Ye Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, dodged to the side, and then stretched out his right arm to go straight for Lin Jian's neck.


Lin Jian reacted quickly, tilted his head back to avoid the blow, and at the same time pushed out his left palm to attack Ye Feng's chest, and hit Ye Feng's temple with his other elbow.

Ye Feng, who had planned to test more, saw that Lin Jian did not hold back and used a killer move.

He also lost interest.

Bang Bang!

Ye Feng squatted slightly, spread his legs, bent his upper body slightly, pressed his elbows against Lin Jian's abdomen, and then kicked the wall with his hind legs.

With the help of the rebound force, his right knee hit Lin Jian's chest hard, blasting him out.

There was a loud "bang".

After Lin Jian fell to the wall, he covered his stomach and climbed up with difficulty, his face pale.

"Are you still playing?" Ye Feng asked indifferently.

"I won't admit defeat!"

Lin Jian stood up panting and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.


Ye Feng praised, and this time Ye Feng took the lead.

He threw a punch with a fake move.

Lin Jian was about to dodge, but he knelt on the ground with a pain in his stomach.


A crisp sound of bone fracture came, and Lin Jian screamed and fell to the ground, holding his stomach with both hands, wailing in pain.

Ye Feng squatted down and grabbed Lin Jian's hair, "Are you still playing?"

"I said, I won't..."

Ye Feng shook his head, which was obviously not the answer he wanted. He held Lin Jian's head and knocked it to the ground.

Every time he knocked, he would ask, "Are you still playing?"

"Dong dong dong..."

The dull sound echoed in the cell.

Lin Jian's forehead was bleeding, but he still gritted his teeth and did not give in.

"Don't talk, right? I'll see how long you can be tough!!"

He hooked his finger behind him.


Feng Laoliu hurriedly called out, "Go, go to the warehouse and get the pliers!"

Soon the pliers were handed to Ye Feng. Ye Feng took the pliers and grabbed Lin Jian's finger and exerted force.


The nail was pulled out and blood spurted out.


A heart-wrenching scream came from Lin Jian's throat, and he stared at Ye Feng with eyes full of resentment and fear.

"Does it hurt? Do you know where this is? Ah?"

Ye Feng continued to ask.

At this moment, his expression was unusually calm.

Lin Jian's face was covered with beads of sweat as big as beans, and he was trembling all over. He felt like he was going crazy!

"You... must... die!"

Lin Jian said viciously.

Hearing this, Ye Feng grinned: "This sentence also applies to you!"

He picked up the next finger, during which Lin Jian resisted violently.

The guards behind him were not just there to watch the fun, and they all stepped forward to help Ye Feng control Lin Jian.

"Bang!" Another nail was pulled out bloody.


"Do you want more?"

Ye Feng looked at Lin Jian.

Lin Jian struggled desperately, and blood burst out of his eyeballs.

Ye Feng slapped Lin Jian's cheek with pliers and said, "Don't stare at me, eyes can't kill people, think about where this is? And what I said before, it's okay to meet a good family, but what if you can't meet one? Sleep with your wife and beat your children!"

Lin Jian gradually calmed down, and Ye Feng sat on the ground.

Throwing the pliers in front of Lin Jian, he said, "I don't have much culture, but I like history very much. Do you know what allusion the saying "a little red lips tasted by thousands of people" comes from..."

Ye Feng's words were like the whisper of a devil, knocking on Lin Jian's heart.

"That's good, at least everyone is happy, but what about your son?"

"You are so good at fighting, you must have never suffered any loss when you were in school, you said your son has a father who is in prison and a prostitute..."

"Enough...enough...stop talking, I beg you to stop talking!"

Lin Jian finally collapsed, shouting hoarsely, "I listen to you, I listen to you in everything!"

Ye Feng waved his hand, and the guards retreated instantly.

Ye Feng, who was sitting in front of Lin Jian, said coldly: "Imitate a few dog barks for me to hear!"


"It's too quiet, I can't hear it clearly!"


Ye Feng shouted to the outside with disdain: "Who can imitate a dog bark? Is there anyone willing to demonstrate?"

Iron Fist was the first to bark, "Woof woof...Woof woof..."

"Old Six, remember it, send 20,000 to Iron Fist later!"


Iron Fist, who also heard it, said happily: "Thank you, Brother Poison Bee!"

Ye Feng continued to bewitch: "You heard it, and I want to remind you, don't think too highly of yourself when you cross a territory to worship a local god, otherwise I'm afraid I'll throw you to death!"

Lin Jian himself is a black boxer, how could he not understand Ye Feng'sMeaning.

Lin Jian, who had figured it out, had his dignity completely trampled upon. He endured the humiliation and barked like a dog.

"Woof woof woof... woof woof!"

"That's it, I'm good now. You all listen. I'm just a Tibetan mastiff!"

The guards beside him laughed.

While saying this, Ye Feng had been observing Lin Jian. When he saw that he had accepted his fate and there was no ripples at all,

Ye Feng picked up Lin Jian and whispered in his ear: "I am very satisfied with your eyes now. Remember to put away your claws before you are sure to kill me. Do you understand?"

