Chapter 96 Liu Jianming’s big crisis

Ana Shen lightly knocked on the table:

"Huang Zhicheng is investigating Liu Jianming?"

"Huang Zhicheng is no longer a policeman, he is a gangster, and he is actually investigating a policeman?"

"Do Huang Zhicheng and Liu Jianming have conflicts? Yang

Jinrong shook his head:

"According to my investigation, there is no".

"The two don't even have any intersection. Ana

Shen said decisively:

"When something goes wrong, there must be a monster"

"Did you find anything out? Yang

Jinrong said softly:

"I have a suspicion——"

There was a rare look of embarrassment on his face.

Ana Shen smiled,

"If there is anything to be embarrassed about, just say whatever comes to mind. Yang

Jinrong then said:

"Brother Yan previously arranged for me to check on the situation of our classmates."

"I've checked all my classmates"

"The students who were sent as undercover agents, such as Luo Zhiming, Wang Zhicheng, Zhuo Kai and others, do not need to be investigated for the time being."

"According to your instructions, I checked those who are on duty."

"That is, the colleagues who are currently on patrol in military uniforms. Shen

Yan asked:

"Have you checked the list of our classmates? Yang

Jinrong nodded slightly:

"All checked! Ana

Shen thought for a while:

"Based on our session, push forward one session and push back three sessions."

"All colleagues should investigate secretly"

"Remember, you must check thoroughly"

"But don't let anyone know"

"It is taboo to check one's colleagues, even if authorized by the boss. Yang

Jinrong nodded solemnly:

"I see!"

He really understands.

He has experienced similar things and can empathize.

Ana Shen asked:

"Do you know the reason for this?"Two seven seven"

Yang Jinrong said softly:

"I have an idea……"

"Does Huang Zhicheng have a guilty conscience? Ana

Shen waved his hand:

"Don't talk standing up."

Took out a Marlboro and gave one to Yang Jinrong.

"Speak slowly, don't rush! Yang

Jinrong said slowly:

"Han Chen's most important thing now is to recruit troops and take the initiative when competing with Guoliang and other four tigers. Shen

Yan agreed:

"Ni Yongxiao has turned all his thoughts to those factories"

"The family business was basically transferred to Han Chen through Ni Laosan."

"It's just a matter of time to make it clear."

"What Han Chen has to do now is how to ensure that his strength can win when the five tigers compete, instead of doing other things"

"As his top horse, Huang Zhicheng should be doing things by Han Chen's side. Yang

Jinrong asked:

"Could it be that Han Chen didn't know that Huang Zhicheng was doing this? Ana

Shen thought about it seriously and finally shook his head:


"This is not the police force"

"If you do private work in the police force, you will at best be reprimanded. If you do it in a club, you will be subject to family law."

"The society's family law... isn't it unusual to have three swords and six holes? Yang

Jinrong nodded slowly:

"Makes sense! He frowned and said:

"But I checked the relationship between Han Chen and Liu Jianming, and they have nothing in common."

"Besides, even if Liu Jianming has conflicts with Han Chen, can he compete with the Five Tigers?"

"Logically speaking, Han Chen should focus everything on the struggle between the five tigers. But Ana

Shen disagreed:

"Perhaps there is one thing more important than the fight between the five tigers. Yang

Jinrong was puzzled:

"Is there such a thing? Shen

Yan said thoughtfully:

"Please the Ni family! Yang

Jinrong was stunned:

"To please the Ni family?"

He clapped his hands and said:

"That’s right!"

"It is indeed more important to please the Ni family than to fight against each other"

"Even if Han Chen loses in the battle between the five tigers, as long as he pleases the Ni family, he will be invincible."

Ana Shen nodded slightly.

"Han Chen is an old fox. He dares to think what others dare not think; he dares to do what others dare not do!"

However, Yang Jinrong is still puzzled:

"Even if Han Chen wanted to please the Ni family...why investigate a police officer?"

He suddenly paused, with an incredible look on his face.

"Brother Yan, do you mean Ni Kun's death? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"Did you also think about Ni Kun's death?"

"Ni Kun has been dead for two years!"

"You said it was a coincidence, but on the day when the Five Tigers were about to give their duel, bang, they were shot execution-style."

"Ni Kun always said that if you come out to mess around, you have to pay back. I really feel like retribution."

