"Then I'll grant you your wish."

Chen Rao took out his pistol, loaded the bullet

, and turned the muzzle towards the man in the kennel. Bang! The gun went off, and the bullet shot through his head. With a plop, his body fell limply to the ground.

"Drag it out, chop it up and feed it to the dogs."

Chen Rao's voice frightened everyone in the kennel.

"Hey, feed the dog?"

The men opened the door, kicked the dog that was paralyzed by the gunshot aside, and dragged the dead body to the corridor, one leg at a time.

The red and white mixed with broken bones left a long mark on the ground.

"Cut it into smaller pieces, the bones are still hard, use the machine." The subordinate agreed in a muffled voice, hum!

The meat mincer started.

The people imprisoned in the kennel were close to mental collapse, and they just wanted to die quickly.

After a long time, the sound of the machine stopped, and pots of dog food mixed with minced meat were thrown in.

Chen Rao took out a roll of big gold bulls, one roll of ten sheets, that is ten thousand.

He looked at the people inside,

"I ask again, do you want to pay me to do something, or do you want me to chop you up and feed you to the dogs?"

A trembling hand stretched out the fence to catch the money, and then the next one, until all the people who were still alive took the money.

Chen Rao was satisfied and let them go.

He pointed to the tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars on the ground.

The remaining people who were still alive were as quiet as quails, lining up obediently to take their share of the money.

Taking the money was a betrayal, and there was no turning back.

"Brother Le... Ah Le has two mistresses, and now they move to different places every day. His favorite one lives on Zuoliu Road.……"

Several people revealed everything they knew in detail.

One person spoke the most.

Chen Rao thought for a moment and waved his hand to call him over.

"I will let you go back, can you find a chance to kill Ah Le?"

Suddenly someone said in a hurry:

"No, we've said so much, Ale will kill us if we go back, please let us go"

""Who, who is talking!"

Suddenly, the people gathered together made way, revealing a yellow-haired man hiding behind.

The yellow-haired man said in panic:

"Brother, that's not what I meant.……"

Chen Rao reached out and grabbed him out, pulling him by the collar and asking:

"Then you must have a better way, right?"

Huang Mao swallowed his saliva, turned around and looked at the others pleadingly, but they just shrank their heads and dared not speak.

The man who spoke first looked at Huang Mao hatefully.

After he joined He Liansheng, he suffered a lot from Huang Mao's anger. He was forced to bow his head under the power of Ah Le.

But now that everyone has surrendered to Chen Rao, there is nothing to say.

"Brother Rao, I have a solution!"

Chen Rao asked with interest:

"What do you have in mind?"

"This yellow-haired guy is Ah Le's confidant. We can take him back and pretend to be attacked by you to gain Ah Le's trust."

When Huang Mao heard this, he cursed in his heart.

"What kind of people are these? They can think of any dirty tricks."

Unexpectedly, the others nodded in agreement when they heard this.

"Brother Rao, he is right. As long as we can get him out, we can definitely gain Ah Le's trust and find a chance to get rid of him!"

Chen Rao nodded in agreement and asked:

"What's your name?"

The elder brother asked me my name!

The man said in surprise:

"Brother, just call me Aqiang."

Chen Rao said to him in agreement:

"Okay, Aqiang, your method is very good, but Huangmao is still too complete and unreliable."


But just as everyone was looking at each other,

Chen Rao kicked Huangmao's chest fiercely.

With a crisp sound,

Huangmao flew back several meters and fell to the ground, spitting blood.

Chen Rao said calmly:

"This is more credible."

Those people stared at Huang Mao blankly, only Ah Qiang, who spoke first, gritted his teeth and said:

"Brother Rao, this is not enough, can I help you?"

Chen Rao looked at him deeply, until he trembled a little, then he said:

"Yes, but I need you to gain Ah Le's trust."

Ah Qiang nodded with relief, walked to Huang Mao and whispered:

"Didn't you look down on me before? Now look up at me?"

Huang Mao raised his head with a pale face, his eyes full of pleading.

But Aqiang had no mercy, he just beat and kicked Huang Mao, and only stopped when Huang Mao was almost fainted.

Seeing how cruel Aqiang was, the others sighed, surrounded him, and attacked Huang Mao one after another.

Huang Mao was beaten like this, if he could go back intact, he might turn against the enemy. It is better to beat him now so that he can't speak!

They didn't stop until he was completely unconscious and fell to the ground with his head raised.

Chen Rao then spoke:

"After you go back, find a chance to stay with Ah Le. When I need you, I will contact you naturally."

Just as everyone was about to leave, Chen Rao's phone rang.

"Brother, it's bad. Huo Niu set an ambush and I'm surrounded by Ah Le's men.

Chen Rao listened to the noise coming from the phone and said calmly:

"Zhanmi, don't worry, I'll send someone to rescue you."

Zhanmi took a deep breath and said:

"Brother, don't worry, I won't let Ah Le catch me even if I die."

"What nonsense are you talking about? I have a way to deal with Ah Le. You must ensure your own safety."

After hanging up the phone,

Chen Rao said to himself in confusion:

"How did Ah Lok know that Jimmy was going to catch the Fire Bull?"

Another person who had surrendered stepped forward carefully and said:

"Brother Rao, Ah Le has deployed personnel in several gangs in Shawan. As long as your people dare to go out, he will send others to reinforce them."

The others also nodded, indicating that what the man said was correct.

"Okay, I understand. I will handle this matter. You guys try to gain Ah Le's trust."

Several people nodded quickly, and took the half-dead man with them.���Mao left the terrified dog farm.

After all the people left, Chen Rao said to the empty place:

"Fire Bull? Then let me meet you."

At this time, Zhanmi and his men were blocked in a field in the Fire Bull territory.

"Don't run!"

A thug threw the machete in his hand at Zhanmi, who lowered his head hastily. The machete chopped off the shoulder of one of his men in front of him, causing him to scream in pain.

From outside came the triumphant voice of Huo Niu.

"Brother Le had expected that Chen Rao would do something desperate."You guys in Shawan are good at fighting? But we have more people!"

Zhanmi gritted his teeth and hid in the KTV, not daring to go out.

The ground was full of people, even children who were not yet adults.

Huoniu shamelessly sent these people to play as the vanguard. No matter how good his men were at fighting, they could not deal with these people who were crazy and didn't even care about their own lives.

He came to Huoniu's territory and just saw Huoniu. He was about to act big and take Huoniu away directly.

Unexpectedly, those young people who were having fun in the venue were actually people Huoniu temporarily recruited.

One or two of them did not go to school and came to the club to do odd jobs.

He could only hope that Chen Rao would arrive quickly, otherwise he would have to collect his body in a while.

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