is clearly a great white shark"

"It will kill people! Ana

Shen frowned and said:

"Sir, don’t you want to check?

Superintendent Chen said without hesitation :

"How could you not check? What do we want the police to do?"

He turned to Huang Bingyao and said:

"Boss, we need to check"

"Should we add some measures to Group C? Otherwise, they will have to be exposed. Superintendent

Chen pointed to the files on the table, not hiding his worries.

"Ayan is right, these guys are indeed big fish"

"But... it's too big"

"If we don't get it right, we will capsize the ship. Huang

Bingyao thought softly, and asked Ana Shen:

"Ayan, what do you think?"

Ana Shen shrugged,

"From our profession, we are crime busters. When we encounter such a big case, we must get to the bottom of it."

"This criminal network has been in existence for at least five years"

"The benefits gained during this period allowed them to grow rapidly"

"If we ignore him, maybe in a few years we will have to obey their orders."

"Lei Luo did not operate such a huge network in the past.

Superintendent Chen said hurriedly :

"Ayan, I know you are a passionate young man"

"Using our power to do this would really kill people. Shen

Yan agreed:

"On a normal day, if you encounter a case like this, you may not be able to come up with some crooked tricks, otherwise, you won't be able to do anything to them."

"We all know the ghost's virtues"

"Xiangjiang's return is imminent, and they will definitely try their best to protect their face.

Superintendent Chen suddenly breathed a sigh of relief :

"Ayan, I did not misjudge you. You are much more stable than Achang."

If Lu Qichang knew about this, he would naturally do it immediately without saying a word.

Would he have thought of such consequences?

It's impossible!

The more Superintendent Chen looked at Ana Shen, the more satisfied he became.

Mr. Huang raised his eyebrows:

"You mean, this case can be investigated now? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"yes! Mr.

Huang asked:

"What's the reason? Ana

Shen laughed and said:

"ICAC Commissioner Luo’s case is not over yet"

"This case is actually not a secret among a small circle."

"The Hong Kong government is having a headache over how to deal with him."

"During this period of time, Gui Lao, who has always boasted of being democratic and close to the people, has such a racially discriminatory commissioner, which is a headache for any country. Mr.

Huang snorted coldly:

"Don't have any illusions about Commissioner Luo's handling. There is a high probability that he will be dismissed from public office and then released without charge. Ana

Shen sneered:

"Even if he is acquitted, he can only return to his ancestral home."

"In Xiangjiang, if he is really acquitted, I will dare to make some noise. Mr.

Huang looked at Ana Shen with a smile:

"Bravo. Superintendent Chen advised:

"Ayan, don't be impulsive, just be patient."

"There are only a few years left before his return. Ana

Shen clapped his hands and said:

"Sir, you are right. It is because there are only a few years before the handover that the Hong Kong government will restrain its actions."

"In addition, with Commissioner Luo's case, we can deal with such a huge criminal group."

"If we wait until a few years later, these people may do something wrong. Mr.

Huang was thoughtful:

"Makes sense."

Superintendent Chen was anxious:

"Boss, you should think twice about this matter! Ana

Shen chuckled and said:

"Sir, don't worry, we are not fighting alone.

Superintendent Chen was startled :

"Not fighting alone? Ana

Shen said with a smile:

"How can we, with our little arms and legs, fight such a large criminal network alone?"

"This is impossible."

Superintendent Chen knows that he has always been resourceful:

"you mean? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"What I mean is much simpler"

"We can get some big shots to do this.

Superintendent Chen frowned and said :

"for example? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"For example, Brother 1, the Security Bureau, the Secretary for Administration, the Department of Justice, and the Financial Secretary……"

Superintendent Chen opened his mouth wide:

"Can they listen to us? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"If it was a simple case, then they would definitely not mind their own business."

"However, such a huge criminal group"

"They didn't show any filial piety to these people."

"Of course, they dare not show filial piety"

"So, for these big shots, this is a huge achievement."

What Ana Shen said was very straightforward and very fruity,

"If these people want to be promoted when they return to the corrupt country in the future, they will naturally have to show corresponding results."

"This case is the result for them!"

Mr. Huang's eyes are very bright!

He said,

"Ayan, do your best and call me if you encounter any trouble."

"This is Xiangjiang"

"Let’s catch big fish in a net!"


Luo Zhiming was unable to complain:

"Ayan, Brother Yan, Sir Shen, can we not meet at my house?"

"If Tim knew that we were meeting, we would both die without a burial place."

He Jiaju agreed:

"Sir Shen...Brother Yan, Brother Luo is right."

"Because it was so explosive that the whole Xinliansheng went crazy."

"The two factions are about to fight."

"No matter who sees you and contacts us, our plan is ruined."

Ana Shen drank tea quietly, while Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju were extremely helpless.

However, tea is a good thing, and after a few bowls of tea, the two of them calmed down.

