The brothers on Maitou's boat were about to fight.

Raised their guns, they would sweep over as soon as Maitou gave the order.

Huang Wei noticed the intention, "Find cover!"

At the critical moment, Ye Feng stretched out his hand to Maitou and said, "I told you I would give it back, right?"

The latter did not refuse.

Maitou, who got up with the help of the force, waved his hand and said, "What are you doing? Put down your guns, we are one!"

Maitou and his gang are all old hands who have been in the sea for many years.

The action of putting away the gun was extremely slow, and Maitou said unhappily, "What are you doing? I said we are one, this time it's true, you look at him carefully, the first batch of water ghosts in Hong Kong Island, do you remember?"

With Maitou's reminder, many people recognized Ye Feng.

They all breathed a sigh of relief.

Maitou patted Ye Feng's back enthusiastically and said, "Look at what you did. The flood almost washed away the Dragon King Temple!"

Ye Feng also ordered, "Put away the weapons. I'm just collecting debts!"

After boarding the boat, Maitou didn't see Greyhound and gestured curiously.

"Where's your brother? Could it be..."

Maitou didn't say anything clearly.

Ye Feng said casually, "What are you thinking? My brother is alive and well. This is his first mission and he stayed on the island!"

As a skilled sailor, Maitou didn't ask any more questions.

It would be bad for anyone to tell the truth.

He quickly changed the subject and said, "You're lucky this time. I went to the mainland to smuggle a few days ago and found a chef. The seafood he cooked is so good!"

Ye Feng joked, "Did you find it or rob it?"

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, you found it!"

Maitou soon started to make arrangements on the boat.

Dachui looked at the sea with a worried look.

Huang Wei winked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng picked up two bottles of beer from the side and walked over.


Dachui nodded with a wry smile when he saw that it was Ye Feng, and took it and said, "Thank you!"

"What are you thinking about? You look absent-minded!"

Dachui said with embarrassment, "Nothing!"

"Let me guess, they threatened you with your girlfriend, right?"

Dachui was surprised and said, "How do you know?"

Ye Feng smiled and pointed at himself and said, "You know my brother Greyhound, Fatty's son Guangzai, Lin Jian's wife and children, and of course Huang Wei is no exception. His friend was also detained, and it is not known whether he is alive or dead!"

"The blind mother of Tiequan's family was taken to the island. No one would believe that you were not threatened. ! "

Dachui took a sip of wine and said unwillingly: "You said, I was just playing billiards. What crime did I commit? Why do you want to pick on me? Why do so many people want to plot against me?"

Ye Feng comforted: "Don't think too much, just complete the task!"

Dachui looked at the others and whispered: "Can you help me rescue my girlfriend? If you can rescue her, I'll tell you a secret!"

Ye Feng said without thinking: "I know it all without saying it!"

In the shock of Dachui, Ye Feng sneered: "Kill us after the task is completed? Right!"

After saying that, without giving Dachui a chance to ask, he stood up and went to the pulse.

Dachui was restless, with a complicated look and frowned.

Huang Wei walked to Dachui and asked: "What do you think?"

Dachui was even more dumbfounded, "You know it too?"

Huang Wei did not answer Dachui, but pointed at the people who came out of the Fire Island and analyzed.

"Liu Shijie, Lin Jian, I believe you can tell!"

Dachui nodded and agreed with Huang Wei's point of view.

"He and I are on the same boat. I'm not sure about Tiequan, and you don't know!"

Hearing this, Dachui was a little confused and asked, "What do you mean by these?"

Huang Wei lit a cigarette, squatted down, and said coldly, "I don't know about others, but when the mission begins, I will find ways to kill you and Tiequan. I hope you don't blame me!"

After that, Huang Wei got up and left the deck, came to Ye Feng's side and said, "I'll go back to my room to rest first!"

"Yeah!" Ye Feng nodded slightly.

Dachui suddenly felt cold all over.

Ye Feng looked at Dachui's reaction and admired in his heart that a top student is a top student. A few decades ago, he was a living political commissar.

In the next half month, Ye Feng was connected with the pulse head every day.

He got a lot of information from the pulse head.

Among them, the Yamaguchi group of Japan had brought people into Hong Kong Island.

The Benny Tiger Han Bin of the combined picture was dissatisfied with his boss.

He and the winning Da D got a lot of northern girls in the mainland and made a fortune!

But there was no news about Hongxing and Dongxing.

Ye Feng did not dare to test too much, who knows if the pulse head has secretly inquired about him.

ToAll the information about Mai Tou was told by his partner.

Not counting other people, let's take Han Bin as an example, he is engaged in international business and smuggling.

Not to mention that he made a lot of money in one trip, but it is not comparable to others.

