At this moment, Zhang Hao, who was originally preparing to continue refreshing the system, was interrupted by the noise in the lobby on the first floor. Zhang Hao pushed open the door of the box expressionlessly. Looking down from the handrail, he saw that the woman was wearing a black hip skirt and a pair of beautiful legs wrapped in stockings. She was not wearing heavy makeup, but her beauty was still stunning. Zhang Hao took a look and was stunned. Because this person looked very much like Zu Xian in the movie of the previous life... Come to think of it, it was originally a world of great integration of Hong Kong movies. There was nothing strange about it. The only strange thing was that I was racing with He Shenghe tonight. What is this girl doing here when the bar is closed?

Zhang Hao stepped down.

The bartender immediately stepped aside when he saw this.

Zhang Hao asked, "What's going on?"

The bartender whispered, "Brother Hao, we told this lady that we are closed."

"This lady insisted on coming in to see you."


Zhang Hao waved his hand and said, "I know, there is nothing for you to do here!"

The bartender breathed a sigh of relief and immediately stepped aside.

Zhang Hao smiled and asked, "Excuse me, who are you..."

The woman seemed relieved to see Zhang Hao.

In fact, her heart was beating fast just now.

She had no choice but to come this time because...

The woman answered, "My name is Wang Fengyi, my father is Wang Dong."

Zhang Hao immediately thought of a movie he had seen in his previous life when he heard this.

"Bloodbath at Red Flower Pavilion"

As for Wang Dong, he is the leader of Quanxing Society.

And Wang Fengyi is his only child.

Zhang Hao sneered, "Haha, Uncle Dong's daughter?"

"You come to me late at night to make trouble?"

"Didn't Uncle Dong tell you that girls should stay out at night?"

Wang Fengyi said, "My father asked me to find you."

"He said that you owed him a favor when you tied the double flower red stick."

"Let me come to you and say you will take me in!"

Zhang Hao was stunned and asked, "Take me in?"

A rich lady came to ask him to take her in late at night?

As the saying goes, there must be something wrong when things are abnormal!

I'm afraid something has happened.

Wang Fengyi saw Zhang Hao's doubts and explained immediately.

"My father is seriously ill and in bed."

"He Shichang wants to be the boss, and tonight he brought people to control my father."

"My father's bodyguard sent me out."

"Before leaving, my father told me to come to you."

"He said you would definitely help me."

Zhang Hao knew what was going on when he heard this.

It seems that Wang Dong had anticipated this day.

In other words, the whole of Quanxing was already in He Shichang's hands.

But he didn't expect it.

Wang Dong, the old fox, actually set his sights on him.

As for why Wang Fengyi made such a scene in the middle of the night.

The purpose is obvious.

This is to tell everyone that she, Wang Fengyi, has entered the realm of no return.

Wang Dong's conspiracy was all in the open!

As for why it is called an open conspiracy.

That's because when he took office that year.

He really owed Wang Dong a favor.

Originally, Jiang Tiansheng made an excuse, saying that he couldn't find a second leader to take office.

He wanted to use a small red stick to fool him.

However, Wang Dong, the leader of Quanxing Society, took the initiative to come to him.

That's why he was given a double red stick!

Although, it's just two words, the meaning is very different!

Zhang Hao accepts this favor!

However, he can't just swallow this kind of loss.

Zhang Hao rolled his eyes and said, "I do owe Uncle Dong a favor."

"But I owe him, and the world is the world."

"He is controlled by He Shichang, I can save him."

"It can be regarded as paying back the favor."

Wang Fengyi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it.

However, the next moment, his heart was in his throat.

Zhang Hao continued, "One thing is one thing."

"Everyone knows that I have two rules in Buguiren!"

"First, no society is allowed to sell drugs in Buguiren!"

"Second, no one is allowed to cause trouble in Buguiren!"

"You broke into Buguiren late at night and caused trouble, breaking my rules."

"Why should I take you in?"

Wang Fengyi's head was buzzing when she heard this, and she coughed.

