The enemy was still alive, and the enemy was still alive.

Zhang Hao was overjoyed when he heard that the little devil had some relatives alive in this world, and he thought he had an idea.

If he could keep all these things firmly in his hands, he might still have a chance of survival.

At that time, he could use these clues to trace the gangs and organizations of the little devils little by little, and then he would have a chance of victory.

Zhang Hao heard the information reported by Officer Ma Teng, and he also laughed. He and Officer Ma Teng talked about the operation.

They cooperated with each other and thought about each other.

Officer Ma Teng handed the information to Zhang Hao, and he felt a little uneasy, after all, Zhang Hao was a big brother in the underworld.

After all, each of these underworld big brothers before was particularly fierce and killed people without blinking an eye.

If Zhang Hao really got into trouble and did something ridiculous, then Officer Ma Teng would be the first to be criticized.

At that time, Officer Ma Teng would be directly stripped of his hat, but Zhang Hao didn't care about it at all.

Zhang Hao had his own thoughts, and Zhang Hao believed that he would make a certain degree of effort.

He knew that those little devils would be cleaned up no matter what they did.

These people were very good at operation, and they usually burned, killed and looted more.

Even if I was a big brother in the underworld, I didn't do so many bad things, like the little devils who killed people unscrupulously.

So now that Zhang Hao has come to this path, he can't retreat at all.

At that time, the teacher wanted to join Zhang Hao's gang wholeheartedly, but he died in the hands of the little devils.

At this time, Zhang Hao wanted to avenge such an old man for no other reason, and Zhang Hao was determined to take action.

That night, he drove to the place indicated by the Macheng police officer, which was the castle where an elderly couple lived.

This elderly couple can be regarded as some rich people, and they have been encouraged by many people for so many years.

Moreover, these two elderly couples are specialized in the seafood industry and have several ships under their hands.

Such two people actually lost their son and let the Japanese gang take him away.

It really made Zhang Hao feel helpless. Dong Jianyu, who is now almost recovered, also wanted to participate in this matter.

He personally went to the front line and wanted to discuss the relevant situation with Zhang Hao.

But Zhang Hao looked disdainful and thought that there was no need to discuss it at all, so he asked Dong Jianyu to come forward in person.

Zhang Hao hid in the outside environment and just watched the situation inside. After all, Dong Jianyu has now become Zhang Hao's substitute.

Zhang Hao does not need to do it himself, and it all depends on his little brother to operate, but Dong Jianyu has no complaints.

Dong Jianyu's life was given by Zhang Hao at the beginning. If it weren't for Zhang Hao, Dong Jianyu would have died long ago.

If Dong Jianyu forgets his roots at this time, it would be really sorry for him, so Dong Jianyu made up his mind to help Zhang Hao be born.

Zhang Hao walked to the outermost door and suddenly found a noise inside.

Just when they thought that the two old couples should be more approachable, they suddenly found that a person suddenly flew out of the villa.

This incident instantly made Zhang Hao a little uneasy, thinking that there must be something wrong, and someone was one step ahead of them.

This matter is particularly dangerous, so Zhang Hao looked at it all coldly, thinking that the situation was too incredible.

He asked his men to disperse directly.

This large group of people rushed in directly, trying to change the situation inside the work, because there was a black figure flashing there.

It seems that the gang of Japanese devils is faster than them, and they want to wipe out the roots directly.

After all, the Yamaguchi was killed directly, so how could such two elderly couples not be killed?

At this point, Zhang Hao, holding a cigarette, felt that they were going to have a hard battle tonight.

Dong Jianyu, his subordinate, was not afraid at all and rushed to the front, but the group of brothers behind him were a little dumbfounded.

Although these brothers were a group of desperate criminals, they were also afraid when it came to life and death.

Dong Jian

Yu couldn't help laughing when he saw these little brothers were so useless. Why did he raise them in the first place?

Bring all these guys here, and in the end, they all want to talk nonsense.

Dong Jianyu slapped a man in front of him in the face and told him to get out.

"No more talk, you kid, get out of here!"

Several guys blocked Dong Jianyu's face, and a dart suddenly shot over from the opposite side, and actually cut the throat of a little brother in front of him.

The little brother fell to the ground at that time. Dong Jianyu was a little shocked at that time. He didn't expect there would be such friction.

This was really a very strong collision. The guy on the opposite side was quite hard.

Dong Jianyu squeezed and flew over. He wanted to catch that guy, but that guy actually flew directly above.

He started to fly over the eaves and walls on the hanging beam. Zhang Hao saw it from a distance and started to aim with a gun.

He shot over in an instant and shot through the glass of the entire room.

The man flying in the sky saw Zhang Hao, and instantly knew who this Zhang Hao was, and began to jump directly over.

At first, Zhang Hao wanted to hide himself, but he didn't expect that guy to come at him now, so what could he retreat?

At this moment, the two sides began to pull each other, and Zhang Hao stood up and started to deal with the other side.

Zhang Hao shot over with a gun, and the other side also fired a dart.

This time, there was a bang, and there were high flashing sparks.

There was a strong pulling force between the two sides, but Zhang Hao looked relaxed, and he loaded the bullet.

The bullet started to fly wildly again, and instantly penetrated a dart on the opposite side.

At this moment, the two sides were particularly calm, everyone was in a stalemate, and the man was running on this wall.

And Zhang Hao was also jumping constantly, wanting to have a fierce fight with that guy.

Dong Jianyu saw this moment and couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He didn't expect that his eldest brother would actually take action.

Originally, he thought that all this didn't need to be so painful, and he could just handle it easily.

Now Zhang Hao has to do it himself.

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