The two of them were so busy that they were almost dead.


A loud noise came.

The colorful Guan Gong statue was smashed to pieces.

A shirtless man was seen stepping on the Guan Gong statue angrily.

You have to know that those who are out there have to worship every day.

Not only do they pray for themselves to get rich.

They also pray for the blessing of Guandi.

After all, they have to fight and kill every day.

Maybe they will be hacked to death one day.

Hong Kong is very superstitious.

People here almost never speak wildly.

They think Feng Shui is also extremely important.

No matter who it is, it cannot be easily destroyed.

But the guy in front of him actually smashed the Guandi statue.

Is he crazy?

"Damn it."

"You little bastard!"

"My subordinates are about to stab me."

"Why should I bring you along?"

"Bring your head!"

No one dared to say a word.

No one dared to breathe.

A younger brother knelt in front of him.

He had been beaten to a pulp by him.

The reason why he became like this.

It was because he felt that he had been hungry for nine meals in three days.

There was no way to stay with him.

So he chose to quit.

He even said more nonsense.

"Every time I go out to kill people, I am the first to rush in."

"But you always take the most money."

"I can't stand it anymore, I want to quit!"

But the man in front of him.

Abnormally angry.

"You swore in front of Lord Guan that you would always follow me."

"Now you quit?"

"It's fine if you quit, but why are you saying all this?"

"Are you begging me or trying to scare me?"

"You won't follow me if you say you won't?"

As the saying goes.

Follow the crow and you'll go hungry for nine meals in three days!

I don't know who said this.

It's true.

The man in front of me is the crow!

He was so angry that he jumped and shouted.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have smashed the Guan Gong statue in anger.

No matter where.

No matter whether it's true or not.

It's a taboo for him to do this!

The younger brother still had a face of dissatisfaction.

The crow kicked him and knocked him to the ground.

This younger brother is not an ordinary guy.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be the first to rush to the front every time.

He suddenly picked up a short knife under the altar.

He stabbed the crow fiercely.

However, Crow reacted very quickly.

His men also held this guy down fiercely.

Crow was not panicked at all.

He pointed at his younger brother angrily.

"Okay, okay."

"It seems that you want to rebel, right?"

"I won't kill you today."

"I'll just cut your tendons!"

Crow is indeed a ruthless person.

He really did what he said.


The next day.

The people of Dongxing returned to their hometown to worship their ancestors.

Camel said to Crow: "It's better to be quiet recently and respect your teachers."

"You should know what the situation in Hong Kong is now?"

Crow nodded slowly, looking like he was on drugs.

I don't know if he listened or not.

Many people were also very polite to Camel.

Dongxing is such a big thing.

Mr. Jiang of Hongxing will naturally bring people over.

We are all in Hong Kong, so it is normal to give each other face.

Chu Sheng followed Mr. Jiang and came to Luotuo.

They had a feud before, but on a day like today, they would naturally say some polite words.

"Thank you brothers for your kindness."

"Mr. Jiang, the man next to you is a famous figure in Hong Kong."

"With him, your Hongxing can be said to be even more powerful!"

"I heard that your business in Macau is very good now."

Chu Sheng just smiled.

Because their previous feud could not be resolved for a while!

But they just went through the motions.

They came to the banquet I prepared, found their seats and sat down.

After this incident, Shan Ji still wanted to come back.

Chu Sheng also brought him back.

"Mr. Jiang, Shan Ji felt very uncomfortable about this incident."

"He still wants to come back!"

Jiang Tiansheng certainly liked Shan Ji very much in his heart.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible to train him.


Jiang Tiansheng smiled and said, "Since Ah Sheng has spoken, I will certainly not refuse."

"Hongxing's current situation is also very troublesome, and there is no way to give you a hall."

"If you want to come back, you can only continue to follow Ah Sheng."

"You can only start as a younger brother!"

"If you go back to Taiwan and become a hall master, what's wrong with that?"

Jiang Tiansheng was not testing.

He just felt that if Shan Ji gave up the position of hall master like this.

It was really a pity.

Shan Ji said very seriously: "I want to come back from the bottom of my heart."

"I'm not used to the intrigue there."

"As long as I can come back..."

Chu Sheng certainly hopes that Shan Ji will return.

This is his capable man.

Chu Sheng also smiled and said, "I'm short of manpower now."

"It's really not that easy to be the leader of Causeway Bay."

"If possible, I really want Big Brother B to come back and take the helm again!"

As soon as this was said, everyone smiled.

Now everyone knows Chu Sheng's status.

His position is unshakable.

Jiang Tiansheng even has to come to him in person to discuss some things.

Jiang Tiansheng smiled and said, "As long as you are willing to come back."

"The door of Hongxing is always open to you!"

"But this time you come back, you have to change a boss."

"Jiao Pi, come here!"

Everyone was full of doubts.

Jiang Tiansheng smiled and said, "Shan Ji, you should follow him in the future."

"Call me brother!"

In terms of seniority, Shan Ji is much better than Jiao Pi.

In terms of courage, Jiao Pi can't compare with Shan Ji.

Jiao Pi smiled and said, "Call me."

Chu Sheng naturally understood what Jiang Tiansheng meant.

"Shan Ji, just call me if I tell you to."

"It's the same with anyone!"

Shan Ji also looked at everyone with a confused face.

Nodded and said, "Boss..."

He still couldn't believe it.

Chu Sheng said with a serious expression, "Just be serious!"

Shan Ji did as he was told.


Everyone laughed.

Shan Ji realized that he had been fooled.

But the whole atmosphere was very joyful.

It didn't look like a club at all.

At this time, a group of women gathered around.

They were ready to ask Jiang Tiansheng for his autograph.

Jiang Tiansheng was very happy to have his capable assistant return.

But at this moment.

A provocative voice shouted: "What are you doing?"

"Do you know what day it is today?"

"Why do you keep looking for Mr. Jiang?"

"Do you want Mr. Jiang to film with you?"

"Ms. Li, I heard that you filmed with real guns and bullets."

"Aren't you afraid of danger?"

"What if the gun goes off accidentally?"


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