She didn't expect Zhang Hao to say this.

Wang Fengyi

I didn't know what to say for a moment.

Zhang Hao saw this and said, "There is a third rule for the Buguiren!"

"If you make trouble in Buguiren, just take the path I drew!"

Wang Fengyi frowned and asked, "How do you want to draw it?"

Although she never asked about the club's affairs.

However, she grew up in the club and was not an ordinary little girl.

Zhang Hao chuckled and said, "According to my rules, you and I will make a bet."

"If you win, you stay!"

"If you lose, you stay!"

Wang Fengyi was stunned when she heard this. She didn't understand what Zhang Hao meant.

"I will stay whether you win or lose, so what's the point of the bet?"

Zhang Hao chuckled and said, "Stay and stay are different!"

"If you win, you are my guest!"

"If you lose, you are my person!"

Hearing Zhang Hao's explanation.

Wang Fengyi reacted instantly.

If she wins, she will be a guest of honor.

On the contrary, if she loses, she will be Zhang Hao's girlfriend...

Wang Fengyi shouted angrily: "You..."

Before she could finish, she was interrupted by Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao said impatiently: "What do you mean by you, me, and him!"

"I owe Wang Dong a favor, but he plotted against me, and I am very unhappy!"

"If I am not mistaken, He Shichang's people have been waiting for a long time, right?"

"You can choose to refuse the bet."

"Since you are Wang Dong's daughter, I can let you go!"

"You decide how to choose!"

After that, Zhang Hao sat on the sofa with a big horse and a golden knife.

He picked up a cigar and smoked it.

On the side, Luo Tianhong and others saw this and did not say anything.

The boss of their own family fell in love with the woman in front of him.

Otherwise, based on their understanding of their own boss.

If the rules are broken, both men and women must die!

Of course, as a qualified younger brother.

The most important point is to see through but not to speak, and to pretend to be deaf and dumb!

Zhang Hao was smoking a cigarette while tapping his fingers on the table.

He did not urge or induce with words.

Because, he did not like to force such things.

Otherwise, what kind of woman did he not want?

He was not Liu Xiahui, but he was not a man obsessed with sex!

Benefits come first, we are willing!

At this moment, Wang Fengyi looked at Zhang Hao in front of him.

He felt a little dazed and a little entangled.

Looking closely, it was Zhang Hao in a black windbreaker.

Whether it was his appearance or his figure, there was nothing to say.

On the other hand, He Shichang was lying in ambush outside the door.

Compared with each other, it was like a world of difference!

People are all appearance animals, and appearance is justice!

Of course, it is not just appearance and figure.

Just to say, the status of the two in the arena cannot be compared!

Even if He Shichang really became the leader of Quanxing by despicable means, so what?

On weekdays, He Shichang is arrogant.

At this moment, he dared not even enter the door of Buguiren.

This shows how terrible the strength of Zhang Hao, who is known as the ghost-seeing man in the world, is!

If she had to choose between the two, she would naturally choose Zhang Hao!

As for why she thought so, it was because she knew it better than anyone else.

If she couldn't stay, once she left the door, He Shichang would definitely not let her go.

At that time, she also knew what was waiting for her.

Rather than being abused by He Shichang, it would be better to follow Zhang Hao!

Moreover, she had inquired before coming.

Zhang Hao, for so many years, there has been no woman around him...

After a while, Wang Fengyi looked up and said, "I bet!"

Zhang Hao smiled and said, "Haha, you are bold, I like it!"

"No matter whether I win or lose, I will keep you!"

"Feiquan, go tell those bastards outside the door!"

"Wang Fengyi, I'm staying, let them get out!"

Feiquan laughed and said, "Haha, I understand! Brother Hao!"

After that, Feiquan waved his hand and walked out of the No Return People with some younger brothers.

Zhang Hao stood up and said, "Since you agreed to bet, you have the final say on how to bet!"

Wang Fengyi pondered and said, "Let's bet............."

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