Chen Rao raised his hand to stop his men from stepping forward.

He stared at these salesmen coldly to see what tricks they could come up with.

Most of the male salesmen were relatively calm.

For the sake of their own jobs, they could not conflict with customers here. They just stared at Chen Rao fiercely, but did not move.

Lili looked at several colleagues who were just trying to stop her but did not dare to step forward.

She could not help but secretly hate them in her heart. They were very attentive from time to time, but it was useless at the critical moment!

However, there was a male salesman who satisfied her very much.

This man was called Aqiang. In order to please her, he not only sent flowers and money, but also paid her rent. However, she completely despised this man. If it were not for his willingness to spend money, she would have let Aqiang go long ago.

She bowed her head to Aqiang,

"Aqiang, you love me the most, you must stand up for me."

Her aggrieved voice and the touch of her warm body instantly made Aqiang, who was still hesitating, burst with male power, and completely dispelled Aqiang's concerns.

He thought that as long as he stood up for Lili, he could get the beauty.

Aqiang stood in front of Lili and said:

"Lili, don't worry, I'm here and I won't let anyone else hurt you!"

After saying that, he turned his head and looked at Chen Rao.

"Hey, you let my daughter... You dare to hit Lili, why don't you apologize quickly?"

Chen Rao looked at this fool who rushed to rescue the girl speechlessly.

You actually believed everything others said and willingly stood up for others. Sooner or later, you won't even be able to pay the lawyer's fees.

He pushed Aqiang away impatiently,

"Go call your manager over, or I'll slap you too if you keep on talking!"

Lili saw that the other salesmen were really going to find the manager, and she couldn't help but feel a pang in her heart.

Although this loser couldn't afford a bulletproof car, if the manager was really called, her job would definitely be lost.

She looked at the crowds of people gathering around to watch the fun, her eyes rolled, and she sat on the ground and started howling.

"Woohoo, a girl got beaten up and no one cares, I don't want to live anymore."

A Qiang hurriedly tried to help Lili up, but Lili didn't appreciate it at all and sat on the ground, refusing to get up. She had only one idea now, since she was already embarrassed, she should make a big fuss, the bigger the better. Even if she was fired, she could still make money and leave.

A Qiang had no idea about all this, he just wanted to protect the purest girl in his eyes.

He rushed towards the"chief culprit" Chen Rao,

"It's all your fault!"

With a thud, under the gaze of the spectators, the two men pushed him to the ground.

The momentary pain made Aqiang regain some of his sanity.

"You, don't mess around, or I'll call the police!"

The manager who saw the chaotic scene rushed over. He almost fainted when he saw the chaotic scene.

If something happens to the customer, don't come to this store again.

He asked other salesmen who were not impulsive and found out what happened.

This stinky woman used him as a companion more than once, but this time she hit a wall.

He could tell at a glance that Chen Rao had the final say, and judging from his momentum, he was not an ordinary person.

He quickly bowed his head and apologized to Chen Rao.

"Sir, I'm sorry, my salesperson bumped into you.……"

Chen Rao stopped him from talking. He didn't want to continue this farce.

"I want to order three S600 bulletproof cars. Can you get them?"

The manager was shocked when he heard Chen Rao's words. The price of a bulletproof car was more than six million. Three cars would cost eighteen million!

He almost lost this big customer. He wanted to kill the saleswoman.

He continued with a smile:


"Yes, there will be several bulletproof vehicles delivered next week, and I will definitely keep them for you."

Chen Rao nodded with satisfaction and followed the manager into the VIP room to sign the contract.

Lili, who was howling dryly, saw that the manager did not make a decision for her at all, and immediately held back her voice.

Aqiang next to her saw that she had stopped crying, and hurriedly said with concern:

"Lili, let's go. Let's not be bullied here. Let's find another job and I'll support you.……"

Lili shook his hand off and gave him a look of disgust.

"I spend thousands of dollars on cosmetics every month. How are you going to support me? Go to hell!"

A Qiang watched Lili turn around and walk towards the VIP room. He looked like he had lost his soul. After

Chen Rao signed the contract with the manager, he asked Fei Ji to ask someone to get the money from the car.

It was not that he did not have a bank card, but the money came from unknown sources and there was no way to save it, so he had to pay in cash.

When Fei Ji entered the room, he looked at Lili standing outside the door with disgust.

This woman was simply ignorant of the world. If Chen Rao had not acted on people outside the society, she would have been fed to the dogs by him.

Lili watched Fei Ji carrying a heavy canvas bag and walking into the VIP room. She felt bad. If it had not been for her, although she could not get the full commission, she could have made 100,000 from this order. Now, it's all gone.

But she hated A Qiang even more. Who made you penniless? You are chasing me even though you have no money.

Flop, bastard!

Chen Rao stood up, shook hands with the manager and said goodbye.

"It's settled then. I'll have my men come pick up the cars next week."

Lili tidied up her messy hair and tried to go forward, but was pushed away by the men guarding the door.

Chen Rao didn't even look at her and walked straight out of the car city.

The three cars drove away slowly, and the manager straightened up and looked at the woman next to him with disgust.

"You don't need to come to work, go to the finance department to calculate the money."

Halfway, three cars stopped at an intersection, and Feng Yuxiu walked up with a limp.

He looked at Chen Rao and said:

"I have already done what you asked me to do, Guan Zaisen."

Chen Rao nodded calmly.

Guan Zaisen was just an old guy who was not very successful. He had no strength or connections. It would be impossible for Feng Yuxiu to kill him.

But Feng Yuxiu said:

"I want to fight with you."

Chen Rao looked at him helplessly.

"It's not just about who's superior or inferior, but also about life and death?"

Feng Yuxiu shook his head quickly.

His woman was getting better, and he had no intention of dying.

"I just want to compete with you to see who is stronger."

Chen Rao nodded and agreed.

Feng Yuxiu was immediately excited.

There were only two things in his life that he could not forget, one was love, and the other was martial arts.

In Shawan Hall,

Chen Rao and Feng Yuxiu stood still, and his subordinates watched excitedly.

Chen Rao's invincibility had left a deep impression in their hearts, and Feng Yuxiu only showed his skills for the first time when Thirteenth Sister attacked him. In their shallow eyes, his skills were no less than those of the red sticks in other societies.

Feng Yuxiu took off his clothes and stood respectfully. His muscles bulged like a dragon on his body.

"I have been practicing martial arts since I was young, whether it is fists, kicks, swords or spears, I am proficient in all of them. Today we will see who is more powerful."

His eyes revealed a hint of excitement, his hands were like claws, and he grabbed Chen Rao's throat amid the exclamations of others!

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