"Don't dare!"

"Hahaha!" Ye Feng laughed wildly and pushed Lin Jian aside. "Old Six, I am very satisfied with this answer. Inform the guys outside to go to his house to give him some money and arrange a few brothers to watch. Anyone who dares to touch Lin Jian's family will be killed without mercy!"

"Got it, Brother Poison Bee, I promise to complete the task!!"

Feng Old Six immediately agreed and wrote it down in the notebook.

Lin Jian, who had taken off his dignity, said: "Thank you!"

"Go down and let them take you to the medical room. Keep your claws well. I will need them when necessary. Only I can bully my dog!"

After dealing with Lin Jian, he looked at the last person.

The other party took the initiative and said, "My name is Yang Zhong. During the bank arrest operation, the undercover agent died due to improper shooting..."

Yang Zhong reported everything to him. At the end, Yang Zhong looked provocative, "I am an orphan, without parents, and without a family. If you want me to be your dog, I advise you to save your mind!"

"Pa pa pa..." Ye Feng applauded Yang Zhong, "Yes, you are really a hero!!!"

"I don't dare to be a hero, but I really don't want to be your dog!"

Yang Zhong said.

"That's not up to you!!!"

As he said that, Ye Feng suddenly stretched out his right foot and kicked, kicking Yang Zhong's palm.

Yang Zhong's face changed, and he dodged quickly, but his speed was slow, and he was hit on the shoulder by Ye Feng's leg, and the whole person flew backwards.

Without waiting for Yang Zhong to get up, Ye Feng stepped on Yang Zhong's palm.

The group of guards rushed up again, pressing on him like a pile of monks.

"Did this hand fire the gun? Messenger of Justice."

"You are so powerful, why did you miss? The life of an undercover agent is not a life? What is so noble about you?"

"Hit me, kill me, I will not mix with you, if you dare, kill me!"

Ye Feng loosened his feet, bent down and looked at Yang Zhong on the ground and said, "So resistant? Black and white cannot coexist? Filming a movie?"

"Black is black, white is white, officers and soldiers catch robbers. This is my principle. If I am given another chance, I will choose to shoot. I am willing to bear the consequences of my actions!"

Ye Feng spat at Yang Zhong, "Bah! Do you think this is a movie? Please, this is life, not TV!!"

Yang Zhong stared at Ye Feng stubbornly: "What do you know? My philosophy is to break rather than bend, and die rather than surrender!!"

Ye Feng raised his head and nodded to Feng Laoliu at the door.

Feng Laoliu called two guards and whispered in a low voice.

Soon, Tie Quan, who was in a plaster cast, was brought into the house.

Tie Quan said respectfully: "Brother Du Feng!"


After that, two strangers were brought in.

After entering the house, Feng Laoliu closed the door, and the two strangers took off their wigs and beards.

Like a living person, two girls in prison uniforms stood in front of several people, and stood behind Feng Laoliu on the left and right.

"You two, come and meet the boss!"

The woman on the left introduced herself: "Mr. Du Feng, my name is Jasmine, what can I do for you!!"

"My name is..."

Ye Feng ignored her and interrupted with a wave of his hand: "I was too heavy-handed before, Tie Quan, you asked for one, I will send you two, do you have any objection?"

"No... no objection, how could I have an objection!" Tie Quan said excitedly.

"Well, go ahead, but keep your voice down and don't cause trouble!"

"Okay, Brother Poison Bee, don't worry, you know the rules!"

Iron Fist pulled Jasmine and the unknown girl over and started their exercise.

Ye Feng turned Yang Zhong's face and said, "Excuse me, this messenger of justice, can you explain to me why this happened here?"

Yang Zhong was unconvinced and said, "It's because of you scums!"

Ye Feng saw that Yang Zhong looked like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water, and shook his head in disappointment.

"Old Six, go find some brothers who want to eat foreign food, let them come and teach him how to be a man, when the shit in his head is cleaned up, you call me!"

"Okay, Brother Poison Bee, don't worry, I will complete the task!!"

Since that day, the entire East District has never been quiet.

Yang Zhong is not a humanThe wailing sounded from time to time throughout the warehouse.

On the second floor, Du Ziping, Ye Feng, and Greyhound sat on the iron railings, and Feng Laoliu and Lin Jian stood behind them.

Du Ziping scratched his ears and said, "Brother, when will this end? People in other warehouses say I'm 'disturbing people'!"

Ye Feng did not answer, but pointed at Lin Jian and said, "Take him for a walk on Saturday. A new face can make a lot of money by betting on three games!"

Du Ziping's eyes lit up instantly, "Is it true?"

Du Ziping pointed at Lin Jian's abdomen, trying to remind Ye Feng that his ribs had not yet recovered.

"Really, he has a reason not to lose, right?" Ye Feng affirmed.

Lin Jian nodded vigorously.

Du Ziping patted Ye Feng's chest, "I was wondering why you tortured people like this, brother, it turns out you are seeking benefits for us!"

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