At night, on the boundless high seas, a brightly lit ship is moored.

Looking closer, exciting music echoes on the deck of the ship, and countless young men and women revel on the deck to the music.

White-faced waiters in white vests shuttle among the crowd, delivering cups of clear cocktails to the guests.

As the scene turns, there is an open-air swimming pool on the second deck. Several guards holding rubber sticks and walkie-talkies on their waists stand at various angles to ensure the safety of the guests.

Dozens of slender women wearing only bikinis jump from the diving board, splashing water in the swimming pool amid the exclamations of the people around them.

"Mr. Chen, this is the cocktail you ordered."

Chen Rao sat by the pool in his swimming trunks, taking the cocktail that the waiter had just brought and sipping it carefully.

Several women with enchanting looks secretly pointed at Chen Rao and whispered to him.

One of the women seemed to be instigated by her companions and slowly walked to sit next to Chen Rao.

She looked at Chen Rao's angular eight-pack abs with a look in her eyes as if she saw her prey.

"Handsome guy, you are so big, are you here alone?"

"No, my woman is dancing down there."

Chen Rao smiled and turned his head to look at the deck below the swimming pool. Liu Baoer's three women were dancing on the open-air stage.

Especially Su Axi, who was almost shaking her waist to the music.

Chen Rao was not worried about their safety, after all, they were all his people on the boat.

The woman followed Chen Rao's gaze and saw Su Axi. She couldn't help but say sourly:

"You don't look even older than me. Pretty boy, your taste is not that good."

"Brother Rao, do you want to swim together?"

Another voice interrupted the two people who were talking. The woman looked over and saw that it was Gao Qilan, who looked young but extremely tall.

She looked at Chen Rao suspiciously and asked:

"Did you bring her here too?"

Chen Rao said nothing,

Gao Qilan smiled and took Chen Rao's hand.

"Let's go swimming together."

Chen Rao reluctantly put the wine glass on the edge of the pool and jumped into the pool with Gao Qilan.

The pool was decorated with wall lamps, and the people in the pool were illuminated as if they were in a dream.

Gao Qilan raised her body and swam slowly around Chen Rao, her graceful lines like a real mermaid.

At this time, the music slowed down, and her figure swayed gently in the water with the music.

After a long time, the two came out of the pool.

"I didn't expect you to swim so well." Chen Rao praised sincerely.

Gao Qilan smiled shyly, her eyes inadvertently staying on Chen Rao's abdominal muscles, but she quickly moved away and said calmly:

"You forgot that the Gao family sells fish. When I was a child, I went to the river with my brother to learn how to swim. My second brother also took me to the river to catch shrimps."

Chen Rao smiled.

"I forgot, but with your Gao family's assets in Jinghai, it will be more than enough to buy a villa with a swimming pool in a few years."

""Let's go, let's go to the lower floor to play."

He waved his hand, and the waiter next to him handed over two towels.

Chen Rao was about to take them to wipe himself, but Gao Qilan took them faster.

She picked up the towel and carefully wiped Chen Rao from his hair down. Chen Rao was stunned, but looking at her eyes, he did not refuse.

After cleaning his body, Gao Qilan wiped herself.

After that, Chen Rao took Gao Qilan and walked towards the VIP room on the top floor.

There were special people guarding the top floor. When they saw Chen Rao coming, they hurriedly made way for Chen Rao respectfully.

The woman who had tried to tease Chen Rao just now saw the direction they were going and knew that this was a person she could not reach. She couldn't help but whispered enviously:

"I wonder whose young master is able to live in those rooms."

The other woman was shocked when she saw that Chen Rao went to Room 001. She quickly pulled a few sisters over and whispered:

"Do you know who room 001 is for?"

"Who knows? It can't be prepared for Li Jiacheng."

"Tsk, you can tell at first glance that he knows nothing. Even if Li Jiacheng comes, he can only stay in room 002, which belongs to the owner of the ship."

The women who were listening to the opera were shocked, especially the woman who was instigated. If she had been bolder just now, would she be the one being taken to that room now?

Chen Rao didn't know what was going on outside. With his current power and position, there were countless women who wanted to have dealings with him, but he could choose any of them. He had long been accustomed to those burning gazes.

The two returned to the room but nothing happened. Chen Rao took a shower again and changed into casual clothes.

After Gao Qilan changed into a fancy dress, Afen, who had just been watching Ximei dancing downstairs, also came back.

""Where are Ximei and Baoer?"

Chen Rao asked casually as he stood in front of the dressing mirror, watching Ah Fen buttoning his shirt carefully. Ah

Fen didn't even raise her head, still concentrating on straightening the wrinkles on his clothes and said:

"Ximei hadn't gone crazy enough yet, and Baoer said the casino downstairs had a strong smell of cigarettes, which was not good for the baby, so she didn't want to come.

Chen Rao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he nodded and said:

"Well, let's go down and take a look at the casino, and when they have had enough fun, they can go back to their room directly."

Two women accompanied Chen Rao on the left and right, and walked towards the casino on the lower deck.

The upper part of the ship only provided leisure and entertainment, while the real money-making big head was placed on the luxuriously decorated gambling tools in the cabin.

The two waiters outside the casino respectfully opened the door for Chen Rao, and the noise of the crowd suddenly exploded in the ears of the three people.

The walls of this casino on the ship are decorated with bright gold and red.

The crystal chandeliers above are shining under the bright lights, reflecting dazzling colors.

There are some small players in the hall. They are all office workers who rush to have fun on the weekend and have to go back to work tomorrow.

"big big big!"

"Small small small!"

"Buy and hold on, six hundred and sixty-six, a small win!"

"Alas, I lost again. I'm really unlucky tonight. Let's play again!"

Sexy waitresses accompanied these little players. When they won, they would generously take out their chips and put them into the waitress's collar.

When they lost, most of them would spend the last bit of money in their pockets under the waitress's blowing.

Chen Rao casually exchanged dozens of large chips with a face value of 10,000 yuan from the chips.

"What do you want to play?"

Afen is not a playful person, she just follows Chen Rao's wishes.

Gao Qilan's eyes swept around the casino, she pulled Chen Rao's arm,

"Do you want to play that?"

Chen Rao looked in the direction she pointed. It was a turntable with the most people.

On the huge disk, there were dozens of red and black number grids.

As the disk turned, the steel balls bounced back and forth between those grids, and the hearts of the gamblers also jumped.

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