The two of them were so angry that they had to admit defeat.

"Go ahead and say yellow-skinned monkey in front of me now."

The killing intent in Gu Hao's eyes became more and more obvious, but the movements of his hands were not too exaggerated.

He just played with a Desert Eagle calmly and turned on the safety inadvertently.

"Mr. Gu Hao, there must be some misunderstandings. You must not be impulsive."

Kevin is not a fool. In this environment, even a fool knows to admit defeat.

Feeling the coldness of the muzzle and the sound of metal collision after the safety was turned on...

Kevin even spoke a little unsteadily.

On the one hand, it was because of the severe pain of the broken calf bones, and on the other hand...

He was scared by Gu Hao.

Kevin really didn't expect that a yellow-skinned monkey who looked like a willing victim could do such a cruel thing.

At this moment, Kevin seemed to realize something.

He had hit a wall.

At the same time.

The death warriors had already started working.

They didn't care about the other party's identity at all, as if they were chasing white pigs.

They separated them, and then stripped off all their clothes and uniforms.

The night sea breeze blew, and these white-skinned fat pigs wearing only a pair of shorts shivered from the cold.

Even under the illumination of the flashlight, goose bumps could be seen on the skin of these greasy fat pigs.

But in the eyes of the death warriors, these foreigners were not even considered human beings, but just a group of white pigs to be slaughtered.

Then, ignoring the fear of these white pigs, the death warriors took all the foreigners except Kevin out of the car.

There were no extra words.

The assassins looked at each other, tacitly selected a target, and

started to work directly, using solid steel pipes to break all the calves of these foreigners.

It was as clean and neat as cracking pig bones.

There was no emotion on the faces of the assassins, and the strength of their attacks was the same.

The dull sound of the beating was particularly harsh in the night sky, just once.

The skin on the calf turned purple instantly, and then the capillaries under the skin burst.

The muscles in the legs were like a calm water surface broken by a stone, shaking with waves.

Along with the sound of bone cracking, the originally strong and powerful calves of these foreigners instantly became extremely twisted.

They stuck tightly to the ground and could not move.

"Keep going, hurry up, so that these white pigs don't move around, which will be more troublesome."

After knocking off the calf of a foreigner, the assassins did not stop, but continued one after another.

Breaking all the calves of these white pigs without emotion.

Of course, this matter was not considered abuse in the eyes of the dead soldiers. It was just the simplest way to solve the problem of these white pigs running around.


"No! You damn yellow monkeys, you will pay the price."

"No, no, no, you can't do this. We are senior police officers of the Royal Police Department. Do you know what you are doing?"

And the sparse and ordinary actions of the dead soldiers looked like demons in the eyes of these high-ranking foreigners.

Or it could be said that the people standing in front of them were not people at all, but demons crawling out of hell.

At the beginning, these foreigners cursed, threatened, and begged for mercy.

More often, they vented their anger in their hearts and the pain they suffered in their bodies in an angry tone.

But as they found that these demons were not moved at all.

The arrogant and noisy foreigners gradually calmed down, and their crazy faces gradually turned into calm, fearful, and scared...

They were afraid of making a sound and attracting the attention of these devils.

These foreigners dared not speak at this moment, and only hoped that the punishment of these devils would stop here.

Compared with the pain of the body and the loss of life.

They can still make a very clear choice.

Some people even thought more about expecting these guys to just stop here, after all, they are also senior police officers of the Royal Police Department of Hong Kong.

They should not dare to kill themselves, right?

"Mr. Kevin, you haven't answered my question yet?"

No matter what the scene was, Gu Hao always focused his attention on Kevin.

Expecting Kevin to bring him some small surprises, at least this way it wouldn't make this plan boring.

But unfortunately, Gu Hao seemed to be obviously high

I guessed Kevin's backbone.

Or it seems that these foreigners in Wan Chai Police Station don't have any backbone.

"Mr. Gu Hao, as long as you let me go, I will never retaliate against you for anything that happened today, except for some compensation!"

"I am willing to give you many resources in the Hong Kong Police Station. We should not be enemies, but friends!"

Gu Hao never attacked Kevin from beginning to end, but the wailing of the foreigners around him made Kevin feel completely collapsed.

At this moment, he didn't even dare to call the yellow monkey.

He didn't even dare to speak loudly, especially after feeling the murderous intent of Gu Hao.

Kevin was even willing to take out his interests on his own initiative.

In exchange for Gu Hao letting him go.

In other words, Kevin wanted to use his interests to exchange for his life.

"Don't you understand what I said?"

Does Gu Hao need interests? Sorry, he really doesn't need them.

Gu Hao now wanted Kevin to die: "The last thing you should do is to target me for no reason. Originally, we were just keeping to ourselves, but now..."

"You can only die."

He gave in so quickly, and Gu Hao instantly felt bored.

He said he would be tough, but before Gu Hao could make a move, the other party gave in?

"No, no, no, I will dissolve your company when I go back, don't kill me!"

"You can't kill me, I can bring you huge benefits, benefits you can't imagine!"

Well, now Kevin, who is opposite Gu Hao, is not only soft, but also peed.

The intense fear was accompanied by the trembling in his words, and Gu Hao could clearly see that Kevin had wet a large area of ​​his body.

"It's boring. If you don't dare to say it, I'll send you away."

"Let me tell you one thing. Hong Kong does not belong to you white pigs, but to us in the north. Don't forget it when you reincarnate in your next life!"

With a look of disgust and this cold word, Gu Hao pulled the trigger.

If it weren't for the fact that the bodies of these foreigners were still useful later.

In fact, Gu Hao didn't even want to waste bullets on them.

"Boss, the remaining ones..."

A Yi heard the gunshot and came to Gu Hao: "Kill them all together?"

"Kill them all, and then throw the bodies of these people on the territory of Hongxing."

Since they are all here, Gu Hao doesn't want to let these foreigners walk out alive.


To light a fire between this Hong Kong society that is about to explode and the foreigners.

They are not good people.

It's better to blow them up completely.

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