With just a sum of money, the bad guys at the bottom of Hong Kong Island want to investigate all the young and dangerous people called Poison Bee.

Looking at the dark night sky, Mai Tou reminded: "We are about to dock, do you need my help?"

Ye Feng shook his head, "No, I will take care of the rest!"

Mai Tou leaned forward and whispered: "Be careful, they are unreasonable here, your trick may not work!"

Before Ye Feng could speak, he found a hard object.

Looking down, Mai Tou kept blinking.

"Keep it for self-defense, you can't be faster than it!"

Ye Feng put the pistol on his waist without showing any expression.

"Brother, I've paid you back what I owed you. If you need me in the future, remember to think of me!"

"Is this considered an investment?"

Mai Tou smiled and said, "At least I didn't make a wrong investment. You made it out of Fire Island alive!"

Ye Feng smiled and punched Mai Tou in the chest.

"Get ready, we're about to get off the boat!"

Da Chui trotted to Ye Feng, "Brother Du Feng, I've made up my mind. I want to get on your boat!"

"Oh?" Ye Feng glanced at him in surprise, "You've thought it through. If you get on my boat, you're giving me your life!"

Da Chui grinned and said firmly, "Don't be afraid, Brother Du Feng. Compared with the warden, I trust you more. And I don't believe that Huang Wei, Lin Jian, and Liu Shijie are fools!"

Ye Feng nodded, "Well, I know. Let's see how you perform!"

Soon Mai Tou's boat arrived at the dock.

After stabilizing, Ye Feng jumped off the boat first, and the others followed closely behind.

Without looking back, he raised his right hand and waved, "Take care, Maitou!"

Maitou also raised his hand and waved, watching Ye Feng and others go away, and then slowly put away his smile.

At the dock, Ye Feng and his group walked towards the nearest street.

Four high beams swept over, and Ye Feng instinctively blocked his eyes.

Soon, a stretched Lincoln and a business car appeared in front of several people.

Gege opened the car door and said while biting a hamburger: "Welcome, my friend!"

Ye Feng was not as enthusiastic as before, but instead had a questioning tone.

"Mr. Gege, can you tell me how you know our specific time?"

Gege said indifferently: "It was Kexiong who notified me!"

Ye Feng nodded with a sneer.

Turned to look at the people behind him.

His cold eyes swept over Liu Shijie, Lin Jian, and Huang Wei with unusual indifference.

When Dachui and Ye Feng looked at each other, he explained, "It's not me!"

When it came to Tiequan, his legs trembled, his eyes dodged, and he hesitated, wanting to say something but not wanting to say anything.

Seeing the performance of these people, Ye Feng already understood, and a wicked smile appeared on his face, and he said to them, "Get in the car!"

Seeing this, Tiequan hurriedly smiled and said, "Well... I'll treat you tonight. I heard that you can meet celebrities in the nightclubs in the United States. Let's try our luck today!"

"Okay, we won't go home until we're drunk!" Ye Feng said with a fake smile.

Tiequan scratched his head awkwardly, looking like a thief with a guilty conscience.

Seeing Tiequan like this, Ye Feng guessed that his guess was almost right.

Just when Tiequan raised his leg to step towards the business car, Ye Feng pulled out the pistol that Maitou had left for him.


He shot him in the head!

Tiequan opened his eyes wide.

"Bang, bang, bang..." Three consecutive shots hit Tiequan's chest.

He fell straight to the ground.

Huang Wei and the other two seemed to have seen nothing, only Dachui had a very ugly expression.

I don't know what he was thinking!

Ye Feng suddenly fired, and the bodyguards brought by Gege became nervous.

Ye Feng, who had dealt with Tiequan, put away his pistol.

Gege waved his hand and said, "Go back first!"

With Gege leading the way, the group came to a luxurious villa like a manor. The decoration inside was very luxurious, the walls were made of gold-plated glass, and the roof was a crystal chandelier.

"You guys stay here first!" Gege turned around and left after giving the order.

Ye Feng looked around. This villa has two floors in total. The first floor is the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom, and the second floor is full of entertainment facilities in various casinos.

"Fuck, this is too rich!" Liu Shijie was extremely surprised.

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders.

Gege said seriously: "Du Feng, come with me!"

When the two were about to go upstairs, the bodyguard behind Gege stopped Ye Feng.

"Sir, please put..."

Gege interrupted: "He hasIt makes no difference whether there is a gun or not! "

The bodyguard saw that his employer had said so, so he stopped trying to stop him, but he still stared at Ye Feng vigilantly, obviously very afraid of his shooting skills.

Ye Feng and Gege came to a room on the second floor together. Gege pointed to a chair and motioned him to sit down.

After a moment of silence, Gege asked, "Who am I working with, or should I not be involved?"

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