Shan Ji, who was standing nearby, helped Chen Haonan up.

"My condolences to you, Datianer doesn't want to see you so sad."

"Damn it, it must have been that bastard Chen Rao who did it, I'm going to kill him!"

Chen Haonan stood up suddenly, said something, and turned around to rush into the car.

Shan Ji grabbed his car door and

"Brother Nan, don't be impulsive. If Chen Rao really did it, you can't beat him if you rush over. Why don't you go find Brother Big B?"

Chen Haonan shook his head.

"No, Big Brother B wants to play it safe and will definitely go and negotiate peace with Liansheng. If he knew we were going to cause trouble for Chen Rao, he would definitely not give in. But what I want is his death!"

"If you want to help me with this matter, then we can kill Chen Rao together. If you are afraid, I will find a chance to kill him alone!"

Hearing Chen Haonan's words, Shan Ji was furious.

"What are you talking about? We are all brothers, so of course we have to live and die together."

After saying that, he turned around and looked at the foreskin and banana peel behind him.

"What do you two say? Do you want to join us?"

Baopi and Jiaopi looked at each other. They knew that this time Nan Ge was determined to kill Chen Rao, so they nodded.

""Fuck, fuck him then."

Chen Haonan looked at the remaining few people and patted their shoulders hard.

"Good brothers!"

He was working for Big Boss B in Causeway Bay, and he hired these guys, and some gangsters as his subordinates.

"Shan Ji, call back and get a dozen people. After you find him, hack this bastard to death together!"

While they were discussing, Chen Rao had just gotten up from Su Axi. When he got up, he found that there seemed to be someone busy in the kitchen.

He frowned in surprise.

"It can't be that he cooked for me on the morning of the flight without my order. He wouldn't do it."

Opening the bedroom door and looking at the familiar food on the table, the corners of his mouth twitched.

It was impossible for anyone other than Afen, his first woman in the world, to be so familiar with his appetite and his appetite.

Afen also poked her head out of the kitchen at this time. When she saw Chen Rao getting up and coming over with the food, she smiled gently.

"You're awake. I told Feiji last night that I would make you breakfast this morning. Don't blame him, it was my idea to come here."

For some reason, Chen Rao suddenly felt embarrassed as if he was cheating on his wife but was caught by her.

He cursed Feiji inwardly, saying,"This loser, no wonder he can't find a wife and is so unemotional."

Seeing a hint of discomfort on Chen Rao's face, Afen couldn't help but secretly reveal a look of triumph.

She knew that she still had a daughter, and compared with a virgin like Liu Baoer, she was not as young and energetic as them. What she could do for Chen Rao was to take good care of him in all aspects of life so that he could always be favored. After all, Chen Rao was the eldest brother, and this little storm was not enough to make him panic.

He grabbed Afen's hand and pulled her into his arms.

Smelling the fragrance of Afen's hair, Chen Rao couldn't help but rub his hands restlessly.

"Do you want to see me embarrassed?"

Ah Fen smiled like a charming fox in his arms.

"Oh, stop it, I'm holding the dishes in my hands, they're going to spill soon."

She was a little soft-hearted by Chen Rao, and hurriedly put the dishes on the table, lifted her clothes, revealing a seductive waist and hips.

Chen Rao looked through her clothes and vaguely saw that she was wearing the very seductive underwear he had just bought yesterday, and suddenly a part of his body became hard as iron again.

Afen sensed his change, turned around and hugged his neck, and whispered in Chen Rao's ear,

"You have to work during the day, and I'll wait for you to come back at night. I can do whatever you want.……"

After saying that, she kissed Chen Rao lightly on the face, turned around and stood up from his legs.

At this time, the bedroom door was opened again, and Su Axi came out rubbing her sleepy eyes.

She saw that there was a woman in the room, and she felt a little embarrassed.

"Brother Rao, I, I don't know, you, you……"

Seeing that Su Ah Xi was wearing the same underwear as hers, Ah Fen could not help but give Chen Rao a reproachful look.

She walked over and took Su Ah Xi's hand.

"Now that you are up, let's have some breakfast together. I made it myself. Tell me if it doesn't suit your taste."

Su Axi looked at this beautiful sister who was so virtuous. She followed Afen to the table obediently.

The two women sat on the left and right of Chen Rao.

While eating breakfast, Su Axi silently cursed Chen Rao:

"Big pig's hoof."

But she didn't have much to say. After all, Chen Rao had said he had two women before he had sex with her. So she was the third...

After breakfast,

Afen pulled Su Axi over and said to Chen Rao:

"Go do what you need to do, I'll take them shopping."

Chen Rao nodded.

"Sure, but bring your men with you when you go out, things have been a little bit turbulent recently."

Afen agreed and called Liu Baoer.

After a while,

Chen Rao stood on the balcony with a cup of coffee, looking at the three women downstairs, who were of different looks but all very charming. Under Afen's gentleness, they soon became as close as sisters.

Liu Baoer secretly raised her head and saw Chen Rao watching the show. She wrinkled her pretty nose, and when no one was paying attention, she gave him a middle finger.

Turning her head, she showed a dignified smile as if she was the first mate.

Her temperament was the strongest among women.

After watching the three women leave, followed by a few men, he called the plane downstairs to come upstairs. When the plane went upstairs, there was still a little embarrassment on his face. After all, he was meddling in the boss's family affairs.

But Chen Rao didn't say much, but asked about what happened last night.

"How is it? Is there any movement from Hongxing?"

Ji Ji shook his head.

"Don't worry, brother. Everything is clean. The police reported it in the news this morning. They just treated it as an accident.

Chen Rao continued to drink his coffee and said,

"That's good. As long as they can't find anything, even if they have suspicions, don't bother with them. If they come to cause trouble, just deal with them."

He put down his coffee.

"Let's go, Zhanmi is back from the mainland today, let's go meet him."

At the hall, Chen Rao sat in the first seat and took the account book handed over by Zhanmi and looked through it.

Zhanmi stood below and said respectfully:

"Brother, I have opened up the smuggling channel in the mainland this time. As for the shipment, I have talked to Uncle Yu in Changfu Village and made it a distribution center for goods."

"This way, we can ship more goods to the mainland every month, and we can share 2 million of the monthly revenue with everyone, but we can still make 4 million."

Chen Rao closed the account book with satisfaction.

"There is no end to making money. We all started from Changfu. I have no problem with being nice to the neighbors there and sharing some of the profits."

In this way, in addition to the 400,000 yuan handed over to the gang every month, the 4 million yuan from Changfu and the 1 million yuan from Shawan, a total of 4.6 million yuan is his.

However, he has to deduct 30% of the money for supporting his younger brothers, monthly expenses, and the casualties from several fights with the Chaozhou Gang. He can now make 3 million yuan a month. Before, it was the total income, but this is pure profit, and he can spend it at will!

However, he looked at Zhanmi in confusion,

"The port in Shawan is relatively small, how did such a large amount of cargo get through?"

Zhanmi smiled naively.

"This is the help that Chaozhou gave to Li Aji."

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