"Ni Yongxiao has been investigating for two years, but he has not found any clues. Yang

Jinrong frowned and said:

"Isn't this difficult to check? Ana

Shen handed over another Marlboro:

"Just say whatever is on your mind"

"You don't need to cover up in front of me. Yang Jinrong smiled and said:

"Then I said it"

"There is a problem with Ni Kun’s four bodyguards"

"I've read the files. Ni Kun has been participating in instrumental music competitions in that club all year round. This has become a routine."

"The usual behavior for a white-fandom moneymaker like him is to hand over his life to others."

"Of course, he is also careful enough to have bodyguards in charge every time he goes to the club."

"However, after the killer completely killed Ni Kun that time, the four bodyguards arrived belatedly."

"This shows that there is a mole among the bodyguards."

"All four! Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"Yes, they were definitely bribed"

"Otherwise, it would be impossible for all four people to have problems."

Yang Jinrong pushed up his glasses, and there seemed to be light flashing.

"The person who can bribe them is obviously not an ordinary person. Shen

Yan asked with a smile:

"Who is that? Yang

Jinrong said categorically:

"Five tiger level characters!"

"Gandhi, Guoliang, Wen Zheng, and Nigui. Ana

Shen asked back:

"Not Han Chen? Yang

Jinrong hesitated for a while and said decisively:

"Not Han Chen!"

"If it were Han Chen, he would wish Ni Yongxiao died. Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"continue! Yang

Jinrong was stunned:

"Still continuing? Ana

Shen laughed:

"It looks like you have a plan for action? Yang

Jinrong said without hesitation:

"Isn't this a normal thing?"

"If I were Ni Yongxiao, I would definitely let Ni Kun's four guards tell the truth about that night."

He said seriously,

"We are the police and we must rely on evidence when doing things."

"It’s just that Ni Yongxiao and the others are in a club."

"Do society judges still need evidence? Not at all!"

"In the community, pay attention to freedom of mind"

"If you are the most suspicious, then I'll fight you until you tell me. Shen Yan asked with interest:

"What if I typed it wrong? Yang

Jinrong shrugged.

"If you typed it wrong, you typed it wrong."

"Isn't it the rule of the society to kill the wrongdoer rather than let him go? Ana

Shen laughed loudly:

"Ah Rong, it’s a good thing you didn’t go undercover, otherwise, I would have been worried that you would unify all the Xiangjiang societies."

He shrugged.

"Ni Yongxiao had just taken over at that time and did not show such a thunderous style. It was a good thing!"


Ana Shen said lightly:

"Fortunately, Ni Yongxiao did not do this at that time, otherwise, he would not be bleached"

"We all know the person behind the murder of Ni Kun. It was Huang Zhicheng who encouraged Mary to send someone to do it."

"In fact, Ni Yongxiao also knew"

"It's just that I warned him that if he wants to take the white way, he has to use the white way to solve it."

"Only then did Ni Yongxiao stop attacking Huang Zhicheng and Mary. Yang

Jinrong nodded slightly.

"This is the contradiction"

"Han Chen didn’t know the murderer who killed Ni Kun and the instigator behind the scenes."

"I have reason to suspect that Huang Zhicheng was sent by him to investigate the death case of Ni Kun."

"After all, Huang Zhicheng once served as an inspector of the serious crime team. His investigative skills are needless to say."


"Let the mastermind behind Ni Kun's murder be asked to find the murderer?"

Yang Jinrong's face showed waves of astonishment.

"Too dark humor, right? Ana

Shen mocked:

"Maybe it's playing into Huang Zhicheng's plans!"

"In this world, there are no police officers with a 100% detection rate, and there are no detectives with a 100% detection rate."

"Huang Zhicheng was busy at that time, and finally reported - not found!"

"What can others say?"

Yang Jinrong's lens flashed coldly:

"I thought of a loophole"

"There were two people behind the killing of Ni Kun."

"One is Huang Zhicheng, the other is Mary"

"Mary, Huang Zhicheng is definitely not worried"

"Unless Mary doesn't want Han Chen to take over, then she will definitely keep this matter in her belly! Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"The only breaking point is a——"

Yang Jinrong's eyes were full of horror:

"That's right"

"There is only one weakness, and that is……"

"The murderer who killed Ni Kun"

"The murderer was sent out by Mary. Once the murderer is caught, what happened back then will be revealed."

"Mary must be implicated"

"Not to mention Mary, even Han Chen has to be implicated"

"Mary is his wife. Whatever Mary does, others will only blame him."

"Regardless of whether others know that there is another Huang Zhicheng behind the scenes, he will suffer."