Shen Yan said softly:

"I'm not worried about my safety, I'm worried about your safety. Luo

Zhiming patted his chest and said:

"After the explosive incident, we have strengthened our security measures"

"I will never go to see Tim alone. Ana

Shen sneered:

"If you can't deal with a Tim, I will immediately withdraw you from the police force"

"Our lives are worth much more than the lives of those short mules"

"I'm not talking about him! Luo

Zhiming was stunned:

"Not Richard?"

"Who is that?"

He Jiaju guessed:

"Ghost Richard? Ana

Shen waved his hand:

"Neither are they."

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju were particularly puzzled:

"Who is that? Ana

Shen looked solemn:

"I came here this time to inform you of the news and listen to your opinions."

He Jiaju couldn't help but trembled:

"Brother Yan, don't be so serious, I'm a little scared. Ana

Shen said softly:

"I didn’t mean to scare you, but this case is really scary."

"I originally thought this was just an ordinary case of ghost guys colluding with the society."

"But the results of our survey might surprise you."

At the moment, he told the two people about the case in detail.

Shen Yan is the teacher's super fan.

The teacher's approach is to try his best to bring everyone to his own level, and Shen Yan will not hide it from him Subordinates 0...

In his opinion, Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju were working hard on the front line. If they went undercover without letting anyone know about the situation, what was the difference between this and committing suicide?

He Jiaju's eyes widened:


"Isn’t that ghost Richard the final boss behind the scenes?"

"So many big shots have been implicated?"

Sweat broke out visibly on his face.

Ana Shen did not make fun of him, nor did she blame him.

If it were him, the situation would be similar.

Richard was already in trouble.

He never expected that, In front of the real big shots, he was just like a thug.

Ana Shen said in a deep voice:

"Our previous calculation was a little off."

"Richard and the others not only confiscated drugs from various police stations, they also personally participated in drug trafficking."

"Who would have thought that the ghost guys from the Political Department would personally sell drugs?"

"It is not easy to capture them."

He Jiaju turned to look at Luo Zhiming. After resisting the latter for a long time, he trusted Luo Zhiming's judgment.

Luo Zhiming was very calm. He asked Ana Shen:

"Ayan, what does it say above?"

"Shall we drop this case? Ana

Shen shook his head:


"Mr. Huang is ready to make a big deal!"

He Jiaju asked:

"Brother Yan, what do you mean? Ana

Shen said calmly:

"You two are our undercover agents in Xin Liansheng."

"The current Xinliansheng is a huge fire pit. If we continue the mission, it can no longer be described as dangerous. If we are not careful, there will be no bones left."

"I won't joke with my brother's life"


"I want to know how you two feel about whether you want to continue this dangerous mission. Luo

Zhiming took a long breath:

"It's good that the boss can continue the mission. Ana

Shen shook his head:

"It seems that you want to continue this mission? Luo

Zhiming said seriously:

"Ayan, you know, I was born in Xinliansheng"

"I don't want Xinliansheng to go to a dead end"

"I want them to take the right path. Ana

Shen turned to look at He Jiaju:

"Jiaju, what about you?"

He Jiaju said without hesitation:

"I have been following this case since I graduated from the police academy, so naturally I have to have a beginning and an end. Ana

Shen sighed and murmured:

"I hope I won’t regret today’s decision in the future. Luo

Zhiming asked:

"What are we going to do? Shen

Yan said:

"The task of the two of you is to stabilize Xinliansheng."

"Pay attention to protect Lin Yaochang, the former leader of Xinlian Sheng."

He explained,

"Our mission is to maintain social stability"

"If New Lian Sheng collapses, or falls into the same trap as Richard, this will be a huge hidden danger to Hong Kong society."

"We absolutely will not allow this to happen."

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju nodded in unison, and the latter said: 1.7

"After the explosion, Ding Ye suspected that it was Tim who did it."

"We even caught the gunman that night and took photos of Tim and Richard having dinner together"

"The top man seems to be thinking about how to deal with Tim and how to keep his distance from Richard. Ana

Shen frowned slightly:

"Is this how to forget about explosive death?"

He Jiaju glanced at Luo Zhiming and said,

"What can be done?"

"We didn't know there was such a huge force behind Richard"

"Even if you don't know it, just the name of a senior police superintendent can scare people to death."

"What's more, he is still a ghost."

He spread his hands,

"How many of the short mules out there can be stable until death?"

"This is the fate of Young and Dangerous. If you want to complain, just complain."

What He Jiaju said was straightforward enough.

Ana Shen crossed his arms and said:

"Then, my next order may make you uncomfortable."

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju both looked over.

Ana Shen said:

"Ah Luo, you and Jia Kui should find a way to take the lead in Xin Liansheng."


Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju were stunned.

He Jiaju couldn't help but said:

"Brother Yan, we are the police. Ana

Shen nodded slightly:

"Xin Liansheng's position is very important, and he is now at a crossroads."

"Location is quite important"

"Let me tell you the truth, Xin Liansheng is an indispensable part of that huge criminal network."

"All kinds of dirty things are done by Xin Liansheng"

"We cannot let them fall into the hands of others."

He Jiaju couldn't help but pursed his lips and couldn't help but look at Luo Zhiming, who was very firm:

"I do!".

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