As soon as he finished speaking,

Li Jiacheng immediately saw the dissatisfaction on his son's face.

Although he also had some complaints, he still held back and didn't say anything.

However, his evaluation of Chen Rao in his heart was downgraded from a young man worth making friends with to an unreliable young man.

He didn't show any emotion on his face, but just said:

"Mr. Feng, I am a bit rude, please don't mind."

He paused and continued:

"But since Chen Rao sent you here, you must be very good. Can you let me see your strength?"

Feng Yuxiu didn't have a good impression of these guys who looked down on others.

He cupped his hands and said:

"I am practicing killing skills, I am not afraid of casualties, just come and try it!"

Li Jueze sneered when he heard this.

What era is it, and there is still killing skills.

What's more, he is just a cripple!

The leader of the guards on one side of the hall also heard this.

He looked at Li Jiacheng and saw the old man nodded slightly.

Then he took a few steps forward and said:

"What nonsense are you talking about? Come on, compete with me if you have the guts!"

Feng Yuxiu looked over coldly.

A man who was a head taller than him and had a strong build looked at him with disdain.

Although he was tall, his steps were light.

Feng Yuxiu knew at a glance that this man was a master of fighting!

But he was not afraid at all. Instead, he felt a little excited. His eyes showed a hint of excitement.

"Okay, then I will fight you to see who is better and whether we live or die!"

When Li Jiacheng heard this, his heart trembled.

How could this man be as crazy as Chen Rao, always threatening life and death?

He quickly said:

"Just stop there. I'll set a bet. The winner will pay 500,000."

The captain of the guards' eyes lit up after hearing this.

This amount of money is nothing to the Li family, but it is nearly a year's salary for him!

He slammed his fists together, mustered up his strength, and pounced on Feng Yuxiu like a giant bear.

Although Feng Yuxiu was a little disappointed, he still focused.

He raised his hand, swung the guard's arm, and retreated his body.

This man's advantage was only his height, but not his strength.

Feng Yuxiu knew it immediately.

After seeing his steps, the two people from the Li family were shocked.

They didn't know martial arts, but they also felt that Feng Yuxiu would definitely not be able to avoid this.


Feng Yuxiu actually swung the guard away at the critical moment. A collision!

Taking a step back, his body was like a bow, and he made a fighting stance.

He lightly hooked his fingers with contempt, asking the guard to come over again.

The guard immediately kicked Feng Yuxiu like a bullfighting bull that saw a red cloth, but he forgot that the most taboo in a fight is to leave the lower body off the ground.

Feng Yuxiu exerted force and took the opportunity to kick his ankle suddenly! With a crisp sound, the guard's foot was broken by him.

He lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Feng Yuxiu took the opportunity to hit the guard's neck with his elbow!

With a plop, the guard fell to the ground, and it was unknown whether he was dead or alive!

The hall suddenly became silent.

They had never seen a face-to-face fight.

Until Feng Yuxiu spoke casually:

"Don't worry, I'm holding back, he won't die."

The two Li family members came back to their senses and looked at Feng Yuxiu as if he were a ferocious beast.

Li Juze swallowed his saliva, and after being shocked, Li Jiacheng immediately smiled and said:

"As expected, you are the one introduced by Mr. Chen Rao. You are very capable. I will feel more at ease if you follow Juze in the future!"

After that, he asked the secretary behind him to bring 500,000 yuan, and asked someone to carry the guard to treatment.

The female secretary, whose O-shaped mouth was still not closed, handed over the money tremblingly.

Feng Yuxiu bowed his hands to express his gratitude.

After that, he followed the housekeeper to the room to rest.

In the hall, Li Jiacheng looked at Li Juze who was still shocked and said:

"Over the years, you have become a little arrogant. Some words can only be kept in your heart. How many times do I need to teach you this truth?"

Li Jueze stood up in shame and said with his head down:

"Dad, this is my fault. I won't do it again next time."

Li Jiacheng nodded and said no more.

It was too early for Juze to take over the empire he had worked so hard for.

He would be relieved when he could stop showing his emotions.

After teaching his son a lesson,

Li Jiacheng called Chen Rao.

Chen Rao had already returned home and was half leaning on Ximei's chest to watch TV. Liu Baoer handed him the phone.

Li Jiacheng thanked Chen Rao first and said:

"Ah Rao, the person you found for me seems to be a bit of a troublemaker."

Chen Rao on the other end of the phone smiled and said:

"He is the best fighter in the hall besides me, but his temper is a bit weird."

Li Jiacheng laughed:

"Only talented people have the capital to be weird. I thought you would just send some people here, but I didn't expect you to find such a good player."

"Mr. Li actually helped me. It's just a courtesy. Don't be polite."

The two of them exchanged a few more polite words before hanging up the phone.

Ximei asked curiously:

"Rao, Brother Rao, who is that?"

Chen Rao moved his head and changed to a more comfortable position.

He patted Ximei's legs:

"Do you believe me when I say it's Li Jiacheng?"

Ximei pursed her lips and said softly, obviously not believing it, and continued to press Chen Rao's head.

Chen Rao closed his eyes and suddenly said:

"Come with me to look at houses in a few days."

Ah Fen, who had just finished cooking and put the meal on the table, asked doubtfully:

"Ah Rao, isn't it good to live here? Why do you want to change rooms again?"

She was a little worried. Now there were several of them living in this room.

If Chen Rao wanted to change rooms, would there be another woman?

Chen Rao didn't know what she was thinking, so he just said lightly:

"When my child is born, I can’t live in someone else’s house."

Liu Baoer, who was watching TV nearby, heard his words and his eyes lit up.

He threw himself on Chen Rao, which made Su Axi very dissatisfied.

Liu Baoer climbed on him and asked:

"Ah Rao, are you really ready to have a child?"

She was educated in traditional culture since she was young, and the idea of men taking care of their husbands and children, and women taking care of the inside, permeated her heart.

Unlike Ah Fen and Xi Mei who had experienced many hardships, she longed for home and children more.

Chen Rao looked at her beautiful eyes, smiled and nodded,

"Not only you, you all have to give birth to my child."

Liu Baoer cheered immediately. If she hadn't eaten dinner yet, she would have wanted Chen Rao to execute the family law on the spot.

Ah Fen knew this day would come, and she smiled reluctantly.

Chen Rao called her over and said:

"Don't worry, I won't treat Jingjing badly, and she won't get much less than what others have."

For Afen, the woman who has always followed him, he certainly won't be ruthless and will not coldly kick them out.

Although deep down in his heart he must be more inclined to his own flesh and blood, there is no need to say these words to Afen, she must understand.

After the meal, the joy of the usual time is naturally not less, but tonight is obviously a bit stronger, especially Liu Baoer, who wishes she could squeeze out ten points of Chen Rao's energy.

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