"There is only one way before Huang Zhicheng……"

Yang Jinrong pushed up his glasses and said expressionlessly:

"Solve the murderer of the year and clean up the trouble 0... "

"The dead cannot speak"

"Even if others knew that the person Han Chen killed was the murderer, so what?"

"He can't stand up and defend himself! Ana

Shen chuckled and said:

"That's the truth. Yang

Jinrong said in a cold voice:

"So, Liu Jianming was the murderer of Ni Kun? He is also one of the undercover agents sent to the police force by Han Chen? Ana

Shen shrugged:

"should be! Yang

Jinrong smiled bitterly and said:

"Brother Yan, did you already know this? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"not at all."

Yang Jinrong didn't believe it:

"You were a recognized social expert in our class back then."

"Thanks to you, I also know all my classmates well."

"But in my impression, the relationship between Liu Jianming and you is very average, right? Shen

Yan was stunned:

"Isn't it normal to have friendship with me?"

"You were the one who really had a good relationship with me in our class back then! Yang Jinrong smiled and said:

"Isn't this too perfunctory to say?"

"I just did some research and it seems that the few people who have a bad relationship with you are all undercover agents sent by Han Chen."

"It has now been determined that the same is true for Liu Jianming. Ana

Shen said angrily:

"This can only mean that you did not listen to the class well."

"In criminal psychology, you finally got an A. Yang

Jinrong said in shock:

"Did you think something was wrong with him back then? Shen

Yan denied it flatly:

"not at all"

"I just feel that Liu Jianming was hiding a lot of things on his mind at that time"

"He is not a friendly person"

"If people don’t even talk to each other, why should we tell them this? Yang

Jinrong nodded in agreement.

"So it turns out that Liu Jianming was sent to our police force as an undercover agent. How could he dare to open his heart to others? Ana

Shen said in a deep voice:

"This matter needs to be reported to the senior sir and asked for his opinion. Yang

Jinrong was puzzled:

"Do I still need to report this matter to the sir? Ana

Shen smiled:

"Insight into worldly affairs is knowledge, understanding of human feelings is an article"

"Where did all this fighting and killing come from? It’s all about human nature."

"If you don’t report to the boss, what will happen then?"

"Does the big sir also want to save face?"

"No matter what we do, we cannot avoid the big sir, so we might as well listen to what the leader has to say. Yang

Jinrong nodded solemnly:

"I will report to the senior sir immediately. When Superintendent

Chen heard his report, his face turned dark:


"Han Chen, a street bastard, dares to send an undercover agent to our police force. Are you crazy?! Yang

Jinrong smiled bitterly and said:

"Sir, he has sent quite a few.

Superintendent Chen said angrily :

"Quite a few?"

Yang Jinrong then talked about his recent work.

The big sir's face became darker and darker.

"This bastard deserves to die!"

"Check these people out for me and I must find out their roots. Yang

Jinrong asked:

"What to do with Huang Zhicheng’s case of 0.9?"

It's okay if he didn't say it. When he mentioned Huang Zhicheng, the big sir's face turned even darker!

"Huang Zhicheng is also a bastard!"

"What a nasty bastard!"

"It's a disgrace to the police force."


Yang Jinrong stood aside silently. He had never thought that the great sir could have so many ways of cursing people.

Filthy words abound.

But after thinking about it, it seems that this is the norm for the police force.

The big sir took a breath and said fiercely:

"Send people to keep an eye on them and play a long game to catch the big fish."

"When Huang Zhicheng takes action, he will get the stolen goods together. Yang

Jinrong reminded,

"This may put Liu Jianming in danger."

The eldest sir said calmly,

"Since Liu Jianming has been confirmed to be an undercover agent sent by Han Chen in our police force, he is not one of our own."

"Since you are not one of your own……"

Yang Jinrong immediately said:

"I see!"

There was no need for him to ask!

With the approval of the two leaders, Yang Jinrong was ready to implement his plan.

How to implement it?

Yang Jinrong thought for a while, twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and immediately had an idea.

He took out a special mobile phone and wrote In one sentence, it was sent to Liu Jianming's phone number, and then he pulled out the phone card and threw it into the trash can.

"Liu Jianming, I have already taken action, what will you do?"

What a coincidence. Liu Jianming was finishing his patrol and was taking a break to drink tea in the ice room.

His phone vibrated!

He took out his phone and took a look at it, and was shocked!

He saw the text message:

"An incident has occurred, beware of the killer!"

Liu Jianming called back without hesitation, and the response was"sorry"……".

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