Turning around, he opened the curtains directly, and the sunlight shone in, dispelling the darkness in the anti-black group.

"The dawn... is so good!"

Chen Guozhong sighed, turned around and said: "Notify the assault team and the mobile force, and set off immediately."

Lu Guanhua asked in confusion: "Boss, where are we going?"

"Capture Wang Bao's remnants!" Chen Guozhong said coldly.

In the Dakeng Police Station, in the anti-black group.

"Okay, okay, no problem, Sir Liang, don't worry, I will never let you down on this matter, don't worry, I will set off immediately."


After the leader of the anti-black group, Chen Guotao, hung up the phone, he immediately said loudly: "All members, pay attention, pack up your equipment immediately, prepare to set off, and notify EU and PTU."

"Boss, where are we going?" The anti-black group members asked curiously.

Chen Guotao smiled: "Capture Wang Bao's remnants and seal up all his illegal industries!"


Several members stood up in shock immediately.

"Boss, are we just going to arrest and seal them off? This..." A member frowned.

Wang Bao's Hongyi Gang has been rooted in the pit for a long time, and there has been no significant effect, but why is there such a big move today?

If this angers Wang Bao, then they...

Chen Guotao said coldly: "I know what you are worried about? You are afraid of Wang Bao's revenge, but as police officers, we cannot succumb to evil forces. Today, Wang Bao attacked several tainted witnesses in Wan Chai with a gun and was shot dead by Chief Inspector Liang Xiaotong himself. The Hongyi Gang is finished!"


"Is this true?"

"Great, Wang Bao, the bastard, is finally dead!"

"Boss, let's set off quickly, let's see how these bastards can still be so powerful!"

Hearing the news that Wang Bao was dead, everyone immediately became excited.

They are not afraid of Wang Bao, but their family members are not, but now that Wang Bao is dead, it's different.

Seeing that everyone's morale was restored, Chen Guotao smiled again: "This time, Sir Liang gave us a chance to show our abilities. We can't let him down."

"Now, set off immediately and arrest all of them!"

"Yes, Sir!"

Everyone responded loudly.

The three parties were dispatched. The Hongyi Gang had been involved for a long time and had violated countless industries, including gambling dens, white powder stalls, and the love street.

Wan Chai Gap, Dakeng, and the two Wang Bao's territories were instantly sealed off, and all the gangsters of the Hongyi Gang were taken to the police station.

The two brothers Chen Guozhong and Chen Guotao reaped a lot this time.

These achievements were all theirs, and they were also given to them by Liang Xiaotang, so they all remembered them in their hearts.

In the Wan Chai Police Headquarters.

Li Zhilong kept looking at the files sent by his subordinates in the office.

These files are all about merits, how much white powder, how many gambling dens, and all kinds of other things. Wang Bao's decades of foundation collapsed in an instant.

Witnesses, physical evidence, all evidences are available. One of the three old gangs in Wan Chai has fallen directly.

"Hey, notify the media!"

Li Zhilong hurriedly called his men and asked them to come to the police station as soon as possible. He also immediately notified Chen Guozhong and Chen Guotao to send all the stolen goods. This time, Li Zhilong wanted to make the Wan Chai Police Station famous.

"Hello, Director..."

That night.

In Central, in the Police Department, the Director's Office.

The smile on Ding Ye's face never stopped, looking at Li Zhilong's files.

"Notify the police department personnel and hold a meeting."

Ding Ye told the secretary beside him.

"Okay, I'll let someone notify them immediately." The director's secretary hurriedly made a phone call and issued an order.

"Thirty minutes, meeting room." The secretary reported.

"Well, OK." Uncle Ding nodded with a smile on his face.

"Is the director going to reward Chief Inspector Liang Xiaotang at this meeting?" The secretary asked curiously.

"Yes, these contributions were all passed on by Li Zhilong during this period. Liang Xiaotang is really good!"

Uncle Ding praised. Although SIG was proposed by Liu Jiehui, he ordered it to be established.

If Liang Xiaotang made contributions, then he would be the same. He would be proud of it. Uncle Ding would not be stingy with people who have made contributions.

"This Inspector Liang Xiaotang is indeed a talent. The Hongyi Gang has been rooted in Wan Chai for decades. I didn't expect that it would be destroyed by him in less than a month. This is really amazing."

The secretary nodded and admired it in his heart.

"Yes, the gang forces in our Hongcheng have been constantly strengthening. Although our crackdown on these gang forces is strong, it is still not satisfactory. This timeIt's a good opportunity to show the public the results of our crackdown on gangsters. "

Uncle Ding said with a smile. In Hong Kong, there are dozens or even hundreds of gangs of all sizes.

Usually, we only destroyed some small shrimps, which are not on the stage at all, but now it's different. One Jinxing and one Hongyi are old gangs, which are not comparable to those small shrimps.

Thirty minutes later.

Senior personnel from major police departments arrived at the meeting room one after another.

Uncle Ding sat in the main seat, with a pile of files in front of him.

Uncle Ding smiled constantly, patted the files, and said with a smile: "These are the reports on the international arms smuggling case and the eradication of the Hongyi Gang that Superintendent Li Zhilong of Wan Chai Police Station just submitted today. "

"Today, the leader of the Hongyi Gang went to the safe house with a gun and attacked several tainted witnesses. He was shot dead on the spot by Inspector Liang Xiaotang. After killing Wang Bao, Inspector Liang Xiaotang immediately joined forces with multiple police stations to severely crack down on Wang Bao's illegal industries, harvesting a total of white flour..."

Uncle Ding talked about his achievements this time.

Many police inspectors in the audience were shocked when they heard this. Wang Bao had too many illegal industries, and they were also amazed at Liang Xiaotang's sharp methods.

After hearing this, Liu Jiehui felt bad. Since the arms case, he valued Liang Xiaotang a little more, but he didn't expect that he still looked down on him.

He knew why Uncle Ding called the meeting this time, to reward Liang Xiaotang.

After Uncle Ding finished speaking, he looked at Liu Jiehui and smiled: "Sir Liu, this time thanks to your suggestion, we can solve these many cases. "

Liu Jiehui smiled awkwardly. He knew what Ding Ye meant. He wanted to mock him for stealing chickens but losing rice.

"Everything is for the service of the police force." Liu Jiehui said.

Ding Ye and many superintendents couldn't help but sneer in their hearts. This guy is really a hypocrite.

"This time, Inspector Liang Xiaotang of Wan Chai Police Station SIG is the first meritorious. Inspector Liang Xiaotang has excellent grades since the police academy. During his undercover period, he successively cracked several major cases. After he was reinstated, he made great contributions. "

"Everyone, this time I plan to let Inspector Liang take the upgrade test. What do you think? ”

This is the reward that Mr. Ding gave to Liang Xiaotang, to take the test for the promotion to superintendent.

Many superintendents below were shocked when they heard this. Liang Xiaotang was promoted too quickly. It wasn't long after he was promoted to chief inspector, but he was going to be promoted to superintendent?

With the position of superintendent, Liang Xiaotang can be said to have one foot in the upper echelons.

But his contribution is huge and indelible.

At this time, Lei Meng from Liu Jiehui's faction spoke up: "Director, I think that although this time the contribution is great, Inspector Liang Xiaotang has only been in office for a few months, so I think Inspector Liang Xiaotang still needs to be tempered."

"Yes, Superintendent Lei Meng is right. Inspector Liang Xiaotang is now a chief inspector and needs more training. The position of superintendent..."

"I also agree with Superintendent Lei Meng's proposal. I have paid attention to Inspector Liang Xiaotang before. When he was in Wan Chai Gap, he actually fired a gun in the street, and when he was in West Kowloon, he also used some shady means. "

Members of Liu Jiehui's faction spoke up one after another, saying that they did not want Liang Xiaotang to become a superintendent.

The other neutral superintendents could not help but show sarcasm on their faces when they heard this. It was ridiculous to use such an excuse as unfair means.

You have to know that when dealing with some gangsters and young and dangerous people, who didn't use unfair means.

These were all silent in the police force, but they actually pointed it out.

The superintendent of the stormtroopers also spoke up: "I think the director's proposal is pertinent. Inspector Liang Xiaotang has only been in Wan Chai for a short month, and he has solved two major cases. It is hard to imagine how much risk he has paid. "

"We frontline personnel are not like some people who stay in the office and point fingers. "

Gong Jiapei also spoke up: "Yes, Inspector Liang used to work under me when he was in the West Kowloon Police Station. I have always admired his evaluation. Director, Inspector Liang has solved several major international cases and eradicated several international criminal gangs. This contribution is indelible."

"It's no wonder that Superintendent Lei would think so. After all, you are a top student. How could you have experienced the things on the front line!"

"To deal with these young and dangerous guys, do you still have to reason with them? The more you reason, the more rampant they become!"

"And speaking of extreme means, Inspector Chan Ka-kui, who was under Superintendent Lei Meng before, was the real extreme one. There were scenes of hundreds of cars colliding.This is really rare!"

"Yes, although Inspector Chen Jiaju has strong case handling ability, the economic losses and casualties caused by him are also the greatest!"

"And the gunshots were also fired to deter those hooligans. They dared to beat up police officers in the street. They are really rampant!"

"Old Huang, I think our anti-gang group and you guys should talk to those hooligans more in the future, otherwise you will be sued!"

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