The money was hot to the touch, but since Thirteenth Sister had been killed, it was okay to take the fifty million!

Originally, Big B was dead, Jiang Tiansheng had fled abroad, and Liang Kun was still in court.

His relationship with Hongxing could not have been good.

Now it was nothing more than pouring fuel on the fire.

He had Liang Kun's handle in his hand.

Once he died, everything would be solved naturally.

In gang fights, there were people who delivered knives and people who delivered corpses.

Chen Rao ignored the bad guys who died in Hongxing.

There were professionals to deal with them.

As for his own people, he still had to send them off and let them have a home.

However, Chen Rao really did not have the energy to deal with these.

He told Ah Guo to get things done and returned home.

As soon as the door opened, the three restless women stood up.

Xi Mei took off Chen Rao's clothes distressedly, and Liu Baoer boiled hot water for him.

Chen Rao was half soaked in the bathtub, and Ah Fen carefully wiped the blood off his body.

She looked at Chen Rao's tired look, hesitated for a moment, and asked softly:

"Ah Rao, can you please stop working so hard? I'm really afraid, I'm really afraid that one day……"

Chen Rao stretched out his hand, motioning her to rub it more carefully, and said with a gentle smile:

"I am already in this position. If I quit, what will you do?"

Ah Fen lowered her head, washed the blood off the towel, bit her lips and said:

"I just want to live a peaceful life with you, even if I don't have money."

At this time, Bao'er and Ximei came in.

They didn't say anything, but the emotions in their eyes were obviously the same.

Chen Rao shook his head helplessly.

"Don't worry, I'm very resistant to attack. Anyone could die, but I will be alive and well. Otherwise, I won't be able to report to the brothers who followed me." After taking a bath,

Chen Rao felt less tired and less tense.

Liu Baoer put a bath towel on him and wiped him carefully. She didn't act like a spoiled child today.

Chen Rao rubbed her head, causing her to wrinkle her nose. Then she smiled and went back to the living room.

He picked up the phone and called Lu Qichang.

Calling Thirteenth Sister was just a counterattack, but the root cause was still Liang Kun, and he had to solve it.

It was already dawn.

Lu Qichang glanced at the number, rubbed his sleepy eyes and said:

"Hey, A-Rao, is there any progress?"

After saying this, he couldn't help but yawn.

"Sir Lu, you can take people to dig up the body. Big B is buried in Taiping Mountain."

For a moment, Lu Qichang thought he was still asleep, but when he understood what Chen Rao said, he suddenly jumped out of bed like a zombie, scaring his wife awake.

Lu Qichang ignored his wife's complaints and quickly got out of bed and put on his clothes.

"I'll take people there right now!"

At Taiping Mountain,

Lu Qichang smoked a cigarette to resist the constant drowsiness.

He watched his men digging in the place Chen Rao said, but they had been digging for several hours and had not found anything.

If he didn't know Chen Rao's character, Lu Qichang would have thought that Chen Rao had deliberately lied to him.

He called Chen Rao,

"Ah Rao, is your information accurate? My brothers have been digging for a long time, but they haven't seen Da B's family.

Chen Rao on the other end of the phone said calmly:

"Don't worry, there must be nothing wrong with this news," he said very confidently. Lu Qichang had no choice but to let his men continue to work.

It was already noon, and

Lu Qichang was eating the fast food he bought. At this time, there was a rapid knock on the car window, and one of his men spoke excitedly,

"Commander, we have found something!"

Lu Qichang put down his lunch box immediately after hearing this and followed his men through the bumpy ground.

He asked as he walked:

"Can you tell that the deceased is Big B?"

The subordinate said hesitantly:

"It is certain, but in addition to him, two children and a woman were also found.……"

Lu Qichang paused for a moment.

He saw the petite body wrapped in a body bag on the ground. It was clearly only the size of a kindergarten child. How could Liang Kun do that?!

Needless to say, this must be the family member who disappeared with Big B.

After confirming that there was only one needle at the scene that could extract fingerprints, he quickly called Chen Rao.

At this time, Chen Rao was in the hall with Aguo and others to instruct his men on the funeral arrangements.

He asked a few people to leave first, and then he answered the phone.

"Sir Lu, have you found anything?"

Lu Qichang said in a low voice:

"Big B has been found, but besides him, his family members also died together. Are you sure it was really done by Liang Kun?"

Chen Rao said calmly:

"You know how arrogant Liang Kun is, so you're surprised that he can kill people?"

He then asked:

"Big B's family is all dead, is that enough for Liang Kun to be sentenced to death?"

Lu Qichang sighed helplessly.

"Based on this evidence, we can only say that Liang Kun was involved in Big B's death, but we cannot be sure that Liang Kun killed him personally. Besides, there is no death penalty in Hong Kong."

Then he asked:

"Hey, do you have any other evidence? Give it to me. At least let this idiot die in prison!"

It was Chen Rao's turn to be stunned.

He was used to fighting and killing, but he didn't expect that Hong Kong would abolish the death penalty.

Chen Rao said with a bad face:

"What kind of broken law is this? Killing an entire family is not enough to kill them?"

Lu Qichang had no other choice but to say,

"This is Hong Kong, and we can only do things within the law."

Chen Rao still had some of Liang Kun's confessions about the drug factory in his hand, and he had wanted to give them to Lu Qichang, but it seemed that he would not need them for the time being, as Liang Kun could not be killed anyway.

He put down the phone, called Feiji and Feng Yuxiu,

"Come on, come with me for a while,"

Feng Yuxiu did not ask Chen Rao what he was going to do, he had already agreed to work with Chen Rao,

Chen Rao simply asked Aguo's cousin Lin Azhu to send Feng Yuxiu's woman to the hospital, so that Feng Yuxiu could do his work more conveniently.

In the Hongxing Hall,

Liang Kun knew that Chen Rao had killed Thirteenth Sister and Chen Haonan, but he was not angry, but very happy.

In this way,

Chen Rao's killing of Big B was confirmed, and naturally there were other people to deal with Chen Rao.

Without Chen Haonan and Thirteenth Sister, there would be two fewer people who opposed him, and the position of the boss would be more stable!

But the two men of Big Beard found Liang Kun and reported the disappearance of Big Beard to him. After listening to him,

Liang Kun's eyes were a little cold.

He didn't know, nor did he think that the bearded man would be caught. After all, he had been doing dirty work for him, and outsiders didn't know him.

Liang Kun thought he was scared and ran away!

As for betraying himself, he believed that no one in Hong Kong would dare to do that.

He ordered his men to find the man secretly, and kill the man when they found him.

Tonight is the time to have a big banquet for his mother, and it can't be affected by other things.

As long as his mother is happy, it's okay to have a banquet once a year!

It has to be said that judging from this point alone, Liang Kun is still a human being.

Unfortunately, with a bang, the door of his office was pushed open, and several policemen looked at Liang Kun.

"Liang Kun, you are suspected of being involved in a murder case, come with